The Rockstar & The Balladeer...

By AllThingsFK

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Ayan's dream has always been to be a songwriter and singer, but he was forced to take over as the CEO of his... More

Introduction 🎸🎀🎢
Chapter 1: YOLO: You Only Love Once?
Chapter 2: In My Head Rent Free 24/7
Chapter 3: Can I Be Him?
Chapter 4: Love is A Gamble & I'll Gamble Everything for You
Chapter 5: Breathless
Chapter 6: Into The Night
Chapter 7: Tangled
Chapter 8: The Key πŸ—
Chapter 9: Of Look A-likes, Lovers & Friends
Chapter 10: Down the Sad Memory Lane
Chapter 11: The Calm before the Storm
Chapter 12: Like We Used To
Chapter 13: Come Back to Me
Chapter 14: A Reunion but Not a Homecoming
Chapter 15: Anger is a Bad Adviser
Chapter 16: I'll Grovel If I Have To
Chapter 17: What A Plot Twist You Were
Chapter 18: Torn To Do What I Have To
Chapter 19: You're Worth A Million Chances
Chapter 20: I'm Yours Until the World Ends
Chapter 21: You & Me Against the World
Chapter 22: Love Is Only For the Brave Ones

Final Chapter: After All

391 29 23
By AllThingsFK


The aftermath of the press conference had been mixed. The supporters had increased by 10% and 20% still remained uncertain of their stand or has no opinion whatsoever regarding the relationship. Sand's career at least did not get annihilated and majority of the board of directors voted for  me to stay in my position, positive that the new found popularity is only going to help push the company higher.

Sand only had two contracts cancelled which is good news considering what we had expected and only one investor had withdrawn  his investment from the company. In typical Boston fashion, he offered to be the replacement investor and so did Wat, who had earned quite a bit from his films already and was looking for something to invest on. Appreciative of our good friend's support, the company had withstood the scandal and although Sand has a few less endorsements and a number of fans had left him, he could also be considered to have survived the scandal too.

The tickets cost for the rest of his upcoming tour concerts had been lowered and complimentary tickets or refunds were offered to those who had already purchased ahead. With this, Sand resumed his tour while I tried my best to grow the company some more by working very hard, vowing to the loyal investors and shareholders that I will repay the faith they placed in me by not leaving the company.

Now, Sand and I could freely move around with no hesitations and we even had a few giggles together when we come across a few fan accounts created and dedicated solely to shipping us. The fans had started to consider us a ship and to our chagrin, they would consume any content that they can get their hands on of both of us. SandAyan is now a familiar tag online, which is kind of embarrassing and also cool considering we were expecting to be forsaken for fighting for our love. The cool, handsome rockstar and the CEO with movie star looks and balladeer voice is how we are usually described, much to my embarrassment and Sand's endless teasing, because the fans had found the old videos that were uploaded in YOLO's twitter page.

Our friends had started complaining that their accounts had now become reliable sources of pictures of us. Fans had flocked to their accounts, inflating their followers to insane levels because Sand and I are really not the type to post so much together and they are relying on our friends who are more inclined to share pictures of our get togethers. Sand and I also get guesting and interview invites together now. In fact, a famous company had also wanted us to act together in a series, which we both found so funny because we both never imagine ourselves as real actors and we imagine how it would be if we had to work together on set.

The interviews and guesting we had accepted whenever we can, during Sand's tour breaks. We did so to appease the public's curiosity, since we are still trying to build back up Sand's career and reputation. The series offer we just turned down saying that Sand is currently on tour and that maybe when he is not too busy anymore we can think about it again.

Wat's indie film had been a success, Akk and Sand's short appearance had been memorable and actually garnered a lot of attention. Now Akk is getting some attention too especially in Phuket where he now lives with Gaipa, in fact most of public think's he is  Sand's real life twin and the two didn't even bother correcting the misconception. They are great friends now and just like Khan and Boston, they had felt a certain sibling kind of affection for their look-a-likes.

My heart is very grateful to Sand for having remained resolute about never giving up on us. If he let me give up like I wanted I might have never come to this point in my life. Everything is falling into place and I am finally happy and contented. Sand had taught me that fighting for what you believe in and for love is always worth it. It is Sand who taught me to be strong and to love beyond anything that I ever thought a human is capable of. Sand's love is my greatest blessing and the painful journey I had with Akk led me to Sand, so I no longer detest it.

"One's first love is always perfect until one meets one's second love."

Before Sand, Akk was the only one in my heart and in my memory. Indeed a man always remembers his first love with special tenderness and also bitterness. First romance, first love, is something so special to all of us, both emotionally and physically, that it touches our lives and enriches or scars us forever. I was holding on to Akk's memories no matter how painful it was because he was all I knew about loving.

But Sand came along and taught me all the ways that what I had with Akk was wrong. He taught me how to love unselfishly, how to give unconditionally and how to commit to someone and really mean it by his actions. He was never much for words but he always showed me everyday that true love will never leave, hurt or forsake you. He took care of not only my physical well being but also my mental and emotional health. He is just so perfect, I sometimes wonder if I deserved him or if I could ever give back to him even just half of what he has freely showered me. Sand once said that true love will fight for you, honor you and put you above everyone and everything else and he had, of course he had. Never faltering, never doubting, never weakening in his resolve. Sand, my true love healed what Akk, my first love had broken.


I was so sad that that Aye and I's second anniversary had fallen on one of the concert dates in Japan because I was unable to come home. To my utter disappointment, Aye also had a board meeting to attend that day so he was also unable to come and see me.

My disappointment had made me grumpy the whole day and I kept holding in my hand the rings I had custom made for Aye and I. Placing it in a chain around my neck ever since I got them, patiently waiting for this day to come, so I can finally propose to him. But I guess it isn't the time yet. I missed him so much though and I am very downhearted that aside from a very dry greeting of happy anniversary, he had been unusually quiet the whole day. I guess I was just expecting more especially because this only comes once a year. I wondered if he was also feeling bad that I wasn't able to come home. Aye is my priority and I was very mad at Beth about the concert dates but she had said that we already signed the agreement with the organizers long before she knew about Aye and I. With my previous scandal, I should really avoid causing another one so I have to honor my commitment.

So I went on stage, trying to summon the same energy that I usually have during concerts and tried to suppress the worry and dismay I am feeling. Glad to see that it looked like the audience had not sensed that anything was amiss and my low spirits are perfectly masked by my rockstar energy.

By the time last guest performer is about to come up, I think it's Bright if I am not mistaken. My mind is really distracted but I stood still when the lights all went out in the stadium. What is this? How is Bright's entrance grander than mine? I grinned with the thought because of course it would be. Bright is a bigger star, who had been in the industry far longer. Clapping along with the fans.

I blinked in surprise when fountain fireworks started going off on stage and a familiar sweet voice started singing. Wait this is not the song I was told Bright and I were playing. I looked towards the dark  in the back and my eyes widened with surprise when the spotlight turned towards the man walking towards me. Not Bright but Ayan. Looking so beautiful and happy as he walked towards the front- middle of the stage where I am standing.

The fans were screaming in a mixture of surprise, delight and anticipation, going crazy as Ayan's beautiful face becomes clearer as he strolled towards me singing in those equally beautiful voice. They were feeling just like I am. My jaw dropped in complete astonishment. Aye is simply hypnotic and magnetic. God I couldn't love him more than I do now even if I tried. I feel like my oxygen supply is solely supplied by this talented balladeer.

After his song, the stadium erupted in cheers as I hugged Ayan with so much happiness I could actually burst.

"Surprise!" He smiled. "Happy Anniversary Sand!" Throwing himself into my arms and I welcomed him so eagerly, my warm and lovely boyfriend.

My tears had fallen because of so much joy, and Ayan wiped them off with his hands.

"Hey stop crying! Didn't you like my surprise?" He said worriedly, now looking uncertain.

"No! no... of course not. I love it so much just as I love you like crazy Ayan! I was feeling so down today wishing I was with you. Thank you for coming to me. Happy Anniversary love!" I continued to cry as I hugged him tightly once again and the fans kept cheering for us.

Breaking the hug, I faced the fans, "I'm so sorry everyone. I hope you all won't mind if we take a few more minutes of the concert?"

"We don't mind! We like seeing you both!" The fans were screaming in delight.

I fumbled with my necklace after handing Ayan the microphone I was holding. He looked confused. When I finally had it in my hand, his eyes widened when the diamond caught the light and it sparkled.

The crowd went wilder as they realized what is happening, the large monitor showing us. Ayan gasped in astonishment when I knelt down.

"Aye, With you, my life became whole, and with you, my days became brighter. In your arms, is where I would love to be  tonight and for the rest of my life. Will you marry me?" Offering him the ring, pleading with my eyes and smiling through the tears of happiness.

The crowd chanted "say yes!!!!" over and over, it has now become akin to a revolution.

Ayan was clearly surprised and overwhelmed. He wasn't able to say anything and was just crying, looking at the ring in awe.

"Baby?" I asked worriedly, gasping his hand.

"Oh God, I'm sorry, I'm so surprised. YES!!! of course YES!!!!" Aye jumps into my arms kissing me and the crowd was went wild. Everyone in the venue announced to the world for us how SandAyan got engaged tonight.

Ayan was lovingly looking and admiring the diamond in the Sun ring he is wearing that keeps sparkling as the light hits it and I gave him the moon one, telling him to put it on me which he did and tenderly kissed my fingers after, whispering "I wan't to be your husband too Sand".

Together we sang the last song of the night and beautiful fireworks erupted in the night sky and I held Ayan close to my side, as our voice perfectly blended together, like missing pieces of a puzzle.

It seems Beth knew this was going to happen. Of course Ayan must have told her he was gonna come. She knew I had been planning on proposing for a while now. I gave her a thumbs up, appreciating the best manager ever. She's like an older sister who had stood by my side through everything. She waved back, wiping her tears watching us.

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