Perfectly Possessive (WLW)

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Avery Gibson was dreading the start of her college experience. The thought of leaving behind her familiar hom... المزيد

𝐼𝓃𝓉𝓇𝑜 + 𝒶𝑒𝓈𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓉𝒾𝒸𝓈
•[𝒪𝒩𝐸]• 𝐻𝑒𝓎 𝐵𝓁𝑜𝓃𝒹𝒾𝑒
•[𝒯𝒲𝒪]• 𝐼𝓂 𝓃𝑜𝓉 𝑔𝑜𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝓉𝑜 𝒷𝒾𝓉𝑒
•[𝐹𝒪𝒰𝑅]• 𝒟𝑜 𝐼 𝓂𝒶𝓀𝑒 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝓃𝑒𝓇𝓋𝑜𝓊𝓈

•[𝒯𝐻𝑅𝐸𝐸]• 𝐵𝑒𝓉𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓃𝑔𝓈 𝓉𝑜 𝒹𝑜

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"Gibson, where do you think your going ?

Fuck, I knew I wouldn't be able to sneak out. Sluggishly traipsing back to my seat I knew I was in for hell. Why did I even have a detention like I'm 19 years old in a few weeks. Harper was talking just as much as me so I can't understand why Miss Johnson is only deciding to make my life hell and not Harper. At least if Harper was here it wouldn't be so boring.

"Come sit closer to my desk, I don't want to have to shout across the whole room." Miss Johnson raised her voice a little to get her point across. This bitch. Honestly, I was thriving sitting at the back keeping some sweet ass distance between us. It's not that I didn't enjoy looking at Miss Johnson, but her face just made me so angry. I couldn't understand why she makes me so angry, I simply just hated her. Deciding to keep the conversation to an absolute minimum, I just collected my belongings and went to the desk directly adjacent to her desk.

"Happy now?" I tried to not come off as so rude but, I'm not going to be fake around her and pretend she's this really good professor and I learnt so much today when in reality, she is shit and just wants to torture me for the rest of the year.

Her gaze fixated on me, almost as if see was trying to see through me. Like I was a puzzle she desperately wanted to solve. Truth is, I am as straightforward as can be, there is no secrets, nothing to hide. When she finally decides to open her mouth to begin speaking, I am quick to cut her off as I don't want to hear what she has to say.

"Why didn't you give Harper a detention today as well Rebecca?" A scowl covering her face allows me to smirk in victory as I can see I am getting under her skin. I was curious to know why it's just the two of us.

"Avery, how many times am I going to have to tell you, my name is Miss Johnson now." Seemingly staying calm whilst saying it, contradicting the look on her face, she speaks up again in the same soothing tone.

"You know it's Riley not Rebecca?" Almost questioning me like she actually cared about what I had to say. As a matter of fact I didn't know it was Riley. Whether I choose to remember that will depend on how the rest of the detention goes. Deciding to finally respond I keep my eyes on the desk not allowing her looks to consume me.

"I'm sorry" Almost coming out as a mumble, Riley seemingly understanding and lightly responding with a simple nod. Deciding to look proactive, I pull out my notebook and copy down the notes that had been left on the whiteboard, seeing as I decided to neglect my pen in todays lesson.

"You know I could give you a 1-1 lesson if it would help?" A confused look must have displayed across my face as Miss Johnson quickly spoke up again.

"Only because every time I looked in your direction, you was doing anything but writing." Riley almost reassuring me as if she could sense the unease beaming from me. Giving a quick nod, she decided to position her self on the desk beside my own. The crisp scent of her strong perfume invading my senses, with tobacco and vanilla combined with the smell of smoke. Insinuating she had just smoked previously at lunchtime. Sneaky, maybe I will have to ask her where she goes to smoke.

On close inspection to Miss Johnson's outfit, I can suddenly notice the perfect amount of cleavage being shown by the Navy blazer paired with a white v neck on display. Fuck, Avery what are you thinking? Why are you looking at your professor like this? Not just your professor but the women you hate most. To think I have to spend everyday after school with her for the rest of the week makes me literally want to drop out.

After actually feeling like I learnt something in that one hour, the detention was nearly over. Thank god. Miss Johnson was actually really good at her job which was so annoying, maybe I would be able to pass this year due to all three lessons being relatively easy. All I have to do is avoid the devil for the whole year, if I can manage to successfully it will equal to an easy life.

"Have you stopped being so dramatic yet Blondie?" A light shade of pink spreads across my face as she repeats the nickname she introduced me to last Friday. It was a weird situation we was in, due to her being my English professor and me serving her drinks the last weekend. I'm sure she could be a really nice girl but I suppose she just enjoyed being a complete bitch to me.

"I'm not dramatic Riley, You just got under my skin and I didn't want to lose my job arguing with you, so being the bigger person I decided to walk out and calm myself down." My words seeming to be affecting her in some way as I watched her shift in her seat. Perhaps it was the fact I actually addressed her by Riley and not some name to be annoying.

"Also I'm gonna need to know what days you intend on mentally torturing me by coming to my club" A sweet chuckle left her lips that were covered in a nude lipstick. I didn't like the way she could instantly make me forget how mad I was at her by just looking at me.

"Avery, I do not need to tell you anything, but seems as I affect you so much and I'm clearly on your mind a lot. You can look forward to me every Friday." She speaks with a sarcastic tone in her voice. God why was she so good at getting under my skin? She knows all the right things to say that piss me off. She makes my body feel so tense.

Finally being dismissed from the class, I was able to finally start getting myself home. The plan was grab some food on the way home somewhere, walk home and eat, get ready for bed, then finally sleep.

I remember seeing a pizza place called 'Joes Pizza' when I was walking this morning so I figured I would just grab a slice or two and bring them home. After paying for the pizza and muttering a small but sincere 'thank you' before heading home.


The first week of college was finally drawing to a close and I couldn't be any more grateful. My detentions had been pretty normal, well normal as in Miss Johnson hasn't really acknowledged me the whole hour and she just decided to sit at her desk the whole time. Don't get me wrong I preferred it this way but it was weird how she switched up.

Todays lesson was a little different as we was being supervised in the library and Miss Johnson was seemingly busy. Most likely in a meeting. This basically meant nobody in the class was doing a single thing so the whole two hours, Harper and I decided to discuss the upcoming dance for Halloween. Instead of using the computers to research whatever topic Miss Johnson had set. Harper thought it was a bright idea to look at costume ideas.

Looking at the matching costume ideas, we both came to the agreement of Devil and angel. Very cliché but a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do. Harper practically begged for me to be the devil and suggested some time in a few weeks we go pick out the costumes. Obviously they are going to be slutty and very revealing but that's the best part about Halloween.

Class soon flew by due to doing what we pleased so I said my goodbyes to Harps and headed towards Miss Johnson's room for my final detention. On arrival to the classroom I acknowledge Miss Johnson still hasn't arrived to I took my usual seat at the back and awaited for her arrival.

After about 5 minutes of waiting with my head rested on the desk, I allow my eyes to dance around the room until they lock onto the whiteboard which I had only just seen a message left from Miss Johnson. 'I have better things to do than listen to you whine for an extra hour, so go home.' Relief washing over me after rereading the message at least three times, realising I could go and no more detention for me.

Upon arrival of my apartment, I knew I had a few hours to have a nap and make sure I have eaten before heading of for my usual Friday shift. After struggling to choose what to do first i finally decided on eating first, pulling open my fridge to see some left over pasta I had made the night before, I decided it was easy to just heat it back up and quickly ate that. It wasn't the best meal in the world although it did fill me up nicely.

Finally making my way to my bed after cleaning up the kitchen, I swiftly slipped into some joggers and a jumper knowing I could finally settle into my bed. Having to set at least 30 alarms to ensure I wake up in time for the shift.


It was about 2:00am and the shift had sailed smoothly so far with only two hours to go. The usual bell rang when the doors opened and a group of middle aged men all piled in stumbling to find an open booth. Lauren and I both watching the men cling on to each other as they could barely walk in a straight line, the pair of us making eye contact before we both simultaneously let out a little chuckle.

Hearing the bell sound again, forcing my eyes to the door, I was met with a very familiar pair of pale blue eyes. Quickly shooting my eyes to the floor trying to avoid the menacing stare. Sensing her getting closer to the bar, I decided to finally lift my head to see her sitting directly on the stool in front of me.

"The usual please Avery" The familiar huskiness of her voice lightly blesses my ears as I recall her order being Malibu bay breeze, as I begin making it I prick my ears to listen to her small talk the people next to her. I couldn't recall if she walked in with the women she's talking to but they seem to friendly to have just met.

"Make sure you make it right this time blondie" She begins to smirk at me whilst I ignore her snide remarks continuing to pour the Malibu.

After passing her drink she seems to be too interested in the Blonde sat beside her. I tried to overhear the conversation of Riley speaking with the girl but it was too loud in the bar. I managed to make out 'Hey Hot stuff, can I have the privilege of buying you a drink.' I internally cringed at the thought of my professor dropping game, especially in front of me.

I never pictured Miss Johnson being gay. I mean she did dress it but the thought never really crossed my mind. Deciding to leave the pair to it, I headed in Lauren's direction to speak to the group of people she has started a conversation with.

There was about 5 girls and 2 boys in the group. They was actually all really nice, even if the majority of them all but one - designated driver I assume - were slurring every single word, you could still easily make out everything they were saying, we ended up having a really nice conversation which was refreshing compared to constantly just being hit on.

After multiple drink orders I decided to excuse myself to the bathroom to freshen myself up due to it being 3am. Walking up to the sinks and beginning to splash water against my face, quickly grabbing a paper towel and dabbing dry the water droplets that were slowly dripping down my neck avoiding ruining my make up. All of a sudden I hear fast approaching, distant footsteps followed by a sharp creak of the old wooden door swinging open to reveal the familiar blue eyed, 5"11 figure standing in the door frame.

"Are you following me, creep?" I jokingly questioned her as she starting heading in my direction. Slowly walking closer to me, I naturally taking steps back not allowing her to invade my personal space. Ignoring my clear attempt to keep distance as she kept coming towards me, finally the distance between myself and the wall closing as the shock of the coldness hitting my back allows a harsh gasp to escape my mouth as she firmly presses her hand against the wall behind me.

"Don't flatter yourself darling" she practically is whispering right into my ear, her warm breath hitting my neck raising the hair on the back of neck. I couldn't mutter up anything to say to her as I felt frozen in place.

"Besides your not even my type" She inches closer with her nose resting against my neck, causing my head to tilt back and rest against the wall. Trying to get my breathing to a normal pace to try and go undetected. After all I didn't want Miss Johnson to see how she was affecting me right now.

"Who said you I was my type Miss Johnson?" I some how manage to pluck up the confidence to reply and successfully push her away a little reinstalling the gap between us. Just for her to quickly step forward and break the gap. All without touching me, but in this moment, that was all I craved. Why did I crave her touch so desperately? How does she have the power to make me feel like my breathing has stopped and my legs have gone weak?

"There is a first time for everything Gibson" She assertively spits the words towards me before finally backing off and walking out of the toilets. Feeling like I was froze in place, I decided to just look at myself in the mirror to discover the deep pink painted all over my face.

After re splashing my face with water and trying it up I decided to go back to the bar and assist Lauren. Helping her finish up all of the last orders. I decided to stay a little after to help clear up and I needed to talk to her. I feel like I could tell Lou anything and she would just give the right advice, no judgment.

After the last few groups sluggishly piled out of the door I strolled over towards Lauren spreading my lips ready to start up a conversation with her.

"Lou, do you remember that girl you falsely accused me of flirting with..." Without even letting her respond I just continued to speak so she couldn't interrupt. "Well, turns out she is actually my English professor, coincidence right aha, well basically I think she is actually really hot and we almost had a moment in the toilets earlier then she just dipped and I have to see her on Monday and I don't know what to do. Finally letting out the breath I was accidentally holding in. Watching Lauren's face go through a rollercoaster of emotions whilst closely listening.

"Well Ave, for the first time ever, I don't know how to help you with this one. I mean if she wasn't your teacher I would be telling you to go get your girl, however the circumstances leave you in a big predicament, I wouldn't suggest doing it as it's very dangerous and i don't want to see my fav worker get heartbroken, however the choice is yours."

I listened closely to every word she said to me, yes I understand she is my teacher however she is also a fucking catch and I don't want to miss out on that. Deciding to see how things go on Monday I left Lauren at the bar to lock up and headed home trying not to overthink.

Once I was home, I moved myself to the bathroom to pick up my toothbrush and start brushing my teeth. The shock of the bristles scraping against my gums forcing out an accidental hiss before I forcefully spat out the contents in my mouth. Carefully slipping into some silk pyjamas, I comfortably positioned my self under my covers deciding to scroll through Netflix to find a film to fall asleep to. Minutes of scrolling later, I finally came upon 'Fifty shades of grey' one of my favourites. Beginning the movie the familiar sound of 'I put a spell on you' came on, allowing my bum to lightly wiggle in sync with the music as I tossed and turned trying to fall asleep.

Failing to fall asleep, I decided to finish the movie. It has always been a favourite of mine. The time almost 6:00am now, I knew I needed to sleep before just giving up and not sleeping at all. Deciding to look for another film to play in the background, I stumble across Grown ups. Knowing I won't care about this one, I press play and delicately press my face against the pillow hoping to be able to get to sleep.

The sun rise slowly peeking through my blinds making it even more difficult to sleep. Finally after 30 minutes of being restless, I managed to fall asleep.

Authors Note

This chapter had a lot more going on than the rest so I hope you all enjoyed it, don't worry this is a slow burn book, so don't think to much into Riley making moves on Avery as things will be a little different in the next chapter. A little spoiler I guess. I hope your loving it just as much as me so far.

This is Harpers aesthetic if anyone is wondering.

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