Gustholomule One-shots

By Hahdghdbd

270 11 10

Gustholomule obviously with some Huntlow No smutt or weird shit but swearing, other possible things that may... More

Surprise Part 1
Surprise Pt2
Surprise Pt3
Sleepover at Aunt Lulu's


42 1 2
By Hahdghdbd

(This is a Valentines special. Timeline is after labyrinth runners before D.O.U. Also it's a half day so lunch is at the end of the day)

Matt's POV:

I was sitting in construction class making little illusions out of boredom. Most of them were of Gus. I loved Gus he was my best friend... and I had a crush on him but he would never like me back. I was a jerk, ugly and weak. He was kind the kindest person I've ever met, he was smart, and so pretty. The intercom went off it said "With grom only 2 days away we have selected our grom king!" King? Usually it was a queen maybe they're switching it up.

"We have selected Mattholomule for king!" The intercom said. The illusions disappeared and I looked up. My eyes widened realizing what he just said. The entire class was staring at me. N-no this isn't happening I- I can't! Me fighting grom?! I wasn't strong enough I'd die! I started crying and ran out of the room. I couldn't breathe. I ran to the men's bathroom and curled up in a stall.

Gus's POV:

I was sitting in English class drawing little illustrations. When the intercom went off announcing the grom king we usually had a queen so this was different. "We have selected Mattholomule for king!" I dropped my pencil and looked around the room worried. Being grom king is insanely difficult I remember when Amity and Luz were the queens. You have to fight your biggest fear. It was lunch next period so I'd talk to him about it then. Matt was one of my best friends and to be honest it felt different around him. Nothing I've ever felt my heart would beat faster and I couldn't think StRaIgHt.

The bell rang and before I went to find Matt I had to use the bathroom. I walked to the bathroom and walked in. I didn't think anyone was there till I heard crying and sniffling. "I can't do this! I'm not strong enough! I'll either die or embarrass myself! Plus I wanted to ask them out but they'd never go with me..." I heard a familiar voice say from the second stall. It took a second then I recognized it. "Matty is that you? Are you ok?" I said softly, and worried. "G-Gus?!" Matt said anxiously trying to calm down. I heard some shuffling and the door open.

Matt walked out his eyes and face were bright red from crying so much. "Matt!" I said as he collapsed into me. I caught him and sat down leaning him against my side. I wrapped my arm around him side hugging the upset small witch. Matt just sat there with his legs up to his chest and his head against his hands.

"Matty you're gonna be ok... it's going to be ok you're stro-" I said but Matt cut me off "No I'm not! You're lying I'm failing all my classes! I can barely do any magic! You're literally perfect! You're by far the strongest illusionist and one of the smartest kids here! I've never been good at anything! It doesn't help that my brother is in the Empores coven! I'm useless and stupid and nobody likes me and no one ever will." Matt shouted as tears rolled down his face frantically.

These words hurt me probably almost as much as they hurt him. "Matty I like you, I think you're smart in your own way, you might not be school smart but you're amazing at spotting scams at the market, you have great strategies and plans, you're stubborn in a good way, you're funny, you are stronger than you think and you're pretty..." I whispered The last few words.

Matt looked up at me his face red but soft and calmer looking. He looked down and wiped his tears. He chuckled a little smiling faintly. He looked at me with a sweet smile and my heart started racing. "G-Gus d-do you like me?" Matt stuttered. "Ofc I literally just said I did! You're like my best friend." I said confused. Matt scoffed looking down. "Oh duh." He said looking upset again. He stood up and clenched his fists I could see tears forming in his eyes again. "I-I should go..." he said wiping his eyes. I was so confused did I say something wrong?

Matt ran off and a note flew out of his pocket and fell beside me. "Matt wait I-" I tried to stop him but it was too late he was gone. The note layed there folded neatly. I opened it curious, I knew I probably shouldn't have but I was worried about Matt. At the top was a scribbled out mess that said dear and then something else I couldn't make out. Underneath it was another scribble but it was easier to read it said "Gus will you" my eyes widened as I read it. The paper was covered in tear stains. But at the bottom it said "Go to grom with me?" I was even more shocked. That's what me meant by do you like me! Shit I messed up I need to find Matt!

Then it hit me, I did like Matt. This was my first crush besides the one I thought I had on Bria. I didn't know what it was. I grabbed the paper and ran out of the bathroom to find Matt.

I ran out of the school frantically looking everywhere for him. I turned the corner and saw Matt curled up in a ball crying. He saw me and wiped his tears away with his hands. I grabbed his hands pulling them away from his face. I grabbed the side of his face and kissed his forehead.

"Matt I'm so, so sorry! Look I didn't know at the time but-" I stopped and looked at him his face was bright red and not just from crying, his eyes were wide and it was like he was frozen. I sat next to him and handed him the note. He looked at it then looked at me. "Matt I do like you... more than that. More than a friend. I'd love to go to grom with you!" I said putting my hand on his shoulder.

Matt tackled me in a hug. We were laying on the floor him on top of me. He got up and we realized the position we were in. My face turned bright red and so did his. He sat up and held out his hand looking away with his other hand on his neck. "S-sorry" he stuttered. I burst out laughing then Matt burst out laughing.

I took his hand and he helped me up. Matt looked at me smiling. "You really want to go to grom with me? Like as a date?" He said hesitantly. "YES! Matty I want to grom with you like as a date!" I said hugging him. "Cool." He said back in a very flustered sound as I let go. His face was bright red. The bell rang and I said bye to Matt giving him a wink and pointing a finger gun at him. His face turned bright red and he pulled his hood over his head trying to hide his face. I chuckled and Matt said bye to me.

——————--Time skip to grom———————

Matt's POV:

It was the day of grom I had been training with Steve. Thankfully Steve was able to get yesterday and today off. Belos was very nice to Steve since he had to take care of me.

Steve helped me get ready and was going to come with me to help chaperone for grom. Steve was also wearing a red suit like mine along with a darker red bow tie but he had black pants on instead of white. Steve had the front of his hair slicked back showing off his horn. I so desperately hoped I would get a horn when I grew up.

I decided to wear the same thing I wore last grom since I didn't have enough money for anything else. Steve was helping me get ready. He slicked back my hair- well he tried to at least. I got changed into the red suit Steve gave me, it was his when he went to high school. I put on the thankfully clean white pants. Steve helped me with my bow tie. I texted Gus that we were about to head over to pick him up.

"Ready little dude?" Steve asked examining my suit and dusting off my suit. "Um... I think so?" I said anxiously. I looked down. "Do you think I'm ready?" I asked looking at Steve. He put his hand on my shoulder. He picked me up holding me over his shoulder. "That's enough worrying for you." Steve said as he walked us outside towards his motorcycle. "Ok so Gus is going to sit in the sidecar and you'll tag along in the back with me." Steve said putting on his helmet. I nodded and he handed me a helmet which I put. Steve got on the motorcycle turning it on. I hopped on behind him. I wrapped my arms around him for safety. Steve took off towards Gus's house.

Gus's POV:

My dad was helping me get ready and I was so excited! Matt texted me he was on the way and I panicked a little. I had my hair done how I usually had it and I was wearing the same suit set from last grom with my magic enhancer on my ear.) My dad ran to the living room and grabbed the present box I had gotten Matt. It was teal with yellow stripes and a grey bow. I put on my black heeled boots and my dad took a picture.

I heard a knock on the door and ran over flinging the door open. I saw Matt standing there he was- gorgeous. His shiny and smooth dark brown hair glistened, his dark brown eyes were prettier than any I'd had ever seen. Matt looked at me and his face turned bright red. Mine must've been red as well cause my face was burning. "Y-you look stunning." I said breathlessly. Matt chuckled "S-so do you"
Matt said smiling cutely.

Matt walked in and my dad walked out to talk to Matt's brother for a second. I sat on the couch and patted a spot next to me for Matt. He sat down next to me giggling a little. I put my hand on top of his and his face turned bright red. "Oh Matty I have a gift for you!" I said turning around and grabbing the present. Matt just looked at the box then to me, his eyes were wide. He took the box smiling, carefully opening it.

Inside were two matching boutonnières with yellow, white, and grey flowers. There was also a necklace with a magic amplifier attached to it. Matt gasped set the box to the side and jumped on me hugging me tightly.I hugged him back and we sat up. "Sorry" Matt laughed awkwardly. "Thanks so much! You're literally the best, these are so pretty and I can't believe you got me an amplifier these are so rare!" Matt said excitedly putting the necklace on over his red suit.

I smiled at him as I grabbed one of the boutonnières and put it in his suit pocket. (I looked and his suit in the show didn't have a pocket but pretend it does same with Gus <3) Matt's face turned bright red again and I laughed. Matt laughed as well and grabbed the other boutonnière and put it in my suit pocket. I laughed and kissed Matt on the forehead.

His face turned redder and I grabbed his wrist pulling him up and dragging him towards the door. My dad walked in and smiled. "You two look so cute together let me get a picture." My dad said pulling out his camera. He got one of me and Matt hugging, one of me holding Matt Bridal style, one of Matt making some construction magic while I made some illusions, one of me kissing Matt on his face cheek, and a few more. "I can't believe how fast you're growing." My dad sighed kissing me on the forehead and roughing up my hair. "Have fun boys and be safe! No alcohol!" My dad yelled as me and Matt walked outside hand in hand.

"Gay" Matt's brother said pointing to us and winking at Matt. I laughed and Matt rolled his eyes. I had never met his brother but I think that's because he works in the emperors coven. Steve laughed and stuck out his hand towards me. "Hey I'm Steve Matt's half-brother!" Steve said with a friendly smile. My jaw dropped in shock. "Oh you're the one that Skara punched that one time huh? Sorry about that." I laughed awkwardly shaking his hand. "Eh I get it but it's all good personally I'm glad you poor kids didn't have to go through all that." Steve said laughing and grabbing a helmet from the side car of his motorcycle. My scroll dinged and I pulled it out. It was Luz in the group chat we made for the Hexside squad.

Luzuara: Want to go to grom as a group me and Amity are at the owl house now so we can meet at the owl house before hand.

Puddles_Mama: Sure me and Skara will be over in a little while since grom doesn't start in like an hour.

Flyer_Derby.winner: What Viney said.

Hello_Willow: I might be late getting there cause my dads want to get my dress tailored.

WITCHCHICK128: Okay we will meet you there!

Not_Goops_Illusion_Master: I'm going early to practice speaking and to help Matt get ready since he's king.

WITCHCHICK128: Really the stupid construction guy? I thought you hated him? Whatever tell him good luck I guess.

Not_Goops_Illusion_Master: It's complicated- anyway got to go!

I put away my scroll and looked at Matt who was very anxious. "You'll do great and if things get too messy I can help." I said putting my hand in his shoulder. Steve handed me a helmet and I put it on and hopped in the side car of his motorcycle.

We rode to Hexside and when we got there I hopped out the side car and walked around the motorcycle. I bowed and put out my hand for Matt to grab. He laughed and took my hand hoping from the back of the motorcycle. "Alright love birds we've got a grom to get ready for." Steve said ruffing up Matt's hair. "Hey!" Matt yelled at Steve as Steve walked towards the entrance of Hexside. I linked arms with Matt and we walked inside. We walked to the gymnasium which was massive. It had the gym area, bleachers, and a large stage where I would be opening again. Matt squeezed my arm and I turned to him put my arms on his shoulders and pulled him into a hug. "You got this Matty!" I said reassuringly. I released Matt and he smiled at me.

"Ah Mattholomule!" Principle bump said walking towards us. "Oh and Augustus you're here too!" Principal bump said a little confused. "I'm helping Matt get ready for Grom!" I said proudly. "Oh ok where's Steve? We could use some help with decorations." Bump asked looking around. Steve walked into the gymnasium holding an older teenager in his hand.

"Steve? Um-" Bump said concerned. "Oh principle Bump what should I do with this child he was trying to spike the non spiked apple blood?" Steve said putting the boy down but keeping him locked in place with vines. "Seriously! Grom hasn't even started Edric?!" Principal bump scolded. "I can't really do anything but I'll keep an eye on you- wait where's Emira?!" Bump said. Suddenly Emira ran down the hallway with a bunch of fireworks in her hand.

Steve made a spell circle on the ground and Emira appeared through the circle. Steve grabbed Emira with abomination goo making her drop the fireworks. "Seriously illegal fireworks?! You're lucky I can't do anything because of your parents." Bump exclaimed. "Edric you said we wouldn't get caught!" She shouted. Edric shrugged his shoulders and me and Matt burst out laughing. "Alright we're gonna go train bye Bump!" I said walking off giggling with Matt.

We went to the room behind the gym where the Grom king/queen/others can train and get ready. Matt looked around at all the weapons and pictures of past kings/queens/others. Tears started forming in his eyes as he saw one of Steve when he went to Hexside. "H-how am I supposed to beat Grom... I'm not as strong as Steve or probably any of these people." Matt said tears rolling down his face.

My heart sunk, I opened up my arms for Matt to hug me. Matt fell into my arms crying into my shoulder. I wrapped my arms around him and comforted him gently. I ran my fingers through his hair and sat him down with me. "Matt you are strong- I don't know why you doubt yourself so much. You might not be strong magic wise, which you still are but you're also smart, strategic, and agile. You're the fastest kid on track! That's gotta mean something." I said pulling Matt up and looking at his face.

Matt smiled his tears slowing, then he looked down. "Yeah I'm fast but that's because all I do is run, I can't fig-" I cut him off and grabbed his face pulling him in for a kiss on the lips. Matt looked shocked and very flustered but after a second he leaned into the kiss and softened. I pulled away for air and smiled at him. Matt looked like he was cosplaying a tomato and was about to pass out. "W-wow that was... wow" Matt said redder than the red grass outside. I pulled him into another quick kiss my heart was beating so fast.

"Hey Mattholomule how's trai-" Principal Bump said as he walked in but he cut himself off when he saw us. Matt quickly pulled away extremely embarrassed. To be honest I was also extremely embarrassed. "I'm going to pretend I didn't see that... but Grom starts in a few minutes so um- I would actually practice fighting instead of um... yea." Bump said awkwardly as me and Matt started giggling.

Bump left and I helped Matt off the floor. "So! What are your biggest fears!" I said with my hands on my hips. Matt's face was still red and he was staring at the floor wide eyed. "A-are we just going to ignore what just- happened? I just had my first kiss I'm still processing all that." Matt said blushing furiously.

I laughed softly and walked towards Matt grabbing his hand. "I wasn't that bad was I? It was my first kiss too." I said with a sweet laugh. "No it was... perfect it's just a lot you know." Matt said looking at me and smiling. We both started laughing and giggling. "I think I'm ready!" Matt said confidently. "Remember I'll be speaking so I can help you if needed." I said clasping Matt's hand. He nodded and smiled.

"Alright let's go! I want to party a little before Grom gets his butt kicked!" Matt said grabbing my hand and dragging me out. Grom had just started and people were starting to show up. Matt dragged me to the dance floor, which was just the gym floor but it worked. "Care for a dance?" Matt asked putting out his hand for me. I was about to grab his hand when a girl ran over towards us.

"Matt! You're here!" A girl with moon shaped horns (idk what to call them) and one eye, wearing a red dress with a white bow ran towards us. Matt froze and stood up turning around. "Oh um Celine uh hi!" Matt said waving. Celine ran up and hugged Matt. I couldn't help but feel jealous. "I was looking for you everywhere I can't believe you got chosen for king!" Celine said letting Matt go. "I can't either." Matt said laughing a little. I felt horrible I don't know why this was getting to me so much. I stepped beside Matt and looked at him. Matt looked at me and smiled. "Oh Celine this is Gus! He's my date!" Matt said proudly.

Celine waved at me and I smiled suddenly I wasn't so jealous anymore it seemed as if they were just friends. "Does um she know? Because I think she expected us to get pictures together again to seem like we're together." Celine said rolling her eyes. I was very confused what was happening. "No she doesn't know but honestly I'm done with her! I don't care what she thinks." Matt said upset. "Yeah but Bria- she'd go mad you know her she thinks gays are wrong and that I just haven't met the right person yet." Celine said folding her arms. "Bria?" I asked, I knew who she was but why would she care she doesn't go here. "Yeah Bria keeps trying to set us up so we just fake it." Matt sighed. "I'm ace but Bria doesn't think it's normal to not feel attracted to someone." Celine said clenching her fist. "Now I really don't like her!" I said punching the air. We all burst out laughing.

"Well I'm going to leave you to it!" Celine said waving as she walked away. We said bye to Celine and me and Matt started making fun of Bria. "Gus!!" I heard someone yell after me. I turned around and saw Luz running up to us in an otter suit. Amity was walking behind Luz with the same pink and purple dress as last grom. "Hey!" I said waving to them. Luz ran over and Amity slowly walked towards us. Matt turned to walk away and I grabbed his wrist and pulled him back towards me.

Matt looked down and was visibly upset. "So um why is Matt here?" Amity said trying not to sound rude but she sounded kinda rude. Matt squeezed his arm out of stress. "Matt is my-" as I was about to explain I heard Bump yell my name. "Augustus we need you to be ready to announce Grom, you're going to be up soon. Also Mattholomule you should head over and get ready for Grom." Bump said. I nodded and said bye to Luz, Amity, and Matt. "Gus wait!" Matt said running up towards me. "What Matty?" I asked. "I'm going the same way silly!" Matt said laughing a little. "Oh right" I said laughing back.

Matt and I walked to behind the stage and I started rehearsing my lines while Matt was warming up some construction spells. "Gus?" Matt said in a question like tone. "Yeah?" I said turning to face him. Matt was right infront of me, my heart started racing and my face grew hot and red. "Ma-Matt" I stuttered. Matt grabbed my face and kissed me on the lips. I leaned into the kiss holding Matt's face. "Hey Gus I just wanted-" I heard Willow say from behind us. I quickly let go of Matt and turned even redder from embarrassment. "Hi Willow! I uh well." I stuttered while Matt covered his bright red face. Willow laughed a little. "I won't tell Luz or Amity" Willow said with a wink and a smile. "Heheh thanks." I said awkwardly. "Anyway good luck Gus!" Willow said happily. She went to turn around then looked at us. "Oh and Matt..." she said Matt looked up anxiously. "Treat Gus well or I might have to resort to violence." Willow said in a threatening but still Kinda sweet way as she created a large vine beside her. "Anyway byeee!" Willow said walking away. "She's scary..." Matt said basically shaking. "Don't worry she only half meant it!" I said fixing my bow tie. "What-" Matt said.

"Oh I need to announce now!" I said waving bye to Matt as he nodded and walked away. "Alright ladies, gents, and witches!" I said into the microphone as the curtains pulled open. "Please take a seat and be wary of our designated splash zones!" I said pointing at the splash bleachers "A shoutout to our favorite principal! Principal Bump!" I said pointing to the bleacher Bump was sitting at. "Hopefully you don't send us to detention because... uh we're gonna raise the roof!" I said enthusiastically. Bump awkwardly raised the roof and everyone burst out laughing. "We also have Steve! He's supervising our Grom and is part of... the emperor's coven!" I said as light fell on Steve and everyone cheered. Steve who was leaning on the drink table gave a rock sign 🤘 and smiled.

"Steves also the brother of the one, and only..." I said pausing for dramatic effect. "Mattholomule!" I said loudly and proudly, also blushing a little. "Mattholomule is one of the strongest construction witches here so this will be a fight to remember!" I said very proudly and confidently as I pressed the button opening up the arena.

Matt walked in and some people started clapping as the weapon walls appeared. Matt looked at me slightly scared. "Good luck." I said softly smiling. Matt grabbed a dagger and a long sword. He stuck the dagger in a compartment he had oh the inside of his suit. He walked down the stairs to Grom.

Matt's POV

I looked up at Gus scared as fuck, my heart was beating so fast. Gus spoke "good luck" softly into the mic smiling. That definitely helped and relived some stress. I grabbed a dagger and a long sword from the weapon selection. I stuck the dagger in a pocket Steve had made in my suit. I walked down the stairs looking around for grom. Then I heard his sloshing behind me. I turned around and pulled out my long sword. I drew a spell on it so that way whenever I used the sword it would cast some sort of construction magic.

Grom started to take form. The first form was of my old teacher at my old school. I never liked him, he was my construction teacher and made fun of me a lot. Grom started attacking me by shooting spikes at me. I easily avoided them and bashed the ground in front of Grom which sent a giant stone colander through Grom breaking its form.

As I caught my breath Grom examined me but before it could touch my head to get my deepest fear I slashed its hand. Grom backed away and changed form. It was Bria- I was expecting this. I hesitated for a second as Bria started mocking me. Bria tried to shoot a boulder at me but I jumped away. I threw some smoke around us. As the smoke clouded Bria's vision, I made 3 more illusions of myself. Keeping them up was really tricky since I was new to illusions. Gus and Steve had helped me train a lot so they were my main motivation to do good.

"Look at that folks! A multi track witch!" Gus said narrating. "It's impressive how long he can keep the illusions up while casting construction!" Gus said kindly and sweetly. The smoke disappeared and Bria looked around confused before attacking one of the illusions on the left. I ran behind Bria and drew my dagger just in case. I casted a large spike which pierced Bria in the heart. Grom fell in a puddle of goo. I took awhile to catch my breath. Grom got together and while I wasn't paying attention Grom stuck his goo hand on my head. I was sucked into the air by Grom. My heart started beating faster. "No, no, no!" I said as Grom dropped me and started slowly taking form. I looked up at Gus who looked scared and anxious. He mouthed "You got this." I smiled and grabbed my sword and dagger from the floor standing up quickly. Grom had taken form and I looked up and right in front me was... Steve. He was looking down at me disappointed. "You're such a failure Matt." Steve said clenching his fist and shaking his head. The whole crowd gasped. I could hear the real Steve shouting my name but I couldn't respond. I was almost frozen. "Look at you! You can barely handle one form of magic let alone two!" Steve shouted at me. My heart sank and tears formed in my eyes. I clenched my dagger and swung at Steve. "YOURE NOT REAL!" I shouted. I missed the swing and Steve laughed. "Matt- sweet Matt you know how disappointed mom is in you! I'm in the Emperors coven and you're failing school! Pathetic." Steve said. I got mad and tears were running down my face. "STEVE WOULD NEVER SAY THAT YOURE NOT HIM!" I said cutting Grom in half with an ice spike.

I was panting and balling my eyes out. Grom took form again and everyone gasped. I looked up scared and confused. "But I- I did it I don't understand..." I trembled. I looked at Gus and Gus was scared as well he grabbed the mic. "You got this Matty!" Gus said encouragingly. Everyone started cheering and I felt more confident. I looked at Grom as he took a form about my hight.

Then I realized what was happening and I completely froze and I couldn't breathe. I heard muffled gasps but I couldn't focus. I looked at the figure- it was Gus. He was laughing at me. "Matty~" the figure said walking towards me. "You really think I'd like you?! You're so pathetic! I'd never date a stupid bully like you." Gus said looking me dead in the eyes a few inches apart. "Matty! That's not me!" I heard Gus scream from above. I couldn't do anything. Suddenly Grom was about to attack me but before he could an ice spike shot through his arm.

I looked up to see Gus on a staff flying down towards me. Grom turned into a pile of goo again. "Gus!" I said excitedly. Gus hopped off his staff facing me. "Matty are yo-" Gus tried to say but I cut him off when Grom was about to strike him. "WATCH OUT!" I yelled. Grom had sucked Gus in the air and was figuring out his nightmare. Before Grom could find it I lashed out.

I couldn't control my magic, my eyes started glowing brown and blue. Spikes and colanders appeared everywhere. Illusions of the graveyard, the night market, even the cave I worked for Tibbles in appeared. Out of rage I shot a huge spike at Grom followed by 5 more. Grom fell to the floor in a puddle. Everyone started cheering now that Grom was defeated. "AHHAHDUHAH" I heard Gus yell. I snapped out of it. Gus was falling and an impact like that he could get really hurt. I ran as fast as I could and slid below him. Gus fell in my arms thankfully and I got up with him in my arms bridal style. I set him down and then suddenly my vision got blurry. "Matty! Are you ok! Matt answer me!" I heard Gus yelling in a muffled voice. I could feel his hands on my shoulders. My body got limp and my eyes closed. I fell into Gus and couldn't hear or see anything.

Gus POV: "Matty! Are you ok! Matt answer me!" I said shaking Matt lightly. Matt looked like he was going to pass out. Suddenly his body went limp and he fell into me. I caught him and picked him up bridal style. I just stared at his limp body. He was still breathing and it looked like he was just tired from all the magic he used. I don't know why but I started crying. Steve teleported to us using an emperors staff. He grabbed me and Matt and teleported us out of the den to outside of the school. He let me go and had Matt over his shoulder. I fell to the floor and cried into my hands . "Shhhh Gus he's going to be ok he just passed out." Steve said kneeling down next to me. He put his free hand on my shoulder. "Let's take him to the healing coven there's one really close by." Steve said softly. I got up and walked towards his motorcycle wiping my tears.

————————-at the hospital————————

"He's going to be ok" Steve said looking at the floor while we sat in the waiting room of the hospital. Steve's leg was twitching and he definitely looked a little panicked. "I hope so..." I said sighing anxiously. "Steve Tholomule?" A lady with short green hair said walking into the waiting room. "That's me!" Steve said promptly sitting up. "We have good and bad news I'm afraid." The lady said walking towards us. I looked up now extremely worried. I quickly got up and panicked a little. "Matty is going to be ok right?!" I said praying to Titan he was fine. "He's conscious but he's going to be very tired and woozy the drugs haven't fully cleared his system yet." She said kindly. Me and Steve both sighed. "The bad news is that he used way too much magic than his body could handle. So we have to keep him overnight and possibly tomorrow while we check his magic levels. (Idfk just roll with me please) you can visit him now just make sure you speak quietly and avoid sudden movements." The witch said as she led us to Matts room.

Matt was laying down staring at the ceiling. He looked in so much pain. I started crying happily as Matt looked at me with a big yet painful smile. I wiped my tears and walked over to Matt. Steve stood next to Matt smiling. "You're okay." I said softly my voice breaking a little. "Come on Gus you know how stubborn I am." Matt said with a little laugh. "Ow- i guess laughing kinda hurts." Matt said still smiling brightly. I giggled and sat down next to him. "I've got to go and get ready for work Matt. Do you think Gus or Gus's parent can pick you up tomorrow?" Steve asked roughing up Matt's hair. "I can take him home I'm a safe flyer!" I said excitedly. "Ok little dude. Matt can you text Gus when you're ok to be picked up?" Steve said smiling.

"Oh actually I was thinking of staying the night with Matt! My dad will be working so it should be fine." I said looking at Matt with a smile. Matt's face turned red and he looked down."Yeah that should be fine." The nurse said. Steve and the nurse left and I sat against the bed with Matt laying above me. "Gus could we um-" Matt said stopping and looking at me anxiously. "Yes we can cuddle." I laughed. Matt smiled and I got up and got in the covers next to Matt. Matt wrapped his arms around my waist and layed his head on my chest. I could hear his breathing it was steady but slow.I wrapped one arm around him and used my other to run my hands through his silky hair. We stayed like that for a while til Matt fell asleep I dozed off soon after.

(AHHHH I'm so sorry I haven't felt great lately and it took forever but the word count is: 5994)

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