First impressions

נכתב על ידי LouieChewi666

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My first MHA x Reader Fanfiction, constructive criticism welcome, please be kind. thank you. This ongoing, so... עוד

First Impressions
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
chapter 5
Qualify or Fail
Part 7: Memories to Music Madness
Chapter 8: A Little Love
CHAPTER 9: Tears and Reunions
Quick notes
Birthday Bullets
Chapter 11: Blades and Bloodshed
Chapter 13
Chapter 14: Eri, The Lost Princess
Chapter 15: Music To Sooth the Aching Sole
Bonus Chapter: Smash or Pass Game
Chapter 17: Christmas Part 2
Chapter 20
Chapter 21: Comedy of Laundry Errors
Mineta Drama, Chapter 22
Character Update Part 23
Nabu Island Part 2

Chapter 12: Unbreakable

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נכתב על ידי LouieChewi666

A/N: Hello, just a quick note to you lovely readers, this chapter contains battle scenes, please read at your discretion. Also, sorry about tis being a long chapter. Thank you for stopping by, please enjoy.

 Louie was tiring at every swipe she made, along with Tantris. She couldn't give up now. Lunging towards her, Louie missed again. She got thrown through a partitioned wall, one with a rather large window in the middle. Rolling across the floor in front of her fellow heroes. They stood in shock at her dishevelled appearance, as she tried to stand. Grimacing at the amount of pain she was in. The cuts received from her mother's blades in her hands, Tantris stepped over the debris as if was just rubbish on the floor. Louie was feeling weak, she felt like she was going to lose everything she had worked her butt, off for. Her dream of becoming a hero one day, to make a positive difference in the world. Her friends that she had made along the way. The new families she had become part of, her beloved Tokoyami Fumikage's. If he died by her mother's hands, there would be no living without him in this world, she would be eternally banished to hell with the revenge she would take on Tantris. The U.A family of her teachers and fellow classmates and students. Using every ounce of strength, she had in her, she pushed up on her elbows to get up.

Her friends watched in horror, at the woman stalking Louie like prey. Tantris dragged Louie to metal folded chair, and cuffed her wrists behind her. Louie's ankles were also bounded. Gripping her chin, she made Louie look at her dead in the eyes. Pulling another chair in front of Louie, not knowing that she was in the spot Louie had planned her to be placed in, Sat straddled on the backward facing chair.

Tantris: "Now that I have your attention......" She pulled out a blade, using her quirk, from the pouch on her left hip.

Louie: "I'm listening." She croaked, as she strained against the blade that was near her throat, her mother held in her hand.

The blade moved from her throat, to one of cuts on her leg. Her mother pressed the blade against the cut, causing it to bleed even more. Louie screamed out in pain. In the shadows, it took everything in her beloved to stop Dark Shadow from going rouge. Hopper hoped it was under control, it was but rather strained. She stepped in moving up to him using her speed quirk, she whispered something to Tsukuyomi, who nodded, who then took hold of Dark Shadow. Dark Shadow only complied due to what he saw Louie had left them both a motive to stay strong. A pair of dog tags, Louie's fathers and the promise ring. Hopper told him to hold onto them, as she needed them to be safe, to come back to. It calmed the beast for now. She went back to her position and waited for the signal. Thirty minutes and counting, she thought.

Louie lifted her head tiredly, and spat a mouthful of blood to one side. She was losing blood, her wounds needed tending, yet the one thing she wanted right now was an explanation from her.

Louie: "What do you want from me, that you would kill me for it? The Money? The assets that my family left to me?" She asked carefully, as to not to anger the woman who was watching intently to her mannerisms.

Tantris: "That's it, the money you have, everything. But the only way for me to get it all, is for me to kill you. You do understand, don't you? If you and your father had done what I'd asked of you both, this wouldn't battle we could've avoided. But no! You had to go and get the quirks of your family's ancestors, and become a hero, not a villain. Did you both hate me so much? I won't apologise for all the things I've done, but I will say this. You are more like him, your father than me. I can't fault you for that." Tantris answered honestly.

Tantris stood in front of Louie looking at her eyes, they were her father's eyes alright. Brown, but during the battle they went a honey shade, like her ancestor. Then it hit her, she had inherited the mind quirk from her side of the family. Shit! Tantris froze, before taking a step backward. The dagger fell from her hands with a clatter on the floor. Louie had gotten into her head, showing her the evil that befall her. Tantris collapsed to her knees in agony, clutching her head, shouting.

Tantris: "Get out of my head! Nooooo~........." Her shout was then followed by silence.

Louie wriggled over to her mother, and took the keys in her mouth, before giving Hopper the whistle signal, this was Tantris's downfall. Hopper chained her mother's wrists, in a pair of quirk restraints, she had used on Louie. Eraser Head made sure to keep her under his control too; he looked into her eyes, as she stared shakily at him, his scarf held her tightly, and keeping her in one place. Hopper used this moment, to signal the others to come over and help Louie as she was struggling to stand, but her wounds wouldn't let her. A pair of large shadowy hands caught her, cushioning her fall, followed by a concerned Tsukuyomi.

Eraser Head: "Hopper, get the authorities now, Chargebolt and Ingenium go with her! Creaty, make a stretcher for Her, I'm handing over this villain." He ordered, as Tentacole and Headphone Jack arrived.

They backed him up if Tantris Vapoure tried to escape, and left them to look after Louie. Tsukuyomi looked away, while Creaty made the stretcher, and coughed in slight embarrassment.

Creaty: "Tsukuyomi, I need you to help me get her on this please." She spoke with care and determination to help her friend.

His hands shook a little as he and his friend pulled gently on Louie guiding her to the aid. Taking an end each, they made their way to the nearest ambulance waiting, the paramedics took over. One stopped, and asked if anyone was related, Tsukuyomi answered he was her partner. They told him which hospital it was, and told him to follow the ambulance there. He agreed.

Fumikage Tokoyami was surprised to see his parents waiting for him at the hospital. The hospital whisked Louie away, on arrival, before he had a chance to hold her. They waited in the waiting room for seemed like minutes, was actually hours. Outside, the rain had eased, to give way to a warm glow of sunshine, casting a glittering glow over the city.

Louie injuries sorted, and placed into a side room. She felt heavy, her whole-body aching, and the one thought she couldn't shake was everyone safe? She succumbed to sleep, due to the pain medication. In the waiting room, the doctor in charge of her spoke to the Tokoyamis, he explained Louie was lucky to be alive, but she is resting. He agreed to let Fumikage see her, but keep it brief. His hands were a little shaken, but he had to be strong for his lady.

There she lay, his heart tightened, but Dark Shadow came out to comfort him, cuddling into his shoulder. Taking her hand, Louie's eyes flittered open, and glanced at her love.

Fumikage: "Louie.......?" His voice, caught in his throat. He was close to tears.

Louie held his hand tighter, and tried to keep from breaking down in front of him. He blamed himself for Louie getting hurt. Louie had to reassure him somehow. Apologise for making him worry.

Louie: "Fumi? I love you, thank you for saving me. I'm sorry I worried you..." Louie started to apologise, but got cut off, by Fumikage hugging her, and her crying in his arms.

Smothering her in beak kisses, and gentle hugs.

Fumikage: "My Angel, please don't cry my love, I'm here. Shhhhh...." He soothed.

Louie kissed his cheek, and got herself comfortable lying her head back onto her pillow.

Dark Shadow: "Louie? Can I get a hug too~" He pleaded with his big yellow eyes, like a puppy.

Louie smiled, and beckoned him closer. She held him and gave a small peck on dark Shadow's head, before he let go, Louie whispered near to where the ears were, and thanked them for saving them. Fumikage let out a yawn, which did not go unnoticed by Louie and the nurse who had arrived to take him back to his parents.

Fumikage: "I will return later my darling angel. I believe these are yours?" he kissed her cheek, giving Louie the chain with her father's dog-tags on and the promise ring.

He placed it on her left ring finger, and smiled. He continued lovingly.

Fumikage: "I'm proud of you. I love you."

Louie blushed at the nurse smiling at her.

Louie: "I love you too my Shadow King. See you later."

He left with his family and headed back to the school dorms.

End of the school day, in the dorm buildings, a few class men had returned from a mission they had been on. Looking around, they noticed a few people were missing.

Uraraka and Deku looked confused as to why it seemed a little quiet, they asked Iida. He asked them to take a seat in the common room, along with the others. Silence held the class in shock. Bakugo looked up from his manga, and said nothing. Fumikage held his head in his hands, shaking slightly making his hands turn into fists.

Iida: "Louie got really badly injured, she is in the hospital at the moment. As for her squad, they were worst hit, almost getting killed in the battle." He explained.

Fumikage looked up from tears that threatened to fall, Shoji placed a hand on his shoulder to comfort his best friend. He continued, where Iida left off.

Fumikage: "Louie would have sacrificed herself to save everyone today, but she stayed strong and faced her daemons that threatened her."

Deku: "Her mother?"

Fumikage nodded.

Fumikage: "Yeah. Hopper helped to save the ones that got captured by Tantris Vapoure's henchmen. We were lucky, but at the cost of Louie getting hurt and Dark Shadow catching her as she fell. She is one powerful, beautiful goddess, that I refuse to lose. Excuse me for a moment, while I get a drink. Shoji, would you mind please?"

The class watched sympathetically, but talked amongst themselves.

Momo: "I'm not going to lie; it was truly worried about Louie. She went through a lot, to get to here. Her mother even confessed what she did to her and her father, it was horrific." Momo spoke softly.

Kaminari: "I didn't expect that at all from Louie, she's always so positive and happy. It's so sad what she went through." He spoke thoughtfully.

Iida: "Agreed. What we can do now, is be there for her as her class and her friends. Hopper admitted to me that Louie had always found it hard to trust people growing up in England, as she trusted some people, they went against her, betraying her. She moved schools too, was always in fear. That was why, when, Agent Fauna first met Louie, she started training Louie with some of her quirks, that had manifested. Tokoyami will tell you, the rest."

Uraraka: "Does he have Louie's permission to..." She asked, but was stopped by Fumikage, answering her question before she finished it.

Fumikage sat down with his coffee in his hands.

Fumikage: "I do, she wanted you all to know the truth. Iida, has Mr Aizawa arrived yet?"

Mr Aizawa: "I'm here problem children. Please continue Tokoyami." Stating, as he stood behind one of the sofas.

Fumikage: "We all know that Louie's mother was a villain in the English LOV, but what we didn't know the amount of abuse Louie and her father had faced at the hands of her. Louie is a descendant of the rare and mythical Fairy Princess Elaine. She guarded the fountain of youth, until she met a Deadly Sin called Ban. He was the Deamon sin of greed. Their linage was kept a secret from the world for a long time, Louie's father had shared it with my family and myself. Somewhere along the linage, they changed their name to Chewie, to protect the secret."

Mr Aizawa stepped in.

Mr Aizawa: "It's true, all of it. Mr Chewie even confessed, when he was wanting to update Louie's file, to keep her safe. Tokoyami, would you mind if I tell the rest?" He suggested, giving Tokoyami Fumkage's shoulder a brief squeeze.

Fumikage nodded, then drank his coffee in silence.

Mr Aizawa: "Louie is the direct descendant of the Fairy Princess, she is immortal."

This caused a gasp from the class, except Bakugo who stood up in silence. He looked at his teacher unconvinced. He needed to ask questions, without letting his anger get the better of him.

Bakugo: "If what your saying is true, why didn't she mention this to any of us during the training? Or at camp? Where did she really go?" He spoke flatly.

Mr Aizawa thought for a moment, before answering. Choosing his words carefully to explain.

Mr Aizawa: ".... The squad she's part of, D.R.K, Louie is in charge of that squad. That was one of the ways to protect her family's identity from her mother Tantris Vapoure. They were like the bodyguards keeping the secret for years. Louie was sworn to keep this a secret, until her father gave permission to DRK and UA. Louie had to supress her vampire speed and strength, that was no easy feet either. Her fairy power and Vampire power fought for dominance; it was the fairy side that domineers her quirks. She won't drink blood, like a vampire has to do, as her fairy side has protected her from that, thank goodness. Louie is lucky be alive, but there are a few things keeping her going at the moment." He mused at the last points he was making, watching his class's reactions, with an amused smile plastered on his face.

The students stared at their teacher with worried expressions, and waited until he continued.

Mr Aizawa: "One of the rules for Louie, in her vampire form, was to get married by her eighteenth birthday, but her father put a stop to that, letting Louie decide for herself. What fortunate moment that Mr Tokoyami Fumikage, has proposed to her with the promise rings to marry her when they are ready. And, have Louie's father's blessing. The whole school couldn't be prouder. What made you propose?" He cocked his head to one side, with a slight smile.

Tokoyami Fumikage's fluffed in embarrassment and tried to hide. He thought wasn't embarrassed by Louie, he just hoped he could live up to her expectations and keep her loving him for all eternity.

Fumikage: "I guess it was love at first sight *Cough* She made my heart flutter, like angel's wings. Dark Shadow and I was infatuated with her style, her voice, everything. It was like she was the cosmic stars surrounding my darkness, I can not explain it. An angel of darkness, my queen of my endless night. If there was a chance to meet her in my next life, I hope I continue to meet her in all of my encounters, in the future. I'm sorry, I'm rambling again..."

The class was awestruck at Fumikage's confession. The guys thought he was bold and brave. The girls, on the other hand found it really romantic and sweet.

Momo: "I hope in the future, whoever I end up with loves me same way. That was so romantic Tokoyami. Louie is so lucky to have you."

Denki: "Man! why did you set the bar so high Tokoyami?" He joked, sighing at the thought of never measuring up.

Mr Aizawa: "If you want any more details on Louie, she did agree to let only her class know the details, except a select few. Mineta, Aoyama you two are to keep your mouths shut. I don't want this information getting back to the LOV. They were close to killing her this time, next time, she could very well die at the hands of the LOV. We've got be more vigilant, understand class 1A?"

Class 1A: "Yes sir!!"

Mr Aizawa took his leave, not before telling Tokoyami Fumikage, and the ones that rescued Louie on this mission to get some sleep. They agreed, but first Fumikage made a call to his father for a favour. Fumikage made the call, positive about the outcome, and went to his room. His head hit the pillow and Dark shadow and Fumikage succumbed to heavy peaceful slumber. Their dreams filled with thoughts of their beloved Louie. The love of two unbreakable beings floating in the cosmic stars, in the never-ending night.

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