Amphibia: Darcy's Revenge 2.0

By GabeSchmitt

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Hey Readers! You guys are probably wondering why I'm making another Darcy's Revenge? Well, it's because there... More

The Final Blow
Marcanne Confession
Darcy and Core Anne
Marcanne Flashback

Sasha and Sprig

12 0 0
By GabeSchmitt

After Sasha left Anne and Marcy' big bedroom, she walked down the hallway to her guest bedroom. Sasha walked into the bedroom and saw that Grime and The Planters were asleep, but Sprig was wide awake, she smiles and walked up to the balcony he was at.

"Sprig? Are you okay?" Sasha asked which caught him by surprise. Sprig looked at him and sighed. "Yeah... It's just that... Everything is over and... I'm worried that me and Anne won't be able to see each other again... She means everything to me... She changed my life..." Sprig said as he was about to cry.

Sasha saw this and tried to calm him down. "Sprig, it's okay... Don't be sad, we have the box and... We'll be able to see each other whenever we want... There's nothing to be sad about..." Sasha said as she patted his back.

Sprig smiles at Sasha's generosity, she's acting being friendly. "Thanks, Sasha." Sprig said before he hugged her. Sasha was surprised, but she smiles and hugs back. "No problem." Sasha said. The two break the hug and stared into the sky.

The two sat in silence, until Sprig broke the silence. "Sasha... We won... It's all over... and we can see and visit each other whenever we want." Sprig said in pleasure. "Yeah." Sasha said in depression. Sasha looked down in sadness, knowing that things won't go back to normal for her.

Sprig saw Sasha's expression and held her hand. "Sasha? Is everything okay?" Sprig asked in concern. Sasha looked at him, he seemed worried about her, something he's never shown to her, except for Anne and Marcy, Sasha sighed and spoke what's bothering her.

"It's just... I'm glad we won... And everything's over... but... I'm just really scared of what my parents will say to me." Sasha said in a sad tone. Sprig raised and eyebrow, he was confused on what she meant by what they were going to say to her.

"Sasha? what do you mean by that exactly?" Sprig asked. Sasha looked at him and sighed. "Sprig... when I was younger, around the time I met Anne and Marcy... My parents always fought non-stop and after all of that... They eventually divorced." Sasha said.

Sprig's eyes widen in shock. "Why?" Sprig asked. Sasha sighed and told him everything. "Well, they fought a lot... They always turned their backs on each other... I over heard what they said and it broke my heart... They decided that things wouldn't work out... So they divorced and break up." Sasha said.

Sprig became sad for her, she's been through a lot, no wonder she was like this. "What happened next?" Sprig asked. Sasha continued her explanation. "After that... I tried to convince them to get back together... but... My dad got remarried to another woman and my mom has been dating a new boyfriend." Sasha said.

Sprig felt sorry for her, the only ones she had left were Anne and Marcy, that must have been hard on her. Sprig then held her hand and spoke. "Sasha... I'm sure that even after that hard experience, you're parents still love you and never forgot you... No matter what... They'll always love you..." Sprig said.

Sasha's eyes filled with tears, she hugs the young pink frog tightly and spoke. "Sprig... I'm so sorry for the way I treated you... I feel so bad for everything I've done... I'm so sorry..." Sasha said while sobbing. Sprig smiles and hugs back.

"I forgive you, Sasha..." Sprig said with a smile. Sasha calms down and breaks the hug, she wipes her tears away and took a deep breath. The two then sat down on the balcony and stayed silent, Sasha wondered something, something she never brought up.

"Hey, Sprig?" Sasha spoke up while breaking the silence. Sprig looked at her with a concerned experetion "Yeah?" Sprig asked. Sasha took a deep breath and spoke. "Where are your parents? What happened to them?" Sasha asked.

Sprig's eyes widen, tears formed in his eyes and started streaming down his face. "My parents... They were eaten by those giant herons when Wartwood was attacked, me and Polly survived... Hop Pop was out of town... But my parents... They didn't make it..." Sprig confessed while the tears streamed down.

Sasha's eyes widen in shock, she frowns and hugs him, Sprig hugged back, breaking down in tears. "I'm so sorry." Sasha said. Sprig sobs, he's also been through a lot, Sasha felt sorry for him. She then rethinks about everything she's done in the past, her toxic, manipulative, and controlling nature was in control as she didn't want to be bad.

She sees how badly she treated her friends and the frogs, newts and toads, they became friends and family she needed, she looks at Sprig and sees the kindness and friend he's become. Sprig has become her friend who loves, cares and understands what he's going through.

Sasha then smiled, Sprig fell asleep in her arms. "Wow, guessing that crying and sobbing must have made him fall asleep." Sasha said. She then picked him up and laid him down on his bed, next to Hop Pop and Polly.

Sasha then removed her heron tiara and her fur cloak and pauldron, she sets them down and sat down on the balcony. Sasha then rethinks on her past, her future with her friends, hopefully their okay. Sasha sighed, she was wondering what might have happened if they lost and The Core possessed all three of them.

She, Anne and Marcy would have been under The Core's influence and would have taken over The Multiverse already. She imagines about what might have happened if she was possessed by The Core as well.

She then began to think about it, She saw how everything would play out. Sasha would be defeated by both Darcy and Core Anne, The Core possessed Anne, the two would defeat her the same way Darcy did, but a little different, Darcy approached her and swung her scythe at her face.

"Well Sash... it's been fun!" Darcy said. Sasha gazed upon the blazing hot scythe that is in front of her face, She looked back at the hivemind and is ready to accept and face her fate. "Do you're worst." Sasha muttered what she thought would be her last words.

Darcy smiles as her time has come to end the blonde girl, the hivemind swings her scythe upwards to deliver the killing blow. "Sure!" Darcy said. Darcy was about to strike, but Core Anne stops her and spoke. "Mar-Mar, since me and you are back together... Why not have Sasha join us to?" Core Anne said.

Darcy looks at Core Anne and back at Sasha, having her join their cause would be perfect. Darcy smiles and puts her scythe down, she deactivated it and put her black and red cape back on. Darcy looked at Core Anne and spoke.

"Anne... When did my sweet and beautiful girlfriend get so smart? What a good girl..." Darcy said in a smooth tone while placing her hand on her cheek and kissed it. Core Anne smiles, a blush appeared on her face.

"Aww... Marcy... You're so sweet." Core Anne said. Darcy looks at her and smiled, a slight giggle escaped her mouth as a tear fell from her left eye, under her helmet. Sasha saw that there was a way to bring Anne and Marcy back from this nightmare.

Darcy looks at Sasha and uses a mechanical tentacle and takes her down to the chamber, there, Sasha is removed from her Resistance Commander Outfit and placed in a new outfit, a Core-like version of her Resistance Attire, just Coreifide.

Sasha had a new scar on her face sustained from Core Anne's double-sided laser sword, her heron tiara was now more of a dark red with it being more jagged and menacing, her cloak was now more of Kylo Ren's from Episode 7, her left pauldron was more like Darcy's, but more like her old one.

Her chest plate was red with three orange eyes on it, with a clasp that connected her cloak together, brown leggings with a blue trim on the sides going from her torso down to her legs. Dark red gauntlets with spikes on them, her left hand glove more made of metal with metal claws.

Dark red spiked knee pads, her old Resistance boots, and last but not least, a long mechanical tail with a twin-bladded yellow and red blade on the end. Sasha was all suited up, Sasha saw the put fit she was in and spoke.

"Okay, for villains who are very evil, you guys really have a cool style... Maybe this look is not bad." Sasha said. Sasha then looked at her possessed friends and spoke. "But when I get out of this, I'm punching you two out of my friend's bodies!" Sasha shouted.

Darcy and Core Anne smiled, Darcy then spoke as she removed her helmet and placed it beside her on a table. "Oh, Sashy... You should know that once you're one of us... We can all finally be as one... Together forever..." Darcy said.

Sasha stared into the eyes of The Core, Marcy's eyes were yellow, with red pupils in the center with orange hues around them. Sasha was terrified she was going to meet the same fate as her friends, Sasha looked up as a helmet descended from above.

The chair she was in cuffed her in place. "Wait! What is this! Huh?" Sasha said in shock as she tried to get free. The helmet drew closer as Sasha then shouted. "Anne! Marcy! Please! Help! I need you two nerds! I'm sorry for everything! I love you both! Please... I'm sorry..." Sasha shouted as she broke down in tears.

Anne and Marcy watched from within their bodies, they had tears stream down their faces. The two couldn't do anything, but they hope that Sasha can get free. The helmet placed itself on Sasha and transfered Core Sasha in her new host.

Sasha screamed in pain, her body was being taken over by her darker half, Sasha stopped as she then went limp. Darcy and Core Anne smiled, Sasha body then came back up as her eyes open, Core Sasha has taken over.

"Hello there, Anne and Marcy." Core Sasha said. Darcy and Core Anne smiled, Core Sasha is released from her restraints and approached the two. Core Sasha hugs them, Darcy and Core Anne hug back, the trio can finally be together...

Or should I say... The Core Trio is together... And they will rule...

A few hours later...

Darcy and Core Anne had fun with their new members to their group, Core Anne was on top of her and stroked her cheek, Darcy was in front of her as her ten glowing eyes pulsate with her cape flowing in the wind. "Oh dear Sasha, you shall be a fine addition to our trio again, My Dear." Darcy said.

Core Anne got off of her as she held Darcy's hands. "Yeah Sasha, now Me, Marcy and You can be together again." Core Anne said. Core Sasha smiles as she came beside them and the three went to the balcony, all of Amphibia saw their heros at The Core's control.

"All of Amphibia is ours... And no one will stop us..." Core Sasha said. The three laugh manically as Sasha knew it would be terrible if that even happen, Core Sasha stopped laughing as she then hear a voice. "Sasha!" Grime said.

Core Sasha turns around and sees Grime in front of her with sadness in his eyes. "Grime?" Core Sasha said. Darcy and Core Anne turn around as they smile. "Oh how fun, Sasha's toad father has arrived to save her, how cute." Darcy said.

Core Anne also smiles as she spoke. "Sasha, you don't need him, you have us, we are all you need and will ever have." Core Anne said. Core Sasha stood there as her mouth frowns as her eyes soften as a tear streamed down her face.

Grime looked at her, seeing her turn to The Dark Side, he then spoke while everyone else was tied up. "Sasha... Please... Don't do this... Before I met you, I was nothing... Just a bully in a tower... But you, Sasha... You inspired me to be so much more... And because of that... You can do anything..." Grime said while trying to get through to Sasha.

Core Anne and Darcy smiled. "Oh how fun, the toad is trying to turn pur sweet and kind Sasha against us... How inconceivable..." Darcy said. Core Anne smiled and spoke. "Sasha... You don't need them... You have us... Where you're family... Not them... We can be together forever... Join us..." Core Anne said while extending her hand out.

Core Sasha looked at her friends and back at Grime, who stared at her, begging her to make the right decision. Core Sasha then thought, Sasha wanted to take down her friends, she wanted to save them, apologize to them for all the horrible deeds she's done, but The Core Side of her told her to join her friends, they love her and want her by their side.

Sasha tried to fight back against her darker half, but Core Sasha proved to be too strong. Sasha gets restrained in her own body, with Core Sasha taking control. Core Sasha smiles at Grime and spoke. "Oh Grime, Sasha's not here right now, please leave a message after the beep." Core said said with an evil grin.

Grime's eyes widen in shock, he then got furious and spoke. "When I get out of her, I'm freeing my DAUGHTER!" Grime shouted. Core Sasha chuckled at his response and spoke. "We'll see about that. Anyways, bye." Core Sasha said.

The Frobots then take The Gang to the dungeon, leaving no one to save their heros from The Core's grasp. The Minds of The Core were pleased, The Calamity Trio is finally within their grasp. After a thousand years, the chosen ones of The Ancient Olm Prophecy are finally theirs.

No one can stop them...

Sasha snapped back to reality and knew that won't happen, she then looked at Grime and smiled. "Grime, no matter what... I will never betray you... Or any of you... Goodnight, Guys." Sasha said. She then walked to the bed and laid down on it and fell asleep.

Unknown to her, Darcy walked down the hall and slightly opens Sasha's bedroom door. She smiles and will get vengeance on Sasha to, for almost losing their host to her. "Sleep tight, Sasha... Because soon... Revenge is coming... Be ready..." Darcy muttered. She chuckles and then heads back to her and Core Anne's bedroom.

Everything will soon be under Darcy's control... No one can stop them...

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