Graveyard Games (Frerard) ~Ed...

By angeleyes-demonsoul

126K 7.7K 5.7K

Frank was just a rebellious, low level demon with eyes set on a higher throne. Nothing will be allowed to kee... More

The Mission
The Game Is Set
The Game's Afoot (Part 1)
The Game's Afoot (Part 2)
I'm Not Okay
Not Quite Right
"We Fucked up"
Do You Remember?
Midnight Visitor
Yea, That Happened
More Questions
The More You Know
Proper Introductions
I'm Here
Time Is Fading
We All Go To Hell
Something's Gotta Give
It's Not Too Late
I Write Sins
Famous Last Words

What's happening?

3.6K 222 58
By angeleyes-demonsoul

{A/N~this chapter is a bit shorter I'm sorry guys, I've been a bit busy today but I still wanted to get the two updates in for you guys}

(Frank's POV)

I arrived back at the cemetery and stretched. I looked over at my usual tomb spot, but I went over to mine and G's tree. I sat against it and watched the cemetery go on about it's daily rituals of whatever it did.

I still didn't see Ray. That was pretty odd. He made his rounds constantly, what was different about today?

I just sat by the tree like a good little demon in case the babysitter made his rounds. I was starting to care too much about G to not be here. Just in case.

(Pete's POV)

I had watched Gerard and Frank in the few minutes I saw them together. It reminded me of me and Patrick. The looks I saw them exchange when Brendon and I saw them walking down the street. I remembered Brendon's whistle as we watched them walk around to Gerard's window.

"Gerard, you sly devil!" He had laughed, "that's where he's been all day."

I had talked to Gerard about it. He didn't seem to realize how obvious their attraction to each other was. Even when I talked to Frank, he didn't seem to realize it either.

We were all back in my room now, watching movies while spread throughout the tiny room. Patrick had vanished for a bit, but come back with damp, messy hair. He sat next to me with what little space was left on the bed with Brendon laying across it. Gerard was leaning against the bed in the small walkway there was to get to the closet. Andy and Joe were on the couch, debating quietly about the show.

Patrick nudged my arm and nodded down at G. I just smiled and nodded to tell him G's good. "Later" I mouthed to him, ruffling his already messy hair.

(Frank's POV)

I spent my whole day by mine and G's tree without seeing anyone, human or demon. It had become a bit boring. I even got up and looked around, calling out for Ray, but nothing.
Maybe he was just on the complete other side? Or maybe he was just avoiding me? But why?...

All I really knew was that the sunlight was beginning to dim. I looked around one last time before I left the cemetery. I wasn't going to wait around all night for no one here, I was going to wait for G. He wouldn't mind (I hoped but even if he didn't... Eh). I walked down the same road I had walked with G in the morning. I didn't like it as much. Without him. It was dull, not nearly as nice as it had been with G. I sighed. Somehow I kept thinking back to G.

Pete had told me something this morning. "I can see you care" was it that obvious to everyone but me? I couldn't see it myself. Was that what this feeling was?

"Fucking hell..." I muttered to myself. This wasn't anything I knew. I was a demon for fuck's sakes! Demons didn't feel. Demons didn't fall head over heels for some human. They fell for no one. This burning desire in my chest was something I never experienced before in this life.

I thought of how Ray had maintained his humanity. He was a young demon. Young demons were foolish (although I knew Ray to be otherwise) with their last emotions before death. Ray had never told me specifically how he died, but to become a demon, deaths never were pretty.
They were usually the worst and most traumatic.

I shook it off. I didn't want to think of that. I didn't want to really think of much...I just wanted to be with G. Even that was something I barely knew, wanting to be with someone or something. Not to be alone.

I was alone for centuries... What was happening to me?...
I saw G's house and let myself dissolve to smoke. I snaked into his window and reformed on his bed. I curled up and just waited, alone with my confusing thoughts.

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