Blow Me A Kiss

By Army_Strong16

17 0 1

It's about a girl named Hannah that has to move to New York. Hannah finds out that she is stuck between her b... More

Out with Cole

Blow Me A Kiss

11 0 1
By Army_Strong16

BANG....BANG............BANG!!!!!!!!!!!! Wake up Hannah, your father and I need to talk  to you.... I get up out of my nice comfy king size bed. I look at my alarm clock and  it is only 7:35a.m on a Saturday!!!. O mumble to myself Why in the world is my mother waking me up at 7:35 in the morning on a Saturday?

I walk into my bathroom to get dressed, I put on some blue jeans on and a green shirt, I walk out of the restroom into my walk in closet to get my boots.

I walk down the stairs to the den, 

Sweetheart my dads starts off but I tell him not to sweetheart me... Only reason he starts off with sweetheart is because they have some bad news for me. “Hannah, darling your father and I need to tell you something important.” 

“What!!” I blurt out at her. We have to move to New York.” My father says.. Well mother, father I am not going anywhere, I am about to turn 19 in less than a month!!! Plus all my friends are here, my whole life is here! “Hannah don’t give that!” mom yells. “We are gonna gonna go wether you like it or not” dad added in. Fine whatever I’ll go as much as I don’t want to... “When do we have to leave?” I ask with anger in my voice... “Before Friday of next week” dad says. “Okay whatever I’m going out for a while” I tell my parents and leave the house furious

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