๐Ÿ“ป RadioApple ๐ŸŽ - Temptation...

By Hufflefxck

281K 7.1K 16K

Alastor and Lucifer have been forced to work together by Charlie, Lucifer's daughter, to run the hotel in her... More

Sour Apple
Preparating the Last Ball
New Plans
Pillow Talk
First Woman
Ugly Ducklings
Fall From Grace
Truth Is Not In Us
For I Am A Man Of Unclean Lips
The King's Gold and The Stag's Lie
I Desire Mercy, Not Sacrifice
Frequency Of Hate
Kneel For Thy, and I Shall Deliver Thee
The Light of Night
Apple Seeds and Chains
The First Deal
The Show Must Go On
Land Of Static and Hope
Ring Leaders Lost Muse
Souls Gone Bad
Chains That Must Break
Blood and Bruises
A New Crown
Extra: A New Fawn
Extra: Bitter Sweet Sickness

Closer Then Needed

12.2K 306 1K
By Hufflefxck

Alastor was humming to himself, fluffing up some bouquets of flowers, acting the part of hotel care taker. He brought some in and placed them on some tables for the event that would happen in just a few days. He stared at the bouquet for a moment, his mind feeling far away from all this hell and damnation.

'Alastor, look! The flowers bloomed, aren't they lovely?' The soft sound of his mother's voice pierced his subconscious bringing him back to reality.

He had not realized his increase in breathing before adjusting his tie and calmed himself. Alastor looked at the bouquet again and waved his hand over them, the petals color dulling and the soft sound of crunching came as they shriveled up. "Splendid~" he said as the dead bouquet was placed now on each table.

Alastor hummed to himself, enjoying this quiet time, before it was interrupted by the loud calling of his name from a certain pint size devil.

"ALASTOR~♩" Lucifer's voice rang out and echoed off the empty walls of the entertainment room. The loud echo forced Alastor's poor deer ears to flinch back, not expecting such a tune from the King of Hell. "The best part of the ball is now~ outfits~!" Lucifer seemed pretty excited about this. "And not just for me, for you as well. Because uh... Tch, when's the last time you saw a tailor buddy, the 30's get up looks like it's seen its use." He used the bottom on his cane to motion towards Alastors outfit.

"Oh~? And where will you be shopping, your Majesty~? A child's clothing store~?" He mimicked and leaned down a bit to look Lucifer in the eyes. "I'm sure Charlie will love to see her 'wittle guy' in something closer to his mental age~" Alastor fake cooed to Lucifer while squishing his face with his pointer finger and thumb.

Lucifer removed his face from his hands, rubbing the areas Alastor touched. "Very funny, but I'm actually... ugh... treating everyone in the hotel to the family's royal tailor. And that means... you as well." Lucifer rolled his eyes at that seeming like he didn't want to involve Alastor at all which just made Alastor joyful.

"Well why didn't you say so~! Sounds like a splendid time~!" Alastor smirked smugly as his cane evaporated for safe keeping as he headed towards the lobby, Lucifer following him in toe. Cherri and Angel were excitedly talking about getting some matching outfits to 'blow this bitch up' and Lucifer raised a brow, realizing they probably meant it metaphorically and to NOT blow up his daughter's new hotel.

Husk seemed uninterested in a new outfit but was still tagging along. Niffty though, she was so excited, jumping up and down and heavy breathing before laughing menacingly out loud and than looked around excited. "Will bad boys be there!?" She asked and Lucifer just stared at Niffty. "What."

Husk picked up the one eyed girl who was now screaming 'bad boys' at the top of her lungs. Lucifer spoke about how this was going to go, sizing, designing, and making of the outfits. Old school, no magic or sorcery involved.

Alastor seemed to relax at the mention of old school, his smile looked more genuine which Lucifer had never seen before on the overlords face. Lucifer stared for longer than he thought, before Alastor notice the look and raised a brow in his direction.

Lucifer shifted his head to look straight at everyone. He cleared his voice before speaking, posing with his arms spread wide snd bending one knee to have his body tilted a bit. "Now~! A portal will appear to the Royal tailor~ please keep all hands, feet, tails and wings inside the portal perimeter at all times~ unless you don't mind losing them!" He laughed nervously pointing finger guns at them.

Alastor's brow was raised in a curious manner, head slightly tilted to the side, he did take in the kings soft expression he had given him not even a moment ago before putting on a smile and explaining the portal steps.

Lucifer turned around to face away from them, he held his hand out and a small bell appeared in his hand before shaking it. The soft clinking sound clung through the air as a large gold circle appeared and opened into a luxurious looking room. Angel and Cherri were the first to get in excited about some new clothes, the rest took their time going through.

Alastor was the last to approach beside Lucifer. He looked at the small king who stared blankly at the portal waiting for Alastor to walk through. Lucifer looked up noticing Alastor standing at the entrance staring at him. "Huh?" Was the only noise he made before Alastor placed his fingers on the edges of Lucifer's mouth.

"Smile my dear~! You're never fully dressed without one~!" Alastor said cheerfully as he pushed a goofy looking smile on Lucifer's face who was swatting at his clothes and huffed. Lucifer rubbed his mouth while watching Alastor walk in to the new room, his gaze following the red hair deer before his brows lifted.

"Tiny tail..." Was all he said as he walked into the room as well, the portal falling behind him and everyone was in awe at the tailor, all except Lucifer who seemed used to it by now. Lucifer walked to the front of the group again, clearing his throat. "Okay! So you'll go in groups depending on who the ladies here take."

Lucifer walked over to the bell and rang it, 3 woman coming out from the shadows. "Oh Mista Lucifer~ it's been so long since ya stepped in 'ere~!" One said and pinched his cheek, shaking it.

"Still fun size I see~! Oh Lil should just eat you up~!" The other said and fawned over him and Lucifer blinked forgetting what the tailors were like. "Oh my heart~! If I was only a bit older maybe I could have stood a chance~!" The final one said and ruffled his hair.

"Oooohohokayyyy~!" Lucifer said and moved away from them. "Ladies! I-I need your help, styling these prestigious guests with ball outfits to their liking~!" He said excited and the ladies paired up the individuals and who'd they'd be taking.

Lucifer was standing there wondering how the ladies paired him up with Alastor of all people. The large lady tailor brought them to a separate room and grabbed her tape measure and started to measure Alastor, writing down different measurements.

Lucifer had taken his top hat and coat off, unbuttoning the first few of his shirt since he knew that his tailor measured his neck and wanted to make it as easy as possible. He looked up and saw Alastor was being quite the charmer to the tailor, striking up small flirty conversation along with the charismatic smile he could give.

"Wow~ so you do have a nice side, and here I thought Bambi was heartless~" Lucifer said as he walked around the small box which Alastor stood on. Alastor gave him a side glare at calling him such a weak and pathetic name.

"Ah yes~ because treating a lady right is so bad. Maybe that's why Lilith isn't around anymore." Alastor said, smirking as Lucifer glared at Alastor. "Keep... my wife's name out of your mouth." He demanded and pointed his finger at him. The Radio Demon turned towards the King and glared.

"Oh my~ how frightening~ I'm practically trembling your majesty~" Alastor said, smirking with a glare as he stared down at him. Lucifer had clenched fists, eyes glowing a bit red, as he was about to speak before something unexpected happened.

Their Tailor banged hard into Alastor sending the deer demon into Lucifer, and they collided, falling back into one of the changing rooms, the curtain billowing as they fell to the floor. "Ow..." Lucifer said as he looked up and froze.

Alastor had him caged in again the wall of the dressing room, their bodies to close together as Alastor stared at Lucifer, both not expecting to be pushing so close together. He could feel that he was sitting between Lucifer's legs, his legs softly resting on Alastor's hips as they remained frozen staring at each other.

But before any of them could say anything, a giant roll of fabric that was sitting in the changing room, most likely being used for storage since Lucifer and Lilith didn't go to the tailor much anymore, it wobbled before smacking hard down on Alastors back.

Now... Alastor can take a punch, but what made him buckle was the fact the giant roll of fabric hit him right where Adam had hurt him. It still hadn't healed yet and here he was trying to act fine. His brows furrowed, eyes shutting, his toothy smile replaced with Alastor piercing his lips together and had a small smile on his face. It was clear the wound was painful, especially when Lucifer could feel his dark blood hitting his thigh.

"Alastor..?" Lucifers voice was soft and laced with concern as the dark blood softly kept hitting his white pants. Alastor breathing had sped up, clear he was trying to not show pain but failing. When he opened his eyes, he was surprised to see the king with such worry on his face for him, but it made sense when he looked to see the blood dripping all over his pants.

"Ah~ I d-do apologies for such an unsightly scene I've displayed~" Alastor spoke, a small tremble in his voice, very clear he was barely keeping it together. "Was it... during the fight..?" Lucifer asked and Alastor glared, one his eyes turning to a radio dial as he dug his claws into the wall where his hand rested.

The curtain to the changing room ripped open to the large lady tailor. "Oh my~ so sorry Mista Morningstar~ I'll let ya two get back to ya fun~" She spoke with a giggle and both of the men blushed a bit at the comment, though they still had a look of disgust at the comment.

Lucifer hesitated but reached out and placed his hand on the side of Alastor whose glare increased. "DoNt ToUcH mE!" His voice static and split as he glared at Lucifer who gave him a stern but soft look.

"Don't you want it to stop hurting..?" His voice said softly and Alastor's radio static minimized greatly as he looked away from him. "I can help, and... assuming it was...?" He trailed off wanting Alastor to answer so he knew best what to do. But the deer looked away from him and glared at the wall now. "Alastor." Lucifer said firmly and glared at him.

Alastor still didn't look before speaking. "Does it matter much~? A wound is a wound so it doesn't- GAH!" Alastor eyes widened as Lucifer squeezed the wounded area of his torso, black blood spilling onto his white pants more, covering more than half his thigh.

"For whatever reason, my daughter cares for you, and if you die while she's away because you're a stubborn prick, I'll revive you myself just to kill you again!" Lucifer said and Alastor twisted his facial expressions as best he could, his smile now very shaky as he side glared the small king.

"Adam..." Alastor said so quietly it almost wasn't heard. He felt pathetic that he was getting help from Charlie's stupid father to heal his wound. "Ha! Oh wow so he did get in a few good hits after all!" Lucifer laughed since it took maybe 2 minutes to put Adam to the ground. Alastor glared at The King. "Fuck you~" The Radio Demon spoke.

Lucifer sat up more, before he reached and started unbuttoning Alastor's shirt. The Radio Demon gripped both his wrist in one hand, glaring at him. "I have to look at the wound, now stop being such a pussy and let me help. Or die from blood loss, your choice." He said and raised his brows in a way to challenge Alastor. The deer let his wrists go but unbuttoned his shirt himself with one hand, pushing the fabric to the side.

Lucifer saw the deep scars that littered his skin, but only one stood out. The faint golden glowing wound that still dripped black blood. "Alastor why didn't you ask for help!?" Lucifer whisper yelled at him and Alastor glared at the blonde.

"Oh why yes~ why didn't I ask the king of hell himself to help me~!" Alastor returned the whisper yell as The King placed his hands over the glowing wound as they continued to bicker and squabble about the other in front of them.

Lucifer's hands softly glowed a yellow light, removing the angelic power from the wound, watching as Alastor's body slowly regenerated but it was taking a long time to heal. When he looked up to look at Alastor, he didn't realize how close they were, feeling Alastor's uneasy breath against his lips. He felt his cheeks heat up before he moved his head back.

"Here." Lucifer bit into his wrist, gold blood flowing down his wrist and offered it to Alastor. "You... need it." He said and watched as Alastor grabbed his wrist hungrily and wrapped his mouth around the cut Lucifer made.

The King of hell felt the way Alastor sucked on his wrist, his tongue licked and lapped at the blood, panting when he pulled back for a few seconds before returning his lips to his wrist, a soft hum leaving his throat as he drank. The taste of the kings blood was rich, sweet and addictive. Ironically, he could only describe his blood as Heavenly.

Alastor panted heavily as he pulled away and dropped his wrist, gold blood smudged on his lips as he stared down at Lucifer, lips slightly parted before his tongue darted out and licked up the remaining blood left behind. He stared down at Lucifer as the small space was quiet and the only thing exchanged was soft pants from Alastor.

Alastor broke the silence by returning back to his snarky, abrasive self. "Splendid~ I thank you for your contribution ~! I must say it was quite a treat~" He purred slightly as he spoke, before removing himself from the males personal space and left the changing room.

Lucifer sat there for a moment, using his hand to cover his mouth as he felt his face gone flush. He looked down at where Alastor drank his blood, the wound already healed itself but... he brought his wrist to his mouth, licking the area that Alastor was just sucking on.

Hmm... bitter.


Hope you all are enjoying Temptation!!! This chapter is longer than the others, sorry! But I do want to start making them longer! I hope you enjoyed this, let me know if would like to see more and what you would like to see!

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