Battle for Noskaria

By D4nNovels

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"When one stargazes. They'd wonder, of the cosmic beauty that lies beyond home." In a planet, known as "Nosk... More

Battle for noskaria: pre-chapter: Background information
Battle for Noskaria, Episode 2: Story Starts now
Battle for Noskaria episode #3: The message
Battle for Noskaria: Episode #4: Rise: Part One
Battle for Noskaria: Episode 5: Rise: Part Two: Season Finale
Battle For Noskaria: Season: 2 Episode #6: Aftermath.
Battle For Noskaria: Season 2: Epsiode 7: Return
Battle for Noskaria: Season 2: Episode 8: Change
Battle For Noskaria: Season 2: Episode 9: Sins of the past

Battle for Noskaria, Episode 1: Nasuro's orgins.

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By D4nNovels

                                                                                                           Chapter #1
Year 2113.
Location: Nakamuka village
Description: Nakamuka village is a poor village without much funding from the goverment of Noskaria Sector #2.
This takes place in the perspective of Nasuro, a young child from Nakamuka, who got his life turned around...

Chapter #2
The beginning
One sunny morning, young boy Nasuro, wakes up from an enjoyable slumber. Birds chirp, the sky is blue, grass is green, everything is beautiful...
He would wake up to the smell of scrambled eggs, a delectable smell, one that can be recognized from anyone. He would exit his room to go to the kitchen to see his mother, cooking the eggs.
The time is 8:30 PM.
"Hey honey, how was your sleep?" Asked Nasuro's mother.
"I sleep really good, mommy!" Nasuro responded.
"That's good, honey! Hey, baby, I was thinking, do you want to take the day off of school today?" Nasuro's mother would ask.
"No thank you, mommy! I like going to school!" Nasuro said.
"Awww, that's good honey! Remember to always strive to achieve your best!" Nasuro's mother said.
Nasuro would proceed to get ready for school, it is March 17th. He is off to his kindergarten class.
School starts at 9:30 AM in Nakamuka, and ends at 4:00 PM.
Nasuro would head off to school, enjoying his walk, seeing the beautiful grass, the blue sky, and the gorgeous sun shine upon the world.
What Nasuro doesn't know, is his world will end, today...
4:10 PM. Nasuro returns from school.
He would run home and his mother would be in her room, sleeping.
Nasuro would run in and yell "Mommy! Mommy! Mommy!". Nasuro's mother would wake up and say "Hey sweetie, how was school?". Then, an excited Nasuro would be talking about his day filled with adventure.

Chapter #3
Hope dies. Hell beings.

6:00 PM.
Nasuro's father would return home. After a long day in the construction field.
Nasuro would run to hug his father. His father was a broad man, who had long, spiky, hair.
"Hey kiddo, what's up? How was your day at school?" Nasuro's father would ask.
Nasuro's dad was your typical family man, works daily, wife stays at home, child goes to school. A simplistic, but common life in Nakamuka.
Suddenly, out of the blue...
A man, with spiky blue hair, and orange eyes, would appear inside Nasuro's father's home.
"What's up, dudes and dudettes." The man would say
"Uncle Shung!" Nasuro would yell, excitedly, as he ran to hug the man.
"Haha, what's up, little man?" Shung would say
"Who the hell let you in here?!" Nasuro's father would say
"Hey, chill out, macho-man. I just dropped by, to greet y'all" Shung would say
"You know I don't like you in my damn household! You asshole!" Nasuro's dad would yell
"Hey bro, you gotta chill the hell out. Look, I get you're still pissed about me joining that cult-" Shung would say, before getting cut off.
"DON'T BRING THAT UP, YOU KNOW NASURO CAN'T KNOW ABOUT THAT!" Nasuro's father would furiously yell.
"Mommy, what's a cult?" Nasuro would ask.
"Nasuro, honey, go to your room, play with your toys. I will be in there soon to play cars with you soon.." Nasuro's mother would say.
Nasuro would run to his room, unaware of the conflict waging between his uncle and father.
The living room would be the domain of this argument.
"Listen, Shung, I don't want you here, you joined a cult over 7 years ago! You know that shit haunts you! What if they try to kill us after you left that cult with no explanation to those bastards!? Huh?!" Nasuro's father would exclaim.
"Listen, joining the Káøs-Cult was a stupid idea, I know, but I'm a changed man now! Trust me, they won't kill us." Shung would reply.
"How the hell can I trust you?! You have lied a lot and tried to play it off as something minor, you know that! I'm just worried for the well-being of my son!" Nasuro's father would exclaim.
"Listen, bro. If anything ever happens to you, or your wife, I will protect your kid with my life. I swear." Shung would say, in a serious tone.
Nasuro's father would stand there, before saying "You know what, you are right, Shung. I shouldn't be piss-y about this, it's been 7 years, they don't give a shit anymore." He would look embarrassed, but still irritated before saying "I'm sorry, Shung."
Conflict was resolved, life was good.


Until... it all changed.

Location: Nakamuka Mountain
An eerie feeling would gloom over the mountain, as a man, dressed in silver armor, with a blood-red cape with a Chalcidian-helmet would broad over, looking down at Nakamuka.

"They don't know."
"That their world."
"Is about."
"To end."
"I am the Death-angel, and i say..."
The figure said. He would look at his hand, and his golden eyes would gleam. As he would smirk, and say in a broad and ominous voice: "Hell starts now".

Suddenly, the world of Nakamuka lit up, all of Nakamuka would be surrounded in a bright flash of light, then, a massive rumbling. An explosion had just happened, but not just a normal explosion, something of a massive magnitude, it charred the entire village. Homes on fire, flaming corpses, blood spilled on the once-green-grass. Blackened skulls lay on the floor, with charred flesh peeling off. The beautiful landmark known as Nakamuka, is no more. The land had become hell-ish.
Fire wages across the land, this beautiful land known as Nakamuka looks like hell now. The sky is filled with ash, with a horrid blood-moon shining above the hellish-landscape, ash and smoke encapsulates the village, as the fire burns with an insatiable appetite for destruction. As the fire burns with a blood-red and pink glow.
A figure, would stand, around a ring of fire, looking at the chaos he has created. A holocaust of the 10,000 civilians of Nakamuka.

Except for one family. Nasuro's family.
Nasuro would then wake up, after getting knocked out from the explosion.
Nasuro is covered in scars, burns, and scratches. He, then woke up, distorted, confused, and distressed. Only to then notice, he is on the back of Shung, Shung would be carrying him as Shung would run, Nasuro could hear Shung saying "...Shit, shit... shit..". While running. Nasuro asks "Shung, what is happening?... where's mommy and daddy?..."
Shung would say, calmly:  "Nasuro, everything will be okay... just don't freak out, and stay calm..."
The figure wrapped in silver armor would then descend from the ashes to stand in front of Shung and say "You, You are Shung aren't you?"
Nasuro, would see the man's eyes. The man who had destroyed his village. Had golden eyes, eyes that would strike fear into anyone...

Eyes of danger, eyes of fear. Eyes that should have never existed. Eyes of a god.
"K...krimson?..." Shung would say in disbelief.

"Shung. It's been some time. I believe you were the man who left the Káøs Cult?" The man would say, in a relatively calm demeanor. "You know it's your fault your village was destroyed. Actions have consequences, Shung." The man would say, yet again in a calm manner.

"Heartless bastard? That is what you think of me? That wretches the fiber of my being, I had once believed that you were a relatively calm person. One that would act like a juvenile brat. However, I see more in your now, and I am disgusted. I am disappointed, Shung. You were a new member, this wouldn't have happened if you hadn't left. You know this." The man would say.
"Now, this is your final day alive..." the man would say.
The man would reach his hand, with an open palm, before a bright flash.
Suddenly, Nasuro's father. Appears in front of the blast. Blocking the blast by using his torso. Then, he would say his final words...
"Shung, take care of my boy, raise him well. Leave here, and never come back. This village has become hell. I love you, little bro."
Before a bright flash envelops the scene, to where, a dark shadow surrounds Nasuro's father.
This dark shadow reeks of malice and hatred. Known as "Focused-Fury-Form". A dark for, which is fairly self-explanatory. A form that holds anger and focuses it into power. A forbidden technique taught in Noskaria. It is typically taboo to speak of it, due to its harsh mental traumas and depression that befall shortly after transformation.
Nasuro would be frightened after seeing his father undergo this dark form. Then, Nasuro would be grabbed and carried by Shung on his back, not seeing the doom that befalls his childhood home.
All he sees, after looking back, was rays of light, and a bright white ball...

...and the eyes of the man who killed his man, as the last words he heard from him...

"Run, boy. Run far away."

Chapter #4. Present.
Present day
Year 2124
Outside Noskaria city, a random shack in the plains, known as "Shung's home".
8:30 PM.

    It was a sunny morning. Sky is blue, grass is green, sun is shining. Birds were chirping.
It was a normal day, same for every other day outside of Noskaria City. Noskaria city was a fairly dangerous place to live in, with dark alleyways and many dangerous people.
This wasn't the greatest house ever, but it was still livable. It was in a small neighborhood that exists outside of Noskaria City.
As this normal day would proceed. A man would wake up.
This man had broad shoulders, muscular build, tall, with orange hair, in the shape of a five-pointed star. His blue eyes would give off a depressed-vibe.

His name is Nasuro.
After the destruction of his village. He was never the same.

He had survived. And so did Shung. They found a new home, and Shung had trained Nasuro the ways of combat. Nasuro had lived with Shung. For over 11 years, he had vigorously trained his body. To the point where he ascended a normal-human rank.
He was stronger than any man on this earth. With capabilities of carrying immense weight, of over 1,000 pounds per hand.
...and do you know what fuels his strength?


This, is Nasuro's Orgins.

Before the destruction of Nakamuka village.
In a dark cave. Split between three mountains. The cave entrance being in the middle cave. Is a dark room, a room entirely painted in purple and gold.
A shadowy figure in a purple aura, would sit in a throne, tipped with gold and covered in a luscious, violet.

"Greetings, Krimson." The figure would say.
"Greetings, Lord. I was called because of a mission?" Krimson would say.
"Yes. I want you to destroy the Village of Nakamuka." The figure would say.
"Nakamuka village? The really poor village outside of Noskaria city? But why, it proves of no asset to the plan?" Krimson would say.
"Krimson, Nakamuka is home to Shung. We must teach him a lesson for leaving this cult." The figure would say
"Very well, my lord.

Episode 2 coming soon...
Stay tuned.
If you liked this story, let me know in the comments, or rate it. it helps out a lot.

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