Age doesn't matter (Bakugo x...

נכתב על ידי 101Rosy

933 49 2

The 23-year-old Y/n is currently a kindergarten teacher who happens to meet the child of the number two hero... עוד

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23

Part 24

79 3 0
נכתב על ידי 101Rosy

You wake up on the day of your much-awaited date, feeling excited yet anxious. As you step out of bed, you realize that you haven't decided on what to wear yet. You immediately rummage through your closet, trying on different outfits, but nothing seems to make you feel confident.

One of the things that was stressing you out the most was the fact that Katsuki had not given you any details about where the date would take place, leaving you unsure of what to wear.

As you sat on your bed, you glanced at the clock on your bedside table and noticed that you still had plenty of time before you were supposed to meet Katsuki. You pulled out your phone and began searching for outfit ideas for a first date, hoping to find something that would make you feel confident and comfortable.

You found a decent outfit that doesn't look too casual and still appears presentable. So, you decided to go with this idea.

Clothes? Done.

Should you wear any makeup?

Katsuki was feeling extremely anxious, just like Y/n. He had already reached out to Eijiro for help in taking care of Kazui, but unfortunately, he was unable to shake off the unwanted company of a guy who seemed to be closely observing and commenting on his every move.

"Is that really what you're gonna wear?"

"Bro. Are you serious?"

"You're not going in an interview."

Katsuki is becoming increasingly irritated by Eijiro's persistent comments, and his tolerance is wearing thin.

"Will you shut up?!" Katsuki shouted.

"Geez. Calm down, bro." Eijiro sweatdropped.

"Calm down, papa." Kazui meddled.

"Keep working on your homework. Let the adults talk." Katsuki shot a dirty look at Kazui, who quickly returned to his writing.

"Why are you so nervous, anyway? Man, you're losing your cool." Eijiro said as he relaxed on the sofa, a mischievous grin spread across his face.

"Fuck off." Said Katsuki and made his way to his bedroom.

"There's a child in here, ya know!!" Katsuki's reaction left Eijiro and Kazui confused. They exchanged a look before Kirishima shrugged, trying to ease the tension. "He's probably just nervous," Kirishima said with a smile.

Kazui frowned, trying to make sense of the situation. "About what?" he asked, genuinely curious.

"You'll see," Kirishima replied, his grin widening. "Now finish your homework or else your papa will kick me," he added, winking at Kazui.

Hours had gone by and Katsuki was finished preparing for his date. He took his time getting ready, making sure he looked good without coming off too formal or casual. He wanted to impress Y/n but also stay true to himself.

As he walked down the stairs, he witnessed how Kirishima tried to help Kazui with homework. "I'm off," he said to them, grabbing his coat from the rack. "Give me a call if anything comes up or if you need anything," Katsuki added.

"Alright, good luck, bro! I'll see you later," Kirishima said, waving goodbye. Kazui smiled at his father, wishing him luck as well.

Katsuki just smirked. He closed the door behind him and walked towards his car, feeling the cold breeze of the night. He checked his car for any flat tires before getting in and starting the engine, letting the car warm up for a few minutes before slowly driving off his veranda, and making his way to Y/n's apartment.

As he drove, he felt his nerves kicking in. He played some music to distract himself, but it only made him more anxious. He wanted everything to be perfect, and the thought of making a mistake made him feel even more nervous.

Meanwhile, Y/n was a bundle of nerves, too. She had picked out an outfit she found online, but she wasn't sure if it looked good on her. She put on a little makeup to enhance her features but tried to keep it natural. She debated whether to curl her hair or leave it straight, eventually settling on brushing it.

As the time went by, Y/n kept looking at the clock, wondering when Katsuki would arrive. She couldn't wait to see him but also felt anxious about the evening since it's been a while since she last dated someone.

A few minutes passed and a knock was heard in Y/n's front door. She instantly stood up, patting her dress to avoid any wrinkles, and took a deep breath, before slowly exhaling and walking toward her front door, opening it and revealing a handsome Katsuki waiting for her.

They looked into each other's eyes causing them to both turn red. Katsuki then finally spoke up.

"Ready to go?" He asked, to which she nodded in response.

She quickly took her purse, along with her jacket, as well as her scarf due to the cold breeze of the upcoming winter.

"I am ready," Y/n said as she smiled up to Katsuki causing him to smile in return.

As she neared the car, Katsuki caught her off guard when he opened his car for her, waiting for her to get in. Once Y/n settled in, Katsuki gently closed the door, he then proceeded to the driver's seat and settled himself in as well.

It took him a while before he could start the engine since he was distracted now that Y/n was sitting behind him. He wanted to hold her hand desperately but he held himself back. He doesn't want to rush things.

"Um. I didn't know where we were going to eat so I'm not sure if what I wore is appropriate." Y/n said as she looked outside the car nervously, rubbing her arm.

"You look really beautiful," Katsuki said his face turning slightly reddish finally starting the engine and driving off to their destination.

His compliment made her face turn red.

Instead of replying, Y/n stared out the car window trying to pat down the redness on her face.

Katsuki, on the other hand, was overthinking when you didn't respond to him. Was the compliment too much for you? Was he being too fast? He didn't know what to think.

"Thank you, Katsuki." When Y/n spoke his name, Katsuki glanced at her to see her face. Y/n didn't notice it, but listening to her say his first name made his heart race.

Meanwhile, Y/n was surprised when she realized she called him by his first name causing her to panic. Y/n covered her lips with both hands and she looked at Katsuki nervously. "I'm sorry! I-i'm so sorry! I didn't know what came over me. I should have said Bakugou,-" but she was cut short when Katsuki held up his hand.

"I like hearing you call me that way. Bakugo is way too formal anyway," He spoke, eyes still focused on the road. He was trying so hard to keep his face from turning red.

This took Y/n by surprise. She was about to retort when Katsuki suddenly told her that the restaurant he booked was finally near.

'He booked a restaurant?!' this made Y/n look at where his eyes were looking. It was a four-star restaurant, which took her by surprise; her eyes were a little widened. The front looks luxurious. She can see a few people exiting their canto head inside. Boy was she glad she wore a dress.

Y/n's eyes scanned the area as she looked around the restaurant that Katsuki had booked for their date. She was not too keen on the idea of booking an entire restaurant for a date and preferred a simple fast-food restaurant instead.

"Hell no. You deserve this kind of place. And if you want me to book this whole restaurant, you should've told me." Katsuki said exiting his car. "Stay in there."

"I-i didn't say anything you should!" Y/n said as she watched Katsuki go to her side and open the car door for her. This simple gesture warmed her heart. "Thank you, K-katsuki.." As she spoke, her face turned even redder, which Katsuki found amusing.

"Don't mention it," Katsuki said, flashing a small smile before offering his arm to Y/n, which she accepted shyly.

The moment they stepped inside, Y/n was immediately struck by the luxurious atmosphere. Her eyes widened in amazement as she took in the brilliance of the ballroom. Everything was in golden color, with a massive crystal chandelier hanging in the middle, casting a warm glow across the room. A live orchestra was playing smooth jazz music on the stage, and everyone was dressed in their finest attire. Y/n felt a bit out of place, having never been to such a fancy place before.

"Mr. Dynamight," the head waiter said, bowing slightly as they approached.

"That's right," Katsuki replied, his tone confident and assertive.

The waiter led them to their table, which was located on the second-floor balcony, overlooking the ballroom. The table was adorned with delicate white tablecloths, flickering candles, and scattered rose petals.

'Katsuki really went all out for this date,' Y/n thought to herself, feeling a bit nervous.

Katsuki pulled out a chair for her and helped her to sit down before taking his seat across from her.

As they sat at their table, the waiter approached them once again, holding a menu in his hands. He offered her the other menu with a slight smile, and Y/n thanked him.

"Give us just a moment to decide," he said, glancing over the menu's pages.

The restaurant was dimly lit, and the murmur of voices around them created a calm atmosphere around them. As they perused the menu, Y/n couldn't help but feel a bit intimidated by the prices.

"T-this place" Y/n stammered, her voice trailing off.

Katsuki looked up from the menu, sensing her hesitation. "Don't worry about it, Y/n. Just choose whatever you want," he said reassuringly.

Y/n smiled gratefully still a little hesitant though, feeling her anxiety slightly melt away. As they chatted about the menu, Y/n couldn't help but notice earlier that the waiter seemed to know Katsuki quite well.

"Oh, the waiter seems to know you," Y/n remarked, giggling softly.

Katsuki rolled his eyes. "Yeah. It's cause those idiots keep bringing me here all the time," he grumbled.

Y/n couldn't help but smile at his annoyance. "Is that so?" she teased playfully.

Katsuki raised an eyebrow, a hint of a smirk playing at the corners of his lips. "You don't believe me?" he asked, his tone joking.

Y/n laughed and shook her head. "No, no, I believe you," she said, her eyes sparkling.

Those words. Katsuki didn't know what they made him feel, but he knew that he was having a great time with Y/n.

After deciding what to order, Katsuki called for the waiter to list their orders.

As the night went through, Y/n and Katsuki chatted as they waited for their meal to arrive. The atmosphere was comfortable. They laughed, chuckled, and had a little bit of teasing on the side. Once their meal finally arrived, both adults started eating.

Katsuki couldn't help but notice Y/n's appearance. He can see her put on a little bit of makeup and even wear pieces of jewelry. He was taking in Y/n's look today. The fact that she put on this extra effort for him, for their date. It made him feel special. Just thinking about this made him smirk.

"Katsuki?" Y/n called out. She was getting embarrassed when she caught him staring at her. What made her face turn red was the fact that he didn't look away when she caught him. "I-is there something wrong w-with my look?" She asked, worried about her makeup smudging.

"You know you don't need makeup, right?" Katsuki said stirring his food. "Just noticed how you made extra effort today." Saying this, a smirk made its way to his lips. "S'that for me?"

Y/n felt her heart rate increase with every second she spent in the presence of Katsuki. His smirk was enough to make her flustered, and she couldn't help but look away while covering her face. "S-stop teasing me," she stuttered out, hoping to regain her composure.

But Katsuki didn't let up. He pushed for an answer, his smirk never leaving his lips. "You didn't answer me," he said, resting his cheek against his palm as he watched her squirm. "Well? I'm waiting."

Y/n bit her lower lip, still refusing to look at him. She knew that she had put in extra effort to impress him, but she didn't want to admit it. "You d-don't need to know that," she mumbled, her cheeks turning even redder.

But Katsuki was relentless. "I didn't hear a no," he said, finding amusement in her discomfort.

"I-i did," Y/n whispered, feeling completely embarrassed.

Her answer made him grin before going back to his meal. "Fuckin' knew it."

The night sailed by smoothly without any problem. Y/n found herself chuckling at Katsuki's stories, mainly about Kirishima and the other members of their circle. She had no idea that they were such close friends, especially Katsuki's bond with Deku. She was also fascinated by Katsuki's competitive spirit, which was evident in his stories. He was undoubtedly determined to ascend to the top rank and achieve his childhood dream. She was equally impressed by how Katsuki never let fatherhood restrain him from pursuing his dreams.

As she pondered over Katsuki's life, Y/n noticed the striking resemblance between him and his son Kazui. They could almost be twins.

"You're an amazing father, Katsuki," Y/n complimented him out of nowhere.

Katsuki was taken aback by her words. No one had ever expressed such admiration for him, and certainly not from Y/n. It was at that moment that he understood that his feelings for Y/n were more deep than he had initially thought. He had never felt this way before, not even towards his ex-wife. Y/n was different. She never judged him and always seemed to understand him like an open book. Her e/c eyes gazed at him softly, and he felt like he was someone fragile under her gaze.

"Y/n.." He whispered as he gazed at her fondly.

"Hmm?" Y/n blinked at him, waiting for him to continue.

"I.." Katsuki trailed off. He was bad at this but he'll try his best. He doesn't want to screw this up. "Fuck." He cussed pushing his hair back. "I'm fucking bad in this kind of stuff, but screw it. I don't know what to fucking tell you. But one thing I know is that I.."

Y/n was feeling nervous as she waited for him to finish.

"I love you."

המשך קריאה

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