Pit Babe: Echoes Of Madness

By anonymous_donor

6.6K 299 136

In Westbrook Asylum, Pete, Babe, Jeff, Dean, Kenta, and North confront their inner demons while new doctors... More

Into the Abyss
Patients Assigned
Divergent Realities
The Asylum Chronicles: Unraveling Minds
Into the Abyss: Unseen Peril
Unity & Trails of courage
Trials of Strength & Wisdom
Trail of Sacrifice
Trail of Endurance pt.1
Trail of Endurance pt.2
Whispers of Salvation
Race against the collapse to save North
Realm's End
"Last Farewell"


1.1K 33 30
By anonymous_donor

Psychotic patients


AGE: 27
SKILL: Can generate and manipulate powerful energy blasts.
FAMILY: Orphaned at a young age, Pete grew up in foster care.
DISORDER: Diagnosed with intermittent explosive disorder, Pete struggles with anger management and impulsivity.
PERSONALITY: Pete is aggressive and prone to explosive outbursts of anger. He struggles to control his temper and often resorts to violence when provoked, making him a volatile presence in the asylum.


AGE: 26
SKILL: Can manipulate reality, causing spatial distortions and altering perceptions.
FAMILY: Babe is estranged from his family due to his unstable powers.
DISORDER: Diagnosed with dissociative identity disorder, Babe experiences episodes where alternate personalities take control.
PERSONALITY: Babe is violent and unpredictable, prone to sudden outbursts of aggression and destructive behavior. His dissociative identity disorder exacerbates his volatility, making him a dangerous and unpredictable presence in the asylum.


AGE: 25
SKILL: Exhibits a symbiotic connection with alien organisms, granting him enhanced abilities.
FAMILY: Jeff's family disowned him after his abilities manifested, fearing him as a threat.
DISORDER: Diagnosed with schizophrenia, Jeff experiences auditory and visual hallucinations stemming from his symbiotic bond.
PERSONALITY: Jeff is silent and withdrawn, preferring to keep to himself and avoid interactions with others. His talks are like riddles. He is haunted by the constant presence of the alien symbiote within him, leading to a deep sense of isolation and mistrust.


AGE: 25
SKILL: Can phase in and out of different dimensions, accessing knowledge from alternate realities.
FAMILY: North's family struggles to understand his abilities and the mental illness that accompanies them.
DISORDER: Diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder, North experiences mood swings and delusions related to his dimensional travels.
PERSONALITY: North is sarcastic and sardonic, often using humor as a defense mechanism to cope with his fractured mind. He delights in mocking others and revels in his own perceived superiority, making him a prickly and abrasive presence in the asylum.


AGE: 26
SKILL: Genetically modified for superhuman durability and regeneration.
FAMILY: Dean was experimented on by a shadowy organization, erasing his memories of his past life.
DISORDER: Exhibits symptoms of antisocial personality disorder.
PERSONALITY: Dean is innocently maniacal, presenting himself as charming and affable while harboring a dark and twisted psyche. He possesses a childlike innocence that belies his capacity for violence and manipulation, making him a deceptive and dangerous presence in the asylum.


AGE: 26
SKILL: Can manipulate the molecular structure of matter, reshaping objects at will.
FAMILY: Kenta's family abandoned him when his powers manifested.
DISORDER: Diagnosed with dissociative identity disorder.
PERSONALITY: Kenta is savage and feral, prone to animalistic displays of aggression and dominance. His fractured psyche manifests in a primal and instinctual manner, making him unpredictable and dangerous to those around him.



AGE: 25
BACKGROUND: Recent graduate with a passion for neuroscience and understanding the mind.
PERSONALITY: Dr. Way is sassy and quick-witted, often using humor to defuse tense situations and connect with his patients. Despite his sarcastic exterior, he genuinely cares about the well-being of those under his care.
FAMILY: Comes from a supportive family that encourages his pursuit of knowledge and career in psychiatry.
DISORDER: No known disorders, but grapples with imposter syndrome and self-doubt as a new psychiatrist.


AGE: 25
BACKGROUND: Compassionate therapist specializing in trauma therapy and PTSD.
PERSONALITY: Dr. Charlie is charming and charismatic, with a natural ability to put his patients at ease. He is empathetic and intuitive, able to form deep connections with those under his care and provide them with the support they need to heal.
FAMILY: Comes from a close-knit family with a history of mental illness, motivating Charlie to pursue a career in psychiatry.
DISORDER: No known disorders, but experiences occasional anxiety and self-doubt in high-stress situations.


AGE: 30
BACKGROUND: Seasoned psychiatrist with a pragmatic approach to mental health treatment.
PERSONALITY: Dr. Alan is intelligent and analytical, approaching each case with a methodical mindset and a wealth of knowledge in the field of psychiatry. He relies on evidence-based practices and is always seeking to expand his understanding of the human mind.
FAMILY: No known family ties, Alan's focus on his career has left little room for personal relationships outside of work.
DISORDER: No known disorders, but struggles with work-life balance and occasional burnout from the demands of his job.


AGE: 25
BACKGROUND: Determined psychiatrist haunted by past experiences and seeking redemption through helping others.
PERSONALITY: Dr. Sonic is bubbly and energetic, bringing a sense of optimism and enthusiasm to their work. They have a natural ability to connect with their patients and create a supportive environment where healing can flourish.
FAMILY: Comes from a dysfunctional family with a history of substance abuse and mental illness, motivating Sonic to pursue a career in psychiatry.
DISORDER: No known disorders, but grapples with unresolved trauma from their past.


AGE: 26
BACKGROUND: Recent graduate with a passion for cognitive behavioral therapy and understanding the intersection of science and psychology.
PERSONALITY: Dr. Winner is moody and introspective, often lost in thought as they contemplate the complexities of the human mind. They have a sensitive and empathetic nature, but can also be prone to bouts of melancholy and introspection.
FAMILY: Winner comes from a supportive immigrant family that values education and hard work.
DISORDER: No known disorders, but experiences occasional self-doubt and anxiety as a new psychiatrist.


AGE: 25
BACKGROUND: Brilliant researcher with a fascination for experimental psychology and the human mind.
PERSONALITY: Dr. Kim is savagely sassy and fiercely intelligent, unafraid to speak their mind and challenge conventional wisdom. They have a sharp wit and a biting sense of humor, which they use to keep their colleagues on their toes and push the boundaries of psychiatric research.

FAMILY: Kim is estranged from their family due to their unconventional career choices and dedication to their work.
DISORDER: No known disorders, but struggles with perfectionism and a drive for academic achievement.

In Westbrook Asylum, Pete, Babe, Jeff, Dean, Kenta, North, and Winner confront their inner demons while new doctors Alan, Way, Charlie, Kim, Sonic, and Dean uncover dark secrets. As alliances form and sanity teeters on the edge, echoes of madness reverberate through the halls.


Author's note: Pit babe series is gonna end this Friday so i thought why don't I do one more story to keep the going on here.  I hope you liked it... Please show some love bubbly pumpkins... I'll see u guys in next episode till then take care of yourselves and I love you all💕✌🏻

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