Forbidden Fate Of Two Eyes

By Kileanotkyle

26 1 0

Two kingdoms lived in perfect harmony but one night 200 years ago the Greenland kingdom attacked the Silverst... More

-The Fence-
-Royal Library-
-A Dream or a Vision-
-Back to the Library-

-Taking a leap-

2 0 0
By Kileanotkyle

"Jacob" The boy said as he looked down at me. "Huh?" I said confused. "My names Jacob" He said with a slight smile. "Oh right, my names Alyssa" I say as I got up. The boy nods and turns around to leave back into the forest, "wait" I Called "Were are you going?" I questioned. "Home" He said as he disappeared into the thick forest. I so badly wanted to follow him but that would mean leaving the kingdom, leaving the safety of the fence but I have to know what's awaiting on the other side. I took a deep breath and hoped over the fence into the tall grass, whoa, this feels different I thought the air on this side was...refreshing. I smiled to myself and looked back at my castle and whispered "I'm sorry mom but I have to know" and with that I ventured into the forest.

<Neer the end of the forest>

I was close to the edge of the forest, I could see a beautiful village and a even more beautiful castle. I smiled as I walked through the village all those people with green eyes? Why did they all have green eyes? Mine are silver, I didn't think much of it and kept walking and looking at the sales and the flowers.

I saw that boy....Jacob I think his name was I saw him walking twords...the castle was he....was he a prince? Or a servant maybe?

I cleared my mind of the thoughts and kept sight seeing. (Time skip) Night fall began and I made my way back to through the woods and to the fence. I saw lanterns and the call of my name...oh no mother and father must have figured it out oh no no no. I ran as fast and as quick as I could to my room, luckily I wasn't seen since it was dark.

"Alyssa?" The sound of my mother's voice rang down the halls as I raced to get in my nightgown. "Yes mother?" I questioned as if I was here the whole time. "Oh goodness I was so worried when I couldn't find you yet you were here the whole time" she said hugging me. "Yep the whole time" I said nervously hoping she wouldn't see my sweat. With that my mother told me goodnight and left, I let out a breath I wasn't aware I was keeping in, I layed on my bed thinking about what happened all the memories flooded back and I couldn't help but smile. Soon I felt my eyes close and I fell into a deep sleep.

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