The Pirate Duelist with the C...

JasmineJuniel द्वारा

1.8K 49 56

Daiki and his little brother, Haru, were born as pirates in the real world and have their own ship. They were... अधिक

Prologue: Daiki and his Little Brother Reincarnated into Yu-Gi-Oh! 5Ds
(S1) Chapter 2: Welcome to the Fortune Cup
(S1) Chapter 3: Duel of the Dragons
(S1) Chapter 4: The Fortune Cup Finale, Part 1
Question #2

(S1) Episode 1: Bloom of the Black Rose

267 8 2
JasmineJuniel द्वारा

It's been a few days since Kaeya, Ren and Girvanna lived with Maiki and Narumi. They were very kind to them. Maiki and Narumi transfer Ren to a dueling school while Kaeya stays at home as Maiki and Narumi are off doing their jobs. Kaeya and Ren found out that there are decks for them which they had no idea how they got them. But Maiki and Narumi didn't mind because they were pro-duelists themselves. They taught Kaeya and Ren everything they know about dueling including Turbo Dueling. Kaeya felt that he some power inside him and can hear the voices of the cards even bringing them to life. Kaeya was in the air ship, inventing some kind of crystal wand and crystal orb machine. 

There was even a duel runner of his own that he doesn't know how he got it. 

So, Maiki taught him how to drive and Kaeya got his license. Kaeya then exited the air ship and went back into the building. When Kaeya got to the living room, he saw Ren entering through the door.

"Big brother!" Ren smiled, running over to him and he hugged him around his torso.

"Ren. Welcome back. How are you doing at school?" Kaeya smiled, hugging him back before they let go.

"It was great. I made some new friends there! They told me that they met some cool guy from Satellite. And he's around your age, bro. Maybe you can meet him somehow." Ren said as Kaeya chuckled at his excitement.

"Maybe. Can't wait for that day to come." Kaeya smiled. "Why don't I cook some food for us to eat since father and papa will be late coming home."

"Okay." Ren nodded. Kaeya went to the kitchen and cooked dinner. He set them on the table and he and Ren began to eat their food. They finished their dinner. "I'm going to my room to do my homework." He went to his room as Kaeya picked up the dishes and went to the kitchen. He washed them and dried them before putting them up. He walked towards the living room and sat down on the couch. He grabbed his deck out and started looking through them. He was amazed at his cards, but then he heard someone knocking on the door. He and Ren weren't expecting a quest, and their parents were going to be late to get home. So, who would be knocking on the door? He got up and cautiously walked over to the door and opened it. He saw a short, effeminate man who generally resembles a clown, often used as an insult from various other characters. He wears red lipstick, has two red lines running vertically over his eyes, and spiky purple hair. He dresses in a red coat with a black collar and gold trim, underneath a white shirt with gold lining, gloves, and black and gold boots.

"Greetings. You must be Kaeya. I am Lazar and I work for Mr. Goodwin. I am here to give you this letter from Mr. Goodwin himself." The man, Lazar, introduced himself as he gave Kaeya the letter.

"What's this letter for?" Kaeya asked.

"This letter is an invitation for you to participate in the Fortune Cup that is coming up." Lazar explained.

"But why me of all people?" Kaeya asked, raising his eyebrow in suspicion at him.

"You seem to be a very interesting person, Kaeya. We have no knowledge about you but I can tell that your dueling will be interesting to see. Good luck, Kaeya. You're going to need it in the tournament." Lazar said as he walked back to the limo and got in. And they drove off. Kaeya closed the door as Ren appeared before him.

"Who was that, big bro?" Ren asked.

"Someone that goes by the name Lazar." Kaeya answered.

"Really? What does he want?" Ren asked.

"He gave me this invitation to participate in the tournament that is coming up." Kaeya said.

"Are you going to enter the tournament?" Ren asked.

"I don't know. But I can't help but feel that I watched this before somewhere." Kaeya said.

"Yeah, the same with me. Even the name sounded familiar." Ren nodded in agreement. "Maybe you should enter this tournament." Kaeya looked at him in confusion. "You can find some answers while participating in the tournament." Kaeya thinks for a moment and sees that he's got a good point.

"You have a point. Alright, I guess I don't have a choice but to participate in this tournament." Kaeya said as Ren nodded. Maiki and Narumi have finally made it home and Kaeya told him about the invitation to the Fortune Cup. They were surprised by that but accepted it. While Kaeya was in the airship, Ren had gone to hang out with his new friends. He was inventing something when one of his cards started glowing. He pulled out and saw something that he had never seen before: The Crimson Dragon.

"Hello, Kaeya." A voice said.

"Who are you? Are you the Crimson Dragon?" Kaeya asked.

"Yes, I am. I have been waiting a long time for you." The Crimson Dragon said.

"For me? Why?" Kaeya asked, looking confused.

"Because I sensed that you have a potential to save lives from a terrible fate. You are much more than you know. You are the chosen one who will have me as your monster and other dragon monsters that will be in your deck. I will need your help. I have awoken because I feel that Darkness is coming soon and will be a threat to New Domino City." The Crimson Dragon explained.

"But how can I help?" Kaeya asked. Just then, a rainbow glow appeared on his arm. It looks like a dragon mark.

"What is this?" Kaeya questioned.

"You'll understand one day. Right now, your little brother and his new friends will be in danger." The Crimson Dragon said as Kaeya's eyes widened in shock. "You must find them in the abandoned park. I will guide you there." Kaeya nodded as he told his parents that he's going to get his little brother and left.


Kaeya arrived at a square in New Domino City, built as a Duel Arena. He saw people branded criminals, who would rather not be sent to Satellite, often hang around here. It is a very popular spot for street Dueling.

"Mister, hey mister, have you seen the Black Thorn?" A voice asked a man standing in the crowd. Kaeya turned and saw a boy with blue-green hair pulled into a single, high ponytail with two shoulder-length bangs on both sides of his face. He wore a short-sleeved white jacket over a sleeveless dark blue shirt with golden markings. He also wears white shorts with a dark blue belt and blue sneakers of the same color. He also has a bracelet on each wrist. 

Behind him, he saw a boy with brown hair and eyes with glasses on. He wore a white collared shirt with a red bow tie and suspenders, navy blue shorts, white knee socks, and brown dress shoes. 

Then, he saw his little brother behind them.

"Nah, don't you know she don't exist? Maybe she's dueling one of your imaginary friends." An older man sighed, walking away from Leo and Dexter.

"Maybe she doesn't exist, Dex'." Leo sighed, running one hand through his hair.

"Well, I know the blogs don't lie. She'll be here! I just know it!" Dexter said.

"Are you sure? I mean, does anyone know who she really is?" Ren asked, unsure.

"Well, she'd better show up, 'cause my deck is ready for her!" Dexter said stubbornly as she eyed the deck on his Duel Disk.

"Well Dex, we've looked for the Black Rose all day. Maybe we should go home." Leo sighed.

"Huh!? Go home?! The Black Rose is the greatest duelist ever! They say her cards make real monsters, her spells are like real spells, and her traps are like–" Dexter started to say but was interrupted by Leo.

"Let me guess. . . real traps?" Leo deadpanned. Dexter sniffled.

"If you don't wanna help me, then fine. But I'm staying. Got that?" Dexter said.

"Don't cry, Dexter~! I'll stay." Leo teased him.

"I don't cry!" Dexter shouted.

"Calm down, Dexter. And Leo, please don't tease Dexter." Ren said as Leo and Dexter looked away from him, blushing as he smiled sheepishly at them. Kaeya looked at them and smiled in amusement.

"Leo, Ren, what's up!" A voice called out to them. Kaeya turned and saw a guy with tan skin, a somewhat muscular looking physique, black hair with gold highlights, and royal blue eyes. The upper layer of his hair juts upward while the lower layer arches down. He wore a long-sleeved blue jacket with a high collar and amber gems, over a sleeveless black shirt with a red symbol, and wore gloves below his elbows with an amber gem on them. His lower body consists of black jeans with amber knee pads, a belt with two Deck holsters hidden under his jacket (one for his standard Deck and one for his Turbo Duel Deck), and calf-high motorcycle boots. He also has a jagged criminal mark on the left side of his face which was later covered in, presumably by makeup.

"Look! Over here! Dexter, look! It's the superhero who fixed me and my sister's Duel Disks!" Leo exclaimed, running over to Yusei with excitement as Ren ran after him. Dexter gave an unimpressed look.

"He's a superhero?" Dexter questioned. Nonetheless, he followed Leo and Ren.

"So, what's up?" Leo asked, grinning ear to ear as both he, Ren and Dexter caught up with Yusei.

"What are you two doing here, Leo, Ren? This is a dangerous place for little kids. Where's your sister?" Yusei asked, looking around for signs of Leo's twin.

"She didn't wanna come." Ren said. Dexter looked at Yusei's criminal mark, gasping when he saw that Tanner, Yanagi, and Alex had some as well.

"Leo. Zane. I don't think this guy's a superhero." Dexter whispered hesitantly. "Check his face!"

"That's his secret identity!" Leo said.

"And besides, I have a feeling that he's not a bad guy. I believe that he was just being mistreated because he's from the Satellite. You can't judge a book by its cover." Ren said as Dexter nodded in understanding. Kaeya smiled at how his little brother was being wise.

"What are you doing here?" Yanagi asked as Ren yelped and hid behind Dexter, causing Dexter to blush madly. Leo furrowed his eyebrows a bit at that.

"We've been looking around for the Black Rose!" Leo said. Yusei looked at them.

"Oh. He, his twin sister and Zane helped me get my memory back. They're cool." Yusei explained, smiling. Leo grinned.

"Yes! I'm cool! And this is my best friend, Dexter." Leo added.

"Um, hello. . ." Dexter greeted them shyly.

"Nice to meet you again, sir." Ren said.

"Hey there, Ren." Yusei smiled and patted his head.

"That guy's the best!" Leo gushed on and on." He's got this combo that's like 'whoa'! You should definitely duel him." Dexter is still meek around the group.

"Uh. . . Maybe some other time?" Dexter asked, stopping when she saw Yusei's invitation sticking out of his pocket. "Oh, look at that!" He pointed at the invitation.

"Hey, that's an invitation to duel at the Fortune Cup! You're in it, too?" Leo asked excitedly. Yusei gave a half smile.

"Uh-huh." Yusei confirmed. Leo began dancing in place.

"I get to duel you! I get to duel you! But this time, you're going down, too!" Leo said with determination, before turning to Dexter. "Maybe if I win, he'll make me his sidekick like in all those comic books. Cool, huh?"

"Yeah." Dexter smiled.

"This is going to be great. Not only is my new friend dueling, but also the guy we helped and my older brother." Ren smiled.

"Brother?" Yusei asked.

"Wait, are you saying that your brother is competing too?" Dexter asked in shock.

"Yeah, I didn't have the time to tell you guys that. Sorry." Ren smiled sheepishly. Something suddenly shot through Yusei's system, and he gave a pained gasp as he dropped to one knee, clutching his arm. Everyone gathered around him, worriedly staring at him as he held his arm.

"It's okay! I'll let you win." Leo said nervously, thinking that he caused the problem.

"What's wrong!?" Yanagi asked. Kaeya then felt the same on his arm as he leaned against the wall near him.

"What was that?" Kaeya muttered.

"Another signer that I gave my mark to. She is here." The Crimson Dragon said.

"Another signer? Who is this 'she'?" Kaeya questioned.

"It hurts just like before!" Yusei gasped, his whole-body shuddering as a liquid fire began scorching his arm.

"Before?" Blister asked.

"When it first appeared. . .The Crimson Dragon!" Yusei gasped, barely able to shout as the crowd of Duelists ran past them yelling, scared out of their minds. Many of them were shouting from the lone playing field, the group of seven staying where they were.

"Let's get outta here! It's the Black Rose!" Someone screamed.

"There is no Black Rose!" Another person yelled back. As if on cue, there was a massive whirlwind, causing him to cover his face and wind formed into a tornado in front of the group.

"The Black Rose?!" Yanagi asked, his own eyes widening as people fled.

"She's just a myth!" Blister said.

"Oh, yeah?" Tanner questioned, looking at Blister.

"There's a reasonable explanation here!" Blister said. The ground is torn up by a monstrous thornbush, making people collapse. The thorns then grew out and stabbed into the nearby buildings. Then, a thorn stem erupts under Yusei and his group, causing them to fly up. They all landed roughly on the ground, causing them to grunt in pain. Yusei managed to land on his feet, still holding his arm. A massive dragon appears beyond the fog.

"What is that?" Yusei questioned as the dragon roared loudly. "Whose dragon is that?" But then he felt his arm burn more and groaned in pain. He moved his glove then his sleeve and saw his mark appeared on his arm, glowing. "My mark!"

"Oh, my!" Yanagi said as he, Tanner and Blister got closer and saw his mark.

"That's no tattoo." Tanner said.

"You're right, Tanner. It is the mark of the dragon!" Yanagi confirmed. Leo looks over to see Yusei's mark glowing on his arm.

"Mark on the dragon?" Leo muttered, seeming to be in deep thought. Then suddenly, beams of light started to shine from in front of them and the large dragon that was in the smoke. The light was so bright that they had to cover their faces. Kaeya seemed to be able to see perfectly. They all looked up to see the dragon again.

"The Black Rose is real." Leo said in shock and disbelief.

"Leo..." Ren said, looking at Leo in worry and concern. Yusei stood up, still holding his arm and started to run towards the direction of the dragon and into the smoke.

"Wait! Come back! It's too dangerous even for a superhero." Leo said, running after him. Yusei barely heard him, searching his way through the cloud of dust. He took a few more steps forward, gasping as he saw something beneath the shadow of the dragon's hologram. A young woman, who stood at least a few inches shorter than him, stood there. She was dressed in a dark red tuxedo with a black rose decorated with thorns pinned at a lapel a black cloak around her head with locks of magenta-red hair poking out from behind the white mask she wore. Attached to her arm was a black and red Duel Disk.

"Black Rose?" Yusei asked, throwing his question over to Leo.

"I think, but be careful." Leo said as Yusei held one arm out to keep him from coming any closer. The others came and saw her.

"Alright, so she's not made-up." Blister said. "What now, grandpa?"

"I don't know!" Yanagi cried out. Kaeya saw the Black Rose too.

"That is the signer." The Crimson Dragon said.

"You serious? But why do I sense pain from that aura of hers?" Kaeya said as he saw a red aura around that person. The Black Rose looked to them, glaring behind her mask. Through the small slits of her mask that allowed her to see, she looked at Yusei. She held back a gasp as she spotted the mark on his arm.

"Your arm! You also have a mark!" The Black Rose shouted, her voice muffled and altered by the small microphone that she had planted on the inside of the mask. It made her voice sound monstrous. Yusei gasped and looked at his own arm. Leo gasped too.

"I do." Yusei said as he took a few steps to her.

"Kaeya! You have to protect him! She's about to unleash a spell card!" The Crimson Dragon said.

"Stay away from me!" The Black Rose yelled, taking a card from her Deck and slapping it down on her Duel Disk.

"Right!" Kaeya said as he grabbed a card from his deck and slapped it down on his duel disk. A blue beam appeared around the Black Rose and wind and rocks whipped around them, everyone else ducking and crying as the attack was lashed out but a green shield appeared around them and protected them. When it all calmed down, everyone looked up and looked about. The Black Rose was gone.

"She's gone!" Tanner said.

"Amazing!" Yanagi cried. "That's what I called an exit for the ages! What do you think her encore looks like?"

"We found her!" Dexter took Leo's hands and gave happy jumps. "The Black Rose is real!"

"That was awesome!" Leo, just as excited and awed. 

"The Black Rose said you also have a mark. What does she mean by that?" Blister asked. Yusei, in the meantime, looked at his arm, his mark gone as if it were a washable tattoo.

"Where did it go?" Leo asked as he, Ren and Dexter walked over and saw that his mark was gone too.

"Vanished!" Yanagi gasped. "Like magic!"

"I know. I have to find this 'Black Rose'." Yusei said. Everyone else was silent and surprised that he declared this. "After all, guys, I needed to find out some answers."

"But where did that shield come from?" Dexter asked.

"That would be from me." A voice answered as they all turned to see a male with an eyepatch on, walking towards them. Yusei blushed at the sight of him. He had never seen someone that beautiful before. Ren smiled as he ran over to him and hugged him.

"Kaeya! You saved us, big brother!" Ren smiled as Kaeya rubbed his head.

"He's your big brother, Ren!?" Leo asked.

"Yeah." Ren nodded.

"Are you all alright?" Kaeya asked.

"Y-Yeah. Thanks for protecting us, Mr. Kaeya." Dexter said.

"Just Kaeya is fine. I'm really not a big fan of formalities." Kaeya smiled. He then saw Yusei walk towards him. "I believe that you're the one that Ren told me about that he and his friends help you remember?" He then looks at the invitation in his hand. "By the looks of that letter in your hand, I believe that you are entering the Fortune Cup, right?"

"Yeah. Thanks...for helping us out back there." Yusei said. "Are you entering as well?"

"Not a problem. Just couldn't sit by and let anyone get hurt. For that question you asked, yes. Yes, I am." Kaeya smiled as he extended a handout to him. "My name is Kaeya. I'm Ren's biological brother, but we're adopted by our parents."

"I'm Yusei Fudo. It's nice to meet you, Kaeya." Yusei smiled, grabbing Kaeya's hand and shaking it.

"You too, Yusei." Kaeya smiled before he looked down at Ren and Ren looked up at him. "Well, it's time for Ren and me to head on back home. See ya later." Kaeya and Ren leave them and head back to their house.

"That guy is cool just like Yusei. Especially that eyepatch on his face. He's like a pirate!" Leo grinned.

"Hey, grandpa, do you have any idea who that guy might be?" Blister asked.

"I'm afraid not. The only thing we know is that he's that little boy's older brother." Yanagi said.

"I believe I don't think anyone has." Yusei said, getting everyone's attention. "But it seems that we'll be able to find out."


(A dark alley, Eastern New Domino City, 9:00 PM)

Wheezing and gasping, the Black Rose made a turn and pressed her back against an alley wall, catching her breath. A truck drove by, and she shoved herself to the corner deeper, hiding herself as the headlights passed. Taking in a breath, she slid down the wall and crouched to her knees, recalling what had happened a while back.

'That mark . . . Why did he have one?' The Black Rose thought to herself. She pulled off her mask as rivulets of sweat dripped off her nose.

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