Lost in spells and shadows

By Ehem-MM

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Lady Adelaide Winchester, a direct descendant of Rowena Ravenclaw, begins her education at Hogwarts in 1971... More

Chapter 1: The begining of Everything
Chapter 2: Midnight
Chapter 3: Lily and Severus
Chapter 4: Sorting and feast
Chapter 5: How to make friends and enemies
Chapter 6:Doodles, murders and sherbet lemon
Chapter 7: How to become rivals
Chapter 8: Bullies and fire
Chapter 9: Halloween
Chapter 10: Influences and jinxes
Chapter 11: Christmas with family
Chapter 12: a project with Remus
Chapter 13: returning home
Chapter 14: some of the many summer adventures of Adelaide part 1
Chapter 15: Some of the many summer adventures of Adelaide part 2
Chapter 16: let us start with a bang
Chapter 17: the mystery of moonlight
Chapter 19: the burdensome reality
Chapter 20: Mystery solved
Chapter 21: Alice's revenge
Chapter 22: The snow day
Chapter 23: The fears we have
Chapter 24: The days of woes and sorrow
Chapter 25: Where the Hyacinths grow
Chapter 26: The bad start
Chapter 27:How to Ignore your friends
Chapter 28: A gamekeeper's tale
Chapter 29: The quidditch quarrels
Chapter 30: Some tranquility
Chapter 31: Broken words and promises
Chapter 32: Learning how to pretend
Chapter 33: The roaring thunder
Chapter 34: A most unfortunate day
Chapter 35: The scars of grief
Chapter 36: The winds of Spring
Chapter 37: Plannings for a Summer
Chapter 38: Straying paths
Chapter 39: Crushes, Friendships and Ice Cream
Chapter 40: Another Beginning
Chapter 41: The Slug Club
Chapter 42: Animagus, Severus' Suspicion, The Moaning Myrtle
Chapter 43: Dating Drama
Chapter 44: Patronus and Protection
Chapter 45: A Wedding and the Surrounding events
Chapter 46: Confessions and Hogsmeade
Chapter 47: A Dare
Chapter 48: Secrets and kisses
Chapter 49: Echoes of the Past
Chapter 50: The True Nature
Chapter 51: And With That the Summer Begins
Chapter 52: Meeting with the Devil (Voldemort)
Chapter 53: Going Back
Chapter 54: A Night with Animagis
Chapter 55: Love, Bruises and Injuries
Chapter 56: A Study Group and Vulnerability
Chapter 57: The Horrible Prank of Sirius
Chapter 58: Questions and Revelations
Chapter 59: Some Happenings in Holidays
Chapter 60: Another Day
Chapter 61: A Night-Out in the Kitchen
Chapter 62: Break-Ups and Breach of Trusts
Chapter 63: The Calm Before the Storm
Chapter 64: The Truth About Him
Chapter 65: A Sudden Guest

Chapter 18: The mystery begins

15 3 0
By Ehem-MM

November 1972

"Now, can you tell me about wiggentree bark, Adelaide?" Professor Slughorn asked, as he looked at the two standing students in front of him.

"It is brown in colour, and has protection against dark creatures. It needs to be freshly stripped and is used in the Wiggentree potion." Adelaide answered in one breath.

There was a potions competition between Ravenclaw and Gryffindor, if you answered the questions correctly, you would stay but if you answered wrong, you would be forced to sit down. Now, the only students remaining were Adelaide and Somerset. Both of them tried to up the other, but they were still tied. Whenever they finished answering, they would glare at each other's direction, without Slughorn noticing. The winner would earn 100 house points and would be allowed not to participate in the next exam.

"And Stephan, can you name five potions that Lavender would be used in?"

"Sleeping Draught, fire-breathing potion, calming draught, potion for dreamless-sleep and..." Somerset thought for some moment, but couldn't remember anything else. "I don't think i..."

"Insect repellent." Adelaide chimed in.

"Brilliant, Adelaide, Stephan. I wanted to announce a tie, but it seems that we already have a winner. Adelaide beat you fare and square, my boy. Everyone clap for Adelaide please." Slughorn smiled at them. Adelaide was beaming while Somerset was a little bit sad, but he was cheered on by his friends and they patted his back.

"100 points for Ravenclaw and also, you will not be participating in the next exam. Bravo."

"Great job, Dela." Lily said hugging her.
"Thank you, Lily."
"Oh, you brought our house honour, Lady Winchester. We are most proud of you." Alice said in a mocking voice but hugged her as well.

When the class finished, Adelaide was approached by Somerset. He looked at her, and suddenly said: "Congratulations, Winchester. You held up very well."

As if he was shocked by himself, he frowned, then walked away as quickly as possible, not letting Adelaide answer him. He genuinely meant it. How weird.

"Adelaide what happened?" William asked her, appearing suddenly beside her.

"Nothing. I won the competition."
"You're brilliant." He paused, pink dusting his cheeks, which was unnoticed by Adelaide. "Ours was won by Severus. He is blood talented in potions. I was also in the top 3."

"Oh, really? You did well. Great job. I need to congratulate Sev on that later."

"Well, you were against a lot of talented people. The mud-muggle born, Fortescue, Black, Meadowes,.. and Somerset. You won against that prick! You owe me a cake now."

"Well, it's only the beginning. Besides this means i'll have more time studying other subjects instead of potions now that i don't have to take the exam."

Second year was passing with a great ferocity, that the first year lacked. Victoria always told Adelaide that second and third years were the best, especially the 3, since the first year you would be so new to many things, schedule and environment that you are not as relaxed. Fourth year is the year before OWLs and someone like Adelaide would start studying their butt off from the year before, and from the second term till the end the homework and everything would be increasing. 5th year is the OWLs, sixth year is difficult and heavy and well the 7th year is «as shitty as it can be», a phrase from Victoria.

Adelaide was writing religiously to her parents, she never asked about her mother's health. If they wanted me to know or if things were getting better, they would have said it. So, in all sadness, her mother was as bad as always. Adelaide noticed whenever her mother wrote, her handwriting was a little but shaky and not as neat as before. And so, the letters that were being answered by her father, increased. Helena and Edmund were doing just fine.

Adelaide was in Dumbledore's office, drinking tea, while waiting for him to start their lesson. The lessons on her fire powers were more or less finished. They were moving on ice powers. She was excited to start her ice powers as she used to ask her mother to show her powers, when she was a child, and they were all so beautiful. She was mostly enamoured with how she shaped ice, to form some shape and structure. How she made snow. How she shielded herself against some harm.

"Now, Adelaide, i am reminding you again, that a great responsibility comes with these powers. Your duty is to use them for good and learn how to control them, as to not loose control and harm people around you."

"I understand."

"Ice, unlike fire, might have a far beautiful and delicate nature. You might be thinking that nothing can go wrong, since it's not really in its nature to destroy things. But i warn you, that it is as dangerous as fire and can be deadly when you want it to be, or when you least expect it."

"If i loose control you mean?"

"Yes. Control is an important thing to have. Always be mindful of what you're doing and if you're calling your powers."

"If mama wanted to use her powers, it would mostly be ice not fire. She says she feels more in control."

"Well, for any person it's different. You mastered fire very quickly. Besides, you can also have no problem with ice or you can face some with it. It all depends on you." He looked at her "then again there is a reason your mother doesn't like to use it that much. She was very good at controlling her powers, but... a matter of preference happened."

"What? Did something happen? That she rarely uses it?"

"You can ask her yourself or wait until you can understand some of the things that happened. Perhaps when you're older and you have some questions."

He then clapped his hands together. "Let's start shall we? I want you to envision some snow, snowflakes or anything related to that. Then try to take deep breaths and will yourself, your powers to shoot some ice."

Adelaide nodded. She imagined a snowy day. The one she had in Christmas last year, when she played with her siblings using the snow and ice around them. She imagined she had a snowball in her hand, when she opened her eyes she saw a strike of frozen water on the table. It was shiny and clear but had some flakes on it.

"You did it. I want you to use your legs to something like that."

Adelaide stomped her foot, and a beautiful snowflake-shaped ice exited and found its way on the floor.

Professor Dumbledore assessed her and smiled. When Adelaide was trying to sit however, when she touched the chair, it began freezing.
"Woah, no no. I'm sorry." Adelaide said panicking. When she sat down, and touched the arm of her chair, it began freezing as well.

"Oh, no. This is bad. How do i stop this mess?" Adelaide said shaking her hands and holding them up.

"It's ok. Your first step is not to panic. If you do, you'll have more emotional reactions and it will be worse. Draw deep breaths, don't think about anything. Try to be calm."

Adelaide tried when she put her hands to rest, nothing happened.

"Phew, that was close."
As if her powers were toying with her, ice shot again. Adelaide stiffened. "Ah!"

A snort came from headmaster Black's portrait, Adelaide gave it a glare.

"Now now, Phineas. Don't do that, it happens. Her powers are much bigger than a person can handle."
Professor Dumbledore chastised the man, who in turn stayed silent and said nothing.

"Well, Adelaide, i need you to wear your special gloves, in case anything happens, they will protect you and the others. From whatever your powers want to free. You can also think of fire and the freezing may stop. If anything happens please tell me."

"Very well. Thank you again."
"You're welcome."

When Adelaide was walking to her common room, she saw Yaxley trying to corner Elizabeth. She went and hid behind a pillar, in case he hexed her or something. Elizabeth looked angry and rather uncomfortable. Yaxley was too close for someone who is not a friend.

"...how many times should i tell you that i am not interested?"

"Oh, come on now, don't you want to have some fun?" He smirked.

"Very well, it seems being nice doesn't work for you. So i will try it in another way." She continued slowly.

"Fuck off." Then she hit him down his pants and as he groaned and went down, Elizabeth drew her wand, pointing it at him. "If you attempt anything now, i will hex you beside reporting you. Your choice."

The boy, glared at her and limped away. Elizabeth released a breath and Adelaide went to her.

"Are you alright?"

"Oh, Heidi. What are you-? Were you here all the time?" Elizabeth's eyes had multiplied in size due to shock.

"Oh, no. I had just finished my class and came here. Then i saw you. Less than a minute perhaps."

"Good. Good. Some of the things he said before were crude and distasteful." She frowned.

"Whatever do you mean? Did he want to date you?"

"Yes, i mean, well, not like that. He wanted to have- when you get older, you'll get it. That's why I didn't want you to be here earlier. Some of the things he said were not for young ears to hear."

"But are you all right?"

"Physically more than ok, mentally a bit scared." She laughed. "Sadly, i suppose all girls, will have to deal with these kind of stuff, no matter what. That's why you need to prepared. How he, the mighty heir to the sacred 28, believes he is the best while behaving like the pig he is."

Then she hugged Adelaide and the went to the common room, hand to hand.

"I don't know why some men can't understand the word «no». It always has to be their way. As if we don't know what we want and they know our bodies better than us."

Then she glanced at Adelaide: "Adelaide, when you get older, these things might happen, though i hope not. You saw how i dealt with it, right? You do your own way, or like this but never back down. If you kick them hard in their ego and in their bal- whatever, you can make them run away the other direction fast."

When they reached the common room door, it had a riddle to say.
"I rise with darkness, a silver gleam,
Reflecting light with a gentle beam.
I wax and wane, a celestial tune,
What am i?"

"Moon." Elizabeth said softly. Then they entered the common room. It was filled with students.

"Now, go to your friends, but don't tell this to Victoria, she will commit murder if she knew. I don't want to have a reason to visit Azkaban."

"Ok. See you."

Adelaide when she prepared to sleep, at 11:30, heard the noise and shriek from the forest. She frowned. In the three months i have been here, it has happened 3 times! It can't be a coincidence now. Adelaide looked outside the window, nothing.

I suppose i want to see what's going on. I suppose i have a mystery at my hand.

Adelaide tried to fall asleep, as she was trying not to run to the library and do some research.


The next day, Adelaide was in the library, reading about the creatures in the forbidden forest. None of them seemed to be the suspect. If it was always there, why is it making these sounds once in a while?

Adelaide then had an idea. She took her calendar out, she began crossing the days she heard the creature. Once every month. She frowned. The days are in the middle of each month. How is that something meaningful.

Then she pulled out her star and planet charts, then she gasped. In the middle of the month, is when the moon becomes full. How could i have been foolish?

The another thought passed her brain. It can't be. I hope it's not what it think it is. She opened another book about the effects of some planets and stars on the habitat of magical creatures. The only thing that could match the snippets of information she had was: a werewolf.

Adelaide didn't have anything against them, but one near Hogwarts was a danger to everyone. But then again, no one could come and go easily in the school grounds unless they are, a werewolf themselves. It couldn't be the staff, because all professors were healthy and without any Lycanthropy in their bodies. So it leaves the students. One of them is the werewolf.

Adelaide wanted to tell Dumbledore, perhaps he didn't know. But then again, she didn't want to have someone expelled, especially if she was wrong. Besides, since the werewolf was not problematic and minding its own business, she really didn't want to prod in its peaceful life, yet. But then again, another thing crossed her mind. Perhaps Dumbledore knows. He is just giving the student a chance. To be normal.

Adelaide sighed putting the book away. The latter was likely the case. So she was now curious of who could be the student.

"Adelaide! There you are. I was searching for you for years! We are having a picnic beside the lake. Do you want to come?"

"Of course, but let me put these books back."

As she put the books in their place one thought crossed her mind:

Let's crack this case.

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