Neighbors (Davekat)

By sp00kyJish

120K 4.2K 12.5K

Dave Strider. Jock of the century. Leader of leaders. God of gods. King of kings. Most ironically loved guy... More

2 people, 1 project
The Dream
Gettin' shit done, son.
Gettin' shit done, son pt.2
Just a Project
Their Moment (very short)
Tears & Boners
not an update but..
Not that Different
The Plan
Bad Yet Perfect
Happy Valentines Day
Important A/N
Back to Normal
Uninvited Guest
Uninvited Guest 2.0
Satan Is Back
Better Off
John (Continuing)
"I Don't Care."
The Two Ships

Guys & Wierd Eyes

4.6K 173 760
By sp00kyJish

Be the one counting the days he's been ignored:

Day 1

Karkat doesn't even wanna look at me.

Everytime I try to talk to him he turns the other way and starts talking to someone else in class.

Today in the morning while I was walking to school, I saw Gamzee put his arm around my babe. He shouldn't be touching him, at all.

Makara and I have a bone to pick, we've had some issues in the past.

That's not important right now. All I want is for my Kitkat to atleast aknowledge that I'm alive.

At the moment, I just came from school and currently thinking of any and/or every possible way to get him forgive me.

He has friends other than Gamzee, right? There's that one kid that's obsessed with fish, or is there two?

That one lesbian that has a crush on my friend.

Some wierdo in 3D glasses that's obsessed with bees and has a lisp.

Some blind chick that I've caught eating chalk and smells everyone.

Some chick with the hella hot Japanese sister.

Rufioh's crippled brother, who come to think of it hasn't been coming to school.

Some guy who's like the hulk but sweats alot and has an awkward obsession with horses.

And some girl that dressed up as Spiderman for Halloween last year who bought a spider to school and lost it.


I think I'll go with the bees guy, he seems like the most normal one from all of them.

Day 2

I woke up to the sound of--

Oh shit. This can not be real.

I go out of my bed and opened my balcony door a little-



I put both hands over my mouth.

I think I'm gonna be sick.


Be the source of the noise:


The fridge was so godamn hard to push I swear to god.


"WELL HELP ME FUCKING PUSH IT BACK TO WHERE IT WAS!" We both pushed and pushed. Jesus, sometimes I just can not handle his stupidity.

"KEEP GOING, HAR-OH SHIT," I caught my foot while trying to make a turn.

Fuck my life.


Be the one throwing up:

Okay, maybe I was over reacting when I said I was gonna throw up, but just the thought of Gamzee roaming his hands around Karkat made me wanna explode.

In a totally ironic way, of course.

I got ready for school, just decided to go with a t-shirt my ironic, hella cool bro gave me for my birthday, black skinnies and some red converse. I didn't care how I looked today, besides the fact that I look good in any way, I had something else on my mind.

I grabbed my shades and headed out the door to school. I hope that bee kid doesn't tell Karkat about my plan.

It's hella top secret.

I went out the door of ny apartment and began walking, I saw Gamzee and Karkat not far ahead of me.

The thing that made me boil was that Karkat was slightly limping.

That made me believe that they were actually banging.

I'm gonna kill Makara, I swear.


It's currently lunch, and all I was looking for was the bees kid.

He has to be here somewhere. I asked everyone if they knew what class he was in, but answered me with 'you're so hot', or 'are you free Saterday?'

It sucks being the popular kid sometimes, but wicked at the same time.

Most people I asked told me he was in Ms.Harley's room.

I ran to his classroom, but on my way, thankfully, spotted him at his locker.

I hid behind a wall and waited for everyone to leave so I could get my chance to make my plan an achievement.

He closed his locker and headed for the door until I grabbed his shirt and dragged him into an empty janitors closet.

"What the fuck.." he rubbed his eyes through his glasses and stood up, looking at me as I locked the door. "2triider?" He asked curiously. "Okay, you're friends with Karkat, right?" He nodded suspiciously. "Well, I need to know about him. Everything you know."

He furrowed his eyebrows in what seemed to be confusion,"Iif II may a2k, why?" I sighed,"It's a long story, alright? I'll explain later, if you agree."

"IIn all hone2sty, II don't liike you, 2o II'm leaviing," I blocked the door, kind of expecting this to happen,"Let me ask you something, do you like anyone?"

His face turned into a deep red,"T-That'2 not important."

"Okay, you like someone, who?" I squinted my eyes at him and he cleared his throat,"Why 2hould II tell you?"

I gave him a look of suspicion,"It's that fish kid, isn't it?" I asked with a smirk. I've seen the way he looks at him when they're hanging out, there's something there for sure.

He looked away and scratched the back of his neck,"W-What? N-No! Where the fuck diid you get that iidea!?" I looked at him suggestively, and he eventually gave in.

"O-Okay II do! 2o what?" I leaned my back against the door and crossed my arms,"Well mister, let's make a deal."

He crossed his arms,"Go on."

"Well, if you help me get the information I need, I'll help you get the fish kid all to yourself."

He laughed sarcastically,"Hah! And plea2e do tell how you are planniing on doiing that?" I fakely sighed and looked at my nails,"Well, bee kid, I'll tell you after you agree." I put out my hand, waiting for him to shake it.

He paused, whispering,"II can't beliieve II'm fuckiing doiing thii2," and shook my hand. "Alright! It's settled, come by at my place, I'll pick you up from your classroom and we'll talk about it." He nodded,"Y'know, you'd bee a pretty good 2ale2man," he commented. I smiled and replied,"I know." He laughed and was ready to leave until I asked,"Your name?"

"2ollux Captor," he smiled and we both got out of the hallway, going our seperate ways until he yelled,"By the way! IIt'2 Bee Man two you, 2triider."

I laughed and yelled back,"We'll see, Captor."

This is gonna bee fun.

I'm fucking incredible.


Just five more minutes and class is over. Currently, I've been mastering the rubber pencil trick for the past 10 minutes, and I've gotta say I'm like a god at it.

I looked at my watch.

1 more minute.

I packed all my things and waited for the bell to ring.

And finally, once it did, I bloted up and walked straight towards Ms.Harley's classroom.

I walked past everyone that said 'hey' or 'hi' and saw Sollux. "Captor!" He looked over to my direction and walked towards me. "Ready to go?" He nodded as we both walked through the hallways everyone instantly knowing to get out of my way,"Damn 2triider, you're liiviing the good liife, aren't you?" I laughed along with him as we both headed out the double doors and to the street. "We're walkiing?" I nodded and asked,"Yeah, why?"

"Well, beeiing y'know, you, II thought you had a car." I shrugged,"It's gettin' fixed."


We were almost at my apartment until he looked back and snapped his head at me,"P22t, 2triider," I looked at him. "Don't look now, but KK and Gamzee are behiind u2."

I looked back and saw Karkat looking right at us with a look of confusion and anger.

"II fuckiing saiid two not look dumba22!" He yelled,"Well I looked anyways!" He sighed,"Let'2 ju2t get there wiithout gettiing kiilled by KK." I laughed and pushed him,"Dude, you're such a dork!"

He looked at me offended, of course he was just kidding," heart," he fell to the ground and cluched his chest,"AAAAAUUUGGGHHHH MY HEAAARRTTTTT," I could not stop laughing, he's such a weirdo! "G-Get the fuck up.. Captor!" I was bent down grabbing my stomach, this guy was too much.

He eventually got up as we went to my apartment.

I opened the door and let him in as he looked around,"Wow 2triider, your own place, mu2t bee niice, huh." He smiled at me, showing his fang-like teeth. "Yeah I guess," suddenly, the imaginary light bulb I had at the top of my head turned on. "Y'know, Captor, I have been looking for a roomate." He furrowed his eyebrows at first, then picked up what I was putting down. "So, do you?" He was about to smile until he asked,"But, don't you want two get two know me better?"

There was a slight pause until I asked,"Are you a serial killer?"

"Probably not."

"Well there we go! Welcome, roomate," I yelled enthusiastically.

"YE222222," He yelled into the air. "When can I move in?" He asked excitedly, jumping up and down a bit. "Tomorrow?" "Ye2!" We high fived but, it was time to get serious. "Alright Captor, it's time to get down to buisness. Tell me everything."

"Alright alright, but can II a2k you 2omethiing?" I nodded and he pointed to my balcony,"Do you actually use that?" I smiled, he looked like a little kid about get candy when I walked over to it,"Well c'mon!" He ran over to me, tripping on the way. Instead of standing, we winded up sitting on the belcony with our legs handing off of it. "I have two a2k you 2omethiing el2e." There was a pause, until he continued,"How are you gonna help me get Ed?"


"Eriidan! Get wiith the program, Striider!"

I chuckled,"You'll see, Captor."

We sat there for a while until he spoke up,"He'2 an emotiional wreck." I laughed. "He'2 ob2e22ed wiith romantiic moviies." I think that was the biggest shocker. It's like satan being obsessed with barbies. "He ha2 tru2t i22ue2. Gamzee and hiim are be2st friiends, theiir dad2 are even be2t friiend2."

He sighs,"IIf he'2 ever mad at 2omeone, that'2 iit for them. He'll never talk two them, ever. He'2 the mo2t 2en2iitiive motherfucker you wiill ever meet. Never, ever iin2ult hiim."

Oh shit.

I cleared my throat,"Okay, let's just say, I don't know, someone told him they're embaressed to be seen with him, w-what exactly would happen?"

He laughed,"Dude, they're fucked!" I looked at him seriously, and I think he got it. "You're fuckiing kiiddiing."

I shook my head, embaressment filled my cheeks in a shade of red. He sighed,"Let me contiinue and then we'll 2ee what we can do, cau2e no offence, but you're kiind of fucked." I nodded. "Thii2 ii2 kiind of obviiou2, well they diidn't necii22ariily go out? But there wa2 2omethiing there," he said while resting his head on the bars of the balcony. "Who?"

I had an idea of who it was, but I was hoping it wasn't.

"Gamzee and KK."

I knew it.

"They had 2omethiing between them, but iif you were two a2ked them iif they went out, they would deny iit. II walked iin on one of their 2loppy makeout2 one tiime though, iit looked liike they were about to swallow eachother."

I shivered at the thought of them doing that.

"Gamzee moved on II thiink, along wiith KK, but Gamzee 2tiill protect2 hiim and doe2n't liike when people thiink they can fuck wiith them and get away wiith iit," he closed his eyes,"Gamzee and hii2 famiily are ju2t people who do not wanna me22 wiith, tru2t me."

My curiosity took the best of me,"Why?"

He laughed sarcastically,"Are you kiiddiing? Gamzee2' ance2tor2 are the mo2t wanted 2eriial kiiller2 iin the fuckiing world! Hii2 dad pretty much liive2 in jaiil cau2se he'2 iin and out of there all the damn tiime! Our 2chool barely let hiim iin cause he'2 pretty much famou2 for beiing 2atan." I was in utter amazement. "He seems like such a mellow guy though?" He turned to me,"That'2 when he'2 eiither on hii2 med2, hiigh, drunk, or all of tho2e. II've 2een hiim 2ober, and iit'2 the 2cariiest thiing II've ever wiitne22ed, thank gog KK wa2 there to calm hiim down."

He smiled to himself,"IIt'2 niice how you can't 2eperate them two, they need eachother more than you thiink."

I smiled, it must feel nice to have someone like that.

"So, does that make Vantas, y'"

He shrugged,"He'2 kiind of confu2ed, ju2t hate2 admiitiing iit cause he thiink2 he 2ound2 2tupiid."


I tried to keep my cool, so we just sat there enjoying the breeze, until I thought of something.

There was just this one question I always had for Sollux, always. It's completely off topic, but I'm too curious to keep it in.

"Hey, Captor."


I took a deep breath, what if he gets offended or something?

"Why do you wear those glasses?"

He looked kind of shocked at that question,"Why do you wear tho2e 2hade2?"

"Touchè, Captor."

He sighed,"II'll take them off iif you do."

Seems reasonable.

We faced eachother, we were gonna take eachothers glasses off. He put his hands on mine and I did the same.

"Ready, Captor?"


"Okay, 1."



We took them off and..

Holy shit.

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