Dragon's Century

By BilautasKiss

711 38 46

There is a whole realm hidden from the humans who stay clueless to the evil that hunts at night. Evil lurks i... More

Chapter 1: Another NORMAL day
Chapter 3: Hidden
Chapter 4: Secrets
Chapter 5: A King and His People
Chapter 6: Disaster
Chapter 7: Ummm...?
I have a question
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 2: ...And then there's Him

112 6 8
By BilautasKiss

***The white dragon is Erza's mother in Dragon form. And the cover photo is Erza, except she doesn't have cat ears and her eyes are more of an electric violet than depicted in the picture. This is a necklace that matches her mother's Dragon ring.***
I sneak through the halls as inconspicuously as I can and make my way to my locker. I put in my code and ignore all the stares and whispers.

I grab my books for the classes of the day and put them in the black bag on my back. I scurry through the hallway to the stairs for my first class of the day, Math class with Mrs. Nielsen. My school has an 'A' day and a 'B' day. Today is a 'B' day so my first class is actually my fifth period today. I have lunch after the third period of every day at about 12:15.

I reach the top of the stairs and turn right and walk five doors down all the while looking down at the worn-out, green, flat-carpeted floor.

As I enter the classroom, Mrs. Nielsen looks up from the whiteboard before looking back at it and continuing to write the Quadratic Equation and everything else she thinks we will need for the day.

I take my seat in the far corner of the classroom, the one closest to the windows, it's where I feel free because I am so near to the outside and can see the blue sky the best.

While I wait for the bell to ring I get out my art things and begin to draw a picture that I can paint later. It is a depiction of a pure white Dragon-Shifter and she's protecting a Vampire, the one she fell in love with. They are surrounded by other Supernatural beings who harbor looks of disgust, anger and pure hatred for them because Supernaturals aren't 'supposed' to fall in love with different Supernaturals, let alone become lovers-and that's exactly what those two did. They fell in love, got married and had a child.

The bell soon rings and other students begin to file into the room and take the seats that they chose at the begining of the school year, with a few corrections to the seating chart, by the teacher, for those who can't stop talking to their friends long enough to listen in class.

"Sit down and get out your note books." Mrs. Neilson commands the class, even though the late bell hasn't rung yet. Some do as she says while others pretend to not have heard her and continue talking and standing around with friends just arriving to class.

An unfamiliar stunningly handsome boy walks into class. He has 3/4ths inch long black hair and gorgeous eyes the color of bright blue waves when the light hits it just right, with dark brown streaks in them begining in the center and moving outwards.

He glanses around the room for the teacher, who has moved to her desk at the side of the classroom.

His eyes linger near the corner I'm in for a moment longer than the rest of the classroom he has scanned so far and I look away, uncomfortable, not used to attention that is not negative while in school. Or anywhere, for that matter.

I risk a look in his direction and see him approach Mrs. Neilson's Oakwood desk. As he gets her attention the tardy bell rings and a few late students rush into the classroom to their seats to try and avoid being caught and marked tardy.

"Who is he?"

"Is he a new student here?"

"Where is he from?"

"How old is he?"

"Why is he transferring a few weeks after school has already started? Why not transfer at the beginning?"

"Is he in this class?"

"Is he single?"

Are just a few of the whispered questions everyone is asking those who sit around them.

There is something that makes him feel familiar, not necessarily the safe familiar, but still familiar. I think to myself as I continue to watch him like a stalker.

He smirks, hearing everyone's comments of interest in him.

"You can sit in one of the empty seats in the back. You may choose whichever one you like." Mrs. Neilson informs him.

"Thank you, Mrs. Neilson." He replies politely before turning to inspect the empty seats in my direction.

Before I can look away he catches me staring straight at him and his lips curve up into another smirk. I quickly break eye contact and look down at my hands and twist my mother's ring around my left middle finger.

Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. He caught me staring all googly eyed at him. Now I've brought more attention to myself. And attention is never good when it is from those around me.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see him approaching the empty seat right next to me. As he takes off his backpack and sets it on the ground next to his desk I glance up at him in surprise and find him still looking at me.

I glare slightly at him for staring and open my mouth to speak, but before a single sound can exit my lips, Katrina interrupts me.

"Why the heck would you want to sit next to her? Don't you know what a freak she is?" She laughs harshly before scoffing and flipping her dark brown hair over her shoulder as she turns back around to face the front of the classroom.

I look down at my desk and let my violet-blue hair fall around my face like a safety curtain.

Without even noticing it, I clench my hands tight enough that my nails dig into my palms and bring crimson blood rushing to the surface.

"Because I can do whatever I want without your royal pain in my butt okaying it." He replies snidely.

She gasps and turns back around with a deadly glare plastered on her face. She looks like she is about to throw a nasty comment at him, but he speaks up again before she can.

"Better wipe that ugly glare off your face; wrinkles aren't attractive." His eyes hold amusement, but his face is serious.

"Mr. King, is there a problem or can you zip your lips and pay attention?" Snaps the teacher.

"Nope. There's no problem here. Uh, Komplaina was it?" He asks Katrina after answering Mrs. Neilson's question.

Katrina grits her teeth. "It's Katrina, not--whatever you said!"

He smirks before repeating what he said earlier, but this time much slower and barely containing his laughter. "Komplaina."

Her face turns a beet red and she looks like she could kill him at any moment now.

He chuckles before continuing. "Anyways, as I was saying. Do you have a condition--I mean a problem?"

"That's it! You haven't even been here for a whole hour and you're already getting on my nerves!" She screaches before childishly throwing a math book and sharpened pencil at him. He catches the book, but doesn't see the pencil and it glides across his hand cutting him along the way.

Pearls of blood begin to form on his hand.

Mrs. Neilson's voice echoes around the room as she shouts. "Mrs. Knox! What do you think you're doing? Head over to the Principle's office immediately! And don't even consider skipping; I'm calling in to make sure that they know you are on your way!" She angrily points to the door.

As Katrina gets up she sends me a withering glare. Not the new guy--me. I don't even know what I did!

That's when it reaches me. The strong alluring aroma of blood.




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