Remnant - Pandemic Agenda

By jaysheen94

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In the aftermath of a cataclysmic global nuclear war, the world lay in ruins, its survivors grappling with th... More

Chapter. 1
Chapter. 2
Chapter. 3
Chapter. 4
Chapter. 5
Chapter. 6
Chapter. 7
Chapter. 8
Chapter. 9
Chapter. 10
Chapter. 11
Chapter. 12
Chapter. 14
Chapter. 15
Chapter. 16
Chapter. 17
Chapter. 18

Chapter. 13

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By jaysheen94

Jacob didn't listen to anything and he was just gone; Omar couldn't say anything to him he just stood there and watched and went out of the door. But deep inside he was worried for him; when he was still waiting for him maybe he changed his mind and might come back. He realizes what kind of danger he is stepping in; although he sounds much immune to all kinds of danger right now after his little meet-up with those men inside that old factory.

They all sound so unrealistic, the video they show to Jacob can be fake and it can be made up. But the real question was why would they do so and how come they already know about these things, there must be more of these around Rosharps might be hunting them down or collecting them in their zoo.

Omar tried several times on Jacob's phone but it was out of reach. Omar has no idea what to do now, although he remembers Jacob always talked about his big brother in the sector but he didn't have his land line or cell-phone number; Jacob never gave it to anyone. Omar was worried and curious at the same time, he thought arcane was spreads all over the globe right now there must be someone who knows about his brother.

Omar came back to his desk and opened his laptop. Arcane was already logged in because the prophet didn't allow him to logout; they were keeping him inside the system, just to make sure that he didn't login again with a masked identity.

Omar created a post and sent it as an open message to everyone.

The post reads, "If anyone knows Jack Miller from sector he has a farmhouse name Sugar salt stone pasture. If anyone knows to ask him to contact his brother he is in trouble."

No answer; he was waiting there might be someone who knows about him because he was in EX-U.P.E but most of the people on arcane are against U.P.E and if they find out that the inventor of arcane, has direct links with EX-U.P.E, the Jacob will be the most hated person of Arcane to keeping his followers in dark.

Back after half an hour there was a message popped up on screen some random user wrote a post to him, that sector was quarantined and the communication system was down.

Omar wrote a reply, "if the communication is down then how would you know its current status?"

Another user appeared with the same information he wrote a reply, "there is some kind of a fever spread in the sector and U.PE took over the sector."

This information sounds quite convincing about the fever, if they were talking about the fever it means they must know something else about it; because right now there are only two leads about it first was Jacob and second was the prophet.

Omar wrote, "What do you know about this fever? How it spread in the sector? And post it within the same chat.

"We have no clue how it is spread, but a random patient appeared at the medical bay, they were treating him without knowing what happened to him but he attacked and broke the arm of the chief doctor and ran away into Freeland territories."

"Only one case or there are many more?" wrote Omar.

"No it was just one case in the morning but after that we heard there was another little girl who got the fever." the same user replied in the post.

Jacob was talking about a girl that must be her; after a minute another user confirms the quarantine news he also asked to share some pictures Omar allowed him to do so. The user uploaded some pictures in the post.

Omar opens the first picture, he sees a heavily armed division of U.P.E around the main gates of the sector. In the next picture all the scanners were turned red; that was a clear indication of quarantine and there was a man standing next to that with a gun in his hand and behind him his squad with a railer.

In the third picture, a burned down building is completely destroyed, it looks like a farm. All the fields behind it were burned. The caption of those photos said Saltstone pasture, Jack Miller's farm..

"Where is the owner of that form?" Omar wrote a reply to that user who uploaded the pictures.

The same user wrote, "Jack is the declared fugitive by Captain Waylon and he took the patient and ran away into the Freeland he broke the curfew. Waylon sent a few of his men to follow him; God knows he's dead or alive now."

It was a real unexpected news for Omar, that was the only hope that he has right now and according to that user they don't have idea where the Jack is right now and he was declared fugitive, and top of all is alive or not that is the biggest mystery even for Arcane users from the sector. Now Omar have to find some other to find out about Jacob.

If Omar's speculation is right and those guys who met Jacob in the factory were covered U.P.E operatives then Jacob is no more; they might track him because of his brother. Omar was sitting totally blank right now. He had no idea what to do; normally it was Jacob that always took the initiative. He just followed him. This time he took his initiative for himself and excluded him from it.

In a situation like that, Omar usually takes herbal refreshments that helps him a lot to overcome his anxiety but that refreshment puts him out for at least twelve hours. He can't afford sleep like that, as his palms were getting sweaty elevated breath and an increase in heart rate makes his body shiver right now in all that panic situation, Omar was forcing his brain to think of finding some link that can help him to reach Jacob.

It was very hard for him to control his urge for his herbal treatment dose. He kept pulling himself, controlling, overcoming and losing again. If the shivers kept going like that he had no choice but to take it and eventually blackout for twelve to fourteen hour. Meanwhile he was struggling with himself, a message pop-ups on the screen of his laptop, it was another random user who sent him the message that read "Jack and his friend the Spanish fella is still alive, They are in the custody of Kaden able."

When Omar read that he instantly replied, "what about the little girl with him? Where is she now?"

"She is in a bad condition, her fever has gotten worse," the user wrote.

If he was saying everything is true then it leads Omar to mark this user as a suspect to be one of the insurgents or at least he or she is an ally of the man named Kaden Able. Just to try his luck Omar typed a message, "who are you? And how come you all know this thing? You're not from the sector or quarter, you must from the free-lands."

The user didn't reply after that, Omar's speculation came true now that he or she was from the free land. Jack is in great trouble because he was in the custody of insurgents and when Jacob told them about the whole story to UPE, they will command an attack on the free-lands. They won't ask him about the girl or how he got into the free-lands; after the railer finishes their job UPE surely go there to clean their footprints, and if they found Jack they might consider him as a collateral damage.

This is not good, it's just a matter of time that they tortured Jacob and he will say everything, There is only one person that can help, right now and Omar knows that she will help when it's come to Jacob Zoe is very possessive. She will come out of her hole and do something.

Omar moved towards his laptop and ran the global location setup In his laptop. He was tracking Zoey's Phone number. The service was showing random locations from the same number. It's like some kind of encryption that randomly changes her number's location. The government numbers are secure Omar forgot about that so he decided to run the number through Arcane service, when he entered the number a message pops up on the screen it was from Prophet it reads, "don't do it they will see you."

"I don't care Jacob is in hell of a trouble right now because of you," Omar replied right away.

"Don't say I didn't warn you." the prophet wrote a reply to Omar.

"Just lemme do my fuckin' thing, I don't need your help to find my friend," Omar replied and close the message box.

Omar hits the enter key on the keyboard After a few seconds of processing the system showed the location of Zoe's number at his father's house. Omar was convinced that she would get Jacob out of that place so close the laptop grabbed his keys of the red Chariot and ran down in the basement to meet Zoey at her father's house.


The whole quarter looks different; everything has changed there are UPE guards all over the place, in every corner of the block. They were patrolling with heavy armor and weapons; looking like they were on ready for something but what. Omar never saw this kind of panic patrolling since the time of his childhood; when there was the war between people and Rosharps; they were against the sector and quadrant system; their demand was equal right for everyone from clever price. Omar must keep driving in the way as GPS guides him because he has never been to Zoe's father's house and making any wrong move will attract UPE attention.

How bad it could be the area in government residential grounds, Jacob has been there a couple of times but he never gets in trouble. If he can then why Omar can't do it right now. There was a point where Omar saw some of the doctors or technicians collecting some kind of samples from different places. The UPE guards created a perimeter around him so no one could get close to them and see what they were actually up to. The most amazing thing about this whole drill what's that there was no media around them. This was not a new thing for Omer because he knew the media would say what clever praise narrated to them to say in the evening bulletin. Omar leaned forward and looked towards the sky from his windscreen; the drones were hovering over the city and those were not surveillance drones. Those were the assault drones, the same one that was usually used for operations in free-land or to capture runaways. Omar wonders what they are doing inside the quarter; these things never flew in the quarter they were designed to go into the radioactive zones; but if they are here, then there is something way deep that they need to cover.

Passing the main road and through the surveillance of different checkpoints around a quarter Omar finally reaches government residential grounds. But he wasn't expecting this kind of a welcome here, there were much more force deployed in here they were more armed and they have wireless uplink installed; means they are not just an ordinary military unit, these are special tactic seals the Black Metal that operate directly under Rosharps. Omar slows down his car to twenty and now he is slowly crossing the road as his GPS indicates, he was not far from Zoey's father's house. Every guard around the checkpoint was looking at him because most of the people who live here work directly for the government or for Rosharps. They never saw a civilian car on these grounds. When he was about to reach Zoe's father house a petrol in car overtake him out of nowhere and stopped right in front of him with a screeching break; the guards standing at the back of the patrolling van appointing him to pullover on the side, Omar instantly obeyed without any resistance at all.

The guard came off the van, got close to the driving side window and knocked on the mirror, "what's your business here?"

"I was actually here to see my friend, "Omar answered in a very subtle tone.

"Are you sure you are not lost here?" asked the guard.

"No, I am actually here to see Zoey Clifford; she works for the diplomatic information wing at Rosharps," again maintaining the tone.

The guard walked away from the window and stood in front of the car, he contacted someone on the wireless on his shoulder and after a few minutes he came back again, "I'm sorry sir but you are not allowed to go further from this point, please turn around for the vehicle and go back." The order was crystal clear for Omar.

"Okay but what's going on just let me talk to her once and I'll go," Omar tried his luck.

"Sir your friend is not here and you are already stepping into a secure area without any proper permission. I ask you one more time to go back now," said guard, and unbutton the gun holster on his right thigh.

"Okay I'm not pushing it but if you find her or if you contacted her then please tell him that Jacob was here to see her," Omar lied, he that's the last thing he came up with after he noticed that things will get messy.

"Okay I tell her if I find her, now move," said the guard.

Omar knows that he had pushed the guard far enough to break his calmness, and he knows the guard won't tell her even if he finds her; right now he just wanted him to be gone. Omar reversed his car and began driving to go back to his building; meanwhile he noticed that the medical bay in the government residential grounds is off-line.

That was not a good sign if the medical bay is off-line then there is no doctor inside and no doctor inside means the area is empty. Rosharps never deploys any doctor or medical facility in a vacant territory. He passed through the gates of residential grounds and on the way back to the home, but before going home he decided to make a turn towards Block B.

He had no idea why he did that. Maybe his curiosity keeps pushing me around because he never saw this kind of security in the quarter before. The block is empty most of the people belonging to the GORE division of Rosharps live here. Passing through the middle Road, houses on both sides were locked, there were no kids outside or any people walked on the side roads, no dogs popping or pissing on the poles; "Where are you all," Omar mumbled.

They can't make people disappeared in the night, there must be something fishy around here Omar slow down his car and began to inspect his soundings after a while he found most of the houses have some kind of a special knock on their doors like they were sealed; there must be people inside but they don't have permission to come out. Rosharps must be arranging food and water for them at their doorstep but what about other quarter residential they never gave them any kind of intimation about it; means we are no better than people in the sector we are just working resources for them because we are not inside the inner circle of Rosharps universe. Omar put his foot on the gas and bolted from this area. He wasn't just in a hurry to reach his home because what he witnessed right now somebody on the Arcane knows about it.

Whatever it is, it happened last night because nobody was discussing it on Arcane today. They were posting about closing the blocks but if it's the lock down. And where are all the people right now.

On the way back home Omar took a few turns right and left just to explore more, at the near exit of the block Omar spotted a media van. But they were not the real media; they were some freelance reporters who hunted for evening spice. They were here waiting for someone or something whatever that is it might be something of importance. They usually don't waste their time or their efforts because most of the UPE were after them since they were not licensed by any media house. They were considered as a public menace. Omar drove close to them and pulled over his car right next to the big black van.

"Yo dude," Omar yelled to get the attention of the van driver, "what's going on here is a movie shooting or something."

"Buzz of fatso, it's none of your business here go on," the driver in the van said rudely.

"Come on man you are from the media guys right you have those cameras and microphones set ups." Omar pretends that he is just like a media fan, "Can you put me on tv?"

One of the men came close to the car window and said, "Look man, we are on business right now and if you don't get Outta here soon you will get some serious ass whooping right here right now You got me?"

"We are cool, it's cool okay I'm going I'm leaving," Omar turned on the ignition and moved this car away from the location and after some distance he parked it again came out of the car Check out what is actually going on. Slowly he slowly began to move towards the media van keeping safe distance just to get a better view.

After a minute or two, a man came out of the house. He was wearing a Rosharps medical facility uniform. He must be the doctor from that medical bay. The man standing next to the ran get close to doctor and began to ask something but you didn't reply I was keep asking and he was keep pushing him back then the doctor sits in the car and he drove way.

He knows all these media guys are looking for something but what? And why the medical staff they were after? It's like they know about the fever or the infection whatever it is. Omar has to inform everyone on the Arcane and find out if anyone knows about it as soon as he gets back into this apartment.


It was her first time sitting in a military assault vehicle but it is not her choice; she was here because she was charged for helping a rebel and breaking the curfew. Her hands were tied behind her. The cuffs were tight that slowed her blood flow to the palms; she barely felt her fingers and palms. They covered her eyes with a special goggle that was designed specifically to block high intensity rays during the usage of a railer gun.

She can hear the voice of Waylon; he was giving directions to his man cracking jokes over what they did in the sector. They all sound like a monster, inhuman; they don't even care what they did back there, for them people in the sector were just like cattle. One of the guards was telling a story about his last operation when he had an old man try to resist and pull out his 1976 Vincent-smith gun; it was antique. He knows it's not going to work but he was still trying to threaten with that relic in his shivering hands.

Another guard sitting next to Mira came up with same story; it was about an old lady who try to push and beat him with his walking stick, they all have a same ending, all those who resist against UPE were thrown out of the sector; either they will survive out there or not once they breach the rules they were pushed onto the mercy of Freeland.

"Tiro check If she is still with us or not?" Waylon asked from the guards sitting in front of Mira.

"Yap boss she is breathing," the guard replied, "She is a tough whore"

Waylon whirl his head back to look at Mira, "come on man treat her like a lady, and can you please remove this goggle so she can look around at least," Waylon ordered.

The guard sitting in front of Mira removes the goggles from her face, grabs her jaw and pushes and lifts her head, "I think she's dehydrating sir."

"Well don't just sit there give her some water," said Waylon, "What are you? An animal? She is a human, we should take care of her and that's why we are here in the force to serve and protect." all of the guards look at each other and laugh hysterically. The guards sitting in front of her put a bottle near his lips, Mira drank it like a camel until the bottle was finished.

"Wow she was thirsty captain, she finished the whole bottle right away," said the guard.

"Relax Tiro, we are almost here," said Waylon.

The vehicle was moving smoothly, no more bumps, no sudden jerks and breaks. She can feel the speed of the wheels underneath her seat. It's like the truck was somewhere in a well-constructed area.

"Where are you taking me you son of bitch," Mira asked, "Let me go you bastard."

She tries to stand up, but the guard in front of her and on the side grabs her instantly.

"Come on you should work on your manners," said Waylon gazing at Mira from the back view mirror, "this is not the way a Lady talks with an officer, especially who can put a bullet right into your head between the eyebrows."

"Just do it then;I don't fucking care what are you," said Mira.

"Nah, bullets are way too expensive to waste on a whore like you, but look like it's your lucky day."

"What the fuck are you talking about?" asked Mira.

Waylon asks the guard sitting in front of the mirror to slide open the windows right behind the head of Mira. When the window opens a bright light comes inside the truck, Mira turns her head and looks outside through that window. She was in the Quarter, the main command quarter connected to her sector. she never been here all these years, she was out in the sector for so long that she forgot how to command a quarter look from inside.

The roads are much smoother, there are trees, and Gardens, beautiful lights everywhere, clean houses and most of all there are shelters to protect from sun rays passing through everywhere. She realized that sectors were designed to make them feel like a free man, to think you feel like a freeman, but in reality those were slave's territories.

Your only job is to fulfill the needs and requirements of Rosharps, so that people here inside the command quarter can live happy and comforting lives. People in the free-land, the so-called dwellers, were right. They are treating us like an animal people in the sector residents are just labors to facilitate their standard of living, it all clear for Mira now in just few glimpse of quarter.

"Looks like somebody is lost in the lights of the city," said Waylon.

Mira didn't reply to him, she kept looking outside. After a few turns the truck enters into the tall building. The truck directly went into the basement passing through the many patrolling units around the road where there are checkpoints.

Mira noticed that Waylon has some kind of a reputation or just his designation everybody seems to recognize him around here. Inside the basement of the building where most of the other UPE trucks were parked around they stopped right in front of an elevator. All the guards along with Mira came out of the truck first checked the surrounding and then Waylon stepped out of the truck from the passenger side.

"Welcome to the Grounds of Research and Enhancements," Waylon introduces the tower to Mira "here we do all kinds of crazy shit you can't imagine and I am sure you will enjoy the rest of the circus around."

Waylon and his men pushed Mira into the elevator and selected the top floor. It was moving fast towards up although she was surrounded by the guards but still one of the guard behind her placed his gun on her ribs telling her that she don't have to do anything funny or stupid.

The elevator door opened into a hall in which the walls were made of glass. It was a very wide space where there were people in the white lab coats, more like a medical staff sitting in the different rooms inspecting, observing and reading stuff.

Mira was looking forward to see where this journey ends. The guard keeps pushing her as she slows down to look around. The Waylon was leading them directly into an office; the nameplate on the door on the door reads "Dr Wes Kemp head of operations G.O.R.E division." He opens the door and enters along with Mira. The guards were waiting outside the office.

"It's about time you showed up, what you got for me captain?" asked Wes Kemp.

"The sector is sanitized but we had a little glitch," said Waylon.

"What kind of a glitch captain?"

"Two of the men escaped into the free-lands, he also took one of the subjects with them." Waylon reported with a guilt in his voice.

"I wasn't expecting that from you captain, they told me that you are the best in sanitization."

"I assure I am the best Sir, but he was not a civilian, he was an ex-UPE, Special Forces divisional retired officer."

"Did you I'D him?" Wes Kemp asked.

"No need for that sir, I already know him; his name is Jack Miller and he was running a farm in the sector."

"Why didn't you secure the subject and how come he knows about the subject?"

"They didn't know anything Sir," said Waylon, "they were hiding the subject, when we found out they were already gone."

Wes Kemp picks his tablet device from his desk and searches in the database with the name Miller, Jack Special Forces division retired. From the search result a profile matched appeared on the screen. After reading all the details Wes Kemp a smile shines on his face.

"Sir I want you to allow me to take the strike force and sanitize the free-land connected with all the sectors."

"That won't be necessary captain," said Wes Kemp, "he will come to us sooner or later."

"I don't understand sir, how or why?"

"This ex-UPE friend of yours, the guy who ran away, we have his brother Jacob Miller here in our custody in the building. Spread the word and make sure that he came to us and then I will tell you what to do with both of them."

"And what about her sir?" Waylon asked.

Wes Kemp looked towards Mira with disgusted feeling, "Put her inside the cage we need more life subject to work she will come handy," said Wes Kemp, "Now you can leave and take that filth with you."

Waylon grab Mira's from her arm and dragged her out of the room and begin to walk towards the elevator, Mira resist tried to pulled her arm from his grip, "Let me go you fucking idiot where you taking me now?"

"Right where you belong; in the shit hole," Waylon was upset because he was expecting that Doctor will allow him to take the strike force and clear up all the free-land but the plan goes wrong.

They have to stay here in the building and wait for Jack to come.

Couple of floors down in the elevator, Waylon and his men took Mira onto the prison floor; there were different rooms with the steel bars doors and a weird kind of number on them. They were like prison cells. Walking down the hallway Waylon and his men took Mira to the section C of the cells where Jacob and Remesh were already locked in a cell. They pushed her inside the opposite cell and locked the door.

Waylon turns towards Jacob, "Well well well look like you already had a company here; You have a rebel's blood in you as well you little rat but we are trained to kill rats like from society."

"I am sorry do I know you?" asked Jacob.

"You will; enjoy it while you can once the doctor gives me the permission I will personally take care of both of you, not talking about you," Waylon pointed towards Ramesh, "I meant you and your brother."

For the moment Jacob had no clue how come his guy knows about his brother, maybe he is also from special force but how come he recognized him. He never met any of Jack's friends in these last five years but how come he knew about him and his brother.

Jacob and Ramesh both came close to the bar to see who's inside the opposite cell. It was a woman. She has some bruises on her shoulders and arms her nose was bleeding, she was wearing a sector tag on her wrist. They both look at each other, and thought she might be of some worth that's why she was still alive,

"I wonder what's her side of the story," said Remesh, "I hope it was not about the fever."


Mira wasn't expecting this kind of a welcome in the command quarter. She was a kid when she was thrown out in the sector and lived with a foster family. After 25 years she came back here; everything was different around here. But it doesn't matter now, people of command quarter and everything else around here are living on mercy of Rosharps.

Whoever lives inside here is more of a slave than any of the people in the sector. The people in the building and the guards are ruling over the residents by all means.

She looked around. It was a small cell six feet wide all side, maybe ten feet high ceiling, fully lighted with white fluorescent lights and there was just one mattress on the floor. It felt like a cage, a bird-cage we usually have in our house. Now she realizes how a canary feels in the cage, when people standing outside watching it and enjoying the view of its slavery. No one understands what the canary was saying.

But it doesn't matter now she was stuck here and she has no way back to the sector; where her foster home and her kids are waiting for her. They were alone there, they're still under curfew, the polls were glowing red the last time she remembered, the surveillance drone hovering over the houses. If it locates any movement outside it will open fire. Machines don't differentiate whether there is a woman, man or children all they know is to follow the protocol.

"Psst! Hey lady."

Mira heard a voice outside her cell. She got up from her mattress and came closer to the bars. "What do you want," Mira asked.

In a first glimpse she recognizes the eyes and the hair color; they both have the same hazel brown hair color Jack and Jacob have many resemblance.

"So you from the sector right?" Jacob asked, "I'm just curious how that gorilla knows so much about me?"

"He was in the squad with your brother, and the in charge of this place above this floor has ID you and your brother," said Mira.

"What it has to do with my brother, he is just a farmer now," said Jacob, "he is in isolation for a long time, why is this man talking about him here?"

"I know your brother is a good man," said Mira, "we both are from the same sector, but now it has been quarantined and sanitized by that gorilla; his name is Captain Waylon, Special Forces sanitizing operations."

"What do you mean by sanitization? What exactly do they sanitize?" asked Ramesh.

"I'm sorry but the fuck are you? You don't look like sector residential," asked Mira.

"No ma'am, I am Dr. Ramesh Gowda I work for GORE Division," Ramesh replied.

"You fucking idiot what kind of a thing you are making inside here," Mira told and kick the bars hard, "killing all those innocent people out there in the sector are you guys experimenting on us."

"Hey that a lie, we never did this; can't you see we are also victim here," said Remesh.

"Victim my ass, then what this prison was built for?" asked Mira.

"I have no idea about this place, they never let me go anywhere else accept my floor," said Remesh.

"Fucking Classic Rosharps narrative, _ we have no idea that it will happen_ they train you well I must say," said Mira sarcastically.

"Okay then enlighten us, what do you know that we are hiding or don't know?" Jacob asked.

"Mira told them the whole story from Gerry's wife to Lily and Jack and how he escaped. She also told her that Waylon burned his brother's farm. It was a shock to hear that because Jack loved his farm as a memory of their father. Both Jacob and Ramesh were all ears and listening to her.

"So you have no contact with his brother after that?" Remesh asked,

"What kind of a moron are you?" said Mira, "I am fucking stuck here like you."

"That's mean he was out there in the free land with a girl in his truck." Jacob said.

This was a really shocking moment for Jacob because he never expected this kind of an action from his brother; usually he was a wise one who made decisions with his wisdom and experience.

"I have no idea what is going on between your brother and that son of a bitch but I have to get outta here; my kids are alone in the sector they need Me." said Mira.

"Yes that is what we are trying to find out," said Ramesh, "but all of our stories are pointing in the same direction."

Mira turns towards Remesh, "And what is that?"

"This thing, the fever or the infection or whatever that is, Rosharps and UPE both of them are trying to contain it, but I have no idea where to start." said Remesh.

"What's the point here?" asked Jacob.

"All I'm saying here right now they will do whatever it takes to control it; they are terminating all the possible witnesses and evidence." Remesh continued.

"So you are saying they will kill us too?" Mira asked.

"Nop, if they want to kill us we all are in a body bag right now and not having our little chit chat," Ramesh replied, "they keep us alive for a reason."

"Stop playing games, and tell us what they want?" Jacob snapped,"My brother is out there okay they were sitting trapped here to catch him."

"Your brother doesn't know you are here," said Remesh, "he won't be coming here."

"The man up there asked Waylon to spread the word that you are here in their custody," said mira.

"Oh God, and he will come for then," said Remesh, "shit."

Jacob grab Remesh from the shoulder, "can you open or hack this lock? I mean you are working here for so long you must know something about it."

"I told you I've never been to this floor, and I am a doctor not a professional criminal that knows how to escape from the prison," Remaesh said, "Now let me go."

"I have an idea, stand aside," said Jacob, he took a few steps back and ran and kicked the door lock with his full force. A loud thumb echoed across the hall, But it didn't affect the door a bit.

"Idiot, what are you doing," said Mira, "they will hear us and if they find out what we are up to then we are all dead."

"Look man I don't want to disappoint you but the thing is that these bars and the lock are made of high-grade steel," said Ramesh," in simple words you cannot just kick it open, and if somehow you did, there are multiple cameras in the hall they will see us escaping and I don't know if you have noticed or not they are heavily armed and we have nothing to defend yourself and I don't even know how to use a gun." said Remesh in one breath.

Jacob and Mira look at each other, they know Ramesh was right there is no way in hell that they can escape.

"You're right we need to think of something," said Mira.

"Do I have a choice?" Jacob asked sarcastically.

Jacob was thinking about the plan, since Remesh wanted to get out of this as much as Mira wanted it. All of them are willing but no one wants to do any stupidity that can cause them or their family cost. All three took their corner and waited for any chance or window of opportunity to help them.

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When a virus turns people into flesh hungry zombies, the survivors must band together in any hope of escape. Only this virus is man-made and the perp...