Chosen to Survive (ONC2024)

By OlieHart

341 118 311

High school at Crestwood Heights High feels like hell and the end of the world, and for Zoe and her friends... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 8

11 6 11
By OlieHart

Zack's POV

Huddled in our makeshift sanctuary, the dim light barely illuminates the pages of the book Zoe managed to snag from the library. Its title sends shivers down my spine: "The Bloodbound Necromance." The cover is old, the leather cracked, and it feels like it's pulsating under my fingertips.

"Guys, listen to this," Zoe says, her voice trembling as she reads aloud. The book details the origins of vampires, creatures born not of nature but of dark magic wielded by a being known only as the Master.

According to "The Bloodbound Necromance," the Master sought to create an army, beings loyal only to him, fueled by a hunger that could never be sated, humon blood. These vampires were his first successful creations, molded from shadows and human despair.

"The Master used ancient rituals, sacrifices to bind these creatures to his will," Lily adds, her eyes wide as she scans the pages. "It says here that each vampire carries a piece of his essence, making them extensions of his will."

The descriptions are vivid, horrifying. The Necromance speaks of nights turned into hunting grounds, of villages erased from memory by the insatiable thirst of these beings. The illustrations are grotesque, showing twisted figures emerging from the darkness, their eyes glowing with a malevolent light and blood dripping from their mouths.

"We need to find a way to stop them," I say, the weight of our task settling heavily on my shoulders. "There has to be something in here about their weaknesses."

We delve deeper into the book, searching for any knowledge that could turn the tide in our favor. The Necromance ,describes the vampires' aversion to sunlight, their need to feed on human blood to maintain their strength, and most importantly, their loyalty to the Master.

"It says here that if the Master is destroyed, his creations will fall," Zoe whispers, hope flickering in her eyes. "But no one knows who he is, or where he resides."

The room grows colder, the air thick with the realization of the battle ahead. We're not just fighting creatures of the night; we're up against an ancient evil that has plotted its return for centuries.

"This is bigger than we thought," Lily murmurs, closing the book with a sense of finality. "But now we know what we're dealing with."

As we sit in silence, the horror of our situation sinks in. We're teenagers, not warriors or mages. Yet, fate has thrust us into this nightmare, making us the unlikely defenders of Crestwood Heights.

"We'll figure this out, together," I say, trying to infuse my words with more confidence than I feel. Zoe and Lily nod, their determination mirroring my own.

The night outside presses against the windows, a reminder that our time is running out. "The Bloodbound Necromance," lies between us, both a guide and a grim warning of the darkness that awaits.

But we're not alone. We have each other, and now, we have knowledge—our most potent weapon against the Master and his minions. The battle lines are drawn, and though we may be afraid, we're also resolute.

"We start tomorrow," Zoe declares, her voice steady. "We find the Master, and we end this."

Lily's POV

Sitting in the dim light of our hideout, "The Bloodbound Necromance" lying open before us, a heavy silence envelops the room. My mind can't help but drift to Jess. The vibrant, life-loving friend I knew, could she really be a vampire now? The thought sends a pang of sadness through me.

"Jess... could she still be in there, somewhere?" I whisper, breaking the silence. Zoe and Zack look up, their faces etched with concern.

"It's hard to say," Zack responds softly. "According to this, vampires lose themselves. But there's always a chance, right?"

Zoe's eyes meet mine, filled with a mix of hope and despair. "We have to believe there's a way to save her. We just have to."

The Master, this puppeteer of darkness pulling at the strings, who could he be? Is he someone walking among us, cloaked in normalcy while fucking with us? The question haunts me, a mystery we're far from unraveling.

"I keep thinking about the Master," I admit, my voice barely above a whisper. "Could he be someone we know?"

Zack shakes his head, frustration clear in his gaze. "It's like searching for a shadow in the dark. But we'll find him, Lily. We have to."

The memory of that night, following Jess, witnessing her transformation, weighs heavily on my heart. Should I tell them what I saw? The horror, the helplessness of not being able to save the victim, it's a burden I've carried alone. I left her to die... I don't even know her name.

"There's something I haven't told you both," I start, the words tasting of fear and guilt. "That night, after Jess... I followed her. I saw what she did. She... she ripped this lady's nack out and drank the blood."

Zoe reaches out, her hand finding mine, squeezing gently. "Lily, it's okay. You did what you could."

"But I didn't," I confess, tears welling in my eyes. "I was scared, frozen. I just watched. And then I ran..."

Zack's hand joins ours, a silent vow of solidarity. "We're in this together, Lily. You're not alone."

The sadness is overwhelming, a tide of grief for the friend we've lost and the fight we're facing. Jess, caught in the clutches of darkness, her humanity slipping away, could we really bring her back? Or are we chasing ghosts, hoping to grasp onto something that's already gone?

"We'll find a way," Zoe says, determination cutting through the sorrow. "For Jess. We won't give up on her."

Their words are a balm to my aching heart, a flicker of light in the enveloping darkness. Together, we face an uncertain future, armed with nothing but our friendship and the slim hope that "The Bloodbound Necromance" offers us clues to save Jess and defeat the Master.

As we close the book, the task ahead seems daunting, but our resolve is stronger than ever. We will save Jess, confront the Master, and reclaim our lives from the shadows that threaten to consume us.

In this moment, the sadness remains, a constant companion, but so too does hope, a small belief that love and loyalty can conquer all, even the darkest of fates.

The Master's POV

The hunger for power is a relentless force, driving me through the streets of Crestwood under the cloak of night. Oakley's body is merely a vessel, his consciousness a distant echo screaming into the void of his own mind. He watches, powerless, as I seek the one thing that can secure my dominion: "The Bloodbound Necromance."

The town sleeps, unaware of the predator in their midst. I glide through the shadows, a specter of vengeance and fury. My senses are attuned to the whispers of the night, the faint heartbeat of the world hidden beneath the veneer of civilization.

"Where are you hiding, my precious tome?" I murmur, the voice not quite Oakley's, not quite my own. A blend of our essences, a testament to the battle waged within.

The streets offer no answers, so I set my eyes on the silent houses for clues. I glide into a house, the family sleeping happily. I look around and then head to the next house. In each house that I visit, I leave a warning. Every bed, drenched in blood, a warning not to piss me off.

Frustration builds, a storm on the horizon of my patience. I can feel Oakley's horror, his despair at the destruction I wreak in his name. It's a delicious torment, his anguish fueling my resolve.

I'm standing over a man, sleeping happily, not knowing that the rest of his family is dead. I trace his throat with my nails.

"Stop this... please," Oakley pleads from the prison of his own body. A futile gesture. His voice is weak, barely a whisper against the gale of my will.

"No, Oakley. This is necessary. The book holds the key to our ascension, to the realization of our grand design," I respond, my words a cold comfort in the dark.

I look at the man one last time, before digging my nails into his throat. I feel the body twitch and convuls. I love this part, licking the blood from my hand I leave.

The night wears on, each moment a sharp note in the symphony of my search. The town, so quaint by day, becomes a maze of possibilities, of secrets tucked away in the quiet. But the book eludes me, its presence a shadow just out of reach.

Anger flares, a bright flame in the darkness. "Show yourself!" I command, the power of my voice sending ripples through the night. But there is no response, only the silent defiance of a town that refuses to yield its secrets.

Dawn approaches, a soft light on the horizon, threatening to unveil me to the world. Reluctantly, I retreat, the shadows my sanctuary, the library my fortress. Oakley's body is weary, but my spirit is undeterred.

"We will find it, Oakley. Your friends cannot hide the tome forever," I assure him, though he offers no reply. His silence is a heavy weight, a reminder of the battle yet to come. "And when I find them, I will take my time killing them."

As I return to the library, the first rays of the sun casting long shadows across the floor, I am not defeated. The night's hunt has been fruitless, but the war is far from over. "The Bloodbound Necromance" will be mine, and with it, the world.

But for now, I wait, hidden in plain sight, a monster cloaked in the skin of a man. Crestwood Heights will sleep, recover, but I remain vigilant, the hunger for power and revenge a constant flame burning in the heart of the darkness.

And Oakley, my unwilling companion on this journey into the night, watches and waits, a silent witness to the horror yet to unfold. The game is far from over, and I am patient.

1,638 words

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