Runaway || Book 1

By Elizabethenderson00

84.1K 2.1K 194

The Alpha only wanted an Heir, when he soon began to realise his human mate wasn't going to produce on he qui... More

O n e.
T w o
T h r e e
F o u r
Chapter Five.
Chapter Six.
Chapter Seven.
Chapter Eight.
Chapter Nine.
Chapter Ten.
New Book!
Chapter Eleven.
Chapter Twelve.
Chapter Thirteen.
Chapter Fifteen.
Chapter Sixteen.
Chapter Seventeen.
Chapter Eighteen.
Chapter Nineteen.
Chapter Twenty.
Chapter Twenty One.
C h a r a c t e r s
Chapter Twenty Two.
Chapter Twenty Three.
Chapter Twenty Four.
Chapter Twenty Five.
N e w B o o k
Important notice.

Chapter Fourteen.

2.1K 70 6
By Elizabethenderson00

A few weeks had passed and Tilly was thriving from the love and attention her family was providing, being part werewolf helped massively. For some reason unknown, she wasn't showing signs of having the full wolf genes, which was unheard of. Every human who had ever produced a pup with their mate ended up with a full blood, no matter the difference.

Theresa was unfortunately deteriorating drastically over the weeks. Eliza had soon learnt about her numbered days and was devastated. She moved her into the home she shared with Ivan, as it was too early for her to return to the pack house that was filled with too many stained memories.

"How are you feeling?" Eliza asked as she sat beside Theresa's bed holding a bowl of Luke warm water and a wash cloth. The fragile lady looked up at her, a weak smile that still managed to light up the room.
"The same as the past three times you've asked me today, dear" Her words made Eliza chuckle softly.
"I'm sorry, I can't help but worry".
"I understand love, but it's time we come to terms with the inevitable" Eliza's heart sunk, she kept hoping that something might change, a part of her angry at Theresa for never finding another mate, there was plenty of lone wolves who had lost their mates, but most of them found comfort in dying alone, the space next to them being empty, ready to unite with their one true love.
"What was he like?" Eliza asked as she began to wipe Theresa's face with the cloth gently.
"My Albert" She hummed, a smile playing on her lips that she couldn't hold in. "He was the most gentle and loving man I had ever met" She opened up about him after years of it being to painful, but the thought of seeing him again excited her.
"He sounds lovely" Eliza said, she couldn't help but smile either, with everything Theresa had told her she knew Ivan's grandmother had lived a life, a wonderful, beautiful life filled with love. She had just been holding out for her family all this time. Theresa began to fall asleep, so Eliza took that as her sign to leave, to go check on her daughter.

Eliza's heart grew full and her worries went away at what she saw, Ivan was cuddled up in bed with their daughter, Tilly was fast asleep, facing Ivan with a hand on her fathers face, as if to make sure she wasn't alone whilst Ivan's arm wrapped around her keeping her close. She made her way to the seat in the corner of the room by the window as she watched them, everything Theresa said come flooding back into her mind.
When Albert died, she was devastated, the only thing that kept her going was her grandson, she didn't want to feel that pain anymore but the thought of mating with someone else to replace them feelings didn't feel right to her, Albert was her one and only and she was his.
If anything happened to Ivan, Elizabeth would be able to go on about her life, yes it would crush her, but it wouldn't have the same effect on her as she doesn't have the Lycan genetics, where as if anything happened to Eliza, Ivan would face the same thing, he would have to decide if he was going to find another mate or face the consequences of losing a mate. A part of her wanted him to find someone else if it did come to that, to live a full life for the sake of their daughter, but a part of her had already seen that happen, the thought of it made her sick, not only that but how would they treat her daughter? Her only baby?

Tilly began to stir, shaking Elizabeth from her thoughts, she headed over to the bed with a warm smile on her face. She watched the small baby rub her tired eyes as she turned to her dad who also began to stir. Eliza sat on the end of the bed with her arms out to pick her daughter up, but Ivan's hand on her arm stopped her.
"Are you okay? You look like you've been crying?" He asked, Eliza hadn't realised she was crying, but she quickly wiped the tears away smiling back at him.
"I'm absolutely fine, your grandmother was telling me stories of your grandfather and her" He nodded as he looked down.
"He was a great man, never known anyone like him". She placed her hand over his, bringing it to her mouth and kissing his knuckles.
"The things she told me about him reminded me a lot of you". His eyes seemed to light up at her words, he felt like there was still hope to be the man that his grandad wanted him to be.

Eliza reached over, placing a small kiss on Ivan's lips, leaving him in shock. It had been a long time since Eliza had kissed him. It had been nearly a year, Ivan looked at her, as if studying if it was safe before he pulled her back giving her another kiss, he pulled away looking into her eyes, there was a small spark between them again, before Eliza knew what was happening he started kissing all over her face, causing her to giggle and laugh, a sound Ivan had missed so dearly. He pulled away with a massive smile on his face as he stroked her cheek.
"I really have missed you Elizabeth" His words soft.
"I have miss you too Ivan". They both soon became distracted by the tiny bundle of joy cooing to herself as she watched her parents.
For the first time in a long time, things were settling into place again, it was time for a new beginning, a fresh start, Ivan wanted to give both his girls the world but he knew rome wasn't built in a day, but at least now he knew where to start.

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