
By DLCichemski

561 14 1

Crackstone has been defeated, now Wednesday is faced with a new foe, her mysterious stalker. She is determine... More



57 1 0
By DLCichemski

"Oh, come Wens please!" Enid begged "no Enid I will not go to a party with you" the goth replied coldly "just this once please I'll never ask again!" Wednesday rolls her eyes "no Enid! Parties are sweaty, uncomfortable, and heated social conventions for pathetic people with nothing better to do than drink and act like horny dogs" Enid's smile faded "Is that what you think of me?" Wednesday felt a layer of guilt bubble inside her when she sees Enid's bottom lip trembling. The raven sighs shaking her head "no I am sorry; you are the exception, Enid. You are always the exception" the blonde looked at her curiously.

"I will go to your party Enid under one condition" Enid's face lit up "anything!" Wednesday folded her arms across her chest and leans against "we stay for two hours maximum and I am not leaving without you, I won't drink but you can if you wish and most importantly if I become uncomfortable, we leave no arguments." Enid smiled brightly "deal!" Wednesday nodded and took a seat at her desk "now please keep it down so I can do some writing.

"Ok well I'm going out for a bit enjoy your writing" the goth turns back briefly nodding once "be safe Enid I shall keep this ghastly metal contraption on loud in case you call" Enid smiled at her roommate's sweetness. "Oh and Enid, is there a theme to this party?" the goth questioned "no it's just normal attire" Wednesday smiled at her use of the word attire "my vocabulary is rubbing off on you it seems" Enid let out a small giggle "or maybe I'm just trying to impress you" she winks "careful Sinclair, you are playing a dangerous game" she smirked at the blonde wolf. "If you say so Addams, I'll see you later."

Enid walks towards the boy's dorm room, she needed help on how to confess to Wednesday and there was only one person who could help her. The blonde knocks loudly on the heavy door, a second later it swings open to reveal Cairo, his hair is wet so he must have just taken a shower, he's wearing grey sweats and a compression shirt and to her shock his hair was pure white instead of black "Enid? Is everything ok?" He questioned concern shining in his eyes. "Yes, I'm sorry but I really need your help with something."

The boy raised a curious brow but stepped aside to let the girl in "ok so what do you need help with?" he leaned against his desk folding his arms across his chest, his muscles flexing slightly 'fucking Addams' why do they all have to be so hot' "what's up with your hair?" She couldn't help staring at it, it looked so good. Cairo shrugged "I ran out of black hair dye; this is my real hair color" she smiled "I assume you got it from your birth parents?" The Addams boy nodded with a small smile "I'm sorry I'm being very nosy" she looked down sheepishly.

He let's out a soft laugh "it's ok Enid, now how can I help you?" Enid lets out a nervous breath "I want you to help me confess to Wednesday or maybe subtly show her I have feeling for her" the Addams boy looks at her blankly, he watches her for a few minutes his violet eyes betraying nothing of what he is thinking 'Addams' and their stupid blank faces' Enid groans internally.

"You like Wednesday?" He questioned.


"My cousin Wednesday?"


"Wednesday Friday Addams?"

The werewolf let out a snarl in frustration "just forget it" she turns quickly making her way towards the door. "Ask her to dance" she stops in her tracks and turns around confused "what?" Cairo rolled his eyes "ask her to dance. Wednesday is many things including passionate." He pauses for a second to let that sink in "and what is something she is very passionate about?" Enid leans against the doorframe "her novel" he nods smiling softly "yes. But also dance." "I'm confused." He laughs shaking his head "if you tell her, you can't dance and from watching you fence, I know that you definitely cannot, it'll drive her crazy and she will insist on teaching you."

The blonde perks up a new spark of hope inside her "really?" he smirks knowingly "yes. She will teach you to waltz and she will also explain why she is teaching you the waltz. You get what you want and she gets to have a good time" he explains, Enid quirks a curious brow "and what is it that I want?" Cairo's smirk grows "close proximity to Wednesday for several hours." Enid felt a light blush take over her face and she looked down "right well thanks, see you later." She turns towards the door but stops momentarily "you should leave your hair as it is, I know you're an Addams but they value uniqueness and individuality, your hair is both" with a sweet smile she skips out of the room leaving a curious boy behind her.

Wednesday walked out of the bathroom, the girl forgot her clothes so she was only in a towel with her hair down and dripping lightly, she stopped in her tracks when she saw her roommate looking at her with wide eyes. "Hello Enid" she said blankly trying not to show her embarrassment "um yeah h-h-hi" she stuttered, the goth noticed her eyes travelling down slowly and smirked to herself 'this could be fun, lets tease my puppy.' Wednesday straightens her back and struts seductively towards her roommate.

She reaches the blushing wolf and reaches out to trail her fingers across her shoulder and down her arm. She feels her roommate tense against her touch but she does not pull away "something wrong Enid?" she leaned down a little to meet the werewolf's eyes her cleavage such about visible over the towel "n-n-o no-nothing" Enid's face was bright red now and her breathing was heavy, Wednesdays smirk grew and she leaned down so her mouth brushed against the shell of her ear "my eyes are further up puppy" she purrs before pulling away, she let's out a soft laugh at the blondes dumbfounded expression.

She pats the blonde's cheek softly and walks into her closet "you best get ready Enid or we will be late" she calls. Hearing shuffles she smiles knowing her tease had the desired effect, Wednesday picked out a nice outfit she may hate parties but for Enid she would put in effort. She dug around for an appropriate outfit, finally settling on a pair of cargo pants and an oversized Edgar Allen Poe sweatshirt that Enid had sent her for Christmas last year, she moved to style her hair in two braids but stopped, an idea popping into her head, she smirked softly and tossed her hair into a messy bun with two strands hanging at the front.

Nodding approvingly at her reflection she walks out of her closet and walks to her desk, she organizes her papers neatly in a pile with a paperclip from the corner of her eye she sees Thing jumping onto the desk "you look weird, nice but weird" he signed, the Addams girl rolled her eyes at the appendage "I am trying to make an effort for Enid it's only fair since she always does things for me" the hand shakes his version of a laugh "since when are you so considerate?" the hand pauses briefly and Wednesday panics "OH MY GOD YOU LIKE ENID!!!!" Wednesday grabs the hand and harshly pins him to the desk with dagger hovering over him "speak of this again and I will cut off your fingers" Thing taps his surrender against the desk and releases him "you have become rather irritating since coming back from Europe."

"And you seem to have fallen victim to the curse" he signs back "I have done no such thing now silence I want a bloody word out of you, get out1" she hisses watching the appendage scurry out of the room. Hearing the bathroom door open the raven turns swiftly only to have the oxygen be knocked out her by the sight of her roommate. Enid was dressed in a short black skirt with a slight slit on the thigh(very short and black), a white crisscross wrap tank top, a pair of black high heels and Wednesday's jacket.

'Never in my life have I seen Enid like this, I never even knew she owned any black clothing' Wednesday's mouth was slightly agape as she took in her roommate's appearance, Enid looks at her curiously "everything ok Wens?" the Latina shakes her head slightly to shake off her daze "yes I am fine." Enid hums in acknowledgement as she makes her way across the room to her desk, Wednesday's jacket falling slightly off her shoulders making her look even more gorgeous in the goth's eyes. Enid takes a black hair tie and throws her hair into a ponytail, leaving two strands out at the front just like Wednesday.

Wednesday swallows thickly watching the blondes neck become exposed, the Addams girl never thought the sight of someone's neck would be cause for arousal, but when it comes to Enid it drives the goth to the brink of pure ecstasy and madness. Enid turns around and smiles finally taking a second to look at Wednesday's outfit.

Enid's POV

Enid felt her heart skip several beats at the way Wednesday was looking at her, like she wanted to devour her but she could be wrong, this is Wednesday Addams after all, cold and unemotional. She takes in the girl's appearance and gasps softly when she realizes Wednesday isn't wearing her usual two braids but instead her hair is in a messy bun with two strands pulled in the front. 'She looks so good and I can't believe she did her hair differently.' The blonde takes a small step forward to the middle of their dorm where the tape used to be "your hair is different" she says her voice barely a whisper, Wednesday follows her lead and stand in the center facing her "so is your outfit" the two stare at each other for several minutes, neither knowing what to do "you look nice like that, but why did you do it?" the wolf asks, struggling to keep her gaze off the Latina's lips.

"Thank you. I did it for you, I wanted to put some effort in my appearance since I feel responsible for Parents' Day" the goth explained keeping her face blank, Enid nodded with a small smile "Enid" "yeah?" Wednesday looks up to meet her gaze "what happened to your colorful outfits?" Enid shrugged "I still love my colors but I wanted to try something new, do you not like it?" The smaller girl took a step forward her arm brushing softly against her roommate, Enid tensed slightly her heart pounding at the girl's proximity "you look divine mia lupa" she whispered softly.

She felt a light blush heat her skin but she smiled "thank you Willa, we should go or we'll be late" the raven nods stepping away from the wolf, they both leave the dorm and make their way to Crackstone crypt where the party was being held. As they approached loud music and laughter could be heard, Enid glanced at her roommate to see if she were uncomfortable but so far, the girl's face was blank like always. They enter the crypt immediately being met with Yoko, Divina, and Cairo "well look at that Addams you took my advice about the hair?" Enid teased the boy.

The boy laughs running his hand through the white locks "yes I did, I realized you were right I am an Addams and my hair color will never change that" Wednesday raised a curious brow at her cousin "I've been telling you this for eighteen years and you listen to the puppy?" Cairo chuckles patting the goth on her shoulder "you look nice cousin, should dress up more often" he winked, Yoko piped up agreeing to his statement "Addams for real you look gooooood and Enid damn if I wasn't dating Divina I would totally tap that" she laughed loudly earning a slap on the head from her girlfriend and a giggle from the blonde wolf.

Bianca approaches the group a cocky smirk plastered on her face "hey Wednesday didn't think your dull ass would show up here, guess I owe Xavier twenty bucks" she laughs taking a swig of her drink, Enid watches the obviously annoyed Latina "what do you want Barclay?" she grit out "nothing just wanted to see what your dark and gloomy ass was here for, no murders last time I checked" Enid was becoming frustrated with Bianca's taunting, with a huff she stood between the two fixing Bianca with a sharp glare "I invited her so drop it. And while you're at it tell Xavier to back the fuck off, she already rejected him and if he can't take the hint, I'll be happy to commit a murder tonight" Bianca's eyes widened, "whatever" she scoffed and walked away.

The werewolf turned to find her friends all staring at her, Yoko and Cairo with knowing smirks, Divina with a slight blush on her face and Wednesday whose face stayed blank but her eyes shone with something she never saw before. "Damn Sinclair didn't know you had it in you!" Yoko laughed; Cairo placed a comforting hand on the blonde's shoulder "good job pup" he winked before walking away to join some classmates "let's go get a drink!" Divina yelled grabbing Enid's hand and pulling her away "wait Wednesday!" "It is ok Enid; go I will wait" Enid smiles and allows Divina to pull her away.


An hour later Enid is three tequila shots and vodka red bulls in, her brain is fuzzy and her walk is unsteady, she has been searching for Wednesday for about twenty minutes after the girl said she was going to use the bathroom. She finally spots her in a corner, a loud growl leaves her throat when she sees Xavier towering over her, suddenly feeling sober and murderous she struts towards them "XAVIER!!!" She roars causing several heads to turn. The boys gaze snaps towards her his smirk dropping replaced by a snarl "the fuck you want mutt!" he spits slurring a little.

Filled with anger and confidence the werewolf grabs the boy by his shirt collar ripping him away from Wednesday and slamming him against the wall. "She already rejected you asshole, do I have to fucking kill you!" she snarled, Xavier scoffs and pushes her off him "you can't do shit, you think she'll want you or something?" he laughed "as if mutt" Enid growls her claws extracting bit before she can do anything her roommate delivers a swift punch to the boys face. He falls the ground groaning in pain "do not call her a mutt or next time I will slit your damn throat, do not test me Thorpe!" she hissed.

"Let's go Enid." The goth grabs Enid's hand softly and leads her away from the artist, they join their friends who saw the whole interaction and laughed. For the next few hours they had fun, drank, danced, and laughed. Even Wednesday had a drink or two being grateful to Yoko for bringing her preferred wine. Enid convinces the Addams girl to dance with her, the wolf being too drunk to notice she was practically grinding on her roommate but Wednesday said nothing. Seeing Enid smiling and happy was enough to endure the dancing and partying, she even dared enjoy herself unbeknownst to Enid.

Wednesday's POV

Enid stumbles drunkenly using Wednesday's body as a crutch giggling uncontrollably "Willaaaa!" she squeals excitedly hugging the Latina. Wednesday wraps her arms around the wolf steadying her "I think it's time to leave Enid" she says calmly, Enid keeps giggling but nods her head "ok Willa, wow you have muscles!" the raven tenses when Enid squeezes her biceps softly "ok let's go, you may lean on me" Wednesday let's their friends know she is taking Enid home and then leaves dragging the very drunk blonde away from the party.

Wednesday manages to get the girl back to Ophelia Hall with some difficulty, she gently lays the girl on her bed and walks into Enid's closet to find her some clothes. She grabbed a pair of shorts and a hoodie and went back to her roommate; she gulped softly seeing Enid's exposed thigh through the slit in her skirt. 'Is this what lust feels like? No! Wednesday she's drunk this is wrong!' Wednesday metal battle is interrupted "why do you keep staring at me today?" Enid asks for her speech slightly slurring. 

She ignores the girl and places her clothes next to her "you should change into some more comfortable" the goth turned to her own side of the room and busied herself with organizing papers so she wouldn't stare at her naked roommate. Once she could no longer hear Enid moving, she sat on her bed and sighed, laying back on her elbows a little bit. A sudden weight on her lap catches her attention, she snaps her head up her eyes widening when she realizes Enid is straddling her "E-E-Enid?" she stuttered "Mhmm?" the wolf hummed "w-what are you doing?"

The blonde giggled leaning her forehead against Wednesday's, she sighs softly her face turning sad "why can't you see me?" she whispers, "what?" the goth furrowed her brows in confusion "why can't you see that we are perfect for each other?" Wednesday's gaze softened, she cupped Enid's cheek softly "Enid you are drunk, lets get you to bed before you say something or do something you regret" the wolf stares at her blankly "you're wearing the sweatshirt I gave you" Wednesday nods slowly not understanding the relevance of her statement. Enid looks into her eye's tears welling in the beautiful ocean orbs "I wish you could see how much I want you Wednesday" she whispered shakily "that you could see what's right in front of you."

Wednesday feels her heart crack she never realized the pain her indifference caused her roommate. She felt a warm spark at the notion of Enid having feelings for her, she brushes her thumb against the girl's jaw softly "Enid. You are more important than you realize" "I see you cara mia" Enid's breath hitched at the feeling of Wednesday's tender touch against her skin, without a second thought the wolf fisted her hands in Wednesday's sweatshirt and crashed their lips together. The goth was taken aback by the sudden action but she relaxed into the kiss, wrapping her arms around Enid's waist she pulled the girl closer deepening the kiss.

Her eyes flutter shut as Enid's lips brush against hers, savoring every second of the intimate moment. She feels Enid lick her bottom lip asking for entrance, a small smile tugs at the corner of Wednesday's mouth when she feels her roommates tongue slip past her lips. Enid wraps her arms around her neck pulling her into a deeper kiss, the raven's her races from the feeling of their bodies pressed together. Feeling bold, Wednesday bites down softly on Enid's bottom lip, a gasp escapes the wolf the goth takes the opportunity to slide her tongue deeper exploring the girl's mouth. Enid moaned gripping her shoulders tightly and grinding against her lap letting out a small whimper.

The action snaps Wednesday out of her haze, she pulls away breathing heavily, Enid whimpers at the loss of contact "Enid we cannot go further, you are drunk and you need to sleep" Enid looks at her sadly but nods feeling rejected, she takes Wednesday's hand plays with her fingers "I know you don't like it but could I sleep with you tonight?" Wednesday sighs but nods her head "ok cucciola" she kissed Enid's forehead and pulls back the black covers "get comfy and I will be right back just going to change" Enid whimpers not wanting to let her go but nods "hurry please."

Wednesday quickly got dressed in her black silk pajamas and took down her hair, too tired to braid it she left it down and climbed into the bed next to Enid, the drunk wolf immediately clung to her purring loudly and rubbing her cheek against her "Enid what are you doing?" the goth had a clue to the answer but wanted confirmation "you stink of Xavier" she growled the boy's name nuzzling against her roommate "are you scenting me Enid?" the wolf nodded her purrs getting louder "have to" "so everyone knows you're mine" the Latina raised her brow in amusement but did not pull away. Instead, she offered the girl her wrist "then you best scent the right places so it is strong" Enid smiled giving the dark girl's jaw an affectionate lick.

Wednesday's breath hitches at the action but she allows it observing the girl while she scented her. 'Such a beautiful, my puppy is scenting me, if only I was her mate' she allowed a small smile to grace her lips and in act of momentary bravery she cups Enid's cheek and pecked her lips softly earning a small whimper from the werewolf. "Wednesday, I'm sleepy" the wolf sighs against the girl's wrist "then sleep mia lupa" Enid climbs up to bury her face in her roommate's neck inhaling her mate's scent. Wednesday wraps her arms around the girl feeling a strange peacefulness wash over her body as they fell asleep.

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