By Coffinfriends

399 10 0

A successful woman running her own designer clothing company, wife to Scrooge McDuck, y/n l/n She's hadn't ta... More

The Letters
The Buddy System

The Spear Of Selene And Chrystal

165 5 0
By Coffinfriends

Laughter echoed through the temple halls, Selene the goddess of the moon held her stomach as she wiped away a stray tear.

"Oh I remember that." She smiled replaying the scene on a sphere as two other voices responded.
"Well that's Della for ya." A male said with a grin as he watched the sphere with Selene.

"Speaking of Della remember when she shoved Donald's face into their birthday cake, what a classic move." Selene and the male giggled as they looked at the woman then the sphere.

"Well I'm glad to at least know I'm not the only one that misses her." Selene looked at the two, "Right Sebastian?, Y/n?"

Sebastian and Y/n turn to Selene and nodded with a pained smile but the moment was cut short then Zeus entered.

"Selene I'm taking y/n!" Zeus announced as he grabbed Y/n, dragging her out the temple while Selene and Sebastian watched surprised.

"Y/n, I wanted to tell you that you should marry me." He said letting her go before flexing his muscles causing her to raise a brow at him, unknowingly to the two both Selene and Sebastian had followed them and heard everything.

"Thanks for the... um offer but I'm married still." Y/n looked up at Zeus as he stopped flexing and looked annoyed now.

"It's that lowly mortal duck scrooge isn't it."
"You don't get to bad mouth Scrooge just because he isn't here, I may still be his wife but I won't marry you." Y/n responded as a loud crash was heard dragging her attention from Zeus, she ran towards the sound as her brother followed.

"Why did he say that!?"
"Don't know-" Y/n turned red realizing her brother heard what she said about Scrooge to Zeus.

"Can't let who know where here?" A child like voice said making them stop as thunder started to roll in.

"SCROOGE MCDUCK YOU DARE DEFY THE WILL OF ZEUS." A voiced boomed while Selene's brother, Storkules stood next to Donald Duck.

"The king of God's get out!" Shouted in excitement a kid in red next to a kid in green.

"They look like Della..." Murmured Sebastian to Y/n who nodded as they got closer to them but kept a distance.

The kid in red asked questions with the green kid interrupting about hidden treasures on the island.

"The Myths are real this place is amazing!"
"It used to be amazing till Scrooge and his mortal riffraff friends showed up and ruined it." Zeus said pointing at them in anger which was enough for Y/n as she stepped in front of Zeus.

"Leave them Zeus." She warned as he leaned towards her with a grin.
"Only if you take my offer, leave Scrooge and marr-"
"Not while I'm still kicking and NO absolutely not."

Sebastian glared as Zeus with bright jade colored eyes making Zeus roll his eye and back away from her.
"Are you a god too?!" Red asked as once Sebastian's  eyes turn back to normal.

"I am not a god little one but I would be a better one than him." He pointed at Zeus who gasped dramatically feeling offended.

"We are from the L/n family." Sebastian said shocking red making him faint but catching greens attention.

"H-Hey kid?!" Y/n caught him then looked at Zeus who walked closer with a frown.
"Fine, but let me tell them what happened here." He asked making y/n groan but agreed nonetheless.

"Hey sorry to bother but Louie duck, this is Huey."Louie pointed to Huey passes out in Y/n's arms.

"You both wouldn't happen to know where all the treasure is?"
"I do but it'd be best if we listen to Zeus before he starts whinging."

Sebastian crossed his arms as he glared at the back of Zeus's head before taking the unconscious duckling from Yn's arms.

Everyone follows Zeus to his throne surrounded by vases then sat on a broken pillar, away from Zeus if he did anything.

"Ithaquack was a vacation spot for hero's and gods, I was the God of hospitality." He said then went on a rant on what Scrooge did.

"So leave it to an immortal to whine about the good old days?"
"So where is everyone Zeus?" Sebastian taunted with a grin while receiving a glare from Zeus.

"They all left when Scrooge did, they said they didn't want to hang out with a God who couldn't even best lowly mortals." Zeus said as Sebastian showed a vase with Zeus zapping the other gods.

"Sure does seem like it." Sebastian raised a brow and smirked seeing Zeus turn red with boiling anger.


Two ducklings walk around a hill and talked about what the letters might be about, the ducklings headed to the temple of hero's. As they entered they saw a camber with L/n written above in Greek.

"Webby let's look in there for clues." He said as they walked in and saw a statue of Della, Y/n and Sebastian.

"Dewey look," Webby said showing a scroll with drawing depicting Della and the twins.

"The great Y/n and Sebastian along with Della were unstoppable in fighting even with the twins special abilities passed by their parents.

The twins have stuck with Della helping her in battles, Della even considered them family... no one should come to know this but-"

"But... what webby?"
"There is nothing. It seems to have been torn off." She said holding the scroll with a frown.

"We should look around the temple for other rooms holding clues and the Spear Of Selene." Dewey said walking out with Webby who placed away the scroll for safe keeping.

On The Beach

{Why today of all days...} Y/n thought as one second ago they where having a 'welcome party' next thing Zeus is talking about a competition between the two families.

"Can we talk this?"
"No everyone will have to compete."
"This is exactly why we stopped vacationing here." Scrooge mumbled as Donald dragged Huey and Louie to the Sunchaser.

Zeus didn't like like what they were doing, he placed a barrier around the island to prevent them from leaving, causing excitement for Huey and Louie but not Scrooge, Donald and the twins.

Next thing they knew everyone was wearing a tunic(except Scrooge), Y/n didn't like the tunics and Sebastian's glaring at Zeus didn't help. Sebastian frowned noticing Zeus talking with his son about going up against the McDuck family only for him to just win and have power once again.

Scrooge talked with Huey and Louie on how to win against storkules using his intelligent against himself.

"If all fails I'll step in McDuck."
"Won't be necessary but alright. Oh enough with the formality, please call me Scrooge."
"Alright then... Scrooge." Y/n said with a smile as the two looked at one another, Scrooge's eyes widen slightly once realizing who was in front of him.

"TO YOUR POSITIONS!" Zeus yelled as the two jumper with a small hint of pink on their cheeks. The boys, Storkules and Donald stood behind a white line on the sand.

"Whoever claims Aiolis's bag of winds first wins, understood?" Zeus said placing a small bag on the sand.

"Five or six questions-"
"On your marks get set!" He clapped his hands together causing thunder to strike as Storkules, Huey and Louie ran towards the bag while donald went the other way.

Zeus opened the bag and a gush of wind blew Donald up against a pillar while Storkules walked, cutting through the wind as Huey and Louie held on the ground for dear life.

"Were never going to beat him like this!"
"Ah to breezy, to breezy!" Louie said as the tunic filled with air, giving Huey an idea. Huey used a pillar to push himself off and let the air flood into the tunic as it helped him land behind the bag closing it.

"Ha, ha, ha well done nephews of Donald what ingenuity from henceforth you shall be know as Hubert tamer of winds and Llewellyn fighter of storms!"

"Please do not say my real name out loud." Louie said in a whisper.
Scrooge, Sebastian, and Y/n along with Zeus sat on the stairs, watching them.

"Heh satisfied?"
"Doesn't count they cheated! Best two out of three." He said as Y/n went to help Donald and to cheer for Huey and Louie.

"Zeus... I won't let you anywhere near her even if you try to get with her. Got it?" Sebastian said glaring at Zeus before leaving him and Scrooge to their own devices.

"What does he mean by that?"
"N-Nothing at a-all McDuck."
Scrooge made a face toward Zeus as if to say he's not dumb enough to believe his lie.

"Now comes the ultimate challenge steal the Golden Fleece from this small child." Zeus said as he stepped to the side showing the child.

"This is your ultimate challenge?"
"There's no way we're going to beat storkules on this one." Louie said as the family looked at Storkules.

"Steal? From a child? But if I were to do such a thing could I ever truly be called a hero? Donald, I am in need of your wise council!" He then looked around calling for Donald only to find him walking away.

"Zeus what are you planning?"
"Mmh oh nothing of the sorts... just a friendly game." He grinned much to Sebastian's dislike, he frowned looking up at the God.

"It better not involve my sister and the McDucks getting hurt." Sebastian turned around towards his sister and family.

"Oh I wouldn't want that..." Zeus muttered sarcastically, smiling at the child with a Golden Fleece.

In The Temple

After walking into a room they see a replica of Ithaquack and its very details.

"So do we looking the tiny houses or-"

Before the two could do anything a blue light appeared shining directly on the replica and traveling up to a giant circle with a blue stone that turned, opening and showing Greek characters glowing above.

"What's its say, that Della duck was a hero who died nobly protecting her family?"
"Whomsoever claims the prize inside shall find great riches but incur the terrible wrath of the gods."

Webby gasped as she turned to Dewey with excitement, "It all checks out. Della stole the spear, angered the gods, and brought their wrath down upond her innocent family, which explaines why Mr. McDuck and Donald didn't want to land here, ha!"

Dewey looked down with a frown not wanting to believe what he heard.

"That can't be true mom would never do that to her family." He said that the door above the replica started closing.

"I guess we'll find out for sure in the garden, let's go." Webby stepped forward but Dewey got infront of her.

"No." Webby frowned as she tried going in a different direction but he kept blocking her as the door lowered more.

"What are you doing the door is closing!"
"We're not going in."
"But all the answers we've been searching for are in there!" Webby exclaimed trying to push Dewey but he pushed back with his hands.

"I don't care my mom was a hero!" Dewey yelled push Webby as she somersaults backwards off the replica and looks at Dewey who stares back at her, challenging her to try and go past him.

On The Beach

The small child holding the fleece just blinked while storkules paces back and forth debating on whether to take the Golden Fleece or not.

"I got it."
"What I'm also a little kid it's fine."

"Not sure it works that way." Sebastian went to take a step closer but frozen when the child started singing making everyone stare at her.

"Plug your ears! No good ever came from a creepy child singing!" Scrooge instructed covering his ears as the boys and Sebastian followed along.

Sebastian looked at Y/n, her eyes were now a light blue just like Storkules.

"Oh! The child is actually a mind-controlling siren! Did I not mention that? STORKULES, FINISH THEM!"

Once storkules heard the order he stepped towards Huey and Louie.

"Y/N!, KEEP THE BOYS AND SCROOGE SAFE!" Sebastian commanded going towards Zeus while Y/n moved quickly grabbing the two boys and looking up at Storkules with a glare.

In The Temple

Webby and Dewey continued pushing each other around till they were at the top reaching the door, where he push Webby to the bottom of the replica.

"Please the answers are right through there! You can't stop me now!"
"Don't have too, just have to hold you off until the door closes." He said holding the tiny chimera with a grin.

"You wouldn't." Webby said with a challenging look but Dewey held the chimera high as if the drop it.
"I'll save you tiny chimera!" Webby then luged herself at Dewey causing them to fall backwards.

At The Beach

Storkules threw punches left and right, Y/n blocking them as she protected Scrooge, Huey and Louie.

"No! My fists betray my heart! Father! Stop this madness!" Storkules exclaimed while Zeus simple shrugged at them only to receive a kick in the face by Sebastian as Storkules slammed his fists to the ground causing them to fall down but get back up and ran.

"Just lay off, man! It's not my fault I best you at pretty much everything I do!"

"Not helping." Louie said seeing Y/n being held by Storkules but she managed to get out, kicking him in the face while he threw her on the ground as the boys screamed being pushed into a corner.

"I apologize in advance for crushing your tiny bodies. I want you to know as my best friend
Donald's family, I consider you my second-tier best friends. Farewell!"

Storkules lift his fist ready to strike when donald appeared behind him.

"Hey, you big palooka! Nobody's getting hurt today!"

Storkules threw hits at Donald who dodged them but got angry when be got shoved away by him, Donald did his signature move and attacked Storkules body, hitting him.

In The Temple

"We are so close to the truth! Why won't you let us find it?!"

"Because.... what if my mom was a bad person?"Dewey said covering his face with his arm, Webby looked surprised and looked at the door sadly then at her friend.

"This is one mystery we don't have to solve."

Webby walked away from Dewey but he looked at the closing door and quickly took Webby's hand, pulling her through the door with him.

Getting up the two look and see a beautiful garden with a statue pouring water.

"I need to know the truth- whatever it is." He said as they walked past the statue that stopped pouring water. In a quick movement a figure appeared in-front of them.

"Aaah! Ha! Gotcha! Heeey, you're not Della."
"You know Della? Where is she? Please don't tell he she was an evil family betrayer and spear stealer! Who are you, anyway?"
"Dewey, that selene, the goddess of the moon. Hi, I'm Webby."

"I heard scrooge and his family where on the island, so I wrote a super spooky-prophecy on the door to lure my friend della. That usually does the trick."
"So, where's the Spear of Selene, Selene?"
"What spear?"
"The one della took from your garden."

"You mean the Sphere of Selene?"
"Why does no one get what I'm saying?! The Spear of Selene!"
"I've never had a spear. Do you mean the sword of Selene? That's down the hall-"
"NO! The Spear of Selene! The one my mom took! The one that's the only clue to finding her!"

"Ah, your Della's kid! I shoulda have realized— you're just like her." She said messing with his face and hair.

"I'm sorry. I haven't seen her in years, and I don't know what the Spear of Selene is."
"So we're back to she stole Scrooge's spear and betrayed the family then. Great."
"What? No way! She loved her family more than anything in the world." Selene summoned her sphere and showed him Della with Donald and Scrooge being with the Zeus and Storkules.

"Della wasn't just a good person, she was the greatest. And she made everyone around her better."
"Maybe the spear isn't an artifact. Maybe it's something!"

"Your mom did love a good mystery. Here. It's not a spear, but it is a treasure even Della never found. Don't give up, young duck. Your mother never did."

Selene smiled down at Dewey who hugged her and he pulled webby into the hug as Selene gently ran her fingers through Webby's hair. She noticed a single piece of hair that changed colors.

Selene stared at the piece of hair in shock, a frown was featured on her face as she thought back to a few years ago.

On The Beach

"Know that I regret this most bitterly." Storkules said as Scrooge shoved his cane into Storkules mouth.

"Seeme like old times ey lad?" Scrooge said to Donald who grinned, giving Scrooge a knowing look as Y/n tried to break storkules grip on Donald when her eyes flashed between light blue and jade causing them to notice.

"We gotta stop the singing!"
"I'm on it."

Louie went to the small singing siren child and also looked where Zeus was, seeing him getting punched by the Sebastian, knocking out a tooth causing him confused.

"Umm... what a magical voice. Do you have any idea how much money I could made with a voice like yours. Zeus just want to use you I want to use you to make us both rich. What do you say?"

Louie sticks his hand out to the siren who dropped the fleece and in a gruff, low voice agreed. As there was no more singing Storkules shook his head making Scrooge fall and Y/n quickly catching him in her arms.

"I think this is supposed to be the other way around, don't you think?"

Y/n placed Scrooge down and fixed his top hat on his head, then gave him a peck on his beak. Scrooge returned the kiss, grabbing her waist and wanting to deepen the kiss. However, Zeus yelled at Storkules to stop hugging Donald, making them stop.

Y/n and Scrooge parted away staring at each other with loving eyes while feeling frustrated that Zeus ruined their moment.

"I missed you love."
"I missed you too and I'm sorry I wasn't around these past few years."
"It's fine, just visit or stay in the mansion like old times."
"Alright..." Y/n agreed as she moved away from Scrooge, her features held a frown as she walked towards her brother.

"What are you doing?!" Zeus yelled again seeing his son still hugging Donald.
"They're best friends. Perhaps we've been letting our pride get in the was for decades and it's our families who suffer. What do you say, peace?"

Zeus slapped Scrooge's hand away and crossed his arms like a big baby while Sebastian glared at him but Y/n stopped her brother from doing anything rash.

"Does beating me really mean that much to you?"
"Yes absolutely."
"Ugh fine, one final challenge winner gets all the glory." Scrooge held his hand out again and Zeus shook on it.

Time Skip

Scrooge looked around, trying to make the right move and just looked at Zeus as he dropped the ball.

"Ah! Oh no! I can't believe I choked on the last round." He deadpanned as Zeus celebrated with a chant of 'I win say it out loud' receptively while shooting lightning to the barrier causing it to disappear just as Webby and Dewey returned.

"There you two are. Now let's go back to the plane before he comes up with another cockamamie contest." Scrooge said walking away with the twins, Webby, Donald and the triplets behind him.

"So Scrooge, how are these days?"
"Alright as I'll even be, how bout you?"
"Well enough, knowing I almost punched Zeus again but I didn't thanks to my adorable sister~" Sebastian teased pulling Y/n's cheek lightly and suddenly Zeus was heard yelling.

"We should go. Now."

Scrooge and his family along with the L/n's ran to the plane was only to see it destroyed and launchpad holding a nail.

"Found the problem!"

Sebastian smiled looked at Y/n with nodded, so he pulled out a miniature jet and threw in into the water as he took a few steps back. The small object turned into a normal sized jet, white and gold on the sides.

"Alright!, come along let's go!" Sebastian opened the door letting the kids and Donald first, Scrooge and Y/n next along with launchpad and himself as he closed the door.

"Please sit while I get this in the air." After a few seconds the jet started and off they went to Duckberg.

Webby sat near a window, thinking about what happened in the garden and pulled out a crystal.


Just as Selene was getting them ready to leave, she pulled Webby to the side.

"Here, your mother want you to have this." Selene placed the crystal into the palm of Webby's hand, changing into a pink color. Those words confused Webby since her didn't know much about her parents and less likely that they would have know about Selene.

"But how does my mom know you?"
"Lets just say your mothers still around and she left me with instructions to give this to you if you were to end up here."

Webby stared at the crystal in her hand as her vision blurred up with tears but before she could thank Selene Dewey called out to her.

"Thank you. Do you know where my mom is?"
"You will meet her soon, now go you can't stay long."

Webby hugged Selene a last time before leaving after dewey with a smile.


They land at the L/n residence, they exited the jet and entered through a garden full of white roses.

"Welcome to the L/n mansion!" Sebastian exclaimed opening the doors and Huey quickly ran in along with his brothers and Webby.

"Dewey wait up!" Launchpad called out going after him with Y/n and Scrooge following along. Huey looked at all the weaponry and art on the walls, writing everything down in amazement while his brothers looked at the gems and chrystal behind glass wonder why they were there and Webby sitting down as she soaked in all that she saw.

As time passed the kids along with Launchpad ended up getting tired causing their wondering to be cut short, Sebastian got in the limo ready with them on and went to Scrooge's mansion for them to rest

"Come on kids it's bed time."
"Yes Ms.beakly/granny."

Beakley took the kids to their room and then went to her own as did launchpad leaving the three friends alone in silence.

"So how about you stay for the night?" Scrooge turned to the two as he held his top hat in his hand, fidgeting with it somewhat nervously.

"We'll stay but their better be no funny business while I'm here. Anyways night!" Sebastian said leaving the two alone with their own red faces.

"Sorry about him, he's just protective."
"It's fine Y/n ,let's just get some rest."

Scrooge took Y/n to his room and each took turns changing into pajamas. Scrooge was already in bed waiting for Y/n, she stepped into the bedroom wearing one of Scrooge's shirts which was a bit big on her.

"I can ask Beakley to get a spare your size." Scrooge was ready to climb out of bed when Y/n stopped him with a reassuring smile.

"No, it's fine Scrooge." Y/n climbed in bed next to him.
"Goodnight love."
"Night scrooge."


"I'm positive that I'm right on this." Selene smiled as she walked around her garden.
"I'm keeping that promise."

Selene stared at her reflection in the water as she thought back to the past, many years ago.

"I've always been curious. How do you know you've found your child even when they get lost?"
"Well in my family we all have one piece of hair that changes colors depending on the parents." The figure smiled as she gently caressed an egg on her arms.

"An example is that if I were to be near my parents the color would change to a purple and jade color but since I am married the colors will be a ruby and jade color which is what the child will have."

"That's amazing! But you haven't told him about this have you?" Selene looked at the egg in her arms with a gentle smile.
"That's why I came here. I don't want you to tell him anything, please?"
"But if something happens to our child and you find them here give them this."

The figure placed a multi-color crystal on Selene's hand, she look at it with curiosity as it immediately turned into a sword with the blade being a baby blue color along with another side being the same but chained together by the handle.

"Woah! What happened?"
"That's what happens when the crystal is passed and I want you to give it to our child, okay."
She smiled at selene who smiled back and hugged her before leaving.

Selene looked at the bright moon with a frown, her brother by her side as he slept soundly.

"You'll find them in no time..."

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