
By definitelynotareader

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"Do you ever think all of this can just go away?" The Southeast Asian country whispered through the barren wi... More

Uniform Design [A/N]
A Dream
Feeling Somewhat Like Shit
Dream a Little More
Market Time.
Character Drawings and Information [A/N]
Guitar Lessons
Insults in the Papers.
What a Day...
Wanna Talk About It?
Stop Remembering
.Marked Drawings.

Dance with me?

437 32 10
By definitelynotareader

Labored gasps filled the stilled room, what happened? He thought through fogged ramblings and senseless panic- all he could feel is his hand gripping his caged chest, constricting his breathing in each unstable breath. What happened? It grew louder, eyes wide staring at the white ceiling in front of him. His brows furrowed, his back felt uncomfortably sticky with sweat, pushing itself against the white beddings and his silky undershirt, it felt wrong.

Gazing mindlessly at the ceiling, each breath stutters to a slow halt, his heart beating more slowly in each passing minute until he realizes where he is. Thoughts still rambling horribly, coupled with his eyes straining by opening it too fast, he wanted to close it for a second but something about going back to the darkness irked him with fear. He breathed in and out, treading carefully on not letting it evolve into a panic attack- Jesus Christ, he came here because he had an unsuspecting panic attack, he refused to let it happen to him twice in one day.

He lifted his hands in front of his face, it's trembling again but more softer, restrained. The Filipino sighs deeply, what happened? The question echoed once more, it was foggy to remember but he can still discern the adrenaline pumping through his veins, one word he can only describe this emotion is dread, painful dread. Tiredly, his hands planted against his face softly, breathing still weak.

Despite sleeping in God knows how many hours, he is still tired. His fingertips feel tingly, as if he just touched something rough like wood.

He slowly pushed himself off the bed with a slanted gaze noticing how the room was slightly dimmed. He looked outside the window realizing it was noon which means classes are done, he grimaced a bit remembering his promise to Malay about the ice cream shop. Despite the uncomfortable feeling he is having, he notices Mrs. Switzerland isn't here with him, she must be outside.

His brows furrowed before slowly pushing himself to sit at the edge of the bed. The room was bathed softly of sunlight through the window. Shakely, he walked gently till he was in front of the glass panel, despite how sluggish his legs are it does nothing to deter his eyes away from the outside. There were still students walking around the campus, some leaving and some sitting around to enjoy the company with one another, or some just wanting to stay for a little while for no reason.

Philip could only close his eyes and breathed in tiredly, he just woke up and yet he never felt more exhausted than ever, before his mind could spin once again, the door open with a soft swing, turning, he saw his friend Malay who froze for a second. The Filipino perked up "Mal-" he was cut off when the Malaysian strode so fast that his cheeks being squished between palms didn't register to him till Malay started rambling with concern laced with anger "Are you okay? I was asking people around if they saw you- and none of them know where you are! I even asked Russia! And you know how scary that dude is-" Philip snickered, shaking his head softly, grabbing away both of Malay's palms from his face.

"I'm Fine, I'm fine- So don't panic anymore because I'll panic too if you do that." The Malaysian still stared hard at him through a microscope, as if he was waiting for the Filipino to drop dead infront of him, but in the end he pouted slightly "You looking dead tired, dude." Philip couldn't help but chuckle tiredly as a response letting go of his hands in the process,

"I'm always tired, Mal." The Asian country shrugged, not seeing it as a big deal but Malay knew otherwise, his eyes scanning Philip with precision trying to see a hair out of place which is many. "I know dude, but this? The vibes are different." muttering, he rubbed the back of his neck with a worried sigh, guilt filled the Filipino not wanting to make Malay feel like this, the tight feeling came back like a faint mocking tone.

Squeezing him hard as his throat dried like sandpaper scraping his very tongue. "I'm sorry, I guess...I haven't been sleeping great lately." His tone was carefully constructed to be light, no hesitation nor a scream for pity. The Pinoy smiled simply, reverting his gaze away from Malay as if hiding away from parts of his expression to cover up his very weakened state of mind at the moment.

"No...don't apologize." Malay sighs, patting Philip on the shoulder trying to smile back in reassurance "Well...since you're unwell, I guess ice cream night has to wait." The Pinoy's head perked up, remembering what they had talked about early once again, it only fueled his shame further. Philip promised him to hangout after the whole Indo debacle, he promised him and yet-

"Let's go out, can you walk?" Malay's question made him snap out of his guilt, his tiredness increasing as he nodded mutely. Guilt and so much shame filled him, Philip rubbed his eyes as he took the bag of the canvases from the side of his medical bed with a sluggish posture when he finally headed out with Malay by his side.

The hallways are empty as expected, with closed doors and the gentle streamline of light from the windows that bathed the halls with a type of melancholy he couldn't describe at the moment. The soles of their shoes tapping against the floor with no rush to go home as they walk together in silence before Malay destroys the peace.

"What's that?"

He pointed at the bag Philip was carrying with pique interest, The Pinoy slightly raised the bag to showcase him with a simple shrug "Just some artworks Mrs. France made us do." Malay seems more interested as Philip handed him the bag with no trouble.

"Oh~ artworks? Made by our lovely sunshine? Don't mind if I do." He giggled, teasing the Pinoy as usual while he inspected the canvases with a whistle "Look at that, truly a sight to behold." Philip snorted in response, knowing full well his just fucking with him at this point, Malay and Indo will always make fun of his art because friends are required to be assholes to one another, though, Philip is more fond of it than offended.

"Oh shut it, your tone says it all." he drawl with an eye roll towards the snickering Malaysian as they continued to walk. "Puh-lease, I'm honest with my compliments-" "Your honesty is the equivalent of me saying: I love wearing wet socks." "most people do~ you're not special." Philip looked at him blankly while Malay held up Japan's painting with a grin "Though, sincerely, I like this one a lot."

Philip paused for a moment as he stared at the painting that is not his at all "Well, It's Japan's art so it's granted that you will like it more." that made Malay halt his walking, his stare prolonging at Japan's art in surprise. "Why do you have it then?" He handed the bag back to Philip with confusion written in his face. The Pinoy doesn't understand why he seemed so surprised by such prospects.

"Japan left it in the classroom and Mrs. France told me to give it back when I see him." Philip muttered glancing at the canvases as they finally headed out to the courtyard now in the presence of other students from different ranks "...why do you seem so surprised?" Questioning, he gazed at Malay who in turn shrugged lightly.

"Not surprised, more like- unexpected since he's...I don't know, supposed to be Mr., Perfect?" Philip mewled over Malay's word with furrowed brows. Perfect? Well, he would've agreed since Japan is a perfectionist in a glance but ever since he started interacting with the East Asian once again, rekindling their lost friendship before Philip left gave a sour taste in his mouth that some people characterized japan as nothing more than perfect, let alone his own friend.

"Maybe he was just in a hurry to get to his next class that he forgot to bring it with him." But like a coward he is, he didn't correct Malay. It felt like he was going backwards, a slow descent to his old self that he hated. Philip once defended Timor Leste from Singapore of all people, but this? He has no fight at all, and he doesn't understand why.

Maybe it's just tiredness, the aftermath of that dream that still bothered him fresh? Or the lack of fight in the crevices of his mind at this very moment? Regardless, they reached the gate as Malay patted Philip on the shoulder with an ever-present smile that at least made his mind less foggy as it is.

"I'll see you Tomorrow, Phil...I just hope Indo we'll be with us by then." The Pearl snorted, nudging his friend playfully, trying to give light in a bogged down moment "And then you can kick his ass." "Absolutely, it is by law now.'' After the light hearted conversation, they bid their goodbyes, leaving Philip standing there at the gate with a small smile, still tired, still contemplating.

The buzzing came back slowly, closing his eyes with a deep breath trying to focus on his surroundings, to root himself on the ground of reality rather than what he had been subjected to in that dream. The Filipino hopes desperately that it won't ruin his day further, his emotions tight in his chest like sickness, a heavy burden.

He walked down his usual route back to his dorm, up to the road and passed by the park. The rustling of trees and the whisper of wind circulated through his numb mind, it was as if he was on autopilot, his gaze drinking the images of autumn leaves and swaying grass with an empty mind. He was perceiving but he was not feeling. It was something he couldn't explain in simple words even if he wanted to.

Until he stops, seeing someone far away that he recognized.


The said county flinched, swiveling his head at the Pinoy with wide eyes and a thin mouth. The Pearl almost jolted as well by how fast his movements are. There was a lapse between them, making him worry by how...cold it was. Did something bad happen? He swallowed down his concern.


The East Asian country snapped out of his stupor, clearing his throat as he gave him a wobbly smile "Ah? Sorry about that, Philip-Kun. Just a bit tired." Philip tried to smile, ignoring the uneasiness beneath his tight chest while approaching his fellow Asian with a chuckle "I're always tired so..." Japan grinned a little, as if the tense silence wasn't there at the beginning "I could say the same to you." Gesturing at his disheveled appearance with a tease.

Philip snorted, the lightness replenishing ever so slowly "Thanks, I'm great at it." Joking was the only thing he could do at the moment, to cope with this present feeling that whispers in his mind before he remembered something. He reached out to his bag, grabbing the canvas as Japan tilted his head confused.

"You left your painting in the classroom, so here." His hand held Japan's painting gently, giving it out to him casually, but instead of Japan taking it, he only stared at it...Something changed in the atmosphere again, slow and deep as the East Asian gazed at the art with...disdain. Philip froze with his small smile, not expecting this from Japan who is oftentimes calm nor aloof, or playful- at least in Philip's case.


The ambivalence in his tone echoed through the silence like a curse, his gaze narrowing with abhorrence and reluctance as he muttered. Philip could only freeze. A deer in headlights from something that was foreign. Japan looked away, careless and the barely disguised repulsion.

"Thanks...but I don't want it, just throw it in the trash." Waving it off, his tone still cold. An icy tundra that scrubbed Philip's skin unpleasantly, but he was confused- why? Gazing down at Japan's painting, he couldn't understand why he wanted to throw it away. The painting looks great, amazing even. There was nothing displeasing about the art, hell- Philip could even consider it on par with one of the best artists he knows off.


And something changes, it becomes more stiff, quiet like he has said something that he shouldn't. Like a sword in his throat, it pricked ever so slightly.

"Because I said so."

Because I said so.

Philip's breath hitched, eyes widening from the sudden venom that dripped in Japan's voice- acid splattering on his skin, burning but so lucid as his mind buzzed in static. There was silence again, and Japan froze, breathing quiet, yet, heavy.


The weak falter in his posture showed, realizing how he just acted as the East Asian stepped back. His gaze softened but quivering, like a breaking dam. But before Philip could even reply, despite the hoarse tightness of his throat, Japan turned and hurriedly left. Leaving Philip in the precipice of his own emotions.

The painting was still in his hand as he stared at nothing.


Each rugged step never felt so heavy, the halls stilted with static as he sluggishly approached his dorm room. He tried to fix himself, golden and dull eyes trained at the knob with a scrutinizing gaze, as if cursing, whispering, and pleading. He should stop, with a deep breath, collecting his emotions and shoving it down with a small smile, forced with the need to cover it up.

He opened the door to be met...with nothing. Russia wasn't in the living room or at the kitchen, the wave of relief never felt so needed at this moment, without a thought, the Pinoy slumped against the sofa with a deep and exhausted breath. His gaze was heavy, it always was, yearning for sleep but there was an underlying fear within him.

Will he dream of it again? The smell of fire and burning wood that watered his own eyes to desperation? The blistering sensation that overwhelmed him to the point of suffocation?

But - oh- he was so exhausted he couldn't think straight. The sofa was soft, comfy, and so inviting, and without a thought despite his mind screaming of pleads, everything around him turned black and motionless.

And he went off, whatever unconsciousness his mind will give.


The sound of chattering and music filled the golden ballroom, the unmoving and lavish folks lounging around the dance floor was enough for Philip to sit stiffly on one of the empty tables in silence, staring through the crowds in discomfort. Where's Dmitri? The Filipino fidgets in unrest before breathing in deep, slow, and pressured.

Maybe the tall man was gone again, non-existing at this moment. Philip closed his eyes tightly remembering the panic that was set within him when Dmitri didn't show up, how he was on the verge of a panic attack and the anxious terror he felt being left alone in this world.

But the Pinoy breathed out, slow , steady knowing Dmitri would arrive within the dreamscape, is it even a dreamscape? Philip doesn't know anymore. Time passed by quietly as he continued to wait, and wait...and wait...

Yup, he was getting mad-bored right now. He buried his face within the comfort of his own arms that was supported above the table, just wanting to block out the music that somewhat overwhelmed his isolated thoughts

Before he felt a hand touch his shoulder.


Philip nearly screamed his heart out in pure adrenaline shock as he flinched away from the touch, feeling almost burnt by it until he froze, meeting Dmitri's frozen gaze who was hovering above him.


His uttered last like a deflated balloon, eyes wide before scrambling to seat properly, not wanting to look like a hooligan in front of Dmitri. The said man couldn't help but crack a grin as he chuckled deep, creating a type of relief that soothes the Filipino's unease, he missed that voice. 

"Well, hello there to you, Jose." He greeted smoothly, fondly even as he sat down next to the Filipino, his shoulder brushing against him giving his full attention to the Filipino "It's been long since I last saw you." He grinned, gaze narrowing in ease towards his companion.

Philip ignored the way his heart leaped, the proximity close as Dmitri leaned down for his attention. The Pinoy rolled his eyes, smiling softly at him as the tension of wariness melted in reprieve from him, his fingers laced together above the table with a mutter.

"We literally talked yesterday." The tall man can only shrug, putting his hand on his chest in a manner of elegance and teaseful mockery. "What can I say? It felt like forever I've been in your presence." He sounded like a poor wee-lad, rejected by something he wanted to bask within. Philip snorted, covering his mouth- or maybe everything in his expression because he couldn't stop himself from feeling warmth spreading his cheeks.

"Well, I'm here now, don't worry too much." Philip couldn't help but tease, bumping his shoulder against the tall man in a soft manner of casual bliss. Like a blanket covering him in safety from the tiredness, he wanted to bask under the moon like this.

"Yeah, you're here now." There was something in his tone, not the usual fondness but something deep, subtle, like a gentle soothing palm on his cheek. Though, Philip snapped out of such stupor as he leaned away, realizing he was melting beneath the surface. The Pinoy instinctively chuckled nervously, rubbing the back of his nape to calm down.

"Any-who, how's your day, is life life-ing as usual?" He sounded slightly awkward, trying to get back to his feet after such a stumble. Dmitri snorted, leaning his back against the chair as he glanced towards the ballroom with a look of contemplation but amusement. "Really? Life-ing?" The older man seemed subtly delighted with Pinoy's words.

Philip huffed, puffing his chest  defending tooth and nail with his immaculate way of talking. "My way of vocabulary is for the evolved, unfortunately." Dmitri chuckled deep, his arms resting against the table while leaning on it, his gaze fixated on the Southeast Asian with a grin.

"Really? I should feel quite blessed then." Philip's cheeks warmed slightly, it must've been hot today...yeah, that's the only reason. "And to answer your question, It's been a rather interesting day to say the least." Philip tilted his head at the vague words, he couldn't help but push slightly. "Lay it on me, dude." The tall man looked back at him, smiling to indulge his curiosity.

"Fought with someone today." Philip became suddenly concerned, his gaze shifting softly ready to comfort him in anyways before Dmitri interjected with a shit-eating grin "He's an asshole, so don't worry." Oh okay, Dmitri being Dmitri as always. Philip couldn't help but snort. "You should've started with that, I was worried you fought with someone you care about." "What can I say? I love your attention." And for a brief moment, The Pinoy's heart never felt so fast, a familiar feeling he often has around America.

He wasn't able to air out his reply when Dmitri intruded with his own. "...You look tired." His skin suddenly became cold, slightly numb at the older man's admission. Philip tried to stir away from such a robotic emotion, he couldn't handle it, not in front of Dmitri. With a gentle hitch of his breath, as if expelling the fog out of his mind he replied with a light and joking tone.

"Really? Is it that obvious? You must've had x-ray vision figuring that out under my mask." Philip's tone felt strained with positivity, his fingers brushing against the edge of his green mask self-consciously. No, he shouldn't just throw his emotions around like this, it's unfair for Dmitri to hold is suddenly.

"Talk to me about it." Dmitri's voice was soothing, deep, like the sea under the moon- beautiful and terrifying vast of any possibilities under its shore. "Nothing serious, I didn't sleep well." Philip tried again, why is he even trying? It's obvious his exhaustion was not for the lack of sleep. The way his posture was slumped, fingers tangling with one another in anxiousness, and gaze duller than's foolish of him to think Dmitri will not push for an honest talk.


The silence terrifies Philip, did he mess up? Did he just do something wrong? Doubt lingering, tight- it felt suffocating. He needs to apologize, he didn't mean to be like this, to be so- "...The person I mentioned that I fought with...was an old friend of mine." Philip's panic halted, a pause, his gaze shifted to Dmitri, who in turn looked back. It was a look of understanding, of time given to the Filipino to let loose of all things.

"We used to be...bestfriends, but our fathers never liked each other. Due to some fucked up history between them." It was a vulnerable piece given to Philip once again, he remembered their conversation last time where they talked about their siblings, sensitive information meant to be said with the people you most trusted.

"And...I guess it festered within our friendship, I wonder why we became like this, I wonder if things can be different if we were raised with no expectations." Dmitri sighs softly, chuckling weakly with his words, the edges of his eyes crinkling in subtle regret.

"I wish I did so much more..."

Philip couldn't stop himself from finally showing his exhaustion, his tired expression radiating from his posture. Why did he forget? Two of them practically trusted each other at this point, sharing their feelings, sharing their could he forget his only comfort amidst all this noise?

Gently, he bumped his forehead against Dmitri's shoulder, a gesture he often exhibited to his friends, to his family to give comfort that he is here, physical and so very alive for him.

"...And you did your best..."

It was genuine, sincere in its very core as he closed his eyes tiredly. His words made Dmitri silent and the panic of such silence didn't deter him anymore. The quietness reigned for so long until Dmitri chuckled, vulnerable and equally sincere.

"You did too."

It's a simple phrase, so small and yet, so meaningful for Philip. Calming the tides he drowned within earlier to a slow pace of where he can finally see the moon clearly, he couldn't help but smile weakly at Dmitri words, melting down the walls he desperately clawed against.

"...I guess it is also fair for me to talk about my day a bit more clearly." Philip breathed in, still leaning against Dmitri's shoulder as if it was his lifeline. Hearing the man's breathing bought contentment within the fog that slowly drifted away.

"I thought I finally changed, to be better." Weakness, vulnerability, everything. "I was stupid to think I did. I was stupid to think I was." He wanted to cry, but he didn't. He was too numb to do such things, but every emotion, every feeling, was on the verge of exploding but he kept it in as much as he could.

"I wish I was better."

It was self loathing in its purest form, uttering those words was like a confirmation of his deepest flaws. He closed his eyes tightly, realizing he showed too much before he froze when Dmitri shifted away from him, and for a moment- that panic came back if he messed up until he felt a gentle finger under his chin, tilting him up a bit.

It made him look up, seeing the pure warmth in Dmitri's eyes, comfort, acknowledgment, and so much more. "For all my time I have talked to you, Jose. Let me tell you something..." his tone was tender, a gentle click of the low keys of a grand piano that whispered within these lonesome walls, filling it with music.

"You are a wonderful experience to be with."

The tightness in his chest loosened with such words uttering from the man's mouth. Dmitri never failed to make him confused about himself, but it always ended with his heart thumping hard. String being plucked roughly creating something that is both overwhelming in sound but raw. So raw that it left him speechless.

Regardless, he wishes this moment lasts.

He didn't even register that Dmitri held his chin in such a manner of intimacy, only realizing it now when the tall man finally lets go of the Pearl. Philip doesn't know how to reply to words like that, he could only nod mutely, cheeks flushing red, unable to comprehend an interaction so vulnerable. He should've been used to it since they dug deep within their psyche last time but this? It was more intimate than usual.

"Thanks..." Philip weakly spoke, rubbing his palm against his warm cheeks, trying to subtly get rid of the evidence of his flustered state " made me feel better." because it was, the fog, the panic, and the tightness just vanished so easily. He has never been soothed like this before, it was almost addicting.

"What can I say? An eye for an eye." Dmitri mused, Philip noticed his expression still holding that tender look of amusement and...adoration? No, that's a big word. The Pinoy's hand racked through his bangs, another mannerism of his whenever he is flustered.

"You should be a therapist, Dude. I bet you're good at talking to people in this capacity." Dmitri only shrugged lightly, lips curling into a smile of humor to the Asian's words "Ah, I would. but unfortunately, I only give such special treatment to you." Jesus Christ, how many rizz does this man got? Here it goes again, blushing like it was plague season.

"My, I feel so special." "Glad to see my services are of help." they bantered, Philip felt comfortable, safe, each word holding humor but sometimes it held benevolence. But just talking to Dmitri was enough to fill that gap of emptiness that stayed with him when he was awake.

As they continued on, Dmitri's head perked up when a tune of familiar music started playing through the golden ball room. His gaze filtering over the motionless crowd as he stared with a look of recognition and nostalgia, Philip tilted his head to his direction, curious.

"Do you know this song?" He asked softly, liking the tune of the violin that weaved with the piano that played a type of mystical and elegant tune in each chord. Dmitri nodded, a smile slowly growing as a thought popped at the tall man's head. "Yeah, I often dance waltz with it whenever I'm invited to parties back then." The Pinoy was surprised but not utterly shocked, Dmitri does seem like a person who knows such sophisticated culture.

"I assume you dance with a lot of girls then." He teased at his used-to-be gentleman persona, there was a pang of tightness on his chest as he mentioned such possibilities before chucking it out of the window with no time for him to ponder. Dmitri snorted, nodding his head before looking back at the Filipino, there was something in his gaze, a yearn of some sort.

"It was boring, to be honest. But I kind of miss dancing." The older man conceded, Philip hummed in contemplation at his words "I mean, what's stopping you from doing it again?" There was another pause between them, gears silently turning on Dmitri's mind until it finally clicked.

"You're right..." Philip was pleased with his answer, wondering what Dmitri looks like when doing a waltz, or any dance that is deemed classical...

Until his gaze snapped next to Dmitri, seeing a hand hovering in front of him. An offer. His gaze slowly shifted to Dmitri who was standing up in a proper posture before him, his gaze gentle and calm, his other arm folded behind his back.

"Then...would you do the honor of being my first dance?"

Philip was more speechless than ever, cheek reddening, sputtering out words of bashfulness and shock putting a hand above his chest "Me? I am the last person you want to dance with, Dmitri." because he is horrible at dancing, and also- his heart couldn't take it.

But Dmitri, always so persistent, smirked. Smooth with his words "And you're the only person I want to do it with." The Pinoy was baffled, looking up at Dmitri and to his offered hand. His chest was warm, so unbelievably warm in each thump of his heart, thunderous and so loud. His stomach twisting pleasantly by such thoughts of dancing with Dmitri of all people.

And in autopilot, his own palm reaches out, resting against Dmitri's in a hesitant but willing fashion. "Be warned, I am horrible at dancing." Philip smiled at him, cautioning him of such horrible skills of stepping on people's shoes. The tall man didn't seem to mind, if anything- he seemed more excited as he pulled Philip with gentleness to the dance floor.

"Then I'll be there to catch you if such things happen." Standing there in front of Dmitri in the middle of all these people was mind-wracking but at this very moment- as Dmitri placed his hand on Philip's waist, or the gentle hold of his palm guiding him in each step- everything around them didn't matter.

"Hold on to me tight, Jose." His heart thumped loud and so quiet at the same time. The Pearl gripped softly on Dmitri's broad shoulder as the man leaned close to him, his grip stern and warm on the small man's waist sending soft shivers on Philip's spine. He couldn't look away from Dmitri, tranced and bewitched in a state of pure warmth.

The sharp tune of the piano and soft string being plucked through the dance floor made Philip melt under such intimacy in each swift and smooth sway they produced. Dmitri looked down at him, smiling effortlessly in his tenderness, his gaze only on Philip and Philip alone. The Asian doesn't know how to react to such liquifying exhilaration.

Is this what it feels like? To forget your problems and the world itself just to focus on this one moment? Philip couldn't help but giggle as Dmitri twirled him around with the energy of the beat, each step matching his own in a surprising amount of skill but not on par with Dmitri, though, the tall man led him in each hold, in each move to something so sensational.

Dmitri's thumb brushed against his hand, securing his hold on Philip. His hand squeezing delicately on his waist that almost left the Southeast Asian breathless. "You're really good at this..." he breathed out in awe of him. Dmitri hummed deeply, leaning down as he whispered in confession "It's because I have a great dance partner." His tone was rich and hushed as if whispering words of affection for his hearing alone.

The music came to an end and Philip still felt in trance. The air trapped within him finally expelled out of his throat as he calmed down from the high, goosebumps still littered his skin after the electric current of touches.

"That was fun..." he finally uttered, quiet and genuine to Dmitri who continued to hold him despite the music coming to an end "I haven't felt this much enjoyment in ages." The older man's gaze was half-lidded, his words holding truth making Philip feel...special. "Guess you were impressed by my feet stomping abilities." Philip couldn't help but joke, about to let go of Dmitri's hand before he noticed the reluctance of the man's hold from being separated, but he eventually let's go of the Asian.

"You didn't even stomp my feet once, I think you're a natural." Flushed from his compliment, Philip puffed his chest once again "It's because you're a great lead" The grin in Dmitri's face widened, snickering in enjoyment "Oh? Are we really having a compliment battle here?" "Don't push your luck." Philip grumbled fondly, his hand playfully pushing against the taller man's shoulder while snorting.

Dmitri leveled his hands up across his chest in a spirited line of defense. "I like pushing your luck, seeing you flustered is rewarding." Is Philip really that obvious? He glared at Dmitri with no heat behind his gaze, "I'm heading out to the music room, I'm leaving you." he grumbled, walking past him in a flushed and grumbling hurry while Dmitri laughed warm-hearted at Philip's fond state as he followed behind, finally walking next to him with a grin of deep teasing contentment.

"Unfortunately, we're stuck here together." Philip sighs at Dmitri's words, both light and jokingly upset. Yes, together, he doesn't mind such thoughts at all. "Unfortunately." He uttered softly, both of them heading to their safe place as they bantered through the way.


Philip breathed out a gentle groan of exhaustion he stirred awake on the sofa. His gaze was blurry and obscure as he stared up at the white ceiling of his dorm in a groggy state, the warmth and delicate feeling still there creating the most pleasant morning for Philip. He couldn't help but yearn for sleep again, to see Dmitri and just stay with him for a little longer, but real life just sucks as always- well- maybe just a bit.

Philip was about to seat up before realizing something was draping on top of him, his fingers curled against the fluffy fabric in confusion finally sitting up to inspect it, his gaze turned to the light blue pillow he was laying his head earlier...He remembered sleeping without these, he was so ready waking up with cold skin and a sore neck but it seemed like someone cared enough give him such comfort.

Slowly, his gaze shifted at him and Russia's room, and warmth fluttered in his chest as he smiled gently. Yeah, this day might turn out to be something good.


Author Note's

Hmm...Hello there, how are you? doing well? doing shit? yeah same. So a lot of things happened if you are interested in knowing dear reader, I am finally a University Student, dying in the BS Psychology course, lotsa Sigmund Freud talk there, and alotta of sex is good talk here.

Anyways, because of that, there might be some spice here and there because I am legal enough to get arrested for tax evasion.

aNYWAYS! Here are some fanarts made for the fanfic! I just found out about it now because I revisited my old Instagram account and LOW AND BEHOLD some people created art for it and I feels horrible, therefore, here are some beautiful pieces.  

I love it! the art style of amazing and it has a cozy vibe for it! Thank you for the fanart!

Your art really improved alot! I looks pretty and soothing to look at! thank you for such an amazing piece!

Any-who! thank you for sticking by!

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