
By carlysophiawrites

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What will happen when unplanned feelings get intertwined and appear at the surface? Will that cause everythin... More

aesthetics & playlist
01 | Just another Thursday
02 | Flirting Remarks
03 | Maroon
04 | Date night story
05 | Ice cream and late-night driving
06 | Birthday shopping
07 | Studying at the library
08 | Nervous wreck
09 | Birthday queen
10 | Soccer lesson
11 | Last days
12 | Turning twenty-one
13 | Golden girl
15 | Emotional drained conversations
16 | Drunk encounters
17 | The teasing continues
18 | Midterm
19 | Making my heart happy
20 | Trip down the memory lane

14 | Unpleasant conversation

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By carlysophiawrites

"Sister, you are finally here! I am so happy to see you." My younger and only sister Colette greeted me as soon as I had closed the front door behind me and dropped my bags onto the ground making the sound of a loud noise.

"Hello Lottie, I have arrived like I had promised you.  I am so happy to see you too." I greeted her, smiling brightly and wrapping my arms around her pulling into a well needed sisterly hug. "How are you doing today?"

"I knew that you wouldn't break your promises. You always held the end of your bargain." My sister said, sounding very happy returning my hug. "My day was going good. Now it has gotten a lot better because you are here."

Hearing the last sentence coming out from my sister's mouth it reminded me of Tyler and how he would say that exact same sentence. I guess that my sister and him have something similar.

"I always keep my promise that I would break them in an emergency situation." I replied, pulling away from our hug smiling even brighter. "Lottie, I am happy to hear that, you reminded me about someone."

After our hug ended, my sister and I moved away from the entrance of the house making our way towards the kitchen where I had a sense that my mother would be making dinner.

"I know that trust me plus you have text me letting me know." My sister told me as we walked passed the living room getting closer to the kitchen. "Who I remind you of, do I know them?"

"You know me so well Lottie." I told her letting out a small laugh. "A good best friend of mine and I don't think you know them. I need to introduce you to them soon."

"Well, I am your only sister. I have known you since I was born." My sister told me stating the obvious, looking at me. "I can't wait to meet them, I love meeting your university friends."

"That's true Lottie, I know pretty well too." I told my sister as we  entered the kitchen. "My friends love you too my dear sister."

Lo and behold I was right when we entered into the kitchen the first thing I saw was my mom with her back turned to us wearing stove gloves and placing a dish into the oven. Then my mother turned around taking her gloves off as she was facing us. A motherly smile appeared on her lips when she saw me standing in the kitchen glued to my sister's side.

"Samantha, you have arrived, nice to see you, my oldest daughter.  My mother greeted me making her way towards me, pulling me into a motherly's hug.

"Hello mom, yes I did about four minutes ago." I said to my mother, accepting her hug, feeling his mother's embrace. "It's nice to see you too mom."

"Your bedroom is all set if you want to bring your bags up to your room." My mom told me as we broke away from our hug. "My dear girls, dinner should be ready in the next ten minutes."

"Okay mom, thank you. I will bring my things up to my room and it shouldn't take long." I said to my mother before my sister and I walked out of the kitchen, making our way toward the front entrance.

"Oh Samantha, I want you to know that I don't think dad is going to be here." My sister shared with me lifting a weight of my shoulders that I didn't know that I had.

"That's good to know, thank you for telling me." I said to my sister, picking up my bags from the ground.

There was a time where my father and I had a good and normal father and daughter relationship. That relationship went down the drain during the end of my junior year of high school. I came home early because I didn't have any extracurricular activities happening that day. My mother's car wasn't parked in her usual spot driveway, the only car that was parked in the driveway was my father's car. Seeing his car took me by a huge surprise because he wasn't supposed to be there so early from work.  I entered the house and placed my set of keys down on the enteacy table then I heard two distant voices coming from upstairs.

I remember climbing up the stairs feeling confused and a weird feeling settled down on my stomach. I followed the source of the voices who ended up leading to my parent's master bedroom. I placed my hand on the door knob and opened the door to the most unimaginable discovery that I had to discover. On the bed where my parents slept at night, I saw the person who I used to see as my father having an affair with a woman from his work. My stomach dropped.

We locked eyes for a short moment. I looked away without hesitation whatsoever I closed the door. I walked away from that room making my way towards mine. Behind me on the other side I heard noise and him cursing then the door was opened and I heard his footsteps heading my way. Long story short, he wanted to keep what I saw a secret from both my mother and my sister but especially my mother. My response was I wasn't going to keep his unloyalty to mom and his affair a secret. If he didn't tell her, I wouldn't be scared to tell her.

Three days passed by, he didn't tell mom about his affair, in fact he pretended like nothing had happened. The next day when I arrived from school thankfully, my mom was home alone and my sister was hanging out with her best friends. I told her that I need to tell her something. I remember us sitting down on the living room's couch when I told her about what I saw the other day. I saw my mother heartbreaking that day, to say that she was hurt would be a huge understatement. My mother believed me and confessed to me that she had a feeling.

My mother confronted him when my father returned from work she told him to pack up his things and leave the house. Seven months later, my mother had divorce him after a long battle simply because the person who I shared DNA with was stubborn. Since then my father has acted cold and angry towards me. To this day the person who I should call my father, blames me for the cause of their divorce. 

I know that I am not the only one to blame. He brought it upon himself or I cannot control his actions or his behavior. However I can distance myself from him and I have. I don't even remember the last time I saw him. I do everything in my power to avoid him and these past years I had success. For Colette is a different story, since she is a minor she needs to see him under the supervision like it was stated on the custody arrangement when she turns eighteen she can make the decision of herself if she wants to have a relationship with him or not the choice is entirely up to her. I already know what her decision is going to be.

We might share DNA and a last name. I would never see him as a father again. I don't want to be associated with someone who doesn't respect his wife. I am glad that I look like my mother and not an ounce like him.


During those ten minutes my sister and I had successfully emptied all of my bags and placed all of my clothes on my dresser and closet in my former bedroom. After I moved out from my childhood house weeks before the beginning of my first year at Colorado State University. Instead of putting all of my things away and giving my bedroom another use, my mother decided against it because my mother wanted me to have my room to sleep in whenever I came to visit.

"Samantha and Colette, the dinner is ready! Please come down, we don't want the food to get cold." I heard mom's voice traveling up the stairs making its way to my bedroom.

"Okay mom, we are coming!" I replied to my mother, closing the door of my closet. My sister stood up from my bed, picking up her phone from the mattress and placing it in her back pocket.

"Lottie, how are things going with Jaime?" I asked my sister, we walked out from my bedroom and started making our way downstairs.

Jaime is my sister's best friend from childhood, they have become good and close friends these past few years. I have met Jaime multiple times before and always thought that he is a wonderful kid. Plus he is an amazing best friend to my little sister and that is a good look in my book.

"Things are going well between the two of us, however I don't know if he likes me back. I don't want to confess my feelings to him and ruin the good friendship that we have built these past few years." My sister shared her concerns with me, we reached the end of the stairs quickly making our way towards the dining room.

"Lottie, I have seen how Jaime looks at you whenever you are in the room and not looking. I have a feeling that he has the same feelings as you. If you don't feel ready to confess your feelings maybe you should kiss him and see if he kisses you back." I told my sister, giving her a suggestion, finally arriving at the dining room.

"Really Samantha I haven't noticed I need to start paying close attention now. That sounds like a good idea, I will give it a try, where did you learn that?" My sister asked me, she walked towards her usual chair at the end of the table and she sat down on the chair.

"I learned that from Chloe that's how she found out that her boyfriend liked her. Maybe it can work for you too,  who knows." I replied to her question, sitting down on the chair next to my sister.

"If that plan works I need to thank her the next time I see her." My sister replied, showing me a soft and small smile.

"Mom, this dinner looks delicious. Thank you for making time to make it." I told my mother changing the topic of the conversation when my mother entered the dining room holding a jar full of orange juice.

"You're welcome sweetie, I made your favorite pasta. I hope you like it." My mother told me, looking at me, placing the jar down on the middle table.

"Mom, I have a feeling that Samantha here is going to love it." My sister told our mother looking at her with a soft smile on her lips. I watched my mother's smile light up at my sister's sentence making me smile even wider.

As my mother was about to sit down in her usual spot at the table so we could start eating dinner like a family. Two loud knocks coming from the front door stopped her in her tracks. I watched my mother's expression transform into a confused one. Altering me whoever at the front porch had showed up unannounced.

"Samantha and Colette you girls stay here and I will go check who's at the front door, maybe they want to sell something." My mom said to us with confusion coming out from her voice and then walked out from the dining room disappearing from eye sight. A couple of seconds later I heard the sound of the front door opening.

"I told you many times not to come here unannounced, why do you listen? You need to get into your car and leave." I heard my mom's voice saying to whoever was standing outside on the front porch.

"Well I want to see my daughter today, that's why I showed up here." Another voice joined the conversation speaking after my mother had finished talking.

Distinctly I recognized the second voice immediately sending chills down my spine and felt the smile that was once on my face disappear out of thin air. I knew that my sister recognized the voice too because I could feel her looking at me. I don't even remember when I stood up from the chair and walked out from the dining room and started making my way towards the front door.

"Wait Samantha, don't go there, let's go upstairs mom can deal with him." My sister called out from behind me, however I didn't listen to her. I continued walking towards the front door.

"I heard you but I already told you once again a lot of times that you need to ask me beforehand and not show up here like out of the blue whenever you feel like it. I have expressed my discomforts about this with you yet you decide to ignore them and break my boundaries. Once again, you need to leave. Now is not the time or day for you to be here." My mother said, sounding firm, standing her ground not allowing anyone to change her mind.

"Didn't you hear my mother tell you that you need to leave. So do us, the amazing favor of you turning around, walking into your car and you start driving away from here." I spoke up standing behind mom having a serious and firm expression clearly written on my face, utterly shocking the person who was standing on the front porch.

"Oh look who it is, the person responsible for ending my marriage. I know that was your car parked at the driveway, are you visiting and are still studying at university getting your useless degree? If you still are, I am surprised that obtaining that degree is not getting you anywhere when you have graduated." My ex father snapped looking at me with a visible huge dislike expression on his face that I am pretty sure you could see from a mile away.

"I don't recall being the one who broke my own marriage, I was the one who had an affair with someone from their workplace. You are the only one responsible for that, not me. Deep down you know that I am correct even if you shave the guts to admit it." I snapped back, crossing my arms to my chest not an hurt expression written on my face. "I am studying something that I love and have developed a passion for. To Be frankly, I don't care about anything that you think and say and I never will." 

"Samantha, come on, let's go." My sister said, intervening, concern coming out from her voice standing behind me placing a hand on my shoulder. I looked over my shoulder seeing a concerned expression on her face. Without giving it any topic I turned around walking away from the front door making my way upstairs not waiting to give him any more time or attention.

"Dad, I don't understand why you would think it is a good idea to show up here with any warning. You heard from both my mother and Samantha you should go." I heard my sister telling him from behind me.

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