MLP x Alicorn Male Reader

By LarryLegend759

179K 3.7K 5.3K

An Alicorn was born which all of Equestria does not know about. He was raised without an actual family, so he... More

Prologue: Welcome to Ponyvile
Friendship is Magic, Part 1
Friendship is Magic Part 2
The Ticket Master
Applebuck Season
Griffon the Brush Off
Author's Note (14 December 2023)
Boast Busters
Bridle Gossip
Author's Note (16 December 2023)
Swarm of the Century
Winter Wrap Up
Call of the Cutie
Fall Weather Friends
Suited For Success
Meet the Sparkles
Feeling Pinkie Keen
Sonic Rainboom
Stare Master
The Show Stoppers
A Dog and Pony Show
Green Isn't Your Color
A Bird in the Hoof
The Cutie Mark Chronicles
Owl's Well That Ends Well
Party of One
The Best Night Ever (Season 1 Finale)
Season 2: The Return of Harmony (Part 1)
Season 2: The Return of Harmony (Part 2)
(Y/N)'s Departure
Important Author's Note (28 February 2024)
Lesson Zero
Luna Eclipsed
Sisterhooves Social
I Made My Equestria Girls Story
The Cutie Pox
May the Best Pet Wins
The Mysterious Mare Do Well
Sweet and Elite
Secret of My Excess
Short: Night Corps First Test
Hearth's Warming Eve
Family Appreciation Day
Baby Cakes
The Last Roundup
Author's note (14 May 2024)
The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000
Read It and Weep
Hearts and Hooves Day
I Have Covid
Putting Your Hoof Down
It's About Time
Voting Time for (Y/N)'s Voice Actor [CLOSED]
Results of the Ideal Voice Actor for (Y/N)
(Y/N)'s Baby Adventure
Dragon Quest
Hurricane Fluttershy
Hospital Crush
Ponyville Confidential
MMMystery on the Friendship Express
A Canterlot Wedding - Part 1 (Season 2 Finale)
A Canterlot Wedding - Part 2 (Season 2 Finale)
A Canterlot Wedding - Part 3 (Season 2 Finale)
The Expecting Mare: Season 2 Epilogue

Over a Barrel

2K 52 66
By LarryLegend759

[Author's note: I have to admit. This is pretty stupid if you think about it. But the one thing that makes it worth it, was showcasing how strong Earth Ponies can be. We saw how Big Mac was powerful to pull houses. I guess this image was a foreshadow of Big Mac's power and his potential. Thank heavens for this.

Also, I wanted to thank the many readers that has been reading this, voted for each of the episodes, and commented. I am surprised this series rose up so fast and I wish for it to grow for more to see. Don't want to bore you anymore, so continue on with the story]

Applejack: And that's when the yellow birdie thought to himself, "Hmm. My favorite little tree isn't such a little tree anymore." So she sang her song, big and strong, and they all lived in that great, big tree happily ever after. The end.

[Rarity & (Y/N) appears]

Rarity: Applejack! Were you reading a bedtime story to... an apple tree?

(Y/N): [Confused] What am I looking at?

[Author's note: This was one of the silliest Applejack moment I've ever seen in my life... and I love it. 😂]

Applejack: Heh... uh... Well, ya know, bein' replanted in a whole new place is very upsettin' for a tree... and Bloomberg here is one of my favorites.

Rarity: No fair, Applejack! You've got a luxurious, private sleeper car for a tree, while I am crowded and cramped in the same car with all the other ponies. How am I supposed to get my beauty sleep?!

(Y/N): It is annoying, Applejack. We're going crammed up than what we could have been. I need my sleep too. The last thing I need is ponies talking while I sleep.

Applejack: But Bloomberg's the whole reason we're makin' this trip. He needs his rest so we can give him as a gift to my relatives in Appleloosa.

Rarity: Hmph! You talk about it as if it's your baby or something.

(Y/N): Yeah... it's quite unsettling to see you treat it like one.

Applejack: Who you callin' a baby?! Bloomberg's no baby!

[(Y/N) was shocked to witness a new side of Applejack and laughs at her display]

Rarity: It's widdle Rarity who's all "saddy-waddy"! Urgh!

(Y/N): I thought my first train ride with all of my friends was supposed to be fun, but this is just weird.

(Y/N): [Thinking] Now I feel bad for Apple Bloom, as this is how she really treats her.

[Rarity and (Y/N) left the room while Applejack continues to treat Bloomberg like a baby]

[Indistinct conversations]

Rainbow Dash: Oh man, we're going fast! This is so exciting, I can't even wait!

Rarity: [Sigh] For crying out loud in the morning!

Spike: [Groan] Do you guys mind? I was up early fire-roasting those snacks you're all eating, and I'm pooped!

(Y/N): I agree. I want to sleep since I was busy with Twi constant lectures on... you know...

Twilight: Hey!

Rainbow Dash: Uh, speaking of, some of these popcorn kernels didn't get popped.

Spike: Okay, fine...

[Rainbow's popcorn was burnt and one of them pop right to her eye]

Spike: Good night!

(Y/N): Thanks, Spike. I need shut-eye. [Trying to sleep]

Twilight: Uhh... maybe it's time we all got a little shut-eye. We've got a big day ahead of us tomorrow.

Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie: Awwww!

Spike: [Snoring]

Rainbow Dash: [Whispering] Psst! Pinkie Pie, you asleep yet?

Pinkie Pie: [Whispering] No, are you asleep yet?

Rainbow Dash: [Whispering] If I was sleeping, how could I have asked you if you were asleep?

Pinkie Pie: [Whispering] Oh yeah! [giggle]

Rainbow Dash: [Whispering] When we get to Appleloosa, you think we'll have to carry that heavy tree all the way from the train to the orchard?

Pinkie Pie: [whispering] What tree? You mean Bloomberg?

Rainbow Dash: [Whispering and sarcastically] ...No, Fluttershy.

(Y/N): [Trying to cover his ears to sleep]

Pinkie Pie: [Whispering] Fluttershy's not a tree, silly!

Twilight: What's going on?

Pinkie Pie: Rainbow Dash thinks Fluttershy's a tree!

Rainbow Dash: [Whispering] I do not think she's a tree! I was just-

Twilight: Did you say she was a tree?

Rainbow Dash: [Whispering] No. Well.. Yes. But not exactly-

[(Y/N) was frustrated with their talking, he used his magic to teleport himself to the car where Bloomberg is "sleeping"]

Twilight: Ya know she's not a tree, right?

Pinkie Pie: She's not a tree, Dashie!

Fluttershy: I'd like to be a tree...

Spike: Oh, for Pete's sake!

[Door opens and slams]

Twilight: Well that was kind of huffy.

Fluttershy: Huffy the magic dragon!

Twilight, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie: [Giggle]

Rarity: Would you all be quiet NOW?!

Twilight, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie: Aaah!

Twilight and Rainbow Dash: [Blows the candle out]

Spike: Bloomberg...? (Y/N)? Sorry, but I tend to snore a bit. Good night. [Sigh]

[(Y/N) was already asleep and didn't hear a single bit of Spike's word]

[A bunch of buffalo were throttling, it causes a shake within the train, Rainbow fell from her bed, which resulted in the girls observing from the window]

Twilight Sparkle: A buffalo stampede!

[Ponies awing]

Rarity: I just love their accessories!

Twilight Sparkle: They're getting awfully close to the train.

[The buffalos were closing onto the train and hits the Earth Ponies running ndpulling tracks and ramming the train cars, causing the girls to get fumble]

[(Y/N) & Spike were still sleeping until the creeking from the bed made (Y/N) wake up from his slumber]

(Y/N): [Yawn] Is it morning, already?

[The Earth Pony conductors were fighting back the Buffalos]

Pinkie Pie: Oooh, looky! Now they're doing tricks!

Pinkie Pie: Ooh! Ooh! Ooh! Now do a backflip!... Or... Just jump?

[The small buffalo was moving on top of the train]

Rainbow Dash: Hmm.. Something tells me this isn't a circus act. [Flies out and catch up to the unknown buffalo]

Rainbow Dash: [To the unknown buffalo] Hey there!

??: [Gasp]

Rainbow Dash: Where ya headed in such a hurry? [Unknown buffalo ran past her] Wow, you're pretty quick for someone so... bulky. No offense.

??: Huh..?

Rainbow Dash: I just wanna know- [Buffalo ran past Rainbow Dash] Hey!

Rainbow Dash: [Flies to meet the buffalo eye to eye] I'm talking to you-

[The buffalo jumped really high and went past Rainbow Dash perform multiple flips]

Rainbow Dash: Whoa... Arrgggg... I got you now, you-

[The buffalo dives between the train cars to avoid Rainbow Dash]

[Author's note: Poor Rainbow Dash]

[The buffalo unhooks a train car and whistles to the Buffalos to end their little raid]

Applejack: [Gasp] They've got Bloomberg!

[The girls sans Rainbow Dash sees through the window of the car taken by the Buffalo. They saw Spike and (Y/N)]

Spike: Heeeelp!

Twilight: They've got Spike and (Y/N)!

[Rainbow got up from the hit in the head]

Spike: [Distant] Heeeelp!

Rainbow Dash: Dragon-napping Spike. I'll show her! Ow...

[Back to Spike and (Y/N)]

(Y/N): [Lying down on the floor] [Disinterested] Well, that was unexpected.

Spike: [Panicking] Why aren't you freaking out!?!?

(Y/N): This isn't my first time dealing with being kidnapped, boy.

Spike: What are we going to do?

(Y/N): I don't know who they are, but if they are fan of the late Jesse James, Butch Cassidy, or the Dalton Gang... [Eager to fight] then they messed with the wrong pony!

[Author's note: If you don't know, many states had to deal with train robbers. One of the infamous train robbers were Jesse James, Butch Cassidy (I see where Pokémon got the name for Team Rocket), Bob Dalton's Dalton Gang. Jesse James is the most popular and the one I remembered the most. Jesse James was recorded to be the first armed train robbers infamous in the Wild West. I loved the train robbery part of it, because it reminds me a bit of it]

[Meanwhile the girls sans Rainbow Dash arrived at Appleloosa]

Braeburn: Hey there! Welcome ta A-A-ppleloosa!

Applejack: Braeburn, listen-

Braeburn: Cousin Applejack, mind yer manners, you have yet ta introduce me to your compadres! Shame on you!

Applejack: Braeburn, listen, somethin' terrible's happened-

Braeburn: Terrible is right, your train is a full seven minutes late! That's seven minutes less for you to delight in the pleasures and wonders of... A-A-A-ppleloosa! Boggles the mind, we settler ponies built all this in just the past year, don't it?! And as you can see, we have all of the finest comforts. Like horse-drawn carriages!

"Black Stone": Okay, you pull now.

[Noteworth in the carriage comes out of the window door]

Noteworthy: Aww, we just switched.

Braeburn: And those there are horse-drawn horse-drawn carriages.

[Author's note: Ponies drawing horses (ponies) pulling a carriage? The show loves to show how much they love breaking the 4th wall sometimes]

Applejack: ...Listen, Braeburn, I- Oof!

[Braeburns pushes them to another building]

Braeburn: And here's our local waterin' hole, the Salt Block.

"Morton Saltworthy": That's enough salt for you!

[Morton kicks a pony out of the building]

Ol' Salt: Can't I at least... get a glass of water?

[Braeburn pushes the girls to the next building]

Braeburn: Over there's the office of Sheriff Silverstar.

[Braeburn pushes the girls to see ponies dancing]

Braeburn: And here's where we have our wild west dances!

[Braeburn pushes the girls to another set of ponies dancing]

Braeburn: And here's where we have our mild west dances!

Applejack: But, Braeburn, we-

[Braeburn pushes the girls to see the sight of the newly set Apple orchard]

Braeburn: And here's the most wonderful sight in all of... A-A-A-ppleloosa! Our apple orchard.

Applejack: Braeburn!

Braeburn: First harvest should be any day now.

Applejack: Braebu-

Braeburn: Good thing too!

Applejack: Brae-

Braeburn: 'Cause we need that grub to live on.

Applejack: Braeburn!

Braeburn: Uh, yes, cuz?

Applejack: You have a very nice town an' all, but we have a hu-uge problem! Some of our friends are missin'!

Fluttershy: A stampede of buffalo.

Rarity: They took Spike!

Twilight: And (Y/N)! Rainbow Dash went after them!

Fluttershy: And we can't find Pinkie Pie.

Applejack: And we had an apple tree with us for your orchard, but they took that too!

Braeburn: Did you say... buffalo? [sigh] Them buffalo, they want us settler ponies to take every single tree you see here off this land. They sure as hay don't want any new ones added in.

Fluttershy: But why?

Braeburn: Beats me. We put a lot of hard work into this land, so we can feed our town, our families, our foals! And now they're sayin' all these trees have to go? T'ain't fair...

[Meanwhile back to Spike and (Y/N)]

[The Buffalos grabbed both Spike and (Y/N) and placed them on the ground in front of many Buffalo, the small buffalo speaks]

??: Why are you two in the car with the apple tree?

Spike: [Scared] Who are you?

(Y/N): [Bored] It is rather rude to not know your names, since you did kidnap us.

??: [Resentment] You do not speak, PONY! I was speaking with the dragon. [Speak softly] And to answer your dragon, my name is Little Strongheart. We were meant to rob the ponies of their tree.

[The Buffalo removes the restraints from Spike while leaving (Y/N) tied up]

Little Strongheart: Now I ask you, PONY, why were you in there?

(Y/N): [Shrug] Couldn't sleep.

Little Strongheart: [Angry] Are you taking this seriously!? Do you know your position right now?

(Y/N): If you keep yelling at me, I won't be able to answer your question, if I am deaf.

[The buffalos were shocked at how rude and disinterested (Y/N) was]

Little Strongheart: [Kicks (Y/N) at his stomach]

(Y/N): [Chuckling] If I ever raise a filly, I could teach her to kick better than you.

Little Strongheart: [Kicks (Y/N)]

Spike: No! Stop! He's my friend!

Little Strongheart: He may be your friend, but he is not a friend to our kind.

(Y/N): How is any of this honorable to your kind? You are hurting someone to whom cannot defend himself.

Little Strongheart: You have a death wish.

[She unties him and he begins to chuckle with sheer joy]

(Y/N): [Grin] Death never visits... but I can invite him to bring a bunch of Buffalos to him.

Buffalo #1: You can't defeat us all by yourself.

(Y/N): I invite more odds. Bring me ten of your kind. I want to even the match.

Buffalo #2: Are you underestimating us?

(Y/N): I am giving you a chance to beat me... if you can hit me.

Spike: (Y/N)! Don't! You'll get hurt!

(Y/N): Spike... don't speak. I have more experience fighting in all styles throughout my exploration and journey.

Little Strongheart: It is only ten buffalos we need. The rest of you... report to the Chief at once.

[The rest of the raiding party departs to report back to their Chief]

[Author's note: This will be quite a violent description. And bringing 10 Buffalos against one pony is a reference to Ip Man movie where Ip man beats up 10 black belt]

(Y/N): [Close his eyes and breathes]

Buffalo #1: [Jumps to try to immobilize him]

(Y/N): [Grabs the first Buffalo front leg and slams him to the ground and stomps on his head, knocking him out]

[The buffalos charges all at once only for their moves to be repeled by (Y/N) quick moves which mesmerized Little Strongheart]

(Y/N): [Punches Buffalo #2 and rides him to ram Buffalo #3, knocking both of them out]

(Y/N): [Grabs Buffalo #4's front leg and kicks his head repeatedly, knocking him out, but made it worse when (Y/N) dodges the other Buffalos by rolling him and Buffalo #4, to where he broke Buffalo #4 front leg]

[The Buffalos were headstrong and not determined to give up against a rude pony]

(Y/N): [Smiling over the joy of fighting and angered over them stopping to stare] Are you done staring or are you going to keep fighting!?

Buffalo #5: [Tries to jump and stomp (Y/N)]

(Y/N): [Lies down on the ground and used his hind leg to kick the buffalo's ribs which are broken, then stands on top of Buffalo #5 and repeatedly punch his broken ribs]

Buffalo #6 & #7: [Charges at both his sides]

(Y/N): [Resorted to doing the Scissor Kick to knock both of them out]

Buffalo #8: [Grabbed him from behind while waiting for Buffalo #9 and #10]

[Buffalo #9 and #10 started to repeatedly punch (Y/N) in the face where blood can be found on his face and he put his head down]

[Author's note: This is inspired by Omni-man when he was beaten by the Guardians of the Globe, the bootleg Justice League]

Buffalo #8: Hmph... seems like this pony was all talk.

Buffalo #9 & #10: [Laughing]

[Buffalo #8 drops him until...]

(Y/N): [Landed on his hind legs and did the Kung Fu Jumping Spinning Crescent Kick on Buffalo #8]

(Y/N): [Looks at Buffalo #9's eyes and #9 is afraid, which made (Y/N) laugh and does a Cartwheel Kick to his face, knocking him out]

Buffalo #10: [Scared as he sees (Y/N) bloodied with a menacing look and moves away]

(Y/N): What's wrong? You were laughing about how weak I am.

Little Strongheart: [Shaking in fear at the sight of (Y/N)]

Buffalo #10: Please... don't hurt me.

(Y/N): You insult me with your cowardice. [Crane kick him as Buffalo #10 was knocked out]

Spike: Woah!

Spike: [Thinking] That was awesome! He beat all of these buffalos in under three minutes. I definitely don't want to be on his bad side

Little Strongheart: [Shaking nervously as the pony she previously beat was staring at her with cold dead eyes of somepony that has seen battles for centuries]

(Y/N): Do you want me to knock you out or for you to be sent to the afterlife?

[Spike ran to (Y/N) and grabs him]

Spike: Don't do it, (Y/N)!

(Y/N): [Shocked to see Spike there] Why are you defending the kidnapper? Let go of me!

Spike: Stop it, (Y/N). You've already won. You don't have to do this.

[Author's note: Inspired by Téa (Anzu in Japanese) stopping the Pharaoh from attacking Weevil (Haga in Japanese) repeatedly in Yu-Gi-Oh]

[(Y/N) looks at all of the buffalos he has knocked out and crippled from the fight and looks at Spike]

(Y/N): I didn't want you to see this side of me, Spike. I didn't want anypony to see this side of me. [Shaking] I honestly wanted to avoid doing this, but this scenario we are in, tempted me.

Little Strongheart: [Stares at (Y/N)] [Defensive position]

(Y/N): [Walks to the injured and unconscious Buffalo and used his magic to heal all of them at the expense of his energy, as he knows of the injuries are serious, fixing it with magic requires a lot of energy to focus on the specific injuries with careful precision]

Little Strongheart: Haven't you done enough!?

Spike: You are misunderstanding, Strongheart.

Little Strongheart: What are you saying... Spike?

Spike: (Y/N) is healing the buffalos. If he truly did not care, he would have let them like they were or worse. He's not obliged to care for his kidnappers, but for some reason, he felt remorse for what he has done.

Little Strongheart: [Stares at awe at what the pony was doing as Spike was right... they were healing]

(Y/N): [Tired] Your friends need rest and they'll be fine.

Little Strongheart: Oh... thank you, kind pony.

(Y/N): [Tired] I thought you saw me with disdain, then somepony to be feared.

Little Strongheart: I did, until I saw a different to side to you.

(Y/N): [Tired] I am not a regular pony. I am the Alicorn Prince of Equestria. Son of the honorable Princess Luna. [Passed out from exhaustion]

Spike: Wow... that magic really took a number on him. [Stands by (Y/N)'s side]

Little Strongheart: [Shocked and in terror] W-w-w-w-we... f-f-fought... a p-p-p-prince!

Spike: Yeah. He is a Prince.

Little Strongheart: [Panicking] If your kind finds out about this, there will be conflict worse than settler ponies.

[A small group of twenty Buffalos arrived with one being bigger and more intimidating than the rest]

Chief Thunderhooves: What seems to be the trouble, Little Strongheart? Our people told us about a mad pony arrogant to fight ten of our strongest men.

Little Strongheart: [Shaking] This pony d-defeated all ten of them.

Chief Thunderhooves: He what!?

Little Strongheart: What's worse... we kidnapped the Prince of Equestria, Son of Princess Luna.

Chief Thunderhooves: This us really bad. If the ponies relay the message, the princess will intervene and send the whole army to destroy us and our way.

Spike: Don't worry about it. I'm sure once he wakes up, he wouldn't resort to telling his mother anything that happened.

Little Strongheart: You mean it?

Spike: I swear it. Besides, I don't think (Y/N) would want war.

Chief Thunderhooves: I am glad to hear that, fine dragon. We shall bring our fallen comrades back and I shall bring the Prince with us. He shall need a sleeping quarter fit for a Prince such as himself.

[Chief Thunderhooves carries (Y/N) on his back and rides with a few of his trusted warriors with him, while the rest of the group remain to bring the injured folks back safely, Spike observes the Buffalos as he talks among them and they actually became friends with Spike]


[Start at 2:15 and end at 3:18]

[Time skip to the Buffalo Camp]

Rainbow Dash: Are you really okay, Spike?

Spike: Totally! I can't say the same for (Y/N).

Rainbow Dash: [Shocked] Wait... (Y/N) was kidnapped too? Where is he!?

Pinkie Pie: I was wondering where he went.

[Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash follows Spike to where they keep (Y/N)'s unconscious body and he is still bloodied and bruised as the buffalos were cleaning the blood on his face]

[Rainbow Dash & Pinkie Pie were shocked at his conditions. Pinkie Pie was crying while Rainbow Dash was in tears but with rage]

Rainbow Dash: [Angry] Hey! Don't touch him!

Pinkie Pie: [Crying] (N/N)!

Spike: [Reassures] Girls... relax.

Rainbow Dash: Relax... how can we relax when our friend is seriously hurt!?

Spike: It's going to be a long story. [Walks near the fire] Sit down. There is a lot to talk about.

[Time skip to Night]

Spike: And that's pretty much it.

Pinkie Pie: That was scary. (N/N) fought ten buffalo on his own.

Rainbow Dash: That was awesome! He managed to handle beating these buffalos without any magic or using his wings?? How awesome can he be!?

Spike: I was there. He was amazing, yet he was scary too. You should have seen it.

[The buffalos were looking at Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie with certain disdain]

Rainbow Dash: What is with them?

Spike: Seems they took me and (Y/N) by mistake. They were spiteful towards him and he picked a fight, but now they feel sorry for what they've done to him. Fortunately, they totally respect dragons, so they treat me like an honored guest.

[Buffalos gave Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie a bowl of mushy... whatever it is]

Rainbow Dash: [Sniff] Ugh...

Spike: Still don't like ponies much, though... But you're with me, so it's cool. I still don't know how they see (Y/N) after what happened.

Rainbow Dash: Huh. Well, I still don't trust them. I say we turn tail and bail while we still-

Pinkie Pie: Before we finish eating? Are you loco in the coco?!

[Little Strongheart appears with bowl full of turquoise gemstones]

Pinkie Pie: Can I please have more of that mushy stuff, whatever it was?

Little Strongheart: Certainly. And, Mr. Spike, you like gemstones, yes?

Spike: Turquoise. Mmm! [Munching] Heh hah! This here is Little Strongheart, and these are my friends Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow Dash: [Looks at Strongheart for one moment to look around, only to realize it was her] You!

Little Strongheart: You!

Rainbow Dash: That's it! Let's take (Y/N) and get outta her! [Pulls Pinkie's tail]

Little Strongheart: Wait! Please accept my apologies for what happened on the train. We didn't mean for anyone to be hurt.

Rainbow Dash: [Pointing to (Y/N)] Tell that to (Y/N) over there!

Little Strongheart: You're right. We're sorry about what has happened to him. We didn't expect a pony to be on that train. We were caught up by our own emotions and we beat up "Night Terror"

Rainbow Dash: Night Terror?

Little Strongheart: Yes. Our tribe has named him Night Terror for his deeds. I cannot find any way to apologize him after how we treated him.

Rainbow Dash: [Scoff] You think we can ally with you aglfter you hurt our friend.

Little Strongheart: We only wanted the tree. The settler ponies have overtaken the land and have planted an orchard all over it! Because of their thoughtlessness, we can no longer run over our traditional stampeding grounds.

Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie: Huh?

Spike: I think it's time they met Chief Thunderhooves.

Chief Thunderhooves: Hmmh. We have a long and winding stampeding trail that we have run upon for many generations. [Breath] My father stampeded upon these grounds, and his father before him, and his father before him, and his father before him, and his father before him, and-

Little Strongheart: I think they get the idea, Chief.

Chief Thunderhooves: Hmph. It is a sacred tradition to run the path every year. But this year, these... settler ponies, these... [Snort] Appleloosans! [Snorting]

Little Strongheart: They planted apple trees all over it without asking our permission.

Pinkie Pie: Well that's not very nice. Right, Rainbow Dash?

Rainbow Dash: Hmph...

Little Strongheart: The ponies refused to move their trees, so we are stuck here, and it is not fair!

Spike: See, Rainbow Dash? They had a good reason to-

[Rainbow Dash jumps out of her seat and stomps on the ground with anger]

[Buffalo gasp]

Rainbow Dash: I'll say they had a good reason! C'mon. We have some apple-pickin' Appleloosans to talk to!

(Y/N): [Yawn] [Groan] Can't a guy get some sleep?

Pinkie Pie & Rainbow Dash: (Y/N)!

[Pinkie Pie & Rainbow Dash hugs (Y/N) tightly]

(Y/N): [In pain] Ow. Girls... I know I am powerful, I can still get hurt, you know.

Pinkie Pie: Sorry.

Rainbow Dash: Not sorry. What were you doing fighting these buffalos on your own? You could have gotten hurt!

Pinkie Pie: But I thought you- [Rainbow covers Pinkie's mouth]

(Y/N): [Upset] So you've heard.

Rainbow Dash: Yes. Spike and that Strongheart buffalo told us everything. I know what you did was awesome, but have you ever think of Twilight? Do you know what she will say if she find out you got hurt by these buffalos?

(Y/N): I know. I knew what would happen when I did pick a fight. But I am not a pony to let someone capture me easily. That is an insult on my honor and I wanted to find a way to escape with Spike away from them. I guess my lust for battle got the better of me.

Little Strongheart: Forgive him, Rainbow Dash. We weren't really nice to him when we got him. Night Terror was simply defending himself.

(Y/N): Night Terror?

Chief Thunderhooves: That is the name we have chosen for you, as you are the son of the Princess of the Night and your unbelievable talent in combat and spreading sheer terror to my best warriors. Any other name would be a great injustice.

(Y/N): Uhhh... Thanks?

Chief Thunderhooves: We must apologize for our action, as none of us had any idea you were royalty. We normally don't have respect for ponies, but with your skills, we have greater respect for you.

(Y/N): [Chuckles] What are friends for?

Chief Thunderhooves: You see us as friends despite our mistreatment?

(Y/N): It seems to me, you nursed me while I was unconscious. I did heal your men. And I know the consequences if my Mother or Auntie heard about the news. It will lead to war and that is the last thing I want on anyone.

Chief Thunderhooves: [Bow] You have my utmost gratitude, Night Terror.

(Y/N): Please. You don't need to bow. Friends don't bow. I heard most of what you said about your stampede. I can help out in mediating for both sides to reach an agreement.

[The buffalo cheers over (Y/N) or Night Terror's agreement to help and all of the buffalos, Spike, (Y/N) with his new bandage for his head, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie were marching to Appleloosa]

[Time skip]

[Meanwhile at Appleloosa]

Rarity: Ow! [Groaning] Gently, please!

Applejack: Sorry, Rarity, but our friends are out there and we have ta' be ready for a long hike into buffalo territory if we're gonna save 'em! Let's go!

[The gang including Braeburn were throttling towards Buffalo territory until they saw Spike, Rainbow Dash, (Y/N), and Pinkie Pie in front of them]

Pinkie Pie: Hi, guys!

Fluttershy: Pinkie! We're so glad you're safe.

[Indistinct "Oh, there you are!" "Thank goodness!"]

Twilight: [Hugs (Y/N)] (Y/N)! I'm so glad to see y-

[Twilight sees him with a bandages on his head]

Twilight: What happened to you!?

(Y/N): It's a long story. I'll tell you all later.

Twilight Sparkle: How did you escape from the buffalo?

Pinkie Pie: We didn't!

[Little Strongheart appears]

Rainbow Dash: We promised the buffalo a chance to talk.

Applejack: Oh, yeah? 'Bout what?

(Y/N): Just listen.

Rainbow Dash: We brought our new pal Little Strongheart here to explain to the Appleloosans why they should move the apple trees off buffalo land.

Braeburn: That information would be quite help-

Applejack: That's weird. 'Cause my cousin Braeburn here wants to explain to the buffalo why they should let the apple trees stay.

[Author's note: Is it just me or am I seeing a pattern between how Braeburn rudely interrupts Applejack and now it is Braeburn learning how it feels to be rudely interrupted... Pattern recognition skills are quite useful]

(Y/N): Applejack?

Little Strongheart: That would be a useful thing to-

Rainbow Dash: The land is theirs! You planted the trees not knowing that. Honest mistake. Now, you just gotta move 'em, that's all.

Braeburn: Well... heh...

(Y/N): Rainbow... Applejack...

Applejack: They busted their rumps here! An' now they're supposed ta bust their rumps again, just 'cause some buffalo won't stampede someplace else?

Rainbow Dash: Plant the trees somewhere else!

Applejack: Where?! It's the only flatland around these parts!

(Y/N): Girls...

Rainbow Dash: The buffalo had it first!

Applejack: The settler ponies need it to live!

Rainbow Dash: Come on, Applejack!

Applejack: [Speaking over Rainbow Dash] You're bein' unreasonable!

Rainbow Dash: [Speaking over Applejack] I put my hoof down!

(Y/N): [Canterlot voice] Girls!

[Everypony including Little Strongheart were silent]

Little Strongheart: [Whispers to Spike] Night Terror continues to surprise me.

(Y/N): [Stern] It's fine you have understand their grievances, but don't get too emotional on a delicate diplomatic negotiation. The last thing we want is war coming for both sides.

[Rainbow Dash & Applejack have their ears down and feeling guilty]

(Y/N): As prince, I will be mediating the two sides and sees what we can achieve that would satisfy both sides.

Braeburn: [Shocked] Wait... Applejack. You didn't tell me your friend was a prince?

Applejack: [Chuckles nervously] Must have slipped my mind.

(Y/N): Little Strongheart... where does the stampede go exactly?

Little Strongheart: I would need Chief Thunderhooves to tell me where exactly. He knows all of our traditions.

(Y/N): Good. Braeburn... are you okay with moving some of your trees for the Buffalos to have their stampede.

Braeburn: We could definitely do that. But I don't know if it will convince the other Appleloosan ponies to be friendly towards the Buffalo.

Little Strongheart: I would glad agree, but I need the approval of Chief Thunderhooves. And I don't know what his decision may be. He is known to be a little unpredictable in his decision-making.

(Y/N): [Thinking] It seems they both have factions which wishes one side or the other gone from their space. This is quite difficult.

[Author's note: I don't know a term for this scenario for ponies, but I will use human terms. I am humanising the relation between ponies and buffalos, as it resembles the settlers and tribal relations in the New World. I have studied history for a decade as a hobby and got praised by an actual history professor/historian at my university. I will say that any perception of Indian tribes and Settlers you may have heard from TV or some teachers are likely fiction.

Settlers as Applejack stated need large acres of land to make food for the settlers to live, but what they don't tell you is that sometimes having more food and valuable items makes their neighbors jealous and want to take it. There were certain tribes that are aggressive, which raid both settlers and neighboring tribes alike. The settlers actually work together with the friendly tribes to eradicate the more aggressive ones to protect their sovereignty. Most of these friendly tribes would integrate into the colony, for protection or for other reasons.

Here where I need everyone to understand. This is not good guy versus bad guy scenario, as there is no such thing in politics. Every state focuses on their own self-interest and survival. In the case for this show, they are not trying to copy off what happened in real life, because this is My Little Pony, not History of the Americas.

In short, settlers are not evil nor are they innocent angels, but the tribes were not innocent angels nor evil. The tribes have been fighting themselves far longer than the settlers had against the tribes.

I don't want to speak on this at all, but I say this for those to not use our actual history into this show, but use what exist in this show instead. There are some that will comment, as I want to focus on the story, not our history. Equestria is fictional country, not literal human non-fictional country.]

Twilight: There must be something we can do.

Pinkie Pie: Hey! I've got an idea!

[Add (Y/N) next to Twilight]

[Behind the scenes, some of the influential Buffalos were whispering to Chief Thunderhooves and some of the influential ponies were whispering to the Sheriff]

[Twilight puts her hoof on her head]

Spike: [Applauds] All right, Pinkie Pie! That was fantastic! What a great song! Yeah, right on!

Chief Thunderhooves: It appears that Sheriff Silverstar and I have come to... an agreement.

Sheriff Silverstar: We have.

Chief Thunderhooves: That was the worst performance we've ever seen.

Sheriff Silverstar: Teh... Abso-tively!

[Pinkie Pie was sadden by their comment]

Chief Thunderhooves: The time for action... Hmh... is upon us! Our stampede will start at high noon tomorrow. And if the orchard is still there, we'll flatten it... and the whole town!

[Ponies gasp]

Little Strongheart: But, Chief!

Sheriff Silverstar: An' we Appleloosans say you'd better bring yer best, 'cause we'll be ready and waitin'.

Braeburn: But, Sheriff...

Pinkie Pie: Oh... That wasn't the message of my song at all...

(Y/N): Sheriff... Chief... we have a solution that would benefit both settlers and buffalos. At least try to listen.

Chief Thunderhooves: This is not the time for talks. It is time for action, Night Terror.

(Y/N): I don't want to fight your buffalos again. This will not end well on your side. Please consider my offer. Besides, there may be something that may interest you which will increase your friendly relations with the settlers.

Chief Thunderhooves: And what is that?

(Y/N): Uhh... [Thinking] What do they have? Got to think. Think! Think! Think! Think! Think! [Gasp] That's it!

(Y/N): Apples!

[The crowd of buffalo and ponies were murmuring to themselves]

(Y/N): Braeburn, Applejack... can you two make an apple pie for the Chief and some of his buffalos?

Braeburn: What's the reason for it, your Majesty?

(Y/N): [Whisper to Braeburn] We need something the Buffalos would enjoy working alongside Appleloosan. If we fail this, then we will have war.

Braeburn: Right away, sir!

(Y/N): Do you trust me Applejack?

Applejack: Of course I trust you, sugarcube. I hope your idea works.

(Y/N): I hope so too. I don't want to fight them after the gratitude they gave me.

Chief Thunderhooves: When will this be done?

(Y/N): I say wait until tomorrow at noon. If we fail to distribute the goods, then you may do as you please, but if you desire to fight, I must remind you that I will be involve and I will not hold back.

[Buffalos were shocked to learn he was holding back. Making the radical Anti-Settler faction shiver with fear and were wishing to avoid war but it made the Appleloosan's Anti-Buffalo faction glimmer with hope]

(Y/N): Your stampede will be here soon. That I promise.

Sheriff Silverstar: You really think this will work.

(Y/N): It has to work. I think the only option is to show valuable trade goods to the Buffalos and if they find your pies valuable goods, then we may avoid conflict.

[Time skip]

[Everypony was present as the Buffalos arrived with Chief Thunderhooves in front]

Chief Thunderhooves: What is this?

(Y/N): [Pushes Braeburn] You have to speak for Appleloosa.

Braeburn: These are our apple pies. No pony... and I guess Buffalos can resist our apple pies. [

Chief Thunderhooves: Hmmm. [Observing his pie and was hesitantly biting a bit of the pie]

[Chief Thunderhooves enjoyed the taste and started scarf down his Pie aggressively]

Chief Thunderhooves: Hey, I've got a much better idea!

[Time skip]

Applejack: [Whistle]

[The Buffalo commence their traditional stampede as the settler ponies shares their apple pie for peace]

Chief Thunderhooves: We... will allow the apple orchard to stay in exchange for a share of its fruit, heh... Those... delicious apple pies!

Spike: I'd rather eat turquoise any day of the week. [Chomps on turquoise gemstones] Auhh...!

Applejack: Bloomberg, this is yer special day. Mama's so proud of you!

(Y/N): Braeburn... you should be aware of the ponies which despises the Buffalos. They may cause trouble.

Braeburn: Don't worry. Sheriff Silverstar and I will take care of that issue. How can we know there aren't any Buffalos that don't like us ponies.

(Y/N): The chief told me that he is keeping them in check. They felt bad about convincing him to declare war. And... they are afraid of me.

Braeburn: [Laugh]

Twilight Sparkle:

Dear Princess Celestia,

Friendship is a wondrous and powerful thing. Even the worst of enemies can become friends. You need understanding and compromise. You've got to share. You've got to care.

Pinkie Pie: Hey! That's what I said!

(Y/N): We know Pinkie... we know...

[Meanwhile while the main cast are riding on a train back to Ponyville]

[(Y/N) and Twilight were alone while the rest were sleeping in their room]

Twilight: So what happened to you when you were kidnapped, (Y/N)? You look like Tartarus.

(Y/N): There was some buffalos that were beating me up for being ponies. It wasn't my first kidnapping experience, so I knew what was going to happen.

Twilight: [Upset]

(Y/N): Trust me... those Buffalos got a taste of their own medicine. Though I was out of it.

Twilight: What do you mean?

[One cool story later]

(Y/N): And that was it.

Twilight: I don't know what to say. You were fighting buffalos to healing them after you fought them and then you passed out because you were healing ten of them.

(Y/N): [Sigh] Twi... when I was beaten up, I had a rush... a insane thirst for fighting. It was a mess.

Twilight: [Hugs (Y/N)] You're my mess. Don't worry. You did the right thing.

(Y/N): [Smiles] Thanks. I needed that.

Twilight: So... you said it wasn't your first kidnapping experience.

(Y/N): No. I don't know how much the world changed entirely. But when I was younger, regardless of how peaceful it was, there was a lot of violence which occurred throughout Equestria. If my Auntie was trying to make Equestria peaceful for so long, then it must had been a lot of strenuous work to achieve it. [Chuckles] She must had been tired and slept, without ever to see the beautiful night.

[Author's note: This is true if you watch, "A Royal Problem"]

Twilight: You're right. It must had been a lot for her to deal with.

(Y/N): [Yawn] I'm going to bed. You want to come with me.

Twilight: Sure.

[(Y/N) and Twilight went to the one bed and slept together]

(Y/N): [Blush] You've gotten confortable sleeping with me.

Twilight: [Blush] I felt lonely when you left the train car before.

(Y/N): You're not lonely, tonight. [Kiss her]

Twilight: I'm making sure to put a leash on you.

(Y/N): [Chuckles] Good night.

Twilight: Good night.

[Author's note: This one took forever to write, but I enjoy it. Power play and politics are quite an interesting to write in a story. It is not easy to do this if you don't understand how the game is played. Hope you enjoy this and I will continue to write the next one in less than a week. I think it is quite messy, because the possibility of war is chaotic and diplomats have to fix a bloody mess. It is new for me to deal with politics in a story, and I am nervous writing this. Cheers.]

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