Begin Again

By TheSolarisRays

58 4 4

Freya Sterling Nightingale, after her death in her world, gets transported to the Creepypasta universe after... More

Beginning Again
The Target

Starting again should never be easy

9 0 0
By TheSolarisRays

Whoever said all beginnings were easy, what kind of beginning did you get that I and other people didn’t? I would love to know how some of us are so different from the other

It started with her hearing first, hearing hushed, muffled, voices that sounded underwater all around her. Her body felt tingly with numbness and heavy as if weights were strapped to every inch and crevice of her body. As if her own body was deliberately pleading for her to not try and move. She felt exhausted, weak, as if most of her soul was yanked out of her physical form again. Then there was the pain, the agonizing, severe pain that made her want to cry, scream, or simply give up to death again. With the feeling returning to her body, she realized she was laying stomach first on top of a soft surface, the side of her cheek pressed against a soft pillow, her neck aching and paining, stiff from being turned in the awkward position for so long

She felt like death, which was no surprise, lately the Reaper of Death has taken a liking to her… Or a dislike, she couldn’t decide how he would treat his victims if he liked them or not, he’s only doing his function, his purpose. Perhaps he’d be kind enough to take her again. At least that was her hope, wanting relief away from the excruciating pain she was feeling on her back and her arms. Her mind was turning gears slowly, slowly processing, memories slowly flooding back as if a mental clog was opened, finally allowing flow. Her arms lay at her sides, her fingers twitch, her body still feeling weak, numb, and heavy. She found it difficult to even move at all

Today? Yesterday? A week? How long has it been since she somehow was brought into the Creepypasta universe after her death in her world? How long has it been since she saved them all from a Security Breach scenario? How long has it been since she’s been bedridden? Her thoughts were swirling, and so many questions echoed in her head like a heartbeat. Perhaps she had dreamed it all up, perhaps…

Suddenly, everything came back into tune. She could hear the voices around her clearly now. “She has been unconscious for a week. Luckily, her wounds are getting better, the amount Slenderman could heal and what we are doing here. Those scars will not be pleasant. Healing will take a long time for the mortal. Let’s just hope she wakes up soon, IV’s and feeding tubes will only help her so much.” A young or middle-aged woman said from inside the awfully bright room with her, Freya was starting to notice. There was a man scoffing. He also sounded middle-aged

“I say the mortal dies, she served her purpose-” Then there was a loud metallic clunk that almost felt like it shook the room, followed by the sound of maybe a wooden table snapping and breaking “What to tell the Slenderman that Dr. Smiley?” The other man’s voice sounded younger, not so middle-aged like the other two. His voice is deep, gravelly, slightly baritone but almost silky at the same time. There was stern, almost an authoritative edge in his voice. It was clear he was commanding, not asking a question. His voice was calming, reassuring, unlike the others. Freya would have startled if she felt like she could actually move a single joint or limb. The middle-aged man scoffed again. She almost felt like maybe he was shaking his head, holding in some anger towards the younger man. “I’m gonna go get some air.” He replied coldly, hearing fast footsteps, an opening door, then the door being slammed behind him

“Not everyone will be alright with her here. You must take note of that, EJ.” Nurse Ann’s voice was soft, delicate, and held some wisdom like she’s been around the block for a good few decades

“Eyeless Jack.” Freya thought to herself, feeling her shock settle in. She remembered him trying to attack her in a hungry, blinded state after he was freed out of confinement by Sally. Jack was quick to snort, sounding fully amused, like he could care less. “They will have to deal with it, get used to it, they go against Slenderman, then they are as good as dead.” Jack points out, she heard some shuffling, the sound of something maybe being picked up before footsteps headed towards her

Bandages were unwrapped from her back, gauze was taken off, causing some intense pain, and a groan of pain slipped out of her lips. Nurse Ann and Jack chuckled, “look who’s finally awake. You’ve been in comatose for a week.” Jack told the human, looking down towards her, wearing his usual, iconic dark blue painted mask, holes around his sockets where eyes should be, below his sockets, on the mask below the “eyes” black goo stained the painted surface

Freya felt embarrassed, but the pain was helping her from full-on humiliation. Sometimes, pain can be a good distraction after all. “ya…” was the only reply that came from her lips, her voice was hoarse, scratchy, fading in and out from both her mouth being so sandpaper dry and not using her vocal cords for an entire week

A deep hum left Jack’s lips, and Nurse Ann was quick to ask a question. “How do you feel, dear?” The older woman asked her, her tone light, soft, almost sounding endearing. It took Freya a solid moment to process her question before answering. They patiently waited in silence as Jack got into the med kit. Pulling out burn ointment, disinfectant, and whatever else he will need.

“In really bad pain, I feel exhausted, weak, numb, tingly, stiff, and my body feels heavy.” She lists slowly, Nurse Ann laughed lightly. “Having such bad wounds and being unconscious for a week will do that to anyone, even us.” Nurse Ann replied, Jack huffed and he put on the disinfectant first causing a shrill cry of pain to leave Freya’s lips, she quickly muffled her sounds of pain by pressing her face first into the pillow. Jack immediately stopped for a moment and looked towards her, “perhaps no warning was a bad idea?” He remarked, sounding rather clueless, and Nurse Ann sighed

“A warning and instruction probably would have done her better, yes.” Nurse Ann had some teasing yet sternness and seriousness in her tone of voice. Jack shrugged a bit before pouring more disinfectant onto her wound. She grit her teeth tightly, her hands gripping onto the bed sheets and her nails digging into the sheets. Muffled whimpers and pained groans slip from her lips, panting slightly, out of breath from the burning, stinging, her damaged skin literally hissing from the liquid

“The burn on your back reaches almost the entirety. It is a third-degree burn. You were lucky it was not a fourth-degree burn. The ones on your arms were just second degree, they may scar, but they may eventually clear up, unlike the one on your back.” Nurse Ann was quick to inform the red-headed young woman as she made her way over, heels slightly clicking against the tiled floor. Freya grimaced, holding in more pained noises from slipping out of her mouth as Jack carefully applied tons and layers of burn ointment unto her ruined skin

“Slenderman did what he could for you, he concentrated healing on your back, he regrew most of your skin, so the scarring won’t be as bad as it would have been…” Nurse Ann trailed off looking at her white, blackened, leathery, then yellow colored fat tissue can be seen as Jack carefully placed the ointment onto her burns, making sure to not apply pressure so he won’t cause more pain. It being exposed to the air and temperature change is what was really causing most of the agony and discomfort

However, a question did hang in the air for Freya. She opened her amber/golden eyes, and she instantly grimaced at the bright lighting. Nurse Ann noticed that she took out her phone, controlling the bright LED lights above them, and turned them down. “Finally, the brightness was starting to give me a headache.” Jack scoffed, letting his eyes adjust before getting out gauze, carefully placing the soft, fluffy material over her burnt skin on her back. “Apologies, some of us can’t see clearly, almost in complete darkness.” Nurse Ann was quick to sarcastically, but also half jokingly retort, Jack seemed to just ignore her

Freya’s cheek is pressed up against the pillow, she was really wants to get up, and her neck hurts so bad. Instead of a white nurses dress like typical old styled nurses wore, it was black and made out of cotton. It was long sleeved but had little hoops buttons around the cuff, and the top upper sleeve had buttons most likely to roll up and loop into place when needed. It dropped down over her knees, she wore black tights, and black heels, dark, long red hair is pulled back into a low ponytail, she has a black mask over her mouth and nose, then on her hands is black plastic gloves

“When can I get up? My neck hurts really bad.” She asked, and Nurse Ann looked towards her, her eyes crinkling as if she was smiling towards her. “After Jack gets your back patched up and I give you this medicine.” She pulled out a small glass, corked jar full of some dark red liquid out of one of her two front dress pockets. A grimace crossed the other redhead's face because that does not look like it tastes good at all. Jack finished placing the gauze along with wrapping the gauze around her wound carefully before pinning it in place with metallic, silver clasping. “She’ll need food and something to drink with that, I’ll go tell Masky to make something for her.” Jack replied, he went to the sink in the Infirmary, he washed his hands before drying them, ebfore leaving the Infirmary
“Let me know when Smiley gets back if he causes an issue! Don’t trust him around her.” Jack called out as he left, the door slamming shut gently behind him. A chuckle left Nurse Ann’s lips, and she walked over to Freya, noticing her discomfort. Her neck was starting to stiffen and hurt worse, “I’ll carefully help you up.” One hand slid to her stomach, the other against her chest, Nurse Ann managing to hoist her up just enough, Freya gets on her knees and Nurse Ann along with her own effort gets herself to carefully roll over into a sitting position on her butt. She smiles softly towards Ann, “thanks for the help.” She says, and Ann’s eyes crinkle at the genuine gratitude

“You are welcome dear, let me know if you need anything else. Do you want me to prop up the bed? The pressure might hurt and be uncomfortable if you lean backward, but I imagine it will be inevitable after a certain amount of time anyway.” Nurse Ann offers, Freya nods her head slowly. “Please, I think I’ll be fine…” She was utterly unsure if she would be or not but she figured that she needed to try regardless, there are just somethings a person needs to brave in life

Nurse Ann was quick to adjust the hospital bed for her, placing pillows behind her and helping her carefully lean back. At first, it was quite painful, but eventually, her injured back became used to the pressure, and the pain started to die down just slightly. Tears sting in her eyes, a shaky breath leaves her lips, and she closes her eyes. Ann smiles sympathetically towards the pale young woman, she could only imagine the type of pain she must be feeling. “After you get something to drink and eat, we will give you the medicine, and you should feel much better for a limited amount of time. Slenderman himself had it made using his dark magic, so it should do the trick. But still be careful, no fast, jolting movements, take it carefully and slowly.” Ann informed her, Freya opened her eyes again. She smiled softly towards her before nodding her head

Ann couldn’t help but smile again. This human was kind, but seemed like one hell of a fighter. She seemed very calm, collected to say the least. “What’s your name dear? Sally never got it due to the chaos in the breach.” Ann asked her just as Jack opened the door and walked back into the Infirmary, balancing a tray on his arm, causing both women to look over at him before looking back towards each other. “It’s Freya Sterling Nightingale.” The fiery redhead introduced herself with a small tired smile, Nurse Ann nodded her head. “Beautiful, unique name for a human.” She hummed out as Jack made his way over, basically shoving the tray into Ann’s arms, making her roll her dark eyes and take the try carefully before placing it unto her lap

“Finally, I can stop calling you mystery women or reckless human." Jack replied bluntly, causing Nurse Ann to give him stern, glaring, and side glances. “That is enough, perhaps show some gratitude. We would all still be in cells being tortured and experimented on like animals.” Nurse Ann sharply tells Jack, still glaring towards him. He shrugged and walked off to tidy up around the Infirmary and to clean up tools, plus his scalpel was needing sharpened Freya sighed and looked down at the tray, seeing a cup of water, a tea cup of hot tea. Toasted bread, cheese, butter, then cheddar and broccoli soup. “Masky made that?” She thought to herself before picking up the spoon on the tray on top of a napkin, right beside a small butter knife
“Guess he’s the best cook in the mansion, or that’s what I assume.” She thought to herself. She scoops up some cheddar broccoli soup onto her spoon, lifting it to her lips and lightly blows on it to cool it down before taking a bite Damn she thought Panera’s cheddar broccoli soup was good. This one was so much better. Ann notices her reaction. She chuckles softly, she sets down the bottle of medicine down on the tray before leaving the women to eat. Jack at the far end of the Infirmary because the smell of human food made him feel sick. Freya set the spoon down into the bowl of soup, leaning up against the bowl. She buttered a piece of toasted bread and ate it, too, dipping some of it into the soup. After eating a little bit, she hesitantly grabbed the medicine and popped open the cork, taking a whiff of the strange dark red liquid. It was strange because it smelt like nothing

She was quick to kind of shrug it off. She tipped her head back, pressing the mouth of the bottle to her lips, and started to chug. It tasted like nothing, like pure water, for example, making her oddly surprised. She finished drinking it and set the empty glass bottle on the tray, Ann was smirking towards her from the other side of the infirmary. “It wasn’t what you were expecting, huh?” Ann asked, Freya looked towards her before nodding her head in reply. She looked back to the tray and kept eating, drinking the water first and then the tea. I am just grateful for the drinks, food, and then being alive. She’s gotten this far. She wasn’t ready to bite the bullet again just yet

Once Ann noticed that she was finished, she walked over and took the tray, placing it down onto the bedside table. Freya’s brows furrowed. She looked down at her hands that were placed on her lap. She felt her pain dull to almost completely nothing. Her amber eyes widened, and she shook her head in shock. Ann glanced over at her and chuckled, “Jack get back over here and work on her arms next.” The older woman said, causing Freya to look down at her bandaged arms. Jack grunted before standing to his feet, grabbing the med kit and making his way over, looking somewhat displeased. “Humans are such high maintenance.” He grumbled a complaint. The other redhead couldn’t help but feel guilty cause she could agree, funnily enough

“Sally said you took out the generator that powered the entire place to free us, made it explode. How did you manage to do that? How were you even inside the building anyway?” Ann asked, figuring it was okay and time to dig for answers, Jack opened the med kit, placing it on the other redhead's lap as he carefully grabbed her left arm and started to unwrap the bandages, peeling off gauze to show red, irritated, white blistered skin. She made sure not to look at the wound, just staring down at the med kit on her lap as Jack got out disinfectant. Ann was quick to grab a clean, white wash cloth and shove it into her mouth in between her teeth. Freya bit down, and Jack poured the contents all over her arms. The violent burning and stinging made her cry out in pain but was muffled by the rag she had gritted in between her teeth Jack put up the disinfectant before grabbing the burn ointment. Once the ointment met her skin, it provided instant, cooling relief

A sigh leaves her lips, and she lets the rag drop out of her mouth and onto her lap. She looks towards Ann. “There was a crowbar, I just struck the power source.” She explained, and Ann seemed to flinch. “And that’s how you acquired all of these wounds…” She trailed off, causing her to nod. “I knew if I tried cutting the power, it would be the quickest, easiest way for you all to get out and bail. I um- I don’t know how I got there. Like I do, but I also don’t…” Freya was the next one to trail off. She was sounding confused but also hesitant to say anything else as she glanced back down towards her lap. Jack applied gauze, his and Nurse Ann’s brows furrowed at her words . They both looked at her, and she refused to meet their eyes. “We’ve seen a lot, Freya. You can tell us.” Ann reassured, and she still seemed hesitant, and she hesitantly looked up between her and Jack as Jack started to wrap a new, clean bandage around her arm. “Then what if I told you both that I’m from another world, another universe, that I got there by dying and somehow being spit out in that facility out of a portal…” she trailed off again, Ann’s eyes widened and Jack almost jolted back from shock

“I see why you were hesitant to tell us now.” The older woman sighed, looking down with a shake of her head, but she without a doubt believed the younger redhead because believe it or not, they all have seen many, many, many things. Freya sighs before nodding her head, looking back down at her lap, but a question still hangs in the air for Jack. “How did you die?” He asked rather bluntly after he had finished bandaging her left arm, Nurse Ann immediately sending him a stern glare, which he ignored. Miss Nightingale seemed to stiffen. She didn’t look like she was ready to answer that question. “She will not answer if she isn’t ready to, Jack. Careful with those types of questions.” Ann warningly told him, making him huff, Freya just appeared relieved that she didn’t have to end up answering until she felt like she was ready to

Nurse Ann glanced over at her, she gently patted her shoulder reassuringly, to give her a little bit of comfort before she switched places with Jack so he could stand beside the bed and work on her right arm now. Ann placed the cloth back into her mouth, “many of us feel like we owe you a great debt, especially Slenderman. Soon, he wants to thank you in person.” The older woman tells the younger one, she nodded her head slowly, grimacing as Jack took off the bandage followed by peeling off the gauze. He grabbed the disinfectant before pouring it all over the burnt, singed area. Freya grits her teeth, biting down on the rag. A muffled scream leaves her lips along with groans and whimpers. She flinched and grimaced, Jack put away the disinfectant, grabbing the burn ointment and lathered it onto her skin. She dropped the rag out of her mouth. Jack put on gauze and then a new, clean bandage. “I don’t think Dr. Smiley will be returning anytime soon.”

Jack had remarked, sounding amused, and Nurse Ann grinned behind her black fabric mask. “Probably not.” She agreed, while Freya finally took note of how she’s not wearing her old clothes. She’s in a white, cotton, soft, spaghetti strapped dress. Her skin was clean, and so was her hair. Ann noticed Freya’s expression, and she smiled, “I've been making sure to keep you cleaned up with the help of Kate, Jane, and Clockwork.” A thankful, grateful smile crosses Freya’s lips as she looks up at her. “Thanks.” Nurse Ann hummed and nodded. “Those three women have been waiting a while to get to meet you, and so have many others. Saving us from that terrible place, you acquired both friends, enemies, and allies while making yourself a target. Welcome to our world.”

The fiery redhead was confident Nurse Ann’s words held double meaning, which it did. She was in for one hell of a ride, but at least she wouldn’t end up fully alone this time.

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