Return (GirlxGirl)

By SkylarJapera

752K 16.7K 2K

Only weeks after the big battle against Sue and the human hunters Violet and Chloe never expected for Chloe... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41

Chapter 32

15.4K 425 61
By SkylarJapera

Chapter 32

“Chloe!” Violet screams.

Chloe wraps a sky blue towel around her body and walks out the bathroom still wet. “Yes honey.” Violet stands there with her hand on her hip. She looked frustrated. Chloe walks towards the dresser dropping her towel throwing Violet off for a minute.

Chloe smirks and grabs her black matching underwear and bra and slips them on painfully slow. Violet growls and then shakes her head clear of her naughty thoughts and says, “Chloe?”

“Yes dear.”

“Your sister took my motorcycle.” Violet pouts.

Chloe bites her lip to keep from laughing. It was cute. Violet had a thing for her bikes. She had about ten of them. Took good care of them and when someone touch it she would explode. However, Cassandra was special in this case. So since Violet couldn’t threaten her older sister with her words she is now here pouting at her. She wanted her to fix the problem.

“She can drive any car she wants.” Violet pouts further. “The Audi, Camaro, Lamborghini, even my Porsche 911.” Violet crosses her arms over her chest and stomps her foot like a spoil child. “But not my bikes Chloe.” She whines and then gets distracted again when Chloe begins to lotion her legs slowly.

“I will talk to her Violet.”

Chloe stands and walks towards Violet and grins. She leans in and kisses Violet making the wolf groan. Violet instantly grabs Chloe hips bringing her closer. She was happy now. In this state of mind Cassandra could take any bike. Chloe pushes Violet into the dresser roughly as the kiss deepens.

Violet bites Chloe lower lip and begins to suck which drives Chloe crazy. The witch pulls back for air and Violet connects her mouth with Chloe neck. “You smell like apples.” Violet mumbles against her. “I could eat you up.”

Chloe steps back in a daze. She should have known not to take Violet this far. Now the alpha eyes were glowing and her chest of heaving up and down with want. Chloe bites her lip at the view and shrugs. She pulls Violet towards her and moans as the wolf strips her from her underwear and bra. Chloe pulls Violet shirt over her head and they fall onto the bed.


 Chloe walks down stairs thirty minutes later with a grin on her face. She licks her lips savoring the taste before she walks into the kitchen. There was Cassandra sitting at the table with a cup of coffee and a designer magazine. “Finally got some.” Her older sister smirks.

Chloe rolls her eyes and runs her hands through her hair as she blushes. “Is it that obvious?”

“Yes.” Cassandra says taking another sip of her coffee.

Chloe pouts and asks, “How?”

“Well you glow.” Cassandra answers. “And blush every few minutes because you will sit back and think about it. Then you will blush for thinking about it.”

Chloe frowns. She had it bad.

“Violet, well she is more difficult to read. However, she will sit back and think about it also. Minus the blushing.”

“How do you know what she is thinking about?” Chloe asks curious.

“She will start smirking.”

Chloe laughs, then sips some of her apple juice and like Cassandra said she starts to blush for thinking about when Violet lick her all over just because she smelled of apples. I should use that body wash more often.

Cassandra grins and rolls her eyes. She let Chloe have her moment.

“Did you take Violet motorcycle?”

“Yeah.” Cassandra answers. “I went to pick Kimberly up.”

“Well, Violet has a thing for her bikes. So maybe you could ask next time. She almost blew the mansion up thinking one of the pack members took it.”

Cassandra laughs. She bet that was funny. Seeing an enraged Violet is always funny when the anger is not towards you of course.

“She said you can take any of her cars.” Chloe explains. “Just the bikes are off limits.”

Cassandra smirks, “Yes Ma’am I want touch Violet bike again.”

“You’re the one who took Violet bike yesterday.”

Cassandra turns towards Catherine and shrugs her shoulders, “I was picking Kimberly up. I needed to look badass. The motorcycle and leather hit it off.”

“Why did you need to look badass?” Chloe questions arching her perfect left eyebrow in questioning. “You’re not trying to get Kimberly back are you?” She whispered.

Cassandra again laughs. “No.”

“Good.” Catherine starts. “We do not need any more relationship problems in this mansion.”

“Well thank you for your concern.” Cassandra replies sarcastically getting a look from the vampire. “But I’m just trying to make this girl Kimberly has a crush on jealous.”

“That’s evil.” Chloe says furrowing her eyebrow.

“Can I help?” Catherine smirks. She needed something to distract her for these two days.

Cassandra nods her head and explains towards her frustrated little sister. “I don’t like her. She is rude and a badass. She is always into fights in school and just gives me a weird feeling.” Cassandra shrugs her shoulders. “So I challenge her.” the older witch smirks. “So far I’m in the winning.”

“If Kimberly finds out…” Chloe starts.

“She will not.” Cassandra says. “Anyone Kimberly brings home or show interest in will get the same treatment.”

Chloe rolls her eyes. Cassandra was really mean to Calvin. “Just as Calvin.”

“Yes.” Cassandra smiles. “Calvin wasn’t as fun as Riley though. He was a punk. Riley at least stands her ground.”

“She sounds hot.” Catherine comments polishing her nails. “How does she look?”

“Long black hair, pale skin, green-blue eyes, tone stomach but curvy hips and nice round set of-”

“Cassandra!” Kimberly smiles walking into the kitchen.

Chloe begins to cough nervously hoping Kimberly didn’t walk into their conversation. “Good Morning.” Kimberly blushes. “Sorry to intrude.”

“You’re okay.” Chloe smiles. “Have a seat.”

Kimberly sits feeling mature. Even though everyone was only a few years older than her Kimberly always felt like the baby because she could never be a part of the meetings. They always claimed it was for her safety. She always rolled her eyes at that.

“You needed me.” Cassandra asks. “I will be ready when you’re ready.”

“About that.” Kimberly starts. “I will not need a ride today.”

Before Cassandra could question her further Violet walks in with a smirk on her face. She sits down close to Chloe and smiles, “Good morning.” She pecks Chloe on the lip longer than she should and whispers, “Good Morning honey.”

The cook comes up and asks, “Anything special today Violet.”

“Yes, I would like apple pancakes and a large cup of apple juice.”

Chloe blushes completely and Cassandra comments, “This is what I mean about obvious.”

Violet shrugs her shoulders. She could care less. Chloe continues to blush as Violet rubs her thigh beneath the table.

Kimberly glances at her iPhone and smiles, “Well see you guys later.”

“Calvin out there.” Cassandra questions.

Kimberly bites her lip. She was never good at lying only avoiding. She rushes out the kitchen getting curious glances from everyone.

“Well let’s go see.” Catherine says making everyone stand. Violet sits there pouting. Chloe pulls her up stating, “Your apple pancakes and juice will be here once we get back.”

Kimberly walks out the door and sees Riley leaning on her black motorcycle with a smirk on her face.  Riley looks around at the mansion in front of her, it was huge. She never had the chance to actually look around and take in the view. There were maids walking around everywhere and gardeners planting roses and lilies in the front. However, what interested Riley the most were the cars out in front. Sitting outside the mansion was a silver Porsche 911, blue Camaro, and a ruby red corvette.

Riley looks up when Kimberly comes closer. “Good morning Princess.”

Kimberly blushes once she sees what has caught Riley attention. “They are usually put up.” Violet had pulled all the cars out because she was giving one of them to Cassandra. So the witch wouldn’t touch her bikes anymore.

Riley nods her head still admiring the cars. “Can I take a look closer?” She asks.

Kimberly smiles and nods her head. It was cute when Riley was interested in something. They walk up towards the Corvette and Riley begins to talk about the engine. Something Kimberly was very confused about. Kimberly just smiles and nods her head at everything Riley is saying. She notices the black eye Riley received yesterday that oddly fitted her. It was sexy. Kimberly begins to chew on her lip as she stares at Riley.

Catherine and Cassandra stands in the doorway. “I guess it’s a tie now.” Catherine comments which only make the older witch frown. “She will be taking Kimberly to school now.”

“This Porsche is hot.” Riley comments. “Are they your fathers?” Riley was always curious about Kimberly family. She never has seen her parents. Ever.

“No their mines.”

Riley turns towards the voice to see a tall brunette with smoky brown eyes. She had on a pair of ripped jeans and a black t-shirt. Very casual but she was beautiful. Her tanned skin glowed in the sun and her white teeth showed as she talked. “Riley.” The Goth throws her hand out. She was never a rude one.

“Violet.” The alpha shakes the human hand.

Riley pulls her hand back feeling something she hasn’t felt in a long time. She shrugs her shoulders and turns her head toward another beautiful girl standing next to Violet. Her dark hair was up in a ponytail as she stood in her pink V-neck dress. Her eyes glowed grey in the light and her smile was pleasant compared to the staring eyes of the brunette.

“I’m Chloe.” The witch says nicely. “Don’t pay my wife any attention.”

Riley jaw drops which only put a huge smirk on the alpha face. Violet throws her arm over Chloe shoulder pulling the witch closer who instantly leans into the wolf touch. “Welcome to our home.” Chloe continues to smile.

“I’m sorry.” Riley starts. “I didn’t know Kimberly had an older sister.”

“We’re not her sister’s.” Violet states her face uninterested in the conversation. Riley glances Kimberly way and the younger human reads her mind. They had a lot to talk about once they got to school.

“Oh.” Riley says. She has never been speechless before. The two women standing in front of her couldn’t be any older than she was. So she talks about something she knows a lot about. “Nice rides.”

Violet smirks and Chloe rolls her eyes knowing where this conversation is being lead towards. “Yeah. As you can see I have a thing for cars.”

“I do too.” Riley smiles. “Once I get enough money was thinking of getting a silver Aston Martin db5.”

“Just like James bond huh?” Violet smirks.

“Yes.” Riley runs her hands through her hair. She never really had anyone to talk to about cars. “It’s a child thing.”

“I see.” Violet smirks. “Follow me.”

Riley starts walking next to Violet and continues to talk about her dream car. Kimberly walks next to Chloe biting her lip in deep thought.

“She is really pretty.” Chloe smiles. “And Violet likes her.”

“I…She…” Kimberly furrows her eyebrow. “It’s complicated.” Kimberly frowns. She was tired of saying that word. She and Riley really needed to talk.

“Well I’m sure it’s nothing that cannot be fix.” Chloe comments making Kimberly smile.

Violet smirks as they make it to her paradise. There were four huge tall silver garages. Riley sucks in a breath. It was like she was in a dream. A dream she did not want to come out of. Violet opens one of the garages with a button and it slowly lifts up showing off all her bikes. Chloe rolls her eyes Violet was such a show-off. They walk deeper in and that’s when Riley cannot believe her eyes.

Riley was standing in front of her dream car. The only thing different was it was yellow. “Oh my fucking God.”

Violet smirks. “Welcome to heaven.”

“Can I?” Riley asks.

Kimberly smiles at Riley excitement and was happy Violet was being nice. It was weird. She thought this was going to end with Violet and Riley arguing. Because as Riley always say. I don’t take shit from nobody. Now the badass Riley was acting like a baby in a candy store. Riley and Violet analyze the car while Kimberly and Chloe step back and talk.

Chloe furrows her eyebrow in questioning and asks, “How did she get the black eye.”

Kimberly blushes, “She got into a fight at school.”


“Me.” Kimberly face darkens. Chloe smiles shaking her head. “She’s a fighter.” Kimberly finishes.

“No need to explain Kimberly.” Chloe replies. “Violet was the same.”

Kimberly shrugs her shoulders. They were going to be late. But it was worth it. Riley was happy.

“Hey Violet I returned your baby as promised. Now hand over the keys to your Corvette.”

Riley turns around and instantly glares. What the hell was Cassandra doing here? Riley thinks.

Cassandra smirks, “So this is the special person taking you to school today. How cute pumpkin.”

Riley growls and crosses her arms over her chest. “Yeah she didn’t need you anymore.”

“Really.” Cassandra smiles. “She didn’t say that last night when I helped her-

“Cassandra!” Kimberly shouts.

Cassandra glances towards the furious Riley and then smirks, “Yes sweetie.”

Kimberly rolls her eyes and turns towards a confused Violet but frowning Chloe. “Thank-you. We should be leaving.”

Riley fist were bawled and Cassandra couldn’t help but comment, “Cat got your tongue.”

That was it. Riley punches Cassandra in the face and before Riley knew it she was thrown to the ground by an angry witch. Cassandra pins Riley to the ground and punches her on the lip only to be turned over. Cassandra was surprised by Riley strength.

Riley strikes down but Cassandra dodges and kicks Riley off of her making the human hit one of Violet cars. Violet shrugs and watches the fight. It was fairly entertaining. She smirks only to be hit by her wife. “Stop this Violet.”

Cassandra stands her eyes glowing, magic wanting to be release from her fingers. She shakes her head trying to calm herself. She forgot Riley was human. So unfortunately she couldn’t set the bastard on fire.

“Cassandra.” Kimberly hisses.

Cassandra touches her right eye and winces. “Damn.” The older witch says.

Riley stands up spitting blood from her mouth. She then charges towards the distracted Cassandra who was about to speak with Kimberly.

“I was just playing-

Cassandra is cut off when she is thrown to the ground again with Riley on top of her. This human would not give up. Riley punches with all her force again. Each punch was blocked and again Riley was toss off of the witch. They both stand at the same time. Riley smirks. Cassandra could fight. It was time to take this to the next level.

Riley kicks up towards Cassandra face only for the witch to step back and counter attack. She grips Riley feet only for the human to turn her feet and flip kicking Cassandra in the jaw.

Violet, Chloe, and Kimberly jaw drops.

Riley bawls her fist up and begins to throw faster punches. Cassandra blocks each one and before she can attack back. Chloe steps between them. Her grey eyes were glowing. “Leave!” she hisses towards Riley. “Cassandra get inside.”

Cassandra wipes the blood from her lip and heads inside.

“Nice meeting you Riley.” Violet smirks. “We should totally do this again.”

Riley smirks but before she could reply Kimberly was pulling her by the arm, “Let’s go.” The strawberry blonde orders.

They walk back to the front and Kimberly taps her feet impatiently at Riley motorcycle.

“Could you be patient?” Riley sneers wiping the blood from her lip. “I was thrown into a car.”

Kimberly rolls her eyes and pushes Riley which only makes the taller human angry. She winces at the pain and shouts, “Stop! Shit.” She cringes. “Damn that hurt like a mother-

“Maybe, if you stop starting fights you wouldn’t be in the pain you are in.” Kimberly cuts Riley off not caring about her pain.

“She started it.” Riley shouts like a child. She cross her arms over her chest and then leans on one hip. “Why is she always here?”

“Don’t you dare try to change the subject Riley.” Kimberly hollers. “You need to learn how to control your anger. You’re always punching people. One day you’re going to punch the wrong person like today.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Riley asks outrageous. “I didn’t get beat up.”

“You surely didn’t win Riley.” Kimberly bites her lip to keep from laughing. Riley was standing there clutching her stomach with a black eye and now bruise lip and cheek.

Riley rolls her eyes and winces again once she begins to walk towards the bike. “I didn’t lose.” She mumbles again.

She swings her leg over the bike grabbing her helmet. “Get on.” She demands.

“Are you sure.” Kimberly asks sincerely.

“Yeah I’m fine.” Riley gives one of her best smirks.

Kimberly bites her lip in worry but takes Riley word. She knew the dragon lover wouldn’t put her in any danger. The bike roars to life and they speed to school.


Cassandra sits on the table as Catherine takes care of her lip and jaw. Catherine couldn’t stop laughing which pissed Cassandra off who took care of her own wounds. “I can’t believe a human got one on you.”

“She stronger than you think.” Cassandra defends. “Which is odd.”

“Well you are a witch.”

Cassandra eyes begin to glow from the insult. “What does that supposed to mean.”

“I mean vampires and wolves are always stronger.” Catherine shrugs. “This is why witches sometimes fight from a distant.”

“You haven’t fought the right witch.” Cassandra rolls her eyes as she applies the ointment to her lip so it would not swell.

“Boy, Jessica is going to kill you.”

“Don’t remind me.”

“Chloe!” Violet screams and walks into their room. “I’m sorry.” She pouts pulling the witch towards her. “Don’t be mad at me.”

“I ask you stop it and you just stood there.”

“I know and I’m sorry.” Violet begins to kiss her way down Chloe neck but the witch pushes her away and continues, “What if Cassandra would have lost control?”

“She wouldn’t have Chloe.” Violet replies. She knew this for a fact. Cassandra could control her powers and anger better than anyone.

Chloe rolls her eyes and then sits on the bed lying down. Violet lies next to her. “I’m sorry.” She apologizes again. “I hate when you’re mad at me.”

Chloe laughs which makes Violet grin. “Well, I’m mad at you a lot Violet.”

Violet kisses Chloe on the lips and whispers, “Hmmm but you love me.”

“That I do.” Chloe agrees.

Violet lies her head on Chloe stomach as the witch runs her hands through her hair. Chloe groans. She could never stay mad at Violet for long. It was very difficult. She and Violet can argue over something so small and Violet will always take the blame and apologize first. Violet hated when Chloe was mad at her. So their arguments always ended quickly. Unless it was something huge.

“I feel like I’m missing something.” Violet comments.

“Why you say that.” Chloe continues to run her fingers through Violet brunette curls.

“How does Riley know Cassandra?”

“Oh.” Chloe says. “When you were in the shower Cassandra was explaining how she was trying to make Riley jealous because it was fun. I completely disagreed because Kimberly really likes her but Cassandra says she doesn’t like Riley because she is rude and stays in fights at school. She is a badass.”

“She is cool to me.”

“Well I guess Cassandra and Riley have been into it before. However, Riley shouldn’t have punched Cassandra.”

“I understand Riley.”


“Take shit from no one.” Violet shrugs. “She is defending what’s hers.”

“Yeah but she and Kimberly are not together Violet.”

“Well we weren’t together when I beat Jake ass last year.” Violet proves. “I can’t believe you dated him.”

Chloe rolls her eyes, “I guess you are right.”

Violet smirks, “Of course I am.”

“It’s cute how they have a crush on each other.”

“You never told me of your first crush.”

“It was simple.” Chloe answers. “She was older and out of my league and I made a fool of myself.”

“Explain.” Violet lifts up looking into her wife eyes. They barely ever talked about Chloe past.

Chloe smiles, “Her name was Allison. She was the head cheerleader of my old high school and I was just a freshman. Well she was beautiful and I was just the geek who was really good in science. Now don’t get me wrong. Allison was smart. It just she lacked in Chemistry. So she came for help and the teacher assigned her with me.”

“I honesty hated her at first because she and her group would talk about other girls and skip the lunch line because they could. It was annoying. But then I got to know her better. I got the know Allison without the cheerleading uniform and that’s when my crush started.”

Violet smiles as she listens to this story. It was way different from hers.

“We became close friends. She even made her stupid friends leave me alone and get my tray for me during lunch. My friends were excited because they thought I was becoming popular. I really didn’t care I just wanted to hang out with Allison more. She invited me this party and I refused to drink but she got wasted and when Allison was drunk she was very touchy.”

This makes Violet and Chloe laugh.

“Well I drove her to her house but she begged me not to leave her there. I never understood and didn’t want to ask her personal questions while she was drunk. My grandmother was on night shift so we went to sleep and the next morning she woke up sober and kissed me. I didn’t question it I just kissed back and we had sex.”

“She took your virginity!” Violet blurts. This wasn’t just her first crush. This sounded more like her first love. Violet bites her lip she never asked Chloe of her first love because it never occurred to her.

Chloe blushes, “Yes.”


“After that it was just Allison and I but graduation came and that’s when she just broke up with me like I was nothing. She didn’t text me anymore or call me. She just told me that I was better off without her. I went to her house and that’s when I finally figured out why Allison always stayed at my house and never went home. It was because her mom was on drugs and her dad was abusive. So we talked after I witness her getting beat by her dad and she cried in my arms saying she had to get away. I understood her then and let her go. It was hard at first but after my grandmother finally told me I was a witch. I had other things to worry about.”

“Wow.” Violet says biting her lip. “She was also your first love.”

Chloe nods her head. “Yes.”

“How did you make a fool of yourself?” Violet was confused.

“Oh.” Chloe blushes. “I thought we were going to be together forever.”

“I’m sorry it didn’t work out.”

“What.” Chloe laughs. “I think we wouldn’t be together if it did Violet. And I love you too much so, I’m glad it didn’t work out.”

Violet grins and explains, “No, I’m saying. I’m sorry you two didn’t break up on better terms. It was sad.”

“It was.” Chloe kisses Violet. “But, she is doing well and I’m doing great.”

Violet furrows her eyebrows in questioning. “How do you know?”

“She is an author.” Chloe answers blushing. “I Google her sometimes…” she trails.

“Like how often.” Violet asks astonished and a little jealous.

“Maybe every few months.”


“I’m sorry. I couldn’t help it. I wonder.” Chloe replies. “Now were even. You live with your first crush.”

Violet rolls her eyes and kisses Chloe on the lip. “I guess you’re right just don’t ever call her.”


Kimberly waits at Riley bike as all the girls’ crowd around the dragon lover. Kimberly huffs in annoyance. Today was a long day. Since Riley was beat up pretty badly every girl in school jump to help her out. Kimberly only rolled her eyes. One girl carried her books to every class and several girls comment on how sexy Riley was with bruises. Riley would only smirk and run her hand through her hair. So today Kimberly sat with Calvin and his friends. Kimberly did not want to deal with Riley stupid dragons.

“Hey.” Riley finally walks up. “I’m sorry about today.” The dragon lover again cringes. She has been apologizing too much lately.

“It’s okay.” Kimberly smiles touching Riley tendering on the face. “Are you feeling better?” She whispers running her finger lightly over Riley bruised lip.

“Yeah.” Riley smirks she then winces when Kimberly pokes her ribs.

“We need to take you to the hospital.” Kimberly suggests frowning.

“No.” Riley says grabbing her helmet.

“Riley you could have broken ribs.” Kimberly whines pouting out her lip.

“I hate hospitals.” Riley explains. “I really cannot stand hospitals.”

Kimberly cocks her head to the side. Riley was honestly afraid of hospitals. Kimberly bites her lip in worry. “Okay Riley no hospital I’m sorry.”

“For what?”

“Suggesting a hospital.” Kimberly bites her lip. Something bad must had happen.

“It’s okay.” Riley puts Kimberly helmet on for her and then smirks. “Let’s get you home Princess.”


“What I hear about this fight.”

Cassandra groans as her girlfriend walk in. “And a student at my school.” Jessica shouts. “That student being Riley.”

“She punched me in the face.”

“You are lucky she hasn’t pressed charges Cassandra. She is a minor.”

Cassandra rolls her eyes. “Her pride is to far up her ass. She wouldn’t call the cops.”

Jessica turns completely red from anger. “Why the hell are you putting so much energy in making Riley jealous?”

Cassandra shrugs her shoulders. “I don’t like her.”



Jessica cuts Cassandra off. “Is it because she is dating Kimberly.”

“They are not together.” Cassandra points out. “And no.” she answers. “If you think I still have some type of feelings for Kimberly. You are right I do.”

Jessica frowns her breathing becomes heavier. Jessica closes her eyes for a second and bites her lip. Cassandra was about to break up with her.

“But not the way you think Jessica.” Cassandra stands and holds Jessica by her hips. She kisses her forehead. “I’m not in love with Kimberly any more but I enjoy making her dates squirm.”

Jessica laughs running her eye across Cassandra bruised jaw. “Well you got a beating this time.”

“You should see the other guy.” Cassandra smirks kissing Jessica with passion. “I care for you a lot Jessica. I may even love you.”

Jessica smile widens as she and Cassandra continues to kiss.

Outside Riley pulls up at Kimberly mansion. She takes her helmet off and says, “Tell Violet and Chloe I apologize for earlier.” Riley rolls her eyes at Kimberly grin. “Aww does Riley feel bad.”

“Shut-up.” Riley turns and winces. She quickly smirks hoping Kimberly didn’t see that but unfortunately the strawberry blonde did. Before Kimberly can speak Riley cuts her off and blurts, “I’m not going to a hospital Kimberly.”

“I wasn’t going to ask that.” Kimberly smiles weakly. “Catherine is a doctor. She can help you. Please come in.”

“Catherine?” Riley questions.

“Riley I will not let you leave like this.” Kimberly stresses running her hand through her hair. “Please.”

“Okay.” Riley gets off the bike and takes a deep breath when she enters the huge mansion. She takes in the spotless marble floors and high ceilings. “Welcome.” One of the butlers nods towards Riley with a welcoming smile. Riley follows Kimberly up spiral stairs and once they get to the second floor and further down the hall Riley takes in all the room doors.

“How many people live here?” Riley asks.

“Umm.” Kimberly starts. “Everyone who works here lives here.”

Riley arches her eyebrow and before she can ask another question Kimberly knocks on the door of Catherine office.

A red head opens the door and glances up at Riley and smirks, “So the trouble maker is back.” Catherine leans on the wall cocking her head to the side. She looks Riley up and down. Riley was something. Her long black hair, curvy hips, Catherine continues to smirk. She now sees what Cassandra meant.

Riley also takes in the red head. It just took Riley through a loop. Kimberly stayed with some gorgeous women. Catherine was tall with fire head hair and a devilish smile. Riley smirks. She seemed like the type with a hot temper but the right attitude in bed.

Catherine smirks widen once she see the trouble maker taking her in. She rolls her eyes and drifts back towards Kimberly. “What can I help you two with?”

“Could you check her ribs?” Kimberly asks slightly irritated. She hated when Riley checked other girls out.

“Sure come on in.” Catherine walks back into the room.

Kimberly pokes Riley in the side when Riley whispers, “You live with some hot women.”

“Sit.” Catherine orders snapping her gloves on. Riley gulps. Catherine still had on her white medical coat but with a black dress underneath with black heels. “Take off your shirt.”

“What!” Kimberly blurts. Catherine smirks and says, “I need to check her ribs.”

Kimberly blushes and nods her head. “Yeah I knew that.”

Catherine laughs and Riley shrugs her shoulder pulling her shirt off. Catherine cocks her head to the side. Riley stomach was tone but at this moment it was bruise with a nasty purple color.

“Riley.” Kimberly says taking in the bruises. She then bawls her fist up in anger. She was going to give Cassandra some words.

“I’m fine cup-OUCH!” Riley snaps.

Catherine pokes again and then says pulling her gloves off. “The good news is they are not broken. Unfortunately they are bruise very badly.” Catherine walks off and goes through one of the cabinets. Riley eyes drifts towards her butt. She winces again when she it hit in the arm by Kimberly. “Sorry.” Riley mutters rubbing her arm.

Catherine comes back and tosses Riley some ointment. “Put this on every night it will help the pain and heal faster. I would put it on now but I have somewhere to be at this moment so Kimberly could you?”

Kimberly blushes, “Yes.”

Catherine smirks, “Well let’s go.”

Riley stands and turns bending down to grab her shirt.

“I thought I was going to put the cream on?” Kimberly asks but Catherine takes in Riley dragon that’s on her back. She furrows her eyebrow in questioning. She has seen this marking before. Catherine shrugs her shoulders. She was over analyzing things.

“I have to go. You can put it on in your room.” Catherine answers. “It will not take that long.”

“Yeah cupcake.” Riley smirks. “I’ve been waiting to see your room.”

Kimberly blushes but follows Catherine out her office. “Thank-you Catherine.”

“No problem.” Catherine replies. “It was nice meeting you Riley.” She winks and walks away. Riley watches her until she turns the corner.

Kimberly grabs her arm and they walk towards her room on the other side of the mansion. Once they walk into the room Riley smirks taking in the pink and yellow walls. There were some posters of horses but also some of female celebrities. Kimberly rolls her eyes and Riley sits on Kimberly bed and watches the strawberry blonde pick up random things that were scatter on the floor. Riley looks around and then smirks when she finds her prize.

“I didn’t think you were into lace.”

Kimberly turns around and turns completely red when she sees Riley with her blue lace bra. Riley bites her lip and Kimberly gulps snatching the bra out of Riley hand. The dragon lover grabs her hips making Kimberly drop on her straddling her waist.

“Riley.” Kimberly whines trying to get out of Riley grip but the older human has a good hold on her.

“Yes Princess.”

“Let me go so I can put your cream on.”

Riley kisses Kimberly neck and mumbles, “Fine.”

Kimberly throws her bra in the hamper and then demands, “Take your shirt off.”

“You know.” Riley starts. “I thought kissing and such started.”

“That’s weird.” Kimberly replies. “I heard you didn’t kiss.” She teases.

“I don’t.” Riley answers.

Kimberly cocks her head to the side once Riley shirt is off she ask. “How come?”

Riley states. “It just something I don’t do.”


They both sit there in silence as Kimberly runs her soft fingers across Riley stomach. Kimberly could feel Riley twitching from her touch. Kimberly smirks and blows across Riley ribs earning a moan from the other human. “Kimberly you barking up the wrong tree.” Riley voice was husky and her chest was heaving up and down rapidly. “Maybe it’s the right tree.” Riley laughs at Kimberly poor reply. Kimberly straddle Riley waist and the dragon lover sucks in breath at the strawberry blonde forwardness. Kimberly begins to kiss Riley neck and Riley squeezes her hips biting her lip to keep from moaning. “Kimberly.” Riley pants in the strawberry blonde ear.

Kimberly continues to lick Riley neck and before she knew it she was flip onto the bed with Riley hovering over her. Riley bends down and begins to suck onto Kimberly neck receiving a moan from Kimberly. Her hands slides underneath Kimberly blouse, her finger lightly running up and down Kimberly tone abdomen.

Kimberly bites her lip and pulls Riley up. She looks into Riley fully green eyes and lifts up. She bites her lip looking at Riley lips. Kimberly cocks her head to the side. She wanted so badly to kiss the dragon lover. Kimberly lifts up pecking Riley on the lips. She takes her chances.

Kimberly pulls back waiting for Riley to lash out but before Riley can speak Kimberly connects their lips together again. Riley tries to push Kimberly back but gives up when she feels Kimberly tongue licking her bottom lip. Riley opens her mouth and moans once Kimberly and her tongue connects. She pushes Kimberly further down into the mattress and devours her in their heated kiss. She almost forgot how good kissing were.

Kimberly moans as Riley kiss her back. She runs her hand up and down Riley tattoo back. She was in heaven right now. Finally Riley pulls back for air but before the strawberry blonde can say anything Riley is devouring Kimberly by planting soft kisses down her neck and between her chest.

“Riley.” Kimberly moans her legs instantly wrapping around Riley waist trying to bring her closer making her skirt rise up in the process. Kimberly wonders if Riley was this soft and gentle with all the other girls. Kimberly moans when she feels her shirt being pulled up and a wet tongue trailing down her towards her skirt.

Riley pulls back up and connects their lips again. She loved kissing Kimberly. Kimberly mouth was now Riley favorite flavor. It was a weird thought but Riley didn’t care. Riley pulls Kimberly skirt up and her knee connects with Kimberly center putting pressure where it was needed and the strawberry blonde moans her panties instantly getting damp.

“Riley.” Kimberly pants. This make out session was going too fast. They needed to stop. Riley grips Kimberly thigh slowly making a rhythm. Riley stares down at Kimberly chest as it rise and fall rapidly. She bites her lip at the motion. She then looks back up at Kimberly to see the strawberry blonde is completely flush and her eyes are shut and a wet tongue running across her lip. Riley moans at the view it was time to stop.

Riley pecks Kimberly on the neck one last time before pulling back. No way was she and Kimberly was having sex. Not like this. Riley hated this feeling but at the same time loved it. She was falling for Kimberly and it was time to admit it. The strawberry blonde made her happy. “We should stop.”

“I know.” Kimberly begins to bite her lip. She hopes Riley doesn’t think they are going to have sex.

“I don’t want to just have sex with you Kimberly.” Riley smirks. She could easily read Kimberly. “Actually I was thinking if maybe you wanted to hang out tomorrow.”

“Like a date.” Kimberly asks smiling widely.

Riley glances down in embarrassment and Kimberly cannot believe her eyes. The famous Riley was blushing. She pulls Riley head up and kisses the midnight haired beauty on the lips and says saving her from embarrassment. “Yes Riley.”

“Good.” Riley smirks kissing Kimberly again.

“Mhmmm.” Kimberly hums in delight. “For someone who is not into kissing you surely love kissing.”

“I only kiss special people darling.” Riley smiles looking down again. “You are the second special person.” After admitting that Riley stands, “I should be going. It’s getting dark.”

Kimberly frowns but Riley pecks her on the lips and says, “See you tomorrow?”

“Of course.” Kimberly smiles walking her midnight beauty out.


Violet walks down the hall and arches her eyebrow when she is bump into by a familiar person. “You’re back?” She questions. She glances towards Kimberly to see the strawberry blonde blushing. Violet smirks and Kimberly finally replies, “I was just walking her out.”

“I see.” Violet eyes drifts towards Riley again who is now looking deeply into her eyes. “Care to share.”

“Huh?” Riley questions. “I mean…No it’s just you look familiar.”

“I have never met you before.” Violet smiles. “Have a nice day.” With that Violet walks away towards her bedroom. She smirks when she hears from behind her. “You live with some hot women.”

“Shut-up Riley.” Kimberly laughs.

Violet walks into her room to see Chloe talking on the phone. She smiles. She could always recognize that voice. “Of course you’re coming here for Thanksgiving. Yes, actually your mother is right here. Of course Rue.” Chloe laughs and bites her lip. “No she is not in trouble anymore. I know I sounded mad earlier but we made up. Okay goodnight baby.” Chloe smiles and puts the phone down. She turns towards Violet and explains, “I forgot she was on the phone when I hollering at you.”

“She called earlier.”

“Yeah the butler had the mansion phone because I wasn’t answering the cell. She overheard everything.”

Violet frowns but Chloe kisses her and says, “She didn’t over react. I explain to her that we argue.”

“I hate when she hear it.” Violet grabs Chloe by her hips pulling her closer.

“Yeah I know it sucks but it is fine now Violet.” Chloe pecks Violet on the lips and several minutes later they are getting ready for bed. “Have Catherine heard from Olivia.”


“I’m confident she will call.”

“She better.” Violet stresses running her hand through her curly waves. “Because if she don’t. I’m going up there and getting her.”

“And we will all follow.”

Violet smirks, “They have no idea.”


“Hello my daughter.”

Olivia looks into the eyes of her father and grunts. She and her father never had a great relationship. She just put up with him because she was her father and her mother for some odd reason loved him very much. Her father just smiles. “How I missed that. I would have thought you would have changed.”

“Unfortunately nothing hasn’t.” Olivia rolls her eyes crossing her arms over her chest in impatience. “Why did you send that emotional mutt to come get me?”

“So were jumping straight to the point.” Her father grins. He grabs a shot glass and fills it up with brown liquor.

“I could have come myself.” Her father grins. It was funny. Her father looked different. He had facial hair now but a shaved head but he still continued to wear dress shirt and tie with his black slacks. For some reason her father always wanted to look professional even though he owned a small company. Olivia rolls her eyes she didn’t care about his dress issues. “However, I wanted you and David to get to know each other before the wedding.”

“I don’t want to marry him.” Olivia stresses. “I love someone else.”

“You’ve mated?”


“Well this is great.” Her father grins. “You and David can get married and have children and then I will have control over the omegas.”

Olivia rolls her eyes. “Haven’t you heard anything I just said?” Olivia hollers. “I love someone else.”

Her father slams his fist onto the table making his drink fall over and the glass break underneath his fist. “You will do as I say!” He screams. “Do you understand me?”

Olivia huffs in annoyance and asks, “You have never cared about me.” She screams. “It has been always about my brother and my mom never me. You treated me like I was a mistake but now that you need me you come calling me back home. You never called once Father.”

“What is your point?”

“Marry off Spencer!” Olivia screams. “Give me this. All I ask from you father. Is let me have the person I love. I will move to Divide. I will visit but please don’t take me from my love.”

“You will only mate with someone else.”

“Let me handle that.” Olivia stresses.

Her father cocks his head the side and smirks, “You are really in love.” He grins showing his white teeth. Olivia gulps. “Who is he?”

“None of your concern.”

Her father frowns. He hated being told what to do but before he could question any further her mother walks in.

“My baby.”

Olivia runs into her mother arms now feeling at home. “Hi mom.” Olivia smiles.

Olivia loved her mom more than anything. She always had her back and was there when her father was being too hard on her. She was her everything. Besides Catherine of course.

“Hello my baby.” Her mother smiles. Her hair blonde and longer than Olivia. If her mother wasn’t older everyone would think they were twins. They look exactly the same. Sometimes Olivia would question did her father have anything to do with her being born. She never claimed his genes anyway only her beloved mothers.

“So how was Divide.”

“It was great mom.” Olivia smiles brightly. “I have so much to tell you.”

“Later we have business to handle.” Her father blurts. Olivia frowns.

“Not now Sean.” Her mother hisses. One thing about her mother was she was very beautiful and pure with niceness but you never wanted to piss her off. She could be one of the most vicious and deadly wolves ever.

“Fine.” Her father turns around and leaves. Olivia hates that she actually feels sad that her father doesn’t want to stay and hear about her life in Divide. When it was time for Spencer and her to leave her father pat Spencer on the back and just glanced her way and said, “Get the job done.” Sometimes Olivia still wonders how she became the pack leader and not her older brother. But her mother would only say how great she is and that she deserved it. Sometimes she believes that if it wasn’t for her mother she wouldn’t have become the pack leader.

“He is just stress Olivia.”

“You don’t have to do that anymore mom.” Olivia pulls back from her mother soft touches.

“What?” Her mother bright blue eyes shine in worry.

“That thing you do to try to make me feel better about my stupid dad.” Olivia shrugs her shoulder. “I know he doesn’t care.”

“Olivia...” Her mother trails.

“Don’t.” Olivia hisses and then bites her lip. She never talked to her mother like this. “I’m sorry.” Olivia runs her hands through her hair. “Can we please just talk about how Divide was?”

“Sure let’s sit.” Her mother says.

They seat and talk about Divide from the very beginning and Olivia begins to drift off when she gets to the parts when she fell in love with Violet. “Is she the one?” Her mother questions. “Violet is the person you fell in love with.”

Olivia bites her lip. She was nervous. What if her mom cut her off for loving girls? Loving a woman? Loving Catherine who was a vampire? She would lose everything. Her mom was all she had left as family. Her father never cared and her brother wanted to be her father. Not that she ever blamed him. Spencer looked up to him.


“It’s okay.” June smiles at her daughter.

Olivia takes a deep breath and admits, “Yes I fell in love with Violet but her girlfriend came back and Violet fixed her and I left with Violet brother for a while.”

June frown her eyes glowing with anger. “She broke your heart that little…”

“Mom!” Olivia shouts smiling a little. “It was a mistake. I got over it quickly. She and Chloe got married soon after and that’s when I fell in love with Catherine.”

“The vampire.” Her mother eyebrow arch in questioning.

Olivia looks down at her fingers and admits, “Yes the vampire.”

“Well she sounds special.” June smiles. “I wish to meet her one day.”

“Yeah?” Olivia smiles. “I can’t marry David mother.”

June pulls her daughter close and whispers, “I know honey.”

While Olivia and June were catching up Sean went to speak with David.

“You failed me.” He hisses towards the boy.

“I did exactly as you said Sean.” David explains. “I spiked her coffee. It worked for a moment. She was imprinted to me but then Catherine came and something happen. I think their love for each other was to strong. If I wouldn’t have brought up her family being in danger she wouldn’t have come. So I didn’t fail she is here.”

“You omegas are so stupid.” Sean yells. “She is in love with this Catherine girl.” Sean breaths deeply.

“June will not let her marry you now.”

David frowns, “Look I’m sorry Sean. I tried.”

“You failed.”

“Well.” David thinks. He remembers Olivia telling him not to tell her father that Catherine was a vampire. That she wanted to tell him herself. But David had nothing else. This was about his family. All he had left was his pack. “Catherine is a vampire.”

“What!” Sean sneers.

“Your daughter is in love with a blood sucker. Catherine is not a wolf.”

Olivia looks up and stands when she sees her father stomping down the stairs. She reacted too late and was slammed into the wall by her father. She can hear her mother screaming towards her father. But Sean only pushed her mother out the way and pin her into the wall. “Catherine.” He sneers.

“What about her.” Olivia chokes out.

David slowly walks down the stairs taking in the scene. “What is she?” her father sneers gaining her attention back.

Olivia glances David way and growls. The mutt told her father.

“A Vampire.”

Sean slings Olivia across the room. “It’s one thing that she is a girl. I could handle that. I always knew you were different. But I will not accept a blood sucker. Do you hear me?” He roars. “You will stay here and you will marry David.” With that her father stomps out the room. Olivia can feel tears burning at her eyes but she refuse to cry. She stares up at David and growls. David backs up into the wall and defends, “I’m sorry Olivia. I had to.”

“Fuck you!” Olivia screams.

She then helps her mom off the floor. “How do you deal with him?”

“He is my mate.” June cringes. She smiles weakly. “I will speak to him in the morning once he cools down.”


It was day two and now it was time for Olivia to call Catherine. She tip-toes down stairs and begins to look for her bag. She goes through her bag and in interrupted when she see her father standing with her cell-phone. David was standing next to him. He was such a bitch.

“You were looking for this?” Sean sneers breaking her phone instantly. “Nothing can get by me Olivia. David here over heard your sweet conversation with Catherine. You suppose to call right?” He smirks. Sean could be a real ass-hole.

“I’m calling her.” Olivia walks towards the door.

“You will not leave.” Sean hollers. “If you know what’s good for you.”

“What you’re going to do.” Olivia smirks. “Slam me into a wall. I have had worst trust me.”

“If you care for your mother you will stay.”

“Don’t you dare pull that card Sean.” Olivia sneers.

“If you don’t marry David the omegas will attack and your mother will die.”

“Wow I would think you would protect your mate father.” Olivia sneers. “You disgust me.”

Sean rolls his eyes. “I love your mother.”

“Not like your pride.” Olivia replies growling. “This is not about my mother or the pack. It is about territory.”

Sean sneers and begins to walk away.

“Just know this Sean.” There was no way she was going to call him father. He was nothing to her. “They will come. My family will come for me and then you will have real problems. You do not want to go against my pack. MY FAMILY.”

Olivia continues to walk out the door with a slam.

Please Comment. How do you feel about Kimberly and Riley. They are finally admitting their feelings. Also What do you think about Olivia family? 

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