Go little rockstar

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John Dory was living his life.

He had climbed the Everglades a hundred times, finding something new and inspiring every time.

He had travelled the whole world, drinking hot chocolate in Alaska to beer in Mexico.

He had hoped that downing all this junk would help the bitter feeling in his stomach.

It never did.

John Dory was four when his parents abandoned him for the first time.

He would never forget that moment.

A promise to be back soon, a kiss to his brow and then gone.

Small tiny hands reaching out, a weakened "see you later," and then gone.

He was five when they returned, little Spruce in hand.

They handed him over to JD.

A promise kiss to be back soon, a kiss to his brow and then gone.

He was nine when they returned again, baby Clay bundled up in they're arms.

Spruce was four.

Handed over to Grandma Rosiepuff.

A promise to be back soon, a kiss to his brow and then gone.

Fourteen for Floyd.

And twenty for baby Branch.

He was exhausted.

They all were.

Then gone. Forever.

They never came back.

And John Dory was stuck, with four loving siblings that looked up to him as a parent.

It was too much sometimes.

But he loved them.

That was why he had to go

John saw him in his dreams.

He saw himself, and he saw him .

Sometimes, he couldn't differentiate who was who.

A promise to be back soon, a kiss to his brow and then gone.

Small tiny hands reaching out, a weakened "see you later," and then gone.

Was it him? Reaching out to his parents?

Was it him ? Reaching out to his brothers?

See you later.

See you later.

John Dory didn't know what to do with the fact that he and his littlest brother were more similar than he thought.

Than he hoped.

The first time John Dory had seen his littlest brother after seventeen years was at a wedding.

Whose wedding, he didn't care.

Branch was..bigger.

He was..-

He was...


John Dory didn't even recognize him at first!

His baby brother had always been the colour of the seas, skies and of everything pure.

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