What was I made for? |2/2|

By _Ktje_

6.4K 460 97

SEQUEL OF FROM NOW ON Meredith and Derek now have three daughters but the care of them combined with work and... More



226 21 6
By _Ktje_

Derek and Meredith were sitting at the first aid post. He had no idea what he had to do with her and her pain. She was laying down on a stretcher, they had told the kids that they'd had to do some things.

"Son?" Christopher knocked softly on the door, hearing Meredith sob in pain

"Dad.." Derek didn't even dare to look away from Meredith

"Hey sweetie, are you warm enough?" Christopher walked up to Meredith, not daring to touch her

Meredith probably didn't even pay attention to him talking as she didn't respond.

Christopher carefully brushed his fingers over her head, scared she'd start shivering

"No-" Meredith whimpered, everything hurted

"Sorry..." Christopher frowned, he knew this wasn't good

"Morphine.." Meredith muttered

"I'll give you some extra, but that's all I can give you. I'm so sorry." Derek apologized

"Stop- make it stop-" She suddenly cried out

"What's happening?" Derek frowned

"Sir, we'll call an ambulance." The nurse told him

"Yes, please." Derek nodded, not even thinking of the promise he had made earlier to Meredith to not rush her to see a doctor but things were clearly different now.

"Der- Our girls-" Meredith whimpered

"I'll go with her, you should see the girls." Christopher offered

"Dad- I can't leave my wife behind like this. I wanna be here with her." Derek was worried sick

"I know and I understand, but your girls might get worried, you don't want them to worry." Christopher rubbed his son's back

"I- Shortly.. But please keep me updated, I need to know everything." Derek frowned

"I promise." Christopher nodded

"I'll wait and- and I'll help them to move her. I don't want anyone to hurt her even more." Derek said with tears in his eyes, not knowing how to calm down Meredith

"Charlie- Nabulizing-" Meredith muttered weakly

"You-" Derek softly smiled through his tears. "You're amazing."

It took a while until the ambulance arrived. Derek and Christopher made sure they'd take good care of their Meredith. They only wanted what was best for her

"I love you, promise you'll be honest about your pain and make sure dad calls me when you need me, okay?" Derek struggled to leave her

"Son, she'll be okay." Christopher tried to convince him

"Love you." Meredith muttered, finally half asleep due to the heavy meds they had given her

"I love you too. Take care, I love you." He kissed her forehead softly and watched how the ambulance drove off


"Dad-" Meredith whimpered as they has trapped her into a spinal bed

"Shh, just remain still. It will be okay, they just need to review your scans." Christopher tried to calm her down, he hated seeing her in pain and being scared

"The girls-" She muttered softly

"Derek is taking very good care of them, they're probably doing tons of rides together." Christopher started telling her. "And eating ice cream because Carolyn allowed them to."

"I hope.." Meredith muttered as she was very weak, trying to move her body just the slightest but not managing

"Easy, sweetheart. You'll only hurt yourself when you move. Try to remain still so it passes by quickly." Christopher kissed her forehead gently, trying not to make her move at all. He stroke his fingers over her hair in a try to calm her down and hoped she's fall asleep

But sadly for both of them Meredith was in excruciating pain, she didn't know how long this had been taking but it felt like hours and hours while all she wanted was an outing with her daughters to Disney and now she felt like she had ruined it all for them and their family

"Miss Grey?" An intern walked up to them

"Doctor Grey.." Christopher corrected them

"Uh.. I got the results of your scans." He said

"So?" Christopher frowned, getting impatient since he just wanted the best doctor for his daughter

"You got screws? They seemed to get loose." He struggled

"Show me." Christopher demanded and checked the scans. "Oh Mer.."

"What?" She frowned, seeing her father act weirdly

"Your spine.. Mer.." Christopher showed her

"Oh god.." She muttered


Meredith was still laying down on the spinal bed, she was hurting really, really badly but Derek was on his way so she couldn't fall asleep. Carolyn and Addison would take care of the kids while Mark would drive himself and Derek to the hospital

"Hey-" Derek ran inside

"Der-" She whimpered for her husband, completely strapped in still

"What's wrong?" Mark asked his father

"Derek, I think you should see her scans. But they are bad.." Christopher said, seeing both of his son's faces get pale instantly

"How bad?" Derek gasped and quickly grabbed the tablet that was laying there, left by some intern. "Oh god.."

"They wanna perform a surgery tomorrow morning.." Christopher told his son while stroking over Meredith's cold hand

"No. I'm not letting some random doctor cut into my wife. We need Amy, she did all Mer's surgeries." Derek stated and left the room to make some calls after he kissed Meredith's soft lips

"Dad- Go after him, please." Meredith begged her father

"I will." Christopher nodded and went after Derek

"Can I see?" Mark asked

"Yeah.." Meredith nodded, closing her eyes as tears were about to spill

"Oh Mer.. Your spine is just.. I don't know how to prescribe it.. Shattered?"

"Yeah.. The metal rods can't hold on anymore, I don't know what will be best to do, I'm really, really worried."

"This means Amy will have to operate even higher.." Mark examined it all

"I know, she'll have to be careful to not make me a quadriplegic." Meredith sighed, wanting to curl up and cry

"She will do an amazing job, I'm very sure." Mark tried to assure her

I would like some ideas, pleaseeee

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