☠︎𝗦𝗹𝘆𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗶𝗻 𝗕𝗼𝘆𝘀...

By slytheringeeks

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This account is shared by two teenagers having fun on wattpad😝🤘 More

ꨄ 𝗗𝗿𝘂𝗻𝗸𝗹𝘆 𝗶𝗻-𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲 ꨄ


336 3 0
By slytheringeeks

The whole group had somehow managed to get together for a party over break— friends to lovers

Being in a larger friend group, there were obviously favourites and then there were people you'd have to seperate before they'd get into a heated argument. Blaise and Draco were always together, although they got into fights often, it was more of an old couple fight. Mattheo and Theodore were linked together, bonding over the thrill of getting into trouble and doing stupid shit they thought were hilarious. Pansy got along with everyone, though mainly staying by your side. Lorenzo too got along with everyone really well, easy going guy with a cheeky attitude, nevertheless a gentlemen that everyone appreciated. Pansy had introduced you to the group, you found yourself getting along with everyone, especially Lorenzo. You two would hang out together sometimes alone, enjoying the banter or fun gossips he'd gather from his many friends. The whole group knew better than to comment on the rising tensions, allowing you two to figure it out yourselves.

Mattheos finger swirled around the concoction that you'd both created, a mixture of foul smelling alcohol and random juices.

Mattheo being absolutely smashed, giggled at the mangy looking colour of brown that had formed in the cup, you on the other hand were at worst tipsy, drunk on the hype of the party.

"Down that." He half yelled over the pumping music, holding up the mysterious liquid with a mischievous expression playing on his face.

You'd always hang out with Mattheo at parties and you'd always wake up regretting inhaling & drinking all these substances he provided but you never thought too deeply about what the future might bring.

Your lips pursed in hesitation before your hand reached to take a handful of sour worms, adding them to the cup before snatching it from Mattheo.

"Gotta make it a little pleasant" You yelled back, not caring about the side eyes you both collected.

This sent Mattheo into another fit of laughter, as if you were the funniest person he'd ever met. You examined the ugly looking liquid before lifting it to your lips, tipping it up and downing it completely.

Your face scrunched up, the strong alcohol almost instantly taking affect as you slumped against the nearest stable area which happened to be a tall brunette.

Mattheo was visibly too out of it to help out, in his own world as your arms reached out to stabilise yourself before attempting to stand up straight again.

Your hands felt around, tugging at the thin material of shirt he was wearing, earning a few snorts from the boys' friends who were watching you.

The brunette turned around, an eyebrow raised to reveal an amused Lorenzo. "Berkshire?" You mused, hands still on the sides of him.

Your face had visibly lit up, a toothy grin curving your lips at the sight of him.

"That's me." He replied back, examining the state of you. Eyes half lidded, cheeks a deeper shade of rosey red and hair slightly disheveled.

He peeled your hand off of his shirt, holding them to somewhat help your unsteady footing as he walked you backwards to the drinks table, away from his friends.

You were about to ask for another drink before Lorenzo cut you off, "Now, now I think you've had enough for tonight. Mattheo taking you home?"

He looked behind you to spot Mattheo passed out on a couch nearby, huffing out a breath as his hand traveled to the lower part of your back, guiding you to wherever the exit may be. "Guess I am. Why do you even hang out with the bastard at parties? He'll get shitfaced and leave you to either pass out or shove his tongue down some chicks throat." He rambled on as you both made your way out of the building, your mind and body weren't working together so you didn't have much choice but to follow him. Plus you didn't have a ride now all your options were gone and out of everyone in the group, Lorenzo had to be your top pick of trustworthy people.

The music had interrupted most of his words but you got most of it, murmuring words back to him that were only incoherent. Your vision had moderately blurred, the harsh lighting making your head spin, body uncoordinated, swaying and accidentally pushing into a few bodies to get past.

Lorenzo tried his best to keep you steady while keeping a respectful amount of touching. You both reached the door before some of your friends caught sight of the two of you leaving together, Lorenzo pausing to give them a nod.

You'd exhaled a long breath that sounded more like a groan, slumping against him as all efforts to walk in these uncomfortable heels fled.

"Just taking her home, Mattheo probably poisoned her with the sketchy liquids he keeps." He explains, Theo just looking between you two with a smug look on his face. He whistles lowly before abruptly shutting up thanks to Pansy giving him a harsh elbow to his side.

"God he can be a little twat sometimes." She sighed, completing ignoring Theo's whines as she complains about Mattheos poor behaviour. Lorenzo's hand had slipped to your waist now as you curled into him more, his thumb lightly stroking to ease your foggy drunk mind.

Draco and Blaise joined the conversation at some point, their obvious drunk states being confirmed by the way they wouldn't stop giggling and shit talking people out of no where with sass.

"Better drive her back home safely Berkshire." Pansy said after some time, sternly pointing a finger at him with narrowed eyes. Lorenzo was quick to confirm he would, looking down at you, slowly starting to regain yourself.

After exchanges of goodbyes, thankfully he had finally made it out of the door and the cool air whipping at your skin had never felt so good.

Your lips curve into a content smile, moving off of Lorenzo as you waddle forwards to enjoy the pleasant temperature and space to actually walk, in comparison to the sweaty, cramped building.

Lorenzo watched this, "careful" he laughed as you hobbled around like a weakened old lady.

You shot him the finger, which only made you wobble more. He caught up to you with an intrigued grin, an arm supporting you as he turned to wherever his vehicle was.

"Let go Berkshire, I am perfectly capable of walking." You slurred, head whipping to the side where we had turned to a beautiful black car. "Holy shit, this your whip? No wonder you get so many bitches." You raved, excited to ride in the boujee car.

He scoffed, tugging you away from the car like a disappointed mother as he positioned you in front of his motorbike. "She's better than that fancy thing." he says whilst patting the bike, staring down at it with adoration.

You frowned, "A motorbike? What girls are you picking up to find this attractive." You inquired, staring at the hunk of metal.

"You're telling me you don't find this attractive?" He shot back, a palm placed on his chest in a playful act of hurt.

You shrugged, shaking your head no. "You liar." He muttered, leaning in to your space teasingly.

Your eyebrow ticked up, a challenging glint displayed in your eye. Your lips parted to retort though you were interrupted, a piece of clothing being shoved to your stomach.

You cursed to yourself, glaring at the smirking man. "What was that for, you ass." You spat, watching as he placed a helmet on his perfectly layered brown hair.

He knew this was just going to go back and forth, to be honest he enjoyed their playful conversations but he needed you home.

"Put it on," he tightened the strap under his chin securely, "if you want to freeze to death, of course by all means don't put it on." He added, turning to face you again.

You put the jacket in front of you, squinting at the fabric. "Nah it doesn't match my outfit." You conclude, Lorenzo rolling his eyes as he looks down at your body.

The dress was supposed to be casual but it fit you too well to be casual. Your roommate had helped you choose a dress a while back, a body-con that fits nicely but it's not too tight to expose too much. "You've got to be mysterious, make them curious for more," is what your roommate had told you. He must've been staring for too long as you spoke up.

"What is it?" You asked, head tilted to the side slightly. You knew full well what he was thinking, your expression feigning innocence.

He lips thinned out in a line, thinking of an excuse as his eyes raked down your body then back up. "cough slag cough."His voice muffled, reflexes quick to dodge the palm of your hand striking towards him.

"I'm joking," his voice raising slightly higher as his hands went up in defence. "you know you're not, you look beautiful tonight."

Beautiful was an understatement, he thought you were beyond but he wouldn't expose himself like that.

You hummed, narrowed eyes slowly softening as you grab his spare helmet, slipping on the larger jacket next. Lorenzo watched you with a small smile of victory, moving closer to make sure you'd strapped your helmet on correctly.

His left hand tilting your chin, right fingers slipping under the strap to ensure it was just perfect. Your eyes stayed on his, waiting patiently as he looked you over one more time.

He zipped the jacket all the way, sneering as he pinched your cheek. "and guess what? You're still beautiful even when the outfit doesn't match."

Your head dipped from his hand in a fluster, a frown displayed on your lips. "Yeah yeah." You grumbled, clearly not in the mood to appreciate his compliments. You'd be giggling about it later tonight anyway.

He guided you to sit on the motorbike, shuffling you closer towards the end of the bike. "Leave some room for me fatass." You complained, wriggling closer for more room. "Oh my bad, it's a struggle sometimes." He joked back, his hand securing you flush against his back.

You mumbled curses as your face squished against his hard back, arms loosely folding around him. "Alright hold on, don't want you blowing away in the wind." He teased, flicking on the switch as he worked the bike, roaring the engine as if he were trying to impress you. Maybe just because it was him, it was working.

You felt stupid in a large jacket that completely engulfed you to your lower thigh, the helmet pushing your hair back that you had spent some time curling.

Your head turned to the side, watching as he slowly drove the bike forwards, your attention turning to the way his expression hardened when in focus.

This man was majestic, some of his strands making an appearance from under the helmet as it twirled and twisted due to the light wind. The shape of his eyes made him as a person appear more soft, approachable and kind. Not to mention the biceps this man has— a loud roar interrupts your very normal thoughts, yelping as your arms tighten against him.

He laughs in response, the sound coming out distant due to the overpowering sounds of the loud vehicle. The street was near empty, Lorenzo taking advantage of that to floor it.

"BITCH SLOW DOWN" you squeak, your grip not enough for comfort, your nails now digging into his god like biceps. He grunts, slowing down ever so slightly. You feel a lot more comfortable, loosening a little so that you're not latched onto him like a Lego piece.

"Happy now?" He yells, his words hard to make out as he swerves right. Your hand moves in his view, thumb stuck out.

He uses this opportunity to grab the hand while the other one steadily navigates the bike straight. He places your palm out, moving it to the bikes right handle bar, his body leaning forwards to accommodate this.

You got the memo, moving your other hand and clutching the left handle bar as his hands place gently over yours. He clutched your hand lightly, positioning it correctly. He controls everything, you feel. Maybe you'd have to take back what you said about motorbike riders not being attractive.

He squeezes the bikes breaks as you round another corner, his larger hands swallowing yours completely. Your body moved awkwardly to assist what he did, sometimes having to squeeze yourself right against his back to turn to one side.

You'd hear his chuckles and murmured praises, enjoying the drive home more than he should have.

The air adding to the red hue already painted on your cheeks, eyes having to blink more than usual as the wind blew powerful. It had felt so freeing, your eyes closing to the pleasing sound, smell and feel of the moment.

You exhale a calm breath before the pleb decides to rip the bike to the right swiftly, the tires screeching though not reaching the volume of the sound coming from your mouth.

"Oops. Nearly missed my turn there" he says nonchalantly. Your body fighting to stay on the bike behind him, thighs gathering enough grip on the sides of him.The motorbike slows to a stop, near your house but not quite at your house.

Although he didn't want to admit it but he was terrified of your parents, therefore keeping a friendly distance.

"OOPS?" You start, our hands still intertwined on the two handle bars. "Oh sorry, did you expect me to miss the turn and have to find some insane route that would probably get us mulled?" He challenged back, his grip tightening.

"Just be a little gentle, I'm fragile." You huffed. Lorenzo let you slip off the bike, staring at you with one eye brow raised.

"Can't expect princess treatment when your a peasant.." he mumbled quietly, half expecting you not to hear.

You gasp, pointing to the vehicle infront of you . "I'll scratch your precious motorbike." You threaten, his face quickly turning to disbelief.

"You wouldn't-" you had cut him off by taking a step closer, Lorenzo reacting quickly by throwing himself onto you.

The short walk to your house was banter, though it was never serious. Lorenzo enjoyed getting a rise out of you and you happily played along.

As you made it to the front door you turned to him, your scowl had now disappeared into a much softer expression, a small smile appearing on your lips.

"Sorry about your knees." He whispered, kneeling down to swipe the residue of grass and dirt from when he had tackled you for threatening his bab—bike.

"I've told you already it's fine, I'm going to go shower anyway." You murmured, your voice now as low as his.

"Right.." he hummed, standing back up. His eyes locked onto yours, reciprocating your smile.

"See you at Hogwarts Berkshire." You nodded, fingers fiddling behind your back.

"Enzo," he corrected "call me Enzo, please I think your the only one who doesn't call me Enzo."

You clicked your tongue, "but Berkshire is such a fun name to say."

He laughs, your smile widening at the sound of it. A very pretty sound, something you'd try your best to draw out of him with your very funny jokes.

He shuffles closer toward you, his finger pointing to his cheek. "So no thank you for driving you home like the gentlemen I am?"

You roll your eyes, though you were very used to hearing these things being in the same friend group as him.

But you both knew you weren't just apart of his friend group, you were something a little more and you two weren't the only ones that knew this.

Enzo had his chin tilted to the side, leaning down to assist your shorter self. He waited patiently and it didn't look like he was leaving until he got what he wanted.

Your palm moved to cup the side of his cheek, tilting it back to face you. Enzo had a puzzled expression plastered on his face, priceless, before you had connected your lips with his.

Before he even had time to kiss you back, you had pulled away with a cheeky grin. It wasn't enough for the eager man, his face swiftly moving back to place his lips against yours.

His hand wrapped around yours, delicately lacing his much warmer fingers with yours. Your other hand still laid against his cheek, his stroking up and down against your hip to waist.

The kiss was tender, slow and sweet. Everything you'd expect from Enzo. Though towards the end, his pace quickens, adoring the sweet sound of your breath hitching.

"Don't be greedy now." You uttered against his lips, a roguish smile forming on the both of you.

He hesitated to pull away, hands slipping away from you.

He had the proudest expression on his face, despite it being midnight you'd both never looked so vibrantly alive.

"Maybe I won't see you at Hogwarts next, Enzo." You declared, drawing out his name now that you had the privilege to say the shortened version.

He picked up on what you were saying, nodding with one of his charming smiles.

"I'll text you alright?" He took a step back, awaiting for your reply as he pulled his helmet back on.

"You better." You seethed lowly, not appreciating the amount of times men have said this and not gone through with it.

You had turned to open the door, stepping inside, peeping through the half opened door as you blew him a kiss playfully.

He slapped the air, in his mind throwing it back to you, a man's mind is odd so you let him have it.

He giggled as you finally shut the door with an eye roll, his signature cheeky smile still on his face as he began to walk back to his motorbike. Thoughts fled his mind about you, where would you even want to go for a date?

Best chick he'd ever pick up with his motorbike.

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