My Blue Punk

By Eri_cham_

2K 35 11

Mikey was hated by his family from the moment he was born. He was raised beliveing he was all alone but, afte... More

prologe (1)
prologe (2)


130 2 1
By Eri_cham_

It's been three months since Mikey changed school and not much has changed... Well... Not at all.
Mikey's relationship with his dad was the same, it even got worst since they acctualy got into a figth. Of course Yoshi won, leaving mikey preatty messed up. The good things is that now all mikey's siblings acctually tryed to help him and stoped excluding him or treating him badly.
Mikey also started to learn how to play the electric guitar and toured out to be preatty good, he memorised all the chords in three weeks and since then he has just been practicing none stop, his father even atempted to breack his guitar to stop him from making noice (then's when they got into a figth).

With the punks, mikey was inseparable from them. He even started to stay some weekands over and even douring the week as well. The punk's grandma didn't had any issue since she loved that kid and also knew what was he going through. Somehow she "adopted" him as one more or her family.
MC and him became the best friends, usualy mikey sleeps with him when he gets to stay at their house. With Rabel and Ghost everything was fine, they acted brotherly like with him. Finally, things were a bit diferent with Swift but not in a bad way...
So, recently mikey finally accepted he did like Swift... He really, really likes him... But he wasn't ready to tell him yet. He hasn't told anyone about it!!
At this point you may ask, why? Why didn't him say something? Well... Mikey was... Afraid. After all that has happend to him this was really hard to proces. His last relationship ended up horribly and he isn't sure if he's ready for any of it yet... He loves Swift but he still has the feeling he's tygth with chains. Adam left a bigger trauma in him that mikey didn't even realised... And adding the constant abuse and poor relationship with his dad... This was going to take a while, to get over it.

Today Mikey was staying at the punk's for a long weekend, three whole days of having fun, playing videogames and joking with his best buddies. He was really exited!! He took his guitar with him and his notebook as well, he wanted to show their friends his new skills with the guitar and his notebook was always stuck with him. He wasn't riscking leaving it at home, it won't happend again.
He also took some cloths and his homework to do it with MC. He made sure to hide well his cigarrets even thoug his family already knew about that little secret. Before leaving he said good bye to all his sibblings and walked passed his father just to make sure he got pissed for not telling him good bye.

Once he got at his new friends house he was greeded just by MC. That was weird...

MC: yo dog!! I'm happy you'll staying here three whole days with us!!!

Mikey: me two man!! Where are the rest of the people here? Are they ghosts now?

MC: na dud, Rabel and Ghost went to help grandma with the shopping and Swify had a client this morning for a tattoo. Wanna leave your stuff in my bed room?

Mikey: hell yeah! And when are they coming back?

MC: well, swift will probably come first. The rest may be out all morning and half asternoon. Our grandma really likes shopping but she's slow as a snail.

Mikey: poor Rabel and Ghost, haha!

MC: oh, rigth, i gotta tell you!! We'll get to cook our own meals dog! Grandma's going on a little vacation after the shopping. She's going with her friends to a hotel so we got this place to our selves!!!

Mikey: no way!! Really!?

MC: yes!!! That's why they went shopping, to make sure we had enough of everything!!

They celevrated going up and down while giggeling and planning all kind of dum things to do. Mikey left his things on MC's room while MC went to take some snacks. As he was weiting he walked in  the room next door which was Swift's. He opened the door slowly and his face got a bit red thinking he coukd ask to sleep one nigth with him... Or would it be too creepy and obvious?
He walked in and took a shirt that was nicely folded on the bed, he brougth it closer to his face and smelled it. Just like him....

MC: what ya doin'?

Quickly, mikey tourned around and hide the shirt behind his back, as if nothing wrong was going on. MC laugthed at that knowing exacly what was mikey doing.

MC: you can keep his shirt if you want to, i ain't telling him.

Mikey: really?

MC: of course man, but you take something, you leave something.

He seid this last things as a joke, Mikey didn't took it as if. He quikly almost ripped off his own green shirt with an orange happy face on yye frong and put on Swift's. He then folded his shirt and left it on the bed nicely and tidy. As if nothing had happend. The shirt was a nice dark stone blue with a white and even darker shade of the same blue. The design was a flower (darker stone blue) inside a skull (white). It was bigger on the back and smaller on the front, located above the heart. There was also a sentence wroten on the flowerpot: "you reap what you sow". The shirt was clearly too big for him, but he didn't care.

MC: oh boy, i can not belive you hahaha! Come here dog, we gotta talk about this. You gotta spill the beans or else i'm gonna tourn crazy. Why this sudden urge to tacke Swift's cloths?!

Mikey thought for a moment, he even hesitated but at the end he told MC everything, he made sure they were in his room so they had more privacity... He told MC how he had a huge crush on Swift now but he was afraid of haveing a relationship. He told him he had some bad issues that were direcly related to trauma and that he wasn't ready for any of that yet.
They kept talking for about an houer before deciding to change their activity since mikey was starting to feel uncomfortable. Mikey showed MC his guitar, it was the first time he brougth it there. He even played some drafts he made while practicing. MC was impressed, he couldn't belive how good was mikey in only three months. He even stood up and danced (poorly to be funny).

MC: wow mikey, you really are good in this! Have you tryed to make a song using the littel drafts you made?

Mikey: i wish, but i don't have the best voice to sing. Besides, its just a hobby...

MC: no! It's cooler then that Angelo! You are really good at this! You just need to sincronate your music with your heartband lyrics!

Mikey: and... How am i sopose to do that exacly?

MC: i have no idea! But i know you are more then capable of it mikey-

A sudden ring of a phone cut MC's sentance as he quikly took his phone. He picked it up after seeing the number.

MC: sorry, give me a sec- Hi steeven!! Yeah, i got your book over here-...... you need it now? Can't you weit until one of my brothers gets home? I got a friend here and i don't wanna leave him alone and-..... oh... Ok, i'll be there in twenty. Bye.

He hung up the call and took a book from his desk. It was a preatty thick book about basic maths.

Mikey: so?

MC: sorry dog, steeven, a friend of mine, gave me this book two weeks ago to help me do my homework and now he needs it urgent. I'll go drop it to his house and i'll be back in less then an houer. I'm sorry bro.

Mikey: oh, no worryes! This is the perfect oportuniy to find where you keep your secret stash of snacks!

MC: good luck finding it!

After that conversation mikey found himslef alone. He thought about what MC seid about his skills. He passed the pages until he stoped at one that he's been wroking on for weeks... One on which he tryed to show how he felt...

He softly held his guitar and started playing some chords, the ones he felt where the rigth ones...

He played a cupple of thoes before starting reading the lyrics. Well... Honestly he put so much time on thoes whords he had them almost memorised.

Title: "a Silent missing breath"

Verse 1:
In the silence of the night, I drown,
Beneath the weight of memories that hound.
A whispered touch, a stolen breath,
Leaves scars unseen, a living death.

Silent screams echo within,
A silent plea, a hidden sin.
Yearning to break free from the pain,
Yet bound by shadows, I remain.

Verse 2:
Behind closed doors, I suffocate,
In the darkness, I navigate.
A past that haunts, a love turned sour,
Leaves me questioning my own power.

Silent screams echo within,
A silent plea, a hidden sin.
Yearning to break free from the pain,
Yet bound by shadows, I remain.

Your arms offer warmth, a fragile shield,
Yet the wounds within refuse to yield.
Trapped in a labyrinth of fear and doubt,
I search for an exit, an escape route.

Though the night may seem endless, the dawn will rise,
Bringing hope, dispelling lies.
I'll find my voice, I'll break the silence,
And reclaim my life, free from violence.

Silent screams echo within,
A silent plea, a hidden sin.
Yearning to break free from the pain,
Yet bound by shadows, I remain.

The song was slow. His voice was a little shaky as he felt thoes words leave his mouth... He was singing about how his old relationship messed up his wish of haveing a new one with Swift... And how scared he was to try to get over it.
He didn't want to, but some tears scaped his eyes. With this song it always happends. This wasn't the firsts lyrics he wrote but for sure were ones of the most hard to sing... And not because there was any special tecnic.
When he was finished he put the guitar aside... And then he heared a clapping.
Scared, he tourned around and saw Swift leaning beside the door, looking at him with a sad smile.

Mikey: h-hey... How long have you been here?

Swift: enough to know i'm dying to know when are you droping the album.

Mikey: oh, hehe... There's no album. It's just a stupid song i made and-

Swift: i don't think it was stupid. You've got talent. And... Honestly i kinda' felt that... You really have a toche for puting feelings in music.

Mikey: thanks... But no offens, you weren't sopose to here It.

Mikey looked away, he felt a little down after playing that melody and reading thoes lyrics. He shoul've chosen a diferent one to play... but he felt that was the rigth one. Swift walked into the room and sat beside mikey, putting an arm around his shoulders and breaning him closer to him. He was giveing mikey a hug which he accepted without any resistance. He even closed his eyes and allowed Swift to stork his head.

Swift: i know i wasn't sopose to listent to you, but honey... i'm glad i did... Hey, may i know who's the "Your arms offer warmth, a fragile shield" person?

Mikey: shut up. You'll know when's the time asshole...

Swift: as you say... I just hope it's me.

Mikey: swift!!

Swift: sorry, Sorry...

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