Male reader one shots

By Shiningblade24

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This is a male reader various one shot book I'm sure a lot of people know how this work so yeah We do not ow... More

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Camie X Madara reader

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By Shiningblade24

Request By: ugandanknucklesking

Character: Camie Utsushimi

Anime: My hero academia

3rd POV

Currently it was the entrance exam for the first years of Shiketsu High school, and so far there is a lot of people hoping to have a spot in the school, one person in particular is a girl named Camie Utsushimi.

And to be honest she was kinda nervous about the whole situation because she knew that her quirk wasn't very combat related.

She took a look around and saw other participants who had better combat focused Quirks, so she knew very well that this was going to be very difficult for her.

She started to walk around to see if she can possibly get to a area where there were fewer people so she could possibly get more points, but as she was walking around she accidentally tripped over her foot and then fell forward which caused her to accidentally pull down someone's equipment, from there she was on the floor looking at the stuff on the ground in question, why was she questioning it ?

Because her eyes landed upon a certain set of weapons, the most noticeable one being some weird looking blade like Fan.
A person soon grabbed the back of her shirt and then lifted her up to her feet, Camie locked eyes with the person and she had to say that he was somewhat attractive.

The guy soon took his hand off of her shirt and then kneeled down and picked up all of his weapons. Camie just stared in curiosity, because it wasn't normal for someone to have so many weapons on them and was it even allowed for him to have any type of weapon.

Camie decided not to ask since she figured that the weapons could help him maybe use his quirk correctly, the guy was soon done with picking up his weapons, he soon shot a glare at camie and then started to walk away.

Camie soon found herself walking towards the boy, before the boy had even begun to think about his plan for how he will handle the entrance exam, he soon saw the girl from earlier walk in front of him and then just stared directly into his Ec eyes.

It was a moment of silence until Yn decided to break the silence.

Yn: What do you want ?

The girl just smiled at him which did confuse Yn greatly since he could have sworn he sent her a spine chilling glare and to be honest, most people that have received a Glare from him have always stayed away, well besides one person, so why is this girl here ?

Camie: Hi I'm Camie utsushimi

Yn: I don't care, now what do you want ?

Camie: I wanted to thank you for picking me up back there

Yn: Well you kinda caused the incident by not looking where you are going

Camie:...oh right, then I guess I'm here to also say I'm sorry about that

Yn: Okay, now leave me alone cause your starting to greatly annoy me

Camie: Really, well I'm sorry for that too then

Yn: hmph

Camie: You have quite the attitude

Yn soon had enough and started to walk away from her but he soon heard her follow close behind him, Yn once again turned his head and then sent a another glare at her but for some reason she just smiled at him which caused Yn some discomfort.

Yn: You are weird

Camie: Oh thank you

Yn: that wasn't supposed to be a compliment

Camie: Well I think it's alright to be different

Yn: why are you still following me ?

Camie: Well I wanted to ask, what are those weapons for ?

Yn: None of your business

Camie: Oh come on, there's no need to be so mean about it

Yn: Leave me alone

Camie: Just say please then

Yn: What ?

Camie: Say please


Camie: There you go, now was that so hard ?

Yn: Why are you still here ?

Camie: Oh right, well bye I hope to see you again, maybe when we both get accepted into the school

And with that Camie left behind a very annoyed and even somewhat confused Yn, he was annoyed that there is a good chance he probably would see her again and confused with the fact that she would want to see him again, never the less Yn decided to focus up, after all he still had to get accepted into the school in the first place.

Yn soon heard the announcer call for everyone to start lining up for the entrance exam to begin, Yn soon walked to the front and then took a deep breath before he looked forward and activated his Sharingan.

Yn: Let me just make this quick

Time Skip

3rd POV

It's been a couple of months since the entrance exam, and not too surprising that Yn was accepted into Shiketsu high school, Yn's brother Izuna was the first one to see Yn's acceptance letter and brought it to him and then that's when Yn reviewed it and realized that he would be starting the new school year soon, Izuna congratulated him for his achievement while there father didn't really care, but it wasn't like Yn cared either after all he wasn't looking for his poor excuse of a father's approval.

The new year began and Yn was walking towards the high school in his new uniform which he actually kinda liked, Yn soon looked at the schedule that was mailed to his house in wonder, Yn didn't really know where his new classroom was so for the first time in forever Yn actually decided to ask for help.

Yn looked around until his eyes landed upon a guy that was taller than most, surely he knew where his classroom could be at.
Yn soon tapped his shoulder which caused the guy to turn around and face him.

?: Yes, how can I help you ?

Yn: I'm a first year here and I'm having trouble finding out where my classroom is, can you help me ?

The guy let out a hardy laugh and then looked at Yn with a large smile.

?: Don't worry about it, after all I'm a first year too but I actually do know where most of the classes are located, so can I see your schedule

Yn: Sure

Yn handed him his schedule, the guy looked it over and then laughed again which made Yn cringe a little.

?: Believe it or not, that actually my class as well so it seems like we are classmates, well then just follow me !

And just like that, the guy started to walk towards the direction where the class is with Yn following close behind, the guy did try to make small talk with Yn which wasn't really that successful but hey they only just met so maybe in the future they will talk more.

They both soon came to a door and then just looked at it, before they went into the classroom the guy decided that it would be best if he introduced himself to Yn.

Inasa: By the way I'm Inasa Yoarashi and I don't think I got your name yet

Yn was about to just ignore him and enter the classroom but he decided to at least tell him his name since he did help him find the classroom.

Yn: Yn Ln

Inasa: Yn...what a great name, I love it !

Yn: Let's just go inside

The duo soon opened the door and then entered inside of the classroom, that's when Yn noticed that him and Inasa were actually earlier than they thought because they only saw three students inside who were talking to one another, and one of them was someone Yn actually recognized.

Camie: Hey Yn !

Yn: Oh no

Inasa: It seems like she knows you Yn, are you both friends ?

Yn: No we are not

Camie: Oh your so mean

Yn: Shut up

Inasa: Hahaha the interaction between you two is simply amazing, I love it !

Yn: Stop screaming

Yn soon walked to one desk that was far away from everyone else and then he started to place his stuff down. Before he could set everything down, he noticed that everyone was now sitting in all the desk that surrounded his.

Yn: No, all of you leave

Camie: Oh come on, don't be like that Handsome

Yn: Don't even start

Inasa: Come on Yn, it's great to have company !

Yn: No

One of the other students present decided to speak up.

?: I guess this will be a daily thing for you now

Yn: No it will not, and why are you here ?

The guy just shrugged his shoulders.

?: Why not, after all I'm sure we should all start trying to get along since we'll be classmates for some time

Yn: this is already turning out to be hell

Seiji: Well my name is Seiji Shishikura

Yn: I don't care, now back away all of you !

The last student who looked like a hair ball decided to finally speak up.

?: I think you should learn to calm down, and now it seems like you are the one who's screaming

Yn: You stay out of this, you hair ball !

?: You are quite rude when you are angry

Yn: No shit !

Mora: Also my name is Nagamasa Mora

Yn: Don't care

Camie soon came behind Yn and then pressed her body to his back and placed her head on his shoulder.

Camie: Why are you so mad today ?

Yn: I think you all know why, now leave me alone cause you all are annoying

Camie: Hmmm no

Camie soon kissed the side of Yn's face to tease him a little which seemed to work since his face became a little red, the other guys started to laugh a little about his appearance which cause Yn to become more furious.

Yn soon shot a glare at the guys which did cause them to shut up, but Inasa only complimented his glare saying how it was amazing while Camie just laughed at him.

Camie: You are so sensitive

Yn: Shut up You

Camie: And what if I don't ?

Yn: Then I could make you

Camie: Oh my, so forward maybe you should ask me out to dinner first

Yn at this point was a new shade of red, the other guys started to laugh at him which made Yn feel embarrassed.

After some time, the classroom started to fill with students and then class had started, and Yn was hoping that this whole ordeal would be a one time thing.

Time Skip

3rd POV

A couple of months had passed and it seems like Yn was so wrong about it being a one time thing because his new group kinda did it everyday to the point where he just kinda got over it, but he had to say that they weren't that bad and he actually found himself calling them friends but then there was Camie who would always flirt with him and he couldn't lie about the fact that he slowly felt himself falling for her, the others even saw his feelings for her and would tease him about it but they were still very supportive of him as well and even encouraged him to go for it.

Yn was currently inside of the classroom with the boys talking to one another, the classroom was empty since it was currently lunch but Yn did notice that Camie has been taking a while for her to return back from the restroom.
Yn turned to Seiji.

Yn: Seiji

Seiji: Yeah ?

Yn: How long has Camie been gone ?

Seiji: I would probably say about twenty minutes, why do you ask ?

Yn: Hmm, don't you think she's taking a little too long ?

Seiji: Well I don't know much about females so maybe this is a normal thing for her

Yn: I would say it's not

Mora: Maybe she's sick ?

Yn: I don't think so, since she seemed fine this morning and even before she left to the restroom

Inasa: Maybe she got caught talking to one of are fellow classmates

Yn: Maybe

After another set of a couple of minutes the boys soon heard the door to the classroom open and in came Camie who just smiled at the boys and gave them a small wave.

Camie: Sorry I took so long, just some issues

Seiji: It's fine

Inasa: Yeah but we were getting kinda worried about you

Camie: Oh that's nice, but don't worry I'm fine

Mora: well then I guess we worried for nothing then

Camie soon made her way back to her seat which was right next to Yn, but something was off with Yn. Yn looked at Camie and saw that she looked exactly like herself, from hair to eyes to body she was herself or so he along with the others thought.

Yn decided to use one of his abilities that come with his quirk which was to be able to sense a person's chakra. Yn sensed her chakra and then saw how it was totally different from how it normal is, which meant that this person wasn't his friend Camie.

Yn soon stood up which did catch the attention of his group and then glared at this 'camie'.

Seiji: Is something wrong Yn ?

Mora: Yeah, you looked stressed

Inasa: Are you still hungry, if so then you can have some of my food, after all I do love sharing with my friends !

Yn: No I'm fine

Camie: Then what is it ?

Yn: You

Before the others could even question what he means, Yn soon grabbed 'Camie' by her throat and then slammed her against the wall and just glared at her.

The other guys were shocked by what Yn just did, they all soon got up and even readied their quirks to try and stop Yn from harming 'Camie'.

Seiji: Yn, What got into you !?

Mora: Yn put Camie down

Inasa: Please listen Yn

Yn soon turned to look at them.

Yn: This isn't Camie

Seiji: What do you mean ?

Mora: Have you gone blind Yn ?

Yn soon turned back to the person he was choking and then glared at her.

Yn: I don't know who you are but you better change back before I snap your neck

Inasa: Yn stop this !

The guys were just about to use their quirks until they heard 'Camie' laughing, she soon looked directly into Yn's eyes.

'Camie': And here I thought I could get away with this, Aww well

The person Yn was holding soon started to melt away almost like her body was made out of wax or something, after a couple of seconds the person who was in Yn's grip was now revealed to be a blonde haired Female with yellow slit eyes.

Yn: Who are you ?

Toga: I'm Himiko Toga and I'm part of The LOV

Yn: And why are you here, and where's Camie ?

Toga: well I kinda had a mission I was assigned to and it seems like that didn't go well

Yn gripped her throat a little harder which caused her to gasp for air.

Yn: Where is Camie ?

Yn loosened his grip so she could talk, Toga coughed a few times but managed to recover and talk.

Toga: She's in one of the janitor closets, I was planning on getting rid of her later when everyone else was gone

Yn soon let go of her throat, Toga soon fell forward and then started to violently cough, but before she could even do anything else, Yn knocked her out and then turned to his group.

Yn: Watch over her, I'm going to find Camieand if she tries anything then use your quirks...understand ?

S-M-I: Understood

Yn: Good

Yn soon ran out of the room and then once again used his ability to sense chakra to look for Camie. After some moments of looking around he soon found where she was.
Yn opened the door to see that she was unconscious but he knew very well that she was still alive, Yn soon picked her up and brought her to the school's nurse.

Time Skip

3rd POV

It's been a day and a few hours since Camie was placed in the hospital and since Toga was sent to jail by the Heroes and staff.
Currently Yn and the guys were waiting inside of Camie's room just watching as she sleeps, the only thing that could be heard is the beeping from the IV.

The boys soon heard some noise, they turned their attention to it only to see Camie awake and groaning, the boys instantly rushed to her side and started making sure she's okay, Seiji soon went out of the room to get a doctor to check on Camie.

Camie asked about what happened and why she was his the hospital, Yn just gave her a quick run down about what happened, Camie was quite surprised by the fact that she was knocked out, after a couple of minutes the doctors and nurses came in and checked on her, the staff soon gave the boys the results and said she's fine but she may need to stay for another day.

The boys were relieved with the results, the staff soon excused themselves and left the boys with their friend.
After some time Seiji,Mora, and Inasa decided to leave and give Yn and Camie some space.

Camie just looked at Yn and smiled at him.

Camie: Thank you Yn

Yn just gave her his rare smile.

Yn: Your welcome

Camie: Hey can you come here

Yn soon got up and then went to Camie's side, Yn was going to question what she needed until Camie leaned up and then gave him a quick Kiss. Yn was kinda surprised and even took a moment to process what just happened.

Camie: As a reward for being my hero

Yn soon leaned down and then captured her lips, Camie was surprised but returned the kiss.
They both soon pulled away and then looked into each other's eyes.

Camie: That happened

Yn: Yeah it did

Camie: What does that make us then ?

Yn: Well, if you are fine with it then I would love for you to be my girlfriend

Camie just gave him a smile and then kissed his cheek.

Camie: I would like that

Before they could even say anything else, they soon heard a flash go off. Yn looked behind him to see that Inasa and the guys were taking pictures and it seems like Inasa's flash went off.

Inasa: Oh

Yn: Your all Dead

The guys soon ran for the hills while Yn chased them, leaving Camie who was laughing at the scene unfold.

Time Skip

License Exam

3rd POV

Currently Class 1-A was trying their best to fend off the other schools from trying to eliminate them from the exam.

They were not able to keep up all that much, which is why one of the students in the class was getting ready to use a attack that would most likely help them but could also separate them.

But before the student could do that, he sensed Someone coming towards them and it seems like it's someone familiar, A small smile soon made its way onto his face when he realized who it was.

Just then a person came crashing down, the impact from his crash caused Dust to cover the area, when the dust settled down everyone was able to see who it was.

It was Yn Ln and not too far behind him was his girlfriend Camie.
Yn also had on his hero outfit and even his signature weapon the Gunbai.

Yn soon leaned forward and then turned his attention to the person he wanted to fight the most and even shouted at him.

Yn: It's about Damn Time, Hashirama !

Hashirama just looked at his best friend/Rival and then pointed at him.

Hashirama: I'll deal with you later

This caused both his class and Even Yn himself to be quite surprised by his response.

Yn's Face

Hashirama: Just let me make sure me and my class pass to the next stage of the exam, and then we can fight

Yn soon sighed in defeat and then sat down, he also heard Camie trying her best not to laugh.

Yn: We are never on the same page, fine then I'll wait

Hashirama: Thank you

Hashirama and the others soon went off leaving Yn and Camie, Camie soon sat on Yn's lap and then kissed one side of his face.

Camie: Don't be mad, he said he'll fight you so just be patient Babe

Yn: Fine


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