Dance for me

By Jikook_GotYourJams

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"i want you to dance for me and me alone , . . . . "No jungkook, I can't. I am tied to this company, and I'd... More



121 28 19
By Jikook_GotYourJams


"You are so selfish even after breaking my heart you keep coming back just to make sure I don't recover


Getting up early in the morning, as always, Jimin rushed to the shower, feeling the warm cascade of water run down his body, a soothing contrast to the bruises he still wore like badges of a turbulent past.

Stepping out of the shower, droplets clung to his skin like glistening reminders of resilience.

Jimin confronted his reflection in the foggy mirror, studying the purple mark around his eyes, a testament to nights haunted by shadows.

With a deep breath, he carefully tended to his injuries, the familiar ritual a blend of self-care and defiance against the remnants of a painful history.

His fingers traced the edges of the bruises, as if trying to erase the memories etched onto his skin.

Walking outside, a gentle morning breeze brushed against his face, carrying whispers of renewal.

Each step he took resonated with determination as he made his way to the dance studio.

The door creaked open, revealing a space that had witnessed both vulnerability and triumph.

The polished wooden floors awaited the cadence of Jimin's steps.

Entering the studio, a sanctuary in the early hours, the air was thick with the scent of dedication and passion.

The mirrors reflected an empty canvas, waiting to capture the grace and emotion that Jimin poured into his dance.

The first rays of sunlight filtered through the windows, casting a warm glow on the room, a silent witness to the catharsis that unfolded within.

As the music began to play, Jimin surrendered to the rhythm, his body moving with the precision of a seasoned dancer.

Every leap, every pirouette, told a story of resilience, a narrative written in the language of movement.

Sweat glistened on his skin, a testament to the intensity of his efforts, and each controlled breath carried the weight of both struggle and liberation.

Hours passed in a symphony of motion, and as Jimin's body pulsated with vitality, he found himself redefined through the dance.

The studio became a cocoon of metamorphosis, where pain and joy intertwined, and the echoes of his footsteps reverberated with a newfound strength.

Exiting the studio, the morning sun bathed him in a golden glow.

The gentle breeze, now a companion on his journey, seemed to carry a different energy.

The world outside held uncertainties, but for now, in the aftermath of his dance, Jimin stood resilient, a mosaic of healing in the quiet embrace of the morning light.


Walking towards the psychology hospital, he felt his head spin, licking his dry lips as he continued, refusing to sit or even rest.

Entering, everyone's gaze fell on him. "Oh, Jesus, you're fucking pale, Jimin," his friend Mark remarked, watching Jimin slump into a chair.

"I'm fine," Jimin remarked weakly, trying to shake off the pounding sensation in his head.

"He hit you again, didn't he?" Mark questioned, concern evident in his tone.

"No, I just tripped," Jimin insisted, avoiding the truth.

"Just be real, okay? He obviously hit you, but he's never gone this far. What's his problem?" Mark said, almost yelling.

"It's fine," Jimin replied weakly, attempting to downplay the situation.

Jimin's pallor didn't escape Mark's notice. "Jimin, you're way too pale. Let's go to the hospital," Mark suggested.

"Nah, I'm fine," Jimin insisted, getting up and walking towards his office.

After several hours, Jimin started to feel better, although still exhausted.

He called in his next client, who happened to be Jungkook.

"Hey, puppy," Jungkook called, observing the half-dead figure in front of him.

"Mr. Jeon, it's your second visit," Jimin said, attempting to smile, though the symptoms were slightly coming back.

"Yeah, it is, Park Jimin. Are you okay?" Jungkook questioned, genuine concern in his voice.

"Yeah," Jimin said, taking a deep breath and having a glass of water. "I already feel better," he added, sitting up and looking at Jungkook.

His gaze drifted from Jungkook's face to his tattooed arms adorned with snakes.

A flash of the dream came back to him, and Jimin blushed, thinking of it and looking away.

"How many times?" Jungkook questioned, staring intensely at Jimin.

"What?" Jimin stuttered. "How many times did you have the dream?" Jungkook asked, walking towards him before whispering, "The dream where you were being a good boy for me."

Jimin blushed even more, backing off. "I did not dream that," he said, trying to justify himself, the lingering embarrassment evident on his face.

"It's fine, Jimin," Jungkook said, smirking.

"Well, seems like the appointment has ended, and this should be your last person," Jungkook added, looking at Jimin, who still looked flustered.

"Let's go," Jimin said, rushing out of the office to the cafeteria close to the building.

"Slow down!" Jungkook said, almost screaming. Finally sitting down, an awkward silence filled the air.

"Jimin, I called you here to ask you for something."

" Go on," Jimin said, listening intently.

"I want you and me to have a deal. It's just really simple. You have to dance for me, and I'll pay you a lot, I swear," Jungkook said, almost sounding desperate.

Jimin's face contorted with rage, his eyes shooting daggers at Jungkook.

"Do I look like I need your money?!" he spat, his voice a seething whisper that cut through the air.

The atmosphere around them grew tense, and Jungkook felt the weight of Jimin's fury.

"I offer you a chance to showcase your talent, and this is how you react?!" Jungkook tried to reason, but Jimin's anger was an unyielding force.

Jimin slammed his hands on the table, causing nearby patrons to glance their way.

"I don't need your condescending offers or your pity! I've worked hard to be where I am, and I won't degrade myself for anyone, especially not you!"

The cafeteria fell silent for a moment, and Jimin's chest heaved with the intensity of his anger.

Jungkook, realizing the gravity of the situation, sighed and leaned back in his chair, conceding to Jimin's vehement refusal.

Jimin shot him a withering glare before pushing his chair back and storming out of the cafeteria, leaving Jungkook to contemplate the repercussions of his ill-conceived proposal

Jimin couldn't shake off the unsettling mix of emotions that swirled within him as he walked home.

Thoughts of Jungkook's audacious proposal continued to linger, and the anger that had fueled his outburst in the cafeteria simmered beneath the surface.

Stopping in front of his house door, Jimin's eyes widened as he noticed a bouquet of roses waiting for him.

Hesitant, he picked them up, their vibrant colors contrasting with his conflicted emotions.

Turning the bouquet in his hands, he found a small letter attached.

"I don't know which one is your favorite flower, so I picked roses because you look like one. Sending these before our meet-up."

A perplexed smile tugged at Jimin's lips. Despite the turbulence of their earlier interaction, the gesture touched him in an unexpected way.

As Jimin was delicately arranging the roses in the vase, the sound of the door creaking open caught his attention.

He turned to see his boyfriend entering, eyes immediately falling on the bouquet.

A curious expression crossed his face, questioning Jimin.

"Where did these come from?" his boyfriend asked, suspicion lacing his words.

Jimin hesitated for a moment, caught off guard by the abrupt inquiry.

"Oh, these? It's nothing. A friend gave them to me. Just a friendly gesture," he replied, trying to sound casual while his heart raced with unease.

His boyfriend narrowed his eyes, a skeptical glare fixed on Jimin. "A friend? Really?!" he scoffed, an incredulous tone coloring his words.

"You know I don't buy into your lies, Jimin."

A bead of sweat formed on Jimin's forehead as he struggled to maintain composure. "No, really. Just a friend. I promise," he insisted, his voice quivering slightly.

His boyfriend's gaze remained unrelenting. "You're hiding something from me. Spit it out, Jimin."

Jimin felt the air thickening with tension. The room seemed to close in around him as he desperately clung to the fragile façade he had crafted.

"It's really nothing. Just a friend being nice," he repeated, a feeble attempt at reassuring his increasingly agitated boyfriend.

Suddenly, a heavy hand gripped Jimin's shoulder, fingers digging into his flesh. His boyfriend's voice, now edged with anger, cut through the silence.

"I know you're lying. Who is it, Jimin?! Tell me the truth!"

Jimin's eyes widened in fear. He stammered, "I swear, it's just a friend. There's nothing more to it."

Bumseok temper flared, and a swift, forceful slap landed across Jimin's face.

The impact echoed through the room, leaving an intense burning sensation on Jimin's cheek.

Shocked, Jimin staggered back, his hand instinctively reaching for his stinging face.

"Stop lying to me!" Bumseok roared, the sudden violence making the atmosphere suffocating.

Jimin, now on the defensive, pleaded, "I'm not lying! Why can't you believe me?!?"

His boyfriend's aggression escalated, fists flying in a fit of rage. Jimin, in a desperate bid to escape the onslaught, rushed through the room, stumbling over furniture.

Each blow was a painful reminder of the fractured trust and the false promises of building a life together.

As the beating persisted, Jimin's mind echoed with haunting questions.

Amidst the chaos, Bumseok's chilling words cut through the air. Jimin, still trembling, heard his phone ring. The caller ID displayed Jungkook's name.

Panic set in, unsure whether to answer or let it ring. The ringing persisted, echoing through the room, amplifying the chaos in his mind.

He decided to answer reluctantly.Jimin, in a fragile state, answered the call from Jungkook. "Hello?"

"Jimin, I heard something in your voice. Are you sure you're okay?" Jungkook's concern penetrated through the phone.

Jimin hesitated, torn between the truth and the fear of burdening Jungkook. "I... I had a rough day, but I'll manage."

"You don't have to go through this alone. If something's wrong, please tell me," Jungkook urged, genuine worry in his voice.

Jimin took a deep breath, contemplating whether to reveal the harsh reality. "I... my boyfriend, he-"

Before he could finish the sentence, a loud crash interrupted them. The sound of a door slamming and muffled shouts filled the background.

"Jimin, what's happening?!" Jungkook's voice tightened.

"I... I need to go," Jimin stammered, panic seizing him.

"Wait, Jimin, don't hang up-" Jungkook's voice echoed in his ears as he hastily ended the call, unable to let Jungkook witness the chaos within his life.

Alone in the dim room, Jimin crumpled against the wall, tears streaming down his face.

The weight of his reality pressed upon him, and the solitude in his suffering became unbearable.

Jimin's boyfriend, his rage escalating, demanded, "Who were you on the phone with?"

Jimin, attempting to stand his ground, replied, "It's none of your business. You don't get to control every aspect of my life."

His defiance only fueled his boyfriend's anger, who tightened his grip on Jimin's arm, his eyes ablaze.

"You think you can talk back to me?! Answer the question!"

"I have the right to talk to whoever I want. You can't control me!" Jimin declared, the desperation to reclaim some semblance of control evident in his voice.

In response, his boyfriend's slap landed harshly across Jimin's face, the stinging pain reverberating through the room.

The force sent Jimin stumbling backward, crashing into a piece of furniture.

"Learn your place, Jimin. I won't tolerate disobedience," his bumseok sneered, a cruel satisfaction in his eyes.

The room became a battleground, a place where Jimin fought not just against the physical blows but against the erosion of his spirit.

Summoning the last shreds of his strength, Jimin's hand shot up in a swift motion, delivering a resounding slap across his boyfriend's face.

The room fell into an eerie silence as shock painted itself across his boyfriend's features.

"You don't get to treat me like this!" Jimin exclaimed, a newfound fire burning in his eyes.

The act of defiance fueled by the realization that he had endured enough.As Jimin defiantly stood up, the look in his boyfriend's eyes shifted from shock to a menacing rage.

"You think you can fight back!?" he sneered, a twisted smile playing on his lips. "Now you're really challenging me."

Without warning, a barrage of blows rained down on Jimin, each one more forceful than the last.

Bumseok, completely unhinged, seemed to have lost any semblance of self-control.

Jimin, caught in the torrent of violence, felt his body being thrown against the walls, his pleas for mercy drowned out by the relentless onslaught.

As the room descended into chaos, Jimin's thoughts echoed with confusion and despair.

"Did I fall for a lie?" he wondered, the pain both physical and emotional blending into a suffocating haze.

As the relentless blows continued, Jimin's thoughts fragmented.

He questioned everything - the promises, the lies, and the shattered dreams of a life they were supposed to build together.

The room, once filled with shared laughter and whispered promises, had transformed into a battleground, and Jimin found himself caught in the crossfire.

The pain intensified with each strike, and as his boyfriend's fists connected with his body, Jimin felt the sting of betrayal.

The bruises on his skin mirrored the bruises on his heart, each mark a painful reminder of a love that had curdled into something monstrous.

Jimin, exhausted and bruised, eventually succumbed to the weight of his emotions. As he lay on the cold floor, silent sobs wracked his body.

Tears streamed down his face, each one carrying the weight of the pain he had endured.

His body trembled, not only from the physical pain but from the emotional turmoil that threatened to drown him.

The room felt like a prison, each wall closing in on him as the darkness embraced his shattered soul.

He clutched his pillow, as if it could provide solace for the shattered fragments of his spirit.

The tears continued to fall, a cascade of unspoken anguish.

Jimin's heartache echoed through the silent night, reaching out to the stars that seemed oblivious to his suffering.

Sleep, when it finally embraced him, brought no relief.

Nightmares haunted his dreams, mirroring the brutal reality he desperately wished to escape.

As Jimin lay there, a broken melody of vulnerability, he questioned not only his choices but the very essence of love.


I made this one pretty long cause I'm having another upcoming test remember your comments are really appreciated thx for the support so far voteee 🌟

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