
By skittlesandcake

30.9K 1.7K 1.5K

Beyoncรฉ and Nicki have a very special arrangement... It's passionate but it's complicated and as their physic... More

9 (part 1)
9 (part 2)


1.4K 93 72
By skittlesandcake

"Please dont go" Nicki gripped Beyoncé's arm as she woke up from her deep slumber. Her dream had been heavy and all consuming, making her clutch Beyoncé through the night. Beyoncé frowned looking down at the younger girl. She was already dressed and almost ready to go to rehearsals and now Nicki was asking her to stay.

"Um.. Nicki" Beyoncé spoke slowly, trying to remind Nicki of where she was. She was clearly just waking up, and probably didn't know what was happening.

Recognising the voice, Nicki sharply jolted herself awake. That was Beyoncé. Her eyes widened and she loosened her grip on Beyoncé's arm as she forced herself awake. "Oh sh- shit sorry" Nicki dropped her arm and her cheeks grew flush as she realised what she had just done.

"It's okay," Beyoncé shrugged and made a start on her ponytail. "Last night was kind of intense" Beyoncé spoke, biting the inside of her bottom lip. Her morning routine, had replaced any smells that might have lingered from the night before. The room now carried the light scent of oud and shea butter, which Nicki now associated with the singer. She took in the sight of Beyoncé slowly as she began to properly open her eyes. The woman stood in front of the mirror wearing an all black t-shirt matched with some plain black sweatpants. Even like that, she looked phenomenal to Nicki.

Nicki nodded, rubbing her eyes to force herself to wake up. Intense was definitely one way to describe it. The tension was still thick and cloying in the room, as they each remembered the heated night they'd shared. Nicki remembering how Beyoncé's body had been the warmth she needed at that moment; the wetness of her tongue licking away her pain and the thrust of her body fucking away her problems. Beyoncé had shaped her, such that she imagined Beyoncé was now hers, their bodies were one.

Beyoncé had a busy day ahead and was almost ready to leave when Nicki stood up, throwing the bed covers off of her body. She was still naked but without a care, as she moved towards the window cracking open the curtain. If Beyoncé didn't have to be in rehearsals soon, she would've taken the day off right then and there. She swallowed, watching Nicki look out of the window, her ass on full display along with those short and shapely legs. She found herself yearning for the small of Nickis back and contemplating how important it was to perform the "big three." Surely, she could perform better if she wasn't horny. All she really wanted was to spend hours learning how best to please Nicki, and making the younger woman scream out for her.

Nicki scanned the glimmer of lights from the city beneath them, watching the movement of the traffic below the penthouse suite. The sun was high in the sky at this time, illuminated from behind the clouds. It reminded her of the world outside of this bubble she shared with Beyoncé - the world where she knew that her closest friends were mad at her, the reason she hadn't checked her phone upon waking. She had abandoned them to be there with Beyoncé. She thought of all of the effort she'd exhausted to bring herself closer to Beyoncé.

A flood of guilt washed over Nicki. She knew that this bubble couldn't last forever. But, she also knew this bubble had made her feel safe. She was happy, feeling Beyoncé's eyes trail over her body. Beyoncé was so kind to touch her the way she had — passionately, intensely, showing Nicki new heights of pleasure. She had turned Nicki into the perfect submissive. She couldn't breathe without thinking of Beyoncé, couldn't touch herself without thoughts of her. It was safe inside this bubble. There was only Beyoncé, who had never truly hurt her.

Beyoncé finished brushing her hair and placed the brush back into the drawer as her eyes scanned the room. She had a million and one things running through her mind, but she knew that she had to stay focused on work. She knew how much people went through to get to concerts, she couldn't disrespect that by not being ready. It was her job, just like any other job. She couldn't afford to be distracted.

Besides, she was known for a certain high standard and if she messed that up, people would question her even more; digging further into her life and trying to find what had thrown her off. Conspiracies would fly about why she wasn't on her game; rumours of cheating, or crazy sex parties, and sacrifices to the devil. There'd be headlines with divorce speculations, or theories that the illuminati had come to collect. They'd discuss whether or not her body looked the same, claiming she might be pregnant or she'd had surgery. Soon she'd be retiring, or sacrificing another relative to maintain her talent. Beyoncé refused to let her work slip just because she wanted some pussy. It wasn't worth the hassle.

"Beyoncé," Nicki began slowly, her voice catching in her throat. She still looked out of the window afraid to face Beyoncé's gaze. Beyoncé was the missing piece to her life. She wanted to say something about their connection. Nicki desperately held onto it now, afraid to let go in case everything slipped. But, Beyoncé seemed to struggle with embracing her. Nicki was sure that she could see below the surface.

Despite her bold and clear exterior, Beyoncé often revealed subtle signs when they were alone. She would get lost in thought, seemingly contemplating her life and whether she could be truly happy with things as they were right now. Nicki knew that she could help. She knew that the answer was the two of them together.

"There's something I need to say." Nicki forced the words to fall from her lips. She had never felt so enamoured with a person - not since she was a teenager - but she knew Beyoncé was different. She loved Beyoncé. She was in love with Beyoncé. She wished that she could be with her all the time, getting lost in her presence and forgetting her own life. Being with Beyoncé was so easy and peaceful, bursting this bubble was a task that she didn't want. But, Nicki knew she had to leave the bubble at some point. She wished that it wasn't this hard to go back to her normal life, but Beyoncé had changed her - she'd cracked her open and showed her a new world. Right became left, up became down. Beyoncé had made her question her deepest sense of self. It wasn't "just sex," it was spiritual in nature — a life-altering experience that she'd never forget.

Beyoncé paused, turning to face the younger woman who had become such a constant part of her life. For a moment she felt guilty for the night before with Nicki. Had she taken advantage of her when she was sad? The sex had never been that intense before. She had never touched her like that before. She wondered if Nicki felt like it was more than what it was. "What's up, Nicki? I have to go" she turned back to the mirror, attempting to avoid the gaze of those pleading eyes. The tension between them was palpable, both women were on edge. This was different to their previous conversations. Beyoncé could be blunt, but she was rarely unkind.

"Uh..." Nicki grit her teeth silently, stepping closer as she searched for the words that she desperately hoped would make a difference. Her breasts sat against her body, her nipples hard from the breeze of the window. She had to say it now or she knew she never would. "Beyoncé, I—"

"Huh?" Beyoncé spoke, a hint of annoyance marring her expression. This stuff with Nicki took a toll on her both physically and mentally. It was just supposed to be sex, after all. "Look, I can't do this right now. Not with my schedule, we can talk later, okay?" Beyoncé implored, trying to appease the younger woman as she stepped closer. "I'll call you later on?" Whatever Nicki had to say, now was not the time. She gently rested her hands on Nicki's shoulders, forcing her to trust the words as she spoke them. Nicki's eyes widened, her pupils dilating with uncertainty.

"Alright," she nodded softly accepting the older woman's words. She backed away slightly, afraid to become stuck in Beyoncé's fantasy. Beyoncé offered a smile before she exhaled a sigh of relief, stepping toward the bathroom to gather her belongings. "Hey, can you pass me my bag?" she asked, gesturing to the handbag near the door. She could hear a few people outside talking as they waited for her to be ready to go — none of whom were brave enough to knock.

Nicki handed over the bag, her fingers lingering on the material for a moment longer than necessary. Her eyes darted nervously between Beyoncé and the clock on the wall. In these moments Beyoncé was grateful for who she was; though she didn't want to be late, she knew that no one would complain. She intimidated them all far too much, and they were just grateful that she had showed up. The singer thanked Nicki before disappearing into the bathroom, leaving Nicki alone once more.

As Nicki heard the sound of a tap turn on, she paced restlessly across the room, her unspoken feelings weighing heavily on her, threatening to suffocate her in the silence. She didn't touch her phone yet, afraid to find her friends had blocked her and they now hated her. Instead she paced and thought about what to do. Her thoughts raced wildly, between hope and despair. Would revealing her true feelings lead to rejection or acceptance? Or worse yet, would she ruin their relationship forever? She couldn't risk that, not when she knew what they had was real.

Beyoncé emerged, teeth almost sparkling as she said goodbye to the younger woman. She thought about planting a kiss on Nickis cheek, but instead she hugged her from the side and told her she could take her time in the suite. Beyoncé wouldn't be back until late, and Nicki should be gone by then.

After she left, Nicki looked around the room. She had the entire penthouse suite to herself. This was a new experience for her and she decided to have a bath in the p-shaped tub. She couldn't remember the last time she'd really pampered herself, having been travelling so much with Beyoncé.

The hotel products sat beside what were clearly Beyoncé's personal products. Nicki didn't think twice about using them, opening and sniffing before pouring them each in. With meticulous care, she prepared the bath, pouring a generous amount of fragrant oils into the steaming water, watching as it swirled and mixed, creating a decadent potion for the body and soul. The air was infused with the delicate fragrance of rose petals, which she assumed was a favourite of Beyoncé's. As the tub filled up, she added a generous handful of bath salts, each crystal a promise of indulgence and self-care. She made bubbles as she squirted more into the bath appreciating more the wonderful scent in the air. She wondered if that contributed to Beyoncé always smelling so good. It was more than just perfume, her natural skin had a taste and Nicki was drawn to the flavour like a moth to light.

She opened her phone to play some music while she continued to watch the bath fill up.
"sorry" read the first message on her screen. Another ding followed shortly and a new message appeared. "hope ur okay" said the message bright on her phone. Lauren was apologising for the night before. Nicki sighed. She knew how selfish she'd been. Lauren shouldn't be the one apologising, it should be her. Last night, she thought for sure that Lauren that hated her. But, even now, Lauren was extending her grace. She was one of Nickis closest friends and Nicki really should have been a better friend.

Nicki wiped a tear before she replied. She said that she was sorry and they all made a plan to meet up. She had a real apology to give, which she knew had to be done in person. Guilt tinged her cheeks as she shut off the running water. She knew she was in the wrong. She only hoped that her friends would forgive her.

With a deep sigh, she slipped into the water, allowing the warmth to envelope her like an embrace. She closed her eyes in surrender to the bliss, melting into a symphony of soothing scents and soft water. Each nourished her mind, lifting her spirit and melting away any stress and tension. As the water brushed over her nipples warmly, memories of Beyoncé washed over her. Beyoncé had touched her in such intimate ways, she had made Nicki feel undeniably special. Her body felt weak to Beyoncé's tender touch. Even when she wasn't there, Nicki became submissive. She wanted to please her, and to be the only girl she liked. She yearned for Beyoncés charm, smiling at the memories.

Nicki felt much more connected to her than before. Her and Beyoncé had felt so close that night, bodies aligned and pressed into each other like puzzle pieces perfectly slotting together. Nicki had achieved more than the orgasms, her body had been overwhelmed by Beyoncé's skills, as she had watched her beautiful face dip in and out of her flesh. She was in awe of who Beyoncé was, biting her lip to stop herself desperately trying to relive that experience. Nicki wished she could climb into Beyoncé's mind and make her fall in love the way she had already fallen.

As she soaked, she indulged in small luxuries: folding a plush towel to rest her head upon, as a selection of calming music played softly in the background. She ran her fingers through the fragrant bubbles, reveling in the sensation of the silk against her skin. In that moment, there were no worries—only the pure, unadulterated pleasure of self-care and indulgence. She opened her eyes for a moment wishing she had a glass of champagne, and sat beside the tap, Nicki noticed a strand of hair. She picked it up, determining that it must have been left behind by Beyoncé. It had likely come from her shower that morning - one precious strand left behind on the bathtub.

Nicki lifted the hair and held it in her hands, missing the woman from last night already. She hated that Beyoncé had to leave her there. She had seen the fire in her eyes that morning — she felt the same every time she saw the Beyoncé. She tried to luxuriate in the warmth of the water, but her mind was now filled with visions of Beyoncé. She wondered if Beyoncé would touch her again, and if her lips would ever press against places missed. Though she knew and understood that Beyoncé had to work, but now she had this strand of hair.

She played with the hair between her fingers, almost stroking it as she brushed off the bubbles from her bath. It was just a piece of hair - but it belonged to Beyoncé. It had been grown from her scalp and it held a piece of her. She wished she could clone her — to keep her forever. Instead, Nicki just giggled to herself and continued to move it from hand to hand, twirling her fingers around the follicle. Nicki would be the diligent wife waiting at home as Beyoncé worked. She smiled to herself and chuckled, in the bath as she held the hair, running it slowly along her exposed body and remembering the places Beyoncé had touched.

Nicki had got better at interpreting Beyoncé's movements over the course of their relationship. She knew how to touch her and where Beyoncé needed it. Not only sexually. After all, their relationship had begun in that styling chair.

Each time she felt the hair touch her skin, she could feel Beyoncé's presence and remember her touch. She dreamed of her as she pressed the hair to her cheek, before kissing it and thinking of how pretty her hair was. Beyoncé had the type of hair that made people jealous. It was so long and healthy, and Nicki loved how it felt in her hands. She wondered what the woman's hair care routine was like. It had to be extensive, because her hair was always dyed and consistently healthy.

Nicki thought back to the times she had styled Beyoncé's hair. She always felt so connected to her when she was in that chair. Doing hair was always intimate, but with Beyoncé it meant something. Those were the moments when Nicki was in control, the only times when she didn't feel weak to Beyoncé's gaze. Nicki loved to massage her scalp at times. She saw how it helped her to relax. Beyoncé she had so many pent up emotions in her hair, weighing her down. She wondered if Beyoncé would cut it all off again, but Nicki loved those long tresses as much as the fans.

As she climbed out of the bath, she didn't want to leave the hotel room. She was in awe of how Beyoncé made it so comfortable despite its hotel-ness. It was cozy, despite the fact that this was a suite anyone with enough money could stay in. The strand of hair remained twisted around her finger as she tried to plan for her call later with Beyoncé.

It's short but an update is an update right? Sorry I've just not had the ideas flowing like before. Y'all please help me figure out where this is going cuz I'm not sure about my original idea anymore 🌚

Thoughts on the characters?

Thoughts on the story?

Thoughts on act ii? 😂 I'm so excited and I don't even like country music. K bye, I hope you liked this update 👉🏿👈🏿

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