Bound To Fall | Alastor

By sebs_loves

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𝘴𝘩𝘦 𝘶𝘴𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘣𝘦 𝘴𝘸𝘦𝘦𝘵...𝘴𝘩𝘦 𝘶𝘴𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘣𝘦 𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘥...𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘴𝘩𝘦 𝘸𝘢𝘴 𝘳�... More

Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five

Chapter One

166 7 0
By sebs_loves

(Please comment and vote) 1641 words without a/n at the bottom


The boxes were almost stacked taller than Mallory would've liked; she couldn't see over them. Her brown eyes glanced around the small pathway that was leading further into home, brows furrowing in slight confusion.

It was empty.

Boxes aside, the home was rather cold and desolate with no forms of life inside of it. There was no pictures, no books, no little details of old memories to be seen. It was like everything Mallory had lived through had been packed up.

She wore a red and black plaid dress, of which ended by her knees, white stockings, a beige cardigan and black pumps. Her outfit seemed more colourful than the house would ever be again.

"Bethany?" She called out, her fingers delicately touching the lime green of the walls as she walked further into the home; she walked towards the stairs to the floor above. "Beth, honey, it's time to go!"

Mallory felt her brows pinch together as she finally stopped moving, her hand barely grasping the banister as she felt a chill up her spine. There was a static feeling in the air, making the hairs on the back of her neck stand on edge.

"What the-" she turned, her brown eyes searching for anything. The cross on the necklace around her neck dazzled as the light above flickered ominously. Something wasn't right.

Mallory left it a moment, standing still and simply watching. She had belief that she would pass when the time is right, like all others in the world. They would pass when God, the Holy Father, willed it so.

And so she was not afraid, not even when the light stopped flickering and remained turned off like it had done before. With a sigh, she shook her head and turned back towards the stairs. Ignorance was often bliss, as she used to be told, and she could only hope it wasn't a sin to be so ignorant.

"Bethany!" Her voice was slightly raised, but she knew how tough it would be on the young girl.

"Lory, I don't wanna go." The young girl was youthful in her looks, her own light brown hair in waves down her back, two strands delicately tied behind her head to keep her fair from her face. Like her sister, Bethany had brown eyes that were as warm as the sun and as kind as the angels above.

Mallory was sad to know they wouldn't hold so much innocence forever.

"I know, my dear." She said, opening her arms and allowing the young girl to fall into her comforting embrace. "Just have faith, Beth, and we'll be okay."

"How?" The question struck a nerve inside of Mallory. Never had Bethany questioned the prospect or believe of God, normally she nodded and eagerly agreed that faith was needed, but not today.

Mallory was a devoted believer in God and the Holy Spirit, whether it's because she needed someone to believe in for everything in her life or whether its because its easier than facing reality.

She didn't know.

But she knew she'd keep the faith as long as the little girl in her arms stayed innocent, for if she no longer kept her kindness, her grace and her innocence, was there really a God? For what God would take that from a girl as sweet as Bethany Blaire?

"Why are we leaving, Lory?" Bethany asked in her sweet voice, so gentle and pure. Her eyes blinked as she looked up to her sister, waiting patiently for an answer.

"We're simply moving a few houses away, Beth." Mallory answered as she pulled a small smile onto her lips. She wouldn't appear sad in front of Bethany. "It'll be good for us, you'll see! We get to decorate the home however we like, we will have new rules, and we'll get to even play in the woods nearby more. What say you, Beth?"

"I...." the young girl slightly pulled away, sighing and glancing off to the side before grinning widely and crashing into Mallory again, hugging her tightly. "I like the idea."

"Good." Mallory whispered, rubbing soothing circles into Bethany's back.

The sisters stood there for a certain length of time, silence enveloping them as they enjoyed each others comfort. More so Bethany enjoying the sense of comfort she received from Mallory.

"Will mum and dad ever be back?"

"Not for a while, Bethany, not for a while."


"Hey, dear, why don't you go and unpack your toys?" Mallory suggested, leaning against the new counter top of the new home. The home itself was old, but in Louisiana, Mallory felt as though it were to be expected in certain areas.

The walls were an off-white, bland and lacking any picture frames. There were barren shelves and cupboards, almost everything being taken by the previous owner.

The rooms were spacious, and they were lucky that a chair and coffee table had been left by the previous owners, making it easier for Mallory when she needed to keep Bethany entertained.

Her manicured nails tapped against the wooden counter top, her brown eyes staring out down the hall to where she could see the front door. Everything was so quiet within the house, it was putting her on edge.

With a heavy sigh, the eldest Blaire daughter walked down the hall and grasped the door handle with a firm grip, determination set within her eyes. She was going to make it work now that she was Bethany's main carer. She had to make it work, she was the only family member the girl had left.

The time passed and soon the evening was upon them. The sky was blanketed by darkness, the stars barely able to peek through the curtains and the moon struggling to shine its peaceful glow upon any passerby's.

Mallory was in a heap, a broken picture frame cradled to her chest. Tears streamed down her cheeks whilst silent sobs left her lips and left her body shaking desperately. She was in the clutches of grief, struggling to process and believe in the events that had happened only a month prior.

When the soft patter of footsteps rang throughout the house, heading towards Mallory, she sniffed and wiped her eyes. The picture frame was placed back into the box, the smiling faces of two older people stared at the ceiling. The woman, with her hair in a neat ponytail, was wrapped in the man's arms whilst she grinned widely at the camera, as though the world was her oyster. The older man, taller and greyer in hair, looked towards his wife with an enamoured look, as though she were the only woman in existence.

The memory was sweet, to what Mallory could remember. But that's all it was now and that moment in time, captured in a photo, clutched onto Mallory's heart fiercely. 

"Lory, what's for dinner?"

"I was thinking..." the older girl trailed off as she stood, plastering a soft smile on her face before turning around and looking at Bethany, acting like nothing was wrong. "Chicken Casserole?"

"Awh, we had that yesterday!" Bethany whined, stamping her little foot and looking at Mallory with a pleading gaze. "Is there anything else we could have?"

"Hm..." Mallory walked towards the kitchen that she had slight unpacked earlier, her eyes looking through the pantry for anything better that would appeal to her younger sister. "Pasta? You love pasta."

"But I don't...want it." Bethany hesitated to say and Mallory closed her eyes tightly, the smile not leaving her face. She refused to let it. The same static feeling aroused within the air and she felt her brows pinch once more, but she shrugged it off.

"Well, what do you want, Beth? I can't read your mind, you know." A soft chuckle, exasperated and tired, left Mallory's lips. How was she to raise her sister if they couldn't even agree on anything for dinner?

"What about sandwiches?" Mallory hummed, nodding in satisfaction.

"Sandwiches? I can do sandwiches no problem." She flashed Bethany a grin before turning and humming an old '50s tune to herself, something her mother used to do. She got to work on finishing up the sandwiches, near enough when the hummed song ended, and she placed the food infront of Bethany. "Don't forget you have school tomorrow, Beth. We must leave ten minutes earlier, alright?" The girl nodded and scoffed down the sandwich Mallory made for her with greed. She loved the way Mallory made sandwiches.

A thin layer of butter on each slice of bread (there was only two) and some cheese and cucumber slices inside. Then, she cut it into four triangles and arranged them on the plate in a way that would make Bethany giggle.

But not today, Bethany simply dug into the sandwiches without a second thought. Humming to herself, Mallory cleaned up the kitchen and pretended like it didn't bother her, although it really did. It was a routine for her, and it was no shaken. In so many unbelievable ways.

"Remember not to stay up too late." Mallory told her sister, pointing a finger at the girl's face, to which made her frown.

"Aren't you gonna read me a bed time story?"

"You're getting too old, my dear, for bedtime stories." Mallory spoke with a sad frown. She couldn't even bring herself to even suggest reading the Bible. "Reality must set in, but promise me you will always keep your faith in God. Please."

"I promise, Lory." Bethany's tone was sad, but it soon chirped up as she began to waffle on to Mallory about how she was going to boast to her classmates on what house they moved to. The mundane moment made her smile, and Mallory felt like it might be okay.

Everything will be fine.



Heyyy how was this chapter? I do apologise if it's boring, I was hoping it'd give you a feel of Mallory's and Bethany's relationship. Pls comment and vote xx

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