Age doesn't matter (Bakugo x...

By 101Rosy

1.1K 53 2

The 23-year-old Y/n is currently a kindergarten teacher who happens to meet the child of the number two hero... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24

Part 14

44 2 0
By 101Rosy

With Y/n carrying Kazui, Katsuki was the one who unlocked the front door for them despite carrying the groceries.

It was impressive for Y/n, of course. Maybe being a hero has its perks after all.

"You can put Kazui in his room. I'll prepare dinner." Katsuki said while walking towards the kitchen.

Y/n nodded in response even though she was fully aware he wouldn't see her. With that, Y/n went upstairs. Carefully holding Kazui with one arm, she twists the knob and pushes the door open allowing herself in. She went nearer to the bed and gently placed Kazui on his mattress.

Of course, her being a babysitter, she knows she couldn't let Kazui sleep like that. Without asking Katsuki, Y/n browsed through Kazui's closet looking for his pajamas.

The aroma of Katsuki cooking made her pause for a second though. She could smell he's boiling the chicken with a few spices right there.

Well, she didn't expect Katsuki could even cook. She imagined him ordering food as their meal. Why hasn't she thought of that when she was in the kitchen? She clearly saw all the spices on the cupboard. Well, she thought those were all for a show. A display? Boy, how wrong she was.

Shrugging her thoughts away, she proceeded to look for pajamas till she found a drawer full of what she had been looking for. What piqued her interest was the Dynamight-themed pajamas he has. Y/n had to stifle a giggle when she picked it up and shut the drawer.

"This will do," she mumbled smiling to herself.

She went back to Kazui's side and sat beside him carefully not waking him. Once she put the pajamas down, she slightly lifted Kazui's body using one arm and took off his clothes using the other. She's an expert at this, you know. Once done undressing him, she grabs the pajamas and then put them on Kazui who was not even bothered by all her movements.

He must be deeply asleep then. She'll feel bad if she wakes him up for dinner.


"Took you long enough," Katsuki said not bothering to look up when you suddenly appear at the kitchen doorway.

"I had to change Kazui into his pajamas since his shirt was a bit sweaty. I don't want him to get sick." You said whilst holding the said clothes in your hand. "Where should I put this?" You asked.

"There's a laundry basket in the bathroom." Katsuki simply answered and watches you disappear from his peripheral vision.

He didn't know you'd be this on hand to Kazui since it is his first time having someone take care of his child in his own home. He gotta admit though, he's less exhausted compared to when he's the only one taking care of his child.

Was he complaining? Yes. Its draining being a single father. But he knows he needed to do what needs to be done for his son. Heck, he was even thankful whenever his friends came over to visit him, mainly Kazui. They are aware that he's been struggling with being a parent especially now that his Ex-wife is in jail.

Now that he remembered it. He needed to confront her soon. Was he ready though? Hell yeah, he is. That excuse of a woman deserves to spend her entire life behind bars after what she did.

If you ask what Bakugo Katsuki's regret was. Is that he didn't listen to his friends when they warned him. Did he regret having Kazui in his life though? No. Not even a bit. He was glad Kazui was here with him. Kazui gives him hope to continue with life. He's the entire reason why he needs to be alive. He's, his world.

If anything happened to his son, the world would witness the other side of Dynamight.


He was clearly lost in his thoughts cause your voice suddenly jerked him awake.

"The hell do you want, woman." Obviously pissed since you cut him from his thoughts.

"I was asking if there's something I could help you with. You seem to be taking your time chopping those carrots." You giggled when Katsuki looked at where you were pointing. Indeed, the carrot was turning into a darker shade due to being exposed to the air.

"Shut up." Katsuki only tsked and proceeded on chopping. "As if you can cook better than me."

"I'm pretty sure I can cook. Maybe not as good as you but I can try." You smiled at him and went beside him to watch him chop.

"Get working with the onions then," Katsuki smirked. "Better not disappoint me, princess."

"You'll be impressed." You smiled and tied your hair into a messy bun.

Washing your hands was the first thing you did, and Katsuki raised an eyebrow at this as he kept an eye on you while still chopping. The next thing you did was to search for the extra knife and chopping board which you were able to locate with the help of the blondie.

"Onions?" You asked as you placed the things you needed on the counter next to him.

Katsuki pointed to the bags behind him where you took two onions. He was done chopping now though and was watching you.

He gotta admit, the messy hairdo you did make you look hot. He won't say it out loud though.

But then, Katsuki suddenly remembered something that has been bothering him.

"Y/n." He called out, arms crossed over his chest while his back turned to the counter and leaning against it.

"Yes?" you answered as you peeled the onion.

"Back when Kirishima brought me home all bruised up. You were the one who healed us, didn't you." Katsuki held his gaze on you.

You on the other hand paused. You remembered Kirishima telling you to be quiet about this but lying to Katsuki would mean losing his trust. She doesn't want that.

"What makes you say that?" Y/n smiled nervously and continued peeling.

"Why won't you answer me? "His suspicion was raised as he watched you.

"I was just asking you what makes you think that?" You smiled at him. "What if I'm quirkless and you just happen to recover quickly?"

"Wait, shit. Are you-

"Haha. I'm not. Don't worry." You laughed as you covered your lips with the back of your hand.

"Well damn answer my question then." Katsuki's eye twitched in annoyance. "Don't play smart with me. I remember what was written in your calling card." Saying this puts a smirk on his lips while he watches your face turn into a timid reaction all of a sudden. "What? Cat got your tongue, princess?" He teased.

You on the other hand looked away, embarrassed, and at the same time, internally slapping yourself for forgetting about the calling card. Well then, I guess you can never dodge his question.

"Sigh. To answer your question." You looked up at him, turning serious all of a sudden. "It was me who healed you." You said calmly. "The reason I don't want to inform you, it's because I recall in one of your interviews, you spoke of hating being used by a quirk you aren't familiar with. Plus, Kirishima advised me not to tell you which I assume was probably the same reason." You explained.

"Tsk. That idiot," Katsuki simply mumbled. "Tell me about your quirk." he added as he closed his eyes ready to listen while still waiting for the chicken to boil.

"T-there's nothing much to tell, honestly." Why are you stuttering all of a sudden anyway? Are you shy? Oh hell no.

"Looks to me like there's a lot to tell, now that you used your quirk on me," Katsuki smirked once again.

He has a point though.

"Fine." You pouted while continuing to chop the onions. "I'll activate my quirk which will make my eyes glow and I'll simply make contact with your skin and concentrate on where you're harmed. Once I managed to find it, a small blue-like light will appear, and carry out under your muscle to where the injury was."


"When done, I'll deactivate my quirk." You illustrated and finished chopping.

"What's the drawback?" He was curious, what can you do. He had never seen a healer who patches wounds and bruises that swiftly.

"A-ah. W-well..."

What the hell are you stuttering now? Was it that bad?

"You see, the pain you're enduring will be passed onto me." You said diverting your eyes away from him. "If my body couldn't handle it. Bruises will appear."

"So, you're telling me when you mended us, the bruises began appearing on you?" Katsuki scowled just thinking about this. He watches you nod in response. "What the hell are you thinking?"

Here we go. To be fair, you were kinda expecting this since Kirishima warned you. Why? Apparently, Dynamight doesn't want to burden anyone because of him. He also didn't want anyone to do him a favor because he thinks he has to repay them which was very annoying for him.

"Well, you were unconscious, and I feel like I have to." You looked away a bit sad.

"I appreciate what you did, idiot." While saying this, Katsuki was removing the lid of the pot where the chicken was, checking if it was cooked. "But with that kind of drawback, I don't think I'll let you do it again."


That one word made him blink. Why though? What was his reason? Does he not want you to get hurt or what? Probably because he's a hero and it's his responsibility to not let everyone around him get hurt. Yeah, he'll stick with that.

"Because the hero must protect everyone from getting hurt, idiot. Now pass me the onion."

You just shrug off his answer and hand him the chopped onions. Even though you wanted to ask him about the groceries again, you decided to just drop it. Believe it or not, he kind of helped you with your finances. But of course, you'll pay him back.

Unexpectedly in debt if you ask me.

"So. Uh." You spoke up trying to break the silence between you two. "Why'd you paid for my groceries?" You said slightly tilting your head to look at his face.

"Ugh. Are you serious? This again?" Katsuki was annoyed, obviously. "How many times do I have to tell you, I just wanted to, okay? Now stop pestering me about it, idiot."

His outburst didn't startle you the slightest. In fact, you saw this coming. No matter how many times you asked him, you'll never get an answer out of him.

"Well then, maybe just tell me how much it was. I wanted to pay you back." You pouted crossing your arms over your chest while keeping your gaze on him.

"Not a chance, princess." Katsuki smirked not bathing an eye on you. He was busy cooking the curry you know. Putting spices and everything.

"I don't want to be in debt." You groaned throwing your hands. This man is making you feel frustrated, and you hated it.

"You're not." Katsuki simply said as he put the last seasoning and starts stirring. "Stop overthinking this. I treated you out and that's it." This time, he was looking at you.

You just pouted in response.


It took a few minutes for Katsuki to finally finish the curry. As he turned the fire off, he took a bowl from his cupboard and poured a bit of the dish in it.

"Oi!" He called out to Y/n. "Time to eat!"

Y/n got tired of talking to Katsuki. She decided to just leave him alone in the kitchen and watch tv as she waited for him to finish cooking. It wouldn't be pleasant to piss him now knowing his temperament. So, once she heard him call out, Y/n immediately stood up and went to him.

"That smells good." The scent of the curry filled the house. He really can cook, Y/n thought. "Let's see if it tastes good, though." Y/n don't even know where she's getting all her courage from teasing him, but one thing she knew is that it was fun.

"We'll see." Katsuki smirked and handed her the bowl filled with the curry. "Go wake Kazui." He said grabbing another bowl.

"He's deep asleep." Y/n said before leaving his side.

"Can't have him sleep on an empty stomach now." Katsuki simply said as he focused on filling the bowl.

He does have a point.

Katsuki watches Y/n go upstairs once again. He couldn't help thinking, is this what it felt like to have a wife? A wife who takes care of the family. He knew he kept thinking about his over and over. He couldn't help it. He never felt this before. This feeling is new to him.

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