I miss you like a little kid

נכתב על ידי itsonlyagaypotato

144 7 4

Stories about the trolls! Usually branch angst, but ill explore. All brotherly and/or poppy x branch stories... עוד

I hate you, for what you did (and i miss you like a little kid)
We'll keep going (till the effort is showing)
Fake Fucking Forlorn Fifteen
Take a pic (i love you)

Go little rockstar

22 1 0
נכתב על ידי itsonlyagaypotato

John Dory was living his life.

He had climbed the Everglades a hundred times, finding something new and inspiring every time.

He had travelled the whole world, drinking hot chocolate in Alaska to beer in Mexico.

He had hoped that downing all this junk would help the bitter feeling in his stomach.

It never did.

John Dory was four when his parents abandoned him for the first time.

He would never forget that moment.

A promise to be back soon, a kiss to his brow and then gone.

Small tiny hands reaching out, a weakened "see you later," and then gone.

He was five when they returned, little Spruce in hand.

They handed him over to JD.

A promise kiss to be back soon, a kiss to his brow and then gone.

He was nine when they returned again, baby Clay bundled up in they're arms.

Spruce was four.

Handed over to Grandma Rosiepuff.

A promise to be back soon, a kiss to his brow and then gone.

Fourteen for Floyd.

And twenty for baby Branch.

He was exhausted.

They all were.

Then gone. Forever.

They never came back.

And John Dory was stuck, with four loving siblings that looked up to him as a parent.

It was too much sometimes.

But he loved them.

That was why he had to go

John saw him in his dreams.

He saw himself, and he saw him .

Sometimes, he couldn't differentiate who was who.

A promise to be back soon, a kiss to his brow and then gone.

Small tiny hands reaching out, a weakened "see you later," and then gone.

Was it him? Reaching out to his parents?

Was it him ? Reaching out to his brothers?

See you later.

See you later.

John Dory didn't know what to do with the fact that he and his littlest brother were more similar than he thought.

Than he hoped.

The first time John Dory had seen his littlest brother after seventeen years was at a wedding.

Whose wedding, he didn't care.

Branch was..bigger.

He was..-

He was...


John Dory didn't even recognize him at first!

His baby brother had always been the colour of the seas, skies and of everything pure.

But this Branch...was more the colour of mold and pollution.

What had happened?

Seventeen years they were gone for.

Bruce wasn't prepared for all this.

Coward, his mind whispered to him. Selfish.

It was one of the very few moments where Bruce actually listened.

Sometimes, old memories would show themselves in his dreams.

Conked out after running the bar, head on the pillow and tears in his eyes.

Back when he couldn't handle it.

Back when the toilet was his best friend.

Back when the smell of food left him nauseous and sick.

Small hands hugging his middle.

Big blue eyes staring up at him.

The only one who knew.

The only one who cared.

He loved his wife. He loved his kids.

He loved them to the bottom of his little troll heart all the way to the moon.

They were everything he ever wanted.

But not what he needed.

His kids, his wife, they couldn't fill the massive hole in his heart.

He tried to distract himself, with the bar, with babysitting, with being a good husband, a good dad.

He wondered how he could call himself all those things, when he wasn't even a good brother.

The first time Bruce had seen Branch after seventeen years was at his personal island bar.

John Dory (ugh) was there, as well as a pink happy troll he hadn't seen before.

And standing behind them was..




"Bitty B?!"

A cheer, a laugh, being tossed into the air and smothered with kisses.

No tossing, Branch had scolded. I'm too big to be tossed.

The last time I saw you, you were in diapers!


A dry chuckle, a turn away, distancing again, away from Bruce.

I am a grown up!

Oh, my apologies. A wet william-

Angry subtle glances to the floor, furious tears piling in his eyes, face furrowed and distressed.

Maybe he was going too far.

He was turning into John.

John Dory was begging his younger brother.

Please Bruce, you don't understand!

It's for Floyd..

A surprised expression, melting into concern and determination.

Branch stands near them, curiously watching them.

John holds himself back from hugging him.

He's older now, he's bigger now.

He won't love you anymore.

He doesn't need you anymore.

See, I told you dad wasn't in a band.

A taunt, a tease, prove it to the world.

Sing a song, give it your best, I'm proud of you.

You'll never have to go through that again.

My girl's like candy, a candy tree!

She knocks me right up off my feet!

She's so fine, as can be,

It's like a perfect harmony!

Both of the brothers' vocals had that nostalgic stretch to it.

Back when Bruce's voice was lighter.

Back when John's voice was higher.

It felt so nice, to hear them again.

To hear them and to love, rather than stress.

Prove it.

Prove you were in a band.

Prove it.

Prove you still got it in you.

Prove it.

Prove you're alive.

The start of Branch's singing was a rush to both John Dory and Bruce.

It stumped them, when he started.

Unwillingly forced into it by his girlfriend, wanting to embrace some part of himself he locked out years ago.

The moves were all muscle memory.

Reluctant, hardened, grudging moves.

But his expression?

John felt his heart twist.

Completely uninterested. Heartbroken. Denial.

He wouldn't let himself enjoy his.

He wouldn't let himself enjoy this.

I won't let myself enjoy this.

I won't let myself fall back into that hole.

If I get sucked into this again, I will never get the strength to be able to escape.

Why am I doing this-

Why am I doing this?

She loves me, that's all I need.

Why do I starve myself off that?

I don't need them.

I won't let myself enjoy this.

I won't-

They're looking at me.

And they're..-


You're the reason why I sing this song..


You're all I ever wanted!!

Suddenly, there was light.

Suddenly, there was hope.

Suddenly, Branch looked...



He danced as if he was born too, all loose limbs and perfection, his voice ringing in the air so delightfully, joyfully, almost lovingly.

John Dory and Bruce exchanged glances, before looking at the star of their show, their life.

And they smiled, for the first time together in seventeen years.

And I want! You. Back!!

Branch huffed, exhilarated in the best unfamiliar way possible.

I want you back..

His grin faltered, and he turned to look at his brothers.

Want you back..

They were high fiving, faces flushed with-



Something inside Branch died again.

Something that hadn't breathed since they walked out the door.

Since Grandma left.

Something that had slowly, surely bloomed when he first set eyes on John Dory's face.

It crumbled and it withered and it died.

Along with his hope.

"I want you back.." he whispered, broken.

He turned away from his brothers.

Just like they did to him.

המשך קריאה

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