The Walking Dead Season 3: A...

By Sundance364

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When family is all you have far will you go to protect it? After society was ripped apart by undea... More

Character Descriptions
Season 3 Episode 1: Ties That Bind Part 1
Season 3 Episode 2: Ties That Bind Part 2
Season 3 Episode 4: Thicker Than Water
Season 3 Episode 5: From The Gallows

Season 3 Episode 3: Above The Law

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By Sundance364

(A/U: The outfit on top is Winona's outfit and the outfit on the bottom is Sequoia's)


Third POV

Javier and Kate walk through their neighborhood; Javi is armed with a wrench and Kate has a hammer. "I hate being out so close to dark. It's harder to see them coming..." Kate said. "We're just gonna get that propane and then come right back." Javier said. "I saw it in that pickup truck parked down the road a little, in front of the Wallaces' house. I just wish there was an easier way to get it. And that we didn't have to risk life and limb. Every damn day. For food, and water, and gas for the stove. Am I babbling? I babble when I'm scared." Kate said. "Nothing's easy anymore, Kate, but that doesn't mean we don't have to try." Javier said. "I know. It's just hard to get used to, that's all." Kate said. "We get over there, we grab the tank, we get the hell back home." Javier said.

"If we're lucky, we won't see a single one of those things." Javier said. "Fingers crossed..." Kate said. They reach the house; a propane canister is in the back of the truck in the driveway. "There it is!" Kate said. "Let's take it and go." Javier said. Javi picks up the propane canister. "Empty." Javier said. "You've gotta be fucking kidding me! Goddamn it!" Kate said. Kate throws the canister. "Of course it's empty. Why would we get that lucky? I mean, it's not like we needed it or anything." Kate said. "Hey, hey, hey, don't beat yourself up about it. It was worth a shot. It just... didn't work out." Javier said. "I'm sorry. I'm just sick of this shit. I just thought... this one time, we deserved to catch a fucking break." Kate said. A walker child exits the house and jumps onto Javi's back. "Oh, my God, Javi!" Kate said. Javi throws the walker to the ground and pins it. "Kate! Your hammer, now!" Javier said. "Oh, God. That's... that's..." Kate said. Javier smashes the walker's head into the ground until it dies. "I'm sorry... I was just so fucking scared..." Kate said. "You froze. It's okay." Javier said. "I wanted to kill it, I really did, but... I know him. That was one of Gabe's friends: Drew. He was so sweet. He always had a smile on his face. Gabe worshipped him." Kate said.

"I'm sorry you had to see that. I'm sure he was a... a good kid." Javier said. "He's not a kid anymore. He's just... one of those things. I don't even know what to call them. If they're not people... If they're just the dead... Muertos." Kate said. "That's what we'll call them." Javier said. "I thought we were gonna die. (hugs Javi) I thought... Gabe and Mariana were just going to wake up and we'd just be gone. When it was on you... Oh, my God." Kate said. "I'm right here, okay? I'm here, you're here, we're still alive. That's what matters." Javier said. Kate won't forget this. "Can we go back now?" Kate asks. They return home to Gabe and Mariana, who are asleep. "I know we all wanted to stay here, in the house, and wait for David to come back. But it's been three months since he drove away with your mom." Kate said. "What are you saying?" Javier asks. "We're not safe here. Not anymore. You and I could have been killed out there, for an empty can! There's gotta be a safer place out there. Somewhere not so isolated." Kate said. "What makes you think it's gonna be better anywhere else? Everything and everyone outside this door is dead!" Javier said. "Exactly! How long until one of those things gets in? We stay, somebody's going to get hurt. Or worse." Kate said.

"You really think the kids are gonna be happy with this plan?" Javier asks. "The kids will understand. And if they don't, we'll just... make them see it our way. We have to go." Kate said. "How come?" Gabe asks. Gabe and Mariana walk up to the other four. "What if I don't want to leave?" Gabe asks. "Gabe..." Mariana said. "We're safe inside the house. And I bet we can find more food in the neighborhood if we just look harder." Gabe said. "We're tired of being afraid every time we leave you guys alone--and it's just getting worse out there. Better to leave now, while we still can." Javier said. "We can't stay, Gabe. It's just getting worse out there." Kate said. "But what about Dad? What's he gonna think if he shows up and we just ditched him? We might never find him again!" Gabe said.

"We have to look out for ourselves now, Gabe. I wish things were different, but... our safety is more important." Javier said. "But we're safe here!" Gabe said. "No. We're not." Javier said. "I'm sorry, Gabe. But... Javi's right." Kate said. "How about you guys go and I stay here?" Gabe asks. "You're a kid. That's not how it works." Kate said. "I can take care of myself! If I need any help, I'll just ask my friends!" Gabe said. "Gabe... honey..." Kate said. "What? What's wrong with her? Why's she acting so weird? Uncle Javi?" Gabe asks. "I'll tell you when you're older, okay?" Javier asks. "Just tell me! I can handle it." Gabe said. "I don't think so." Javier said. "We can't lie to him, Javi. He needs to know. Your friend? Drew, from down the street? He... he didn't make it. He... he turned into one of them. So you understand why, don't you? Why we have to leave? If that happened to you, I couldn't bear it." Kate said.

"When do we have to go?" Mariana asks. "Tomorrow. As soon as it's daylight." Kate said. "I wanna leave him a note." Gabe said. "I'll help you get started, okay?" Javier said. "What are we gonna tell him? I want to say something good. Something that won't make him sad." Gabe said. "Just tell him we love him. All of us. And... nothing's gonna change that, not ever." Javier said. "I like that." Gabe said. "I'm going to write it right now, so we don't forget." Gabe said. "Of course." Javier said. "I'll help him." Mariana said. "Thank you. Really." Kate said. Kate hugs Gabe. She gets up and blows out a candle near her wedding photo. Gabe puts a note on the wall. It says: Dad, We had to move somewhere else. I don't know where, but Kate says we're not safe here. Please don't worry. We'll be okay. You taught us well! We're going to find you somehow. Javi promised. No matter what happens, always remember we still love you. Love, Gabe. Mariana takes her tape player and headphones, leaving behind a stuffed animal. Javi considers taking his baseball bat and signed baseball, but decides not to. Gabe takes a pudding cup. Kate takes a tin of weed. Everyone leaves the house.


Third POV

"Dad?" Gabe asks. "Javi? Is that really you? I always hoped I'd find you. Never really thought it'd happen; not after all this time." David said. "God, you have no idea how good it is to see your face!" Javier said. "Think I got a pretty decent idea, actually." David said. "Gabe runs up to David and hugs him. "I knew you were still alive. I knew it!" Gabe said. "Hey, weapons down! This is my family!" David said. The New Frontier soldiers lower their weapons. "You gotta let us in. Kate doesn't have much longer." Javier said. "Jesus. Kate!" David said. "David?" Kate asks. "(holds Kate's hand) I'm here, honey. I'm right here. What the hell happened?" David asks. "She's been shot and we got the bullet out, but she's still bleeding. We need your doctor. Now, David!" Javier spoke up. "What the fuck is she on the ground for? She's barely got a pulse. She's cold as fucking ice! How were you just gonna leave her here like this?" David asks. "We were trying to prove that we could be trusted; that we'd follow orders. Anything to get her to your hospital." Javier said. He noticed that. "You that afraid of an injured woman, Max?!" David asks. "It wasn't her. It was the rest of 'em!" Max said.

David carries Kate. "She's coming inside!" David said. "But she hasn't been checked!" Max yelled. "Fuck that! This is my wife!" David asks. "I... I didn't know. Honest!" Max said. "She's going to the hospital. Now! Our doctor's gonna help you, honey. I'm gonna make sure of it." David said. "Wait. I'm going with you!" Gabe said. Gabe and David walk away. The rest of the group tries to follow, but the New Frontier raises their weapons to stop them. "Sorry, but the rest of you have to go straight to quarantine." Fern said. "What for?" Tripp asks. "All newcomers get checked for bites, and they all have to answer a couple of questions. Our doctor will clear the two of them. But the rest of you have to come with me to the quarantine holding area. It's how we keep it safe for everyone." Fern said. "If Kate's going to the hospital, then so am I." Javier said. "Not yet. First you go through quarantine, then we'll see." Fern said. "Ah, this is bullshit." Tripp said. "Come on! The sooner you come along, the sooner we can get you cleared." Fern said. "I--I'll be there as soon as I can!" Javier said. "Let's go." Fern said.


Third POV

The soldiers bring the group to the quarantine area, where they find Eleanor. "Tripp!" Eleanor said. "Oh, God, Eleanor! (hugs Eleanor) When we found the car without you in it, I didn't know what to think." Tripp said. "The engine up and died. I came here looking for help and this... happened. I've been so worried about Kate. I told them she needed a doctor. They promised me someone would look into it. Please, tell me they found her." Eleanor said. "Well, luckily, we found her before she got any worse. They just took her to the hospital." Javier said. "I can't believe no one went to look for her!" Eleanor said.

"I'm sorry, Javi. Really, but... I didn't have any reason not to believe them. What?" Eleanor asks. "The people here in Richmond; they're New Frontier." Tripp said. "Oh, my God." Eleanor said. "Oh-ho-ho, you ain't even heard the worst part yet! One of 'em is his brother! I didn't even know you had a brother, Javi!" Tripp said. "Maybe it's a good thing. We've got somebody on the inside, somebody who can vouch for us." Javier said. "Vouch for you, maybe." Tripp said. "Javi could be right. One word from David, and the others came running to take Kate to the hospital." Jesus said. "Whoever this guy is, he can't be all bad, right? I mean, he helped Kate instead of hauling her down here." Eleanor said. "'Course he brought her inside. She's his damn wife!" Tripp said. "You're kidding. Kate... is married to your brother? The way you two acted around each other... I just didn't think she had a husband out there, is all." Eleanor said.

"Let's just say it's complicated, alright?" Javier said. "Maybe it's my fault for jumping to conclusions. Makes sense you'd be so close, considering. "Family drama aside... Hope you know I'm not about to make nice with New Frontier. I know you didn't have much stake in Prescott, Javi, but they burned that place to the ground for no fuckin' reason." Tripp said. "After everything you folks told me, I'm guessing I'm not going to find my people alive." Jesus said. "Hell, Javi, they killed your niece! Shot Kate! For all we know, your brother could've been behind it! And even if it wasn't his idea in the first place, if he knew about it and didn't stop it, that shit can't stand." Tripp said. "I hate to admit it, but... there's a chance he gave the order. If he didn't know it was them, if he was just trying to get payback for what was stolen, it's possible." Javier said.

"What was he like when you knew him? You guys get along? He seemed happy enough to see you up there. At least at first..." Jesus asks. "Things between me and him were complicated. Some days, we'd be at each other's throats... Other days, we could shoot the shit for hours and still find stuff to talk about." Javier said. "So he's a moody son of a bitch, huh? If your brother knew anything about what happened in Prescott, he's got to answer for it. They all do! I owe that to Conrad. I'm not just gonna let things slide. I've never really been an eye-for-eye kind of man... But... people died. We need to even out the scales!" Tripp said. "As soon as I get a moment alone with David, I'll get to the bottom of this. He can tell me what we're up against. He has to. Family's gotta be good for something, right?" Javier asks. They will remember that.

David opens the door. "Hey." David said. "Hey..." Javier said. "I would've been here sooner, but I had to take care of... something. Come on, already! Kate's asking for you. Maybe you think it's okay to keep a lady waiting. Thought I taught you better than that." David said. "What about the rest of my friends?" Javier asks. "They're not invited. Hurry up, now." David said. "Looks like the rules don't apply to everyone, huh?" Tripp asks. "That's right. Some people get out of here early. Others stay a long fucking time." David said. "Tripp... just drop it, okay?" Eleanor said walking up. "Smart cookie, this one." David said. "Javi, just go." Eleanor said. "I'll put in a good word for you, okay? See if we can't hurry the process along a bit." Javier said. "Thanks." Eleanor said. David and Javier out of the Quarantine room.


Third POV

Javier and David leave the quarantine area and walk through the streets of Richmond. "Family must be good for something"? Nice, Javi." David Said. "We have a process. Our own way of doing things. Your guys better not have a problem with that. Things don't go well for troublemakers here. I hope that's clear." David said. "No problem. You won't have to worry about them." Javier spoke up. "Didn't sound that way." David said. "They just need time to get used to things." Javier said. "I hope you're right. C'mon. We use quarantine to protect our people. It's not personal." David said. "Where are we going?" Javier asks. "Kate asked for you. I thought you'd want to check on her. Listen, Javi. Gabe... he told me some pretty messed up things. Things I need your help wrapping my head around." David said.

"He shouldn't have done that. I wanted to tell you myself." Javier said. "Bad news is bad news. Who cares who delivers it?" David asks. "He told me you lost Mariana. Just a few days ago." David said. "Oh... I'm sorry, David. She's... she's gone." Javier said. "It's strange grieving for the same person twice. Like losing something you didn't know you had. What was she like, Javi? She was so little when we got separated. Who did my little girl become?" David asks. "Mariana saw things that other people didn't. She, uh... she told me told she wanted to write down her memories, to keep them alive after she was gone." Javier said. "Sounds like her. Always was a dreamer." David said. "Plus We got along well. Her smile kept us going through a lot of rough times." Javier said. "That... must have been nice. How... how did she die? Tell me how it happened. Please...I need to know." David asked.

"She went quickly, David. Without pain." Javier said. "Gabe said it was people, not walkers." David said. "People with your mark." Javier spoke up. "My people aren't in the habit of killing little girls." David said. "David I was there! They shot Kate too. Ask your buddy at the gate if you don't believe me." Javier spoke up. "Max was a part of this? Fuck. I need details. What the hell went down out there? I need to know exactly what happened. Everything you remember." David said. "Bastards knocked me out and threw me in their truck. I got away near this town, Prescott. The same assholes attacked us there. Their leader flooded it with walkers and tear gas." Javier spoke up. "Leader?" David asks. "A crazy bald guy with a beard." Javier spoke up. "Badger... What the fuck have you done now? I'm gonna handle that stupid son of a bitch, okay? Do me a favor and keep this to yourself. The politics here, they can get messy." David said. "I thought you were the boss?" Javier asks. "There's four of us that run Richmond. You need to impress the other three... or you'll be back on the road by morning. Try not to stir things up. You and your friends could have a very short stay." David said.

"I can be impressive when I try. I'll follow your lead." Javier said. David will remember that. "Just don't get cute." David said. "I run security here, but it's not like my word is law. This shit with Badger doesn't make things any easier." David said. David and Javi approach Ava. "Who's the fresh meat?" Ava asks. "Ava, this is my brother, Javi." David said. "The baseball brother? No shit. What are the chances of you turning up on the doorstep? Welcome to civilization. Or at least the closest thing to it these days." Ava said. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Ava. (shakes Ava's hand)" Javier said. "Is it now? You didn't say he was a gentleman, David." Ava said. "That's because he's not." David said.

"Ava's my right hand. If there's anyone you can trust in Richmond, it's her." David said. Ava salutes Javi and David as they walk away. "That woman is a fucking soldier. She was the first person I met up with after you and me got separated... I never would have made it without her. Gabe said you went back to the house. At the start. I'm sorry I never found you." David said.

"It doesn't matter now. We found each other in the end." Javier said. David will remember that. "It matters to me. Mama and I got routed out of the city on the way to the hospital. It wasn't long before she..." David trailed off. "Poor Mama." Javier said. "I couldn't get back into Baltimore, so I hooked up with my old unit. We thought we could build a safe zone outside DC... After what happened to Mama, and everyone else... I thought you were all dead. But you were taking care of them, weren't you? Somehow you found a way. I'm not gonna lie, I never thought you had it in you." David said. "We took care of each other. We all had each other's backs." Javier said. "You've changed, brother. It took the end of the world, but you finally grew up. (pats Javi's shoulder)" David said. They arrive at the entrance to the hospital. "This is where they're treating Kate. Don't get comfortable. We're not staying long." David said.


Third POV

They enter Kate's room in the hospital. "Hey!" Gabe said. "Hey, kid. Got everything you need?" David asks. "Uh, yeah. This place is like a resort. Check it out, Javi! Noodles in a cup!" Gabe said. "We need to get you some real food, stat. Turn you into a soldier." David said. David and Gabe play-fight. "Javi... I'm glad you're okay." Kate said. "(laughs) Get off me!" Gabe said. "(laughs) Hey, put your hands up, huh?" David asks. "C'mon, Dad!" Gabe said.

"I was gonna say the same about you." Javier said. "Damn, it's good to have you back. Look at this family. Look at my wife. (kisses Kate) Isn't she the most beautiful woman alive?" David asks. "Come on. With the lights off, you could mistake me for a walker." Kate said. "A damn fine walker." David said. "Gross." Gabe said. "I'd have to agree." Javier said. "The key word being "alive"." Gabe said. "Gabe..." Javier said. Kate pretends to groan and writhe in pain. "What? You okay?! Shit. I'll get the doc." David said. David and Gabe leave. "I'm fine... I just needed to talk to you. Alone. I'm scared, Javi. More than I was the whole time on the road. Even when I thought I was going to die. Everything inside me screams to get away from here. These people are killers. And David... David threw his own brother in a cell." Kate said. "I know what you mean. This place gives me the creeps." Javier said. "I'm glad to hear that. I was afraid you'd been won over by the security here." Kate said.

"It's always been you and me on the road, Javi. That's how we've made it this far. Please, promise me we'll go back to that, the first chance we get. This place... It's a cage. We can't let ourselves get locked in. It's going to get bad, if we stay." Kate said. "I'll find a way, Kate. I promise. Rest up. You're gonna need your strength." Javier said. She will remember that. "Thanks. I feel better...knowing we're in this together. But please hurry. I--I don't want to be left alone here." Kate said. David and the doctor enter. "Feeling better?" David asks. "How you doing, sweetheart? David reported some pain." The doctor said. "It's less now." Kate said. "Strange how it just comes and goes. Doesn't seem normal." David said. "What are you trying to say?" Javier asks. "I'm worried about her, that's all. Nothing to get worked up about." David said. "It's nothing to be alarmed about. Pain often comes in waves with abdominal wounds." Paul said. "Hm." David said. "I'll give you something to take the edge off. In case it comes back. Truly superlative work. I thought I'd have to operate, but all she needed was IV fluids and some antibiotics. How did you find someone with skills like these? Wound like this kills nine out of ten. Whoever did this really knows their stuff." Paul said.

"That miracle worker is named Eleanor. She tried to tell you people that Kate needed help. Instead of listening to her, you threw her in quarantine." Javier said. "She's here? We should let her out. I'll vouch for her." Paul said. "Agreed. I'll have Ava bring her here." David said. "I want to meet this Eleanor. I'm sure she'll be an asset to our community." Paul said. "The rest of those guys can contribute, if that's what it takes to get free. They're all pretty handy in a fight." Javier said. "That's why they're all under guard." David said. "Javi and I have to meet some people now. See if we can't prove he's worth a damn. (kisses Kate's forehead) We're gonna take real good care of you, okay?" David asks. "Send my apologies, David. I won't be able to make it." Paul said. "Feeling okay?" David asks. "Fine. I just want to keep an eye on my patient. The others know my vote is with you." Paul said. "C'mon." David said. Javi and David leave Kate's room. "Remember what I said. When we meet these guys, keep what happened to Mariana to yourself. Badger is one of my guys, and I will handle him." David said.


Third POV

Javi and David leave the hospital and enter a dilapidated church. Clint and Joan stand near a table of food. "It may look pretty, but it's all sugars. There's no substance." Clint said. "It tastes pretty, Clint. That's all that matters. Ah! The brother." Joan said. "Javi. Meet the guys. Clint runs food production. The crops you saw, that's him and his people. Joan's our bridge to the outside world. She handles contact with other settlements." David said. "Pleased to meet you, Javi. I trust you've been treated well? I hope you haven't been handled too roughly. Some of our people left their courtesy with their old lives, heh." Joan said.

"No complaints here. I get that you guys have a way of doing things." Javier said. "Thank you. We have to be careful. I'm sure you can understand." Joan said. "We were just about to eat. Clint was trying to convince me of the essential superiority of his creamed spinach over my magnificent black forest gateau." Joan said. "It's no contest. The spinach has real nutritional value." Clint said. "Javi, take a look at that table. You tell me what you'd rather put in your belly. Spinach from Clint's garden, heh? Or a baked delicacy by yours truly..." Joan said.

"Everything looks so good, I want it all." Javier said. "So polite, David. You sure he's your brother?" Joan asks. "Can't trust a diplomat. Always saying one thing and thinking another." Clint said. "Please, make yourself comfortable." Joan said. Everyone takes a seat. "We value straight talk here, so please, forgive me if I seem direct. We're usually pretty strict about who we open our doors to. Your brother's word counts for a lot." Joan said. "Is that so?" Javier asks. "The three of us, and Doctor Lingard, make all the decisions here. So, yeah." Joan said. "People who chose to stay with us, they have to deal with us bossing them around. Not saying you wouldn't, but it can be an adjustment. Especially for the more independent-minded. There's no structure out there now. People get used to doing as they please." Clint said.

"I always do what I'm told. Ask my older brother." Javier said. They will remember that. "You're gonna fit in well, Javi. I can see that already." Joan said. "When Joan and I met your brother he was trying his hand at fruit." Clint said. "Fruit?" Javier asks. "We found him slowly murdering an orchard on the Shenandoah River." Joan said. "Ha-dee-fucking-ha." David said. "I helped him bring it back to life." Clint said. "We had a good run there." Joan said. "For as long as it lasted." David said. "What happened?" Javier asks. "What always happens? We trusted the wrong damn people. That's what led us to start this. (shows brand) Wondering what this fine piece of body art is all about? It's our litmus test for loyalty." David said.

"I've seen that mark a few times." Javier said. "You probably saw it at the gates. Right, Javi?" David asks. "We all took it as a sign of commitment. It was a crude answer to a difficult problem, and it hasn't always worked. Please understand... We had a terrible winter just after we moved here. We... we lost a great deal. Loved ones who left holes in our lives. Protecting my people from that kind of pain.... that's what keeps me up at night. It turned me into a perpetual night owl. I know it's a lot to ask. But I never want them to have to experience loss like that again." Joan said. "I know how you feel. Seeing the people I care about suffer... It's a terrible feeling. I just want to shield them from it all." Javier said. "It's a noble aim. One worth fighting for. I'm sorry. I realize you probably lost a lot. Not fishing for pity or anything." Joan said. Max and some other soldiers enter the church. Javi starts to get up, but David puts a hand on his shoulder to stop him. "Max, what are you doing here?" David asks. "I sent for him." Clint said. "Since when does he answer to you?" David asks.

"From what I hear, he's well acquainted with your brother. They exchanged a few bullets outside our walls." Clint said. "Is that right? Is there bad blood between you and Max?" Joan asks. "Nothing that can't be worked out." David said. "I want to hear that from Javi." Joan said. "I don't have a problem with him. He's alright by me." Javier said. "Yeah. Same here." Max said. "I don't buy it. Max, how did this start?" Joan asks. Max looks at David. "Don't look at him. You have an obligation to tell the truth." Clint said. "We caught him siphoning gas from one of our vehicles." Max said. "Max..." David said. "Sorry, David. I know he's family, but your brother's a thief. Along with your cousin and her husband. "Is it true?" Joan asks. "Answer her! Did you steal gas from us?" Clint asks. "We were scavenging whatever we could find. We had no idea it belonged to you!" Javier said. "If you'd just asked, we'd have given it to you. That... that's not all." Max said.

"Rufus said Clementine, Winona and Sequoia ran his truck off the road, just to break him free." Max said. "Clementine, Winona and Sequoia?" Clint asks. "Three girls we had trouble with in the past. You can always judge a man by the company he keeps. Running with those girls don't look good." Max said. "I would say not." Clint asks. "What's your problem with Winona, Sequoia and Clementine? You've got a lot of hate for a young woman, a teenage girl and a 5 year old child. Let's just you, then. You've got some colorful friends." Javier said. "So what if Javi met up with Winona, Sequoia and Clementine? It doesn't mean anything!" David said. "We kicked them out for a reason, David. Now the five of 'em are thick as thieves." Max said.

"This is who you're asking us to vouch for, David? Seriously? You know we can't just open our doors to bandits. We're trying to build something different here. Something resembling civilization." Clint said. "Everything I did out there was to protect my people. That's more than I can say for you." Javier said. "I'm not sure what you mean." Joan said. "Javi..." David said. "You have something to say?" Joan asks.

"No. That's it." Javier said. "That's right. He knows what he done. There ain't nothing more to say." Max said. "Eh, it's clear your brother doesn't belong here. Javi and his people have to go." Clint said. "You're overreacting! It was a scuffle over supplies--" David said. "Eh, we've exiled people for less." Clint said. "Sorry, David, your soldiers are already wild enough. We can't add more crazy to the mix." Joan said. "Take Javi and everyone in quarantine to the gate. Give 'em a pack with the bare minimum to survive." Clint said.

"I want them gone. All of them. Take Javi and everyone in quarantine to the gate. Send them out with enough weapons to defend themselves, but no more." Joan said. "Look, we can't fight this. Not now. Kate and Gabe will be safe here. Your doctor friend, too. But the rest of you... You're gonna have to do what they say. I'm sorry. It's out of my hands." David said. "I can't leave Kate and Gabe alone." Javier said. "They won't be alone. I'll be here to take care of them. I can't help you now, but maybe I can down the road." David said. "Just stay alive, okay?" David asks. New Frontier soldiers escorts Javi out of the church.


Third POV

The New Frontier takes Javi and the others outside the gates. "You're lucky I don't gouge your fucking eyes out with my thumbs. You hear me, asshole?!" Tripp asks. Ava runs out and throws a duffel bag on the ground. "David packed this." Ava said. "He did? They said--" Javier said. "Start walking." Ava said. "What about Eleanor?" Tripp asks. "(shoves Tripp) Walk!" Ava said. "Eat shit, answer my fucking question." Tripp said. Javi holds Tripp back. "Goddamn it, Javi! Let go of me!" Tripp said. "This isn't going to help Eleanor!" Javier said.

Tripp shoves Javi aside and walks up to Ava. She punches him in the face and he falls to the ground. "Do not fuck this up. There's a settlement a few miles west of here. Don't come back." Ava said. The New Frontier goes back inside and the gate closes. Javi offers his hand to Tripp, but he smacks it away and gets up on his own. "Seems your "moment alone with David" screwed us over pretty good." Tripp said. "Look, we're not dead. That's something, okay?" Javier said. Walkers growl in the distance. "Not yet, anyway." Tripp said.

"Let's just see what they gave us." Javier spoke up. "Knowing them, it's probably a butter knife and a stick of gum." Tripp said. "They could've just shot us." Jesus said. "More than once." Javier said. "Oh, how fucking neighborly." Tripp said. Javi opens the duffel bag and takes out a bat with a map wrapped around it. "What's that?" Tripp asks. "Looks like a map. I doubt they give one to everyone. Ava did say David packed the bag..." Javier spoke up. "Why the hell is it tied to a baseball bat?" Tripp asks. "David's sense of humor was always poorly-timed." Javier said. Javi opens the map. "Looks like they're expanding. Some of these areas are marked "clear"." Javier said. Javi looks at New Richmond. "Okay. There's Richmond. That helps." Javier said. "That's where we are... Just gotta head north. (closes map) And to find north..." Javier said. "We need to find the North Star." Jesus said.

"Is that it?" Javier asked. "I remember something about it facing toward the Little Dipper." Tripp spoke up. Javier looks at the North Star. "That's it. We need to go this way. (points) What else is in there?" Javier asks. Tripp takes the supplies out of the duffel bag. There is an axe, a knife, and a flashlight. "Not a whole lot. A flashlight, not enough weapons... No food." Tripp said. Jesus takes the axe. Javi picks up a gun. Tripp takes a knife. "Let's go. Tripp, c'mon. What's up?" Javier asks. "I can't lose anyone else. I'm telling you... I can't. Prescott. Conrad. Maybe Eleanor... It's too much." Tripp said. "You won't lose anyone else. I won't let that happen." Javier said. "I'm gonna hold you to that, Javi. (Stands up) Sorry, man... rough day. To say the least. I know... you got my back, and I got yours." Tripp said. "Of course." Javier said. "After you." Tripp said. The group walks away.


Winona's POV

The group walks through the forest. "I gotta tell you, man... I thought you and Kate know... I mean... I saw you kiss her in the junkyard. And, uh... I wouldn't have guessed she was married to...not you. I ain't judging, mind you, I'm just... curious. What's the story. Ain't my business, I know, but what have we got to lose out here?" Tripp asks. "I..." Javier said. "Hey, man, it's alright. Go for it." Tripp said. "I do have feelings for her. Maybe I shouldn't, but... that doesn't just make them go away." Javier said. "No harm in saying it. Hell, the only real harm's in not saying it when you should..." Tripp said.

"It's always a mess, ain't it?" Tripp asks. "What's that?" Javier asks. "Who you love, who loves you. If they're one and the same or otherwise. You know what I mean? Just when you think you got everything figured out. Boom! Heart goes ass-over-teakettle." Tripp said. "You're right. Goddamn mess." Javier said. Tripp will remember that. "And it never quite washes out." Tripp said. "Eleanor and I, we were... something... at some point. But nothing now. I respect her wishes. I really do. I just wish my heart respected mine..." Tripp said. Jesus signals for the group to stop. "Jesus got his eye on something..." Tripp said. Jesus climbs onto a rock and looks into the distance. "What you got for us, man?" Tripp asks. "Listen..." Jesus said. Walkers growl nearby. "Tell me that isn't what I think it is..." Javier said. "About a quarter mile out, headin' the same way we are..." Jesus said. "We could hit walkers any second. We better scoot." Tripp said. The group draws their weapons and continue moving.

The group reaches a herd of walkers. "Okay, look alive, people!" Tripp spoke up. "I got 'em..." Jesus said. Jesus throws his axe and into a walker's head. He grabs his weapon and kills a few more. A walker approaches Javi. Javi hits the walker with his bat, but it doesn't die; Jesus stomps on its head, killing it. Jesus runs off. Tripp kicks the walker down and stomps on its head. "What? Waiting on an invitation?" Tripp asks. Tripp runs off. More walkers encounter Javi. Javi kills a walker with his bat and smashes another one against a tree. "Batter up, fuckface!" Javier said. Javi kills the walker. "C'mon, man! Move your ass!" Tripp said. The rest of the group runs off. Javi starts to follow them, but notices a walker nearby. "You want a piece of this?" Javier asks. Javier kicks the walker to the ground. As he is about to smash its head in, another walker grabs him. He breaks free and hits it with his bat, but the first one tackles him, making him drop his weapon. Javi throws the walker off himself. He reaches for his weapon, but it has been taken by Clementine. She, Winona and Sequoia kill the walkers and Sequoia offers him the bat. "You should be more careful with this." Sequoia said. Javi takes the bat and Clementine helps him get up.

"We're even now." I said. Clem, Winona, Sequoia and Javi join the rest of the group. "I thought you were getting out of here." Javier said. "We were. The walkers are everywhere. We had to cover ourselves in walker guts to get away." Clementine said. "C'mon, we're heading to a factory nearby. Should be safe." Javier said. "I thought you were going to Richmond. New Frontier kick you out? Doesn't surprise me. Not one bit." Clementine said. "Not all of us. Kate and Gabe are still there. With David." Javier said.  "David? That guy's still around?" I ask. "This is gonna sound really weird, but he's my brother." Javier said. "What?! Wait, this place we're going, David sent you there?" Clementine asks. "It's supposed to be safe..." Javier said. "Clem, Winona, Sequoia." Tripp said. "You can't trust him, Javi. We learned that the hard way. They promised they'd help him. But they were gonna let him die. We never wanted to need people again. But Winona, Sequoia and I had nowhere else to go. The New Frontier gave us this and made us one of them. They promised they'd help him. That turned out to be a lie." Clementine said.


Third POV

Clementine sneaks through the New Frontier camp with AJ while Winona and Sequoia wait nearby. Some New Frontier soldiers are gathered around a campfire nearby. "We're gonna get you the medicine you need, AJ. I don't care what they say." Clementine said. Campfire Comments: "Alright, fine, once, once! You won, okay, you won. She won. So, Ava and I were in this unit together back in the army, and, uh, believe it or not, I know she doesn't look it, she's a fantastic wrestler. I'm just giving you shit, man, I'm just giving you shit. Of course she looks it, look at her. She's more muscular than I am. Anyway, this dude starts talking shit to her, and... well, I'll let you take this part. Oh, yeah, yeah, man. Yeah, no, no, go ahead, you should tell this part, this is your story. Oh, yeah, he was! Oh, and see? And that's how she won our unit wrestling champion. I mean, she's amazing, I wouldn't... I wouldn't fuck with her." David said. Clementine sneaks over to the infirmary, where Lingard is sleeping. She sets AJ down and he starts crying. Clementine hums to AJ. "Shh! Just like that, little guy." Clementine said.

AJ stops crying. Clem takes out a piece of paper that says "VANCOMYCIN". "(looks at syringe) I hope I don't have to use that." Clementine said. Clementine rummages through the first aid kit. "Rivar, oxaban. I don't think this is it. Dival, proex? Not that one." Clem said. Clementine examines a vial of vancomycin. "Here it is. It would have to be a shot." Clementine said. Clem takes the medicine and syringe. "Shit, hang in there, goofball. This is gonna get you better." Clementine said. Clementine fills the syringe. Lingard wakes up. "Clem..." Paul said. "Dr. Lingard? What's the matter with you?" Clementine asks. "I'm... I'm fine... Clem, please don't. The vancomycin... that's the last of it. It'll be wasted on AJ. I told you, it could save someone's life if used right. It's too valuable to throw away." Paul said.

"It's the only thing that can save him." Clem said. "Except it can't! I'm sorry, Clem... I tried everything. I really did." Paul said. "This will help him get better." Clementine said. "Nothing can help your boy now. Oh, Clem. Put the drugs back, before anyone finds out you took them. You know what they do to thieves here. There's still time..." Paul said. "I have to try. Come on, goofball. I need you to be brave for me now, okay? Shh. See? It's not so bad." Clementine said. Clementine injects AJ with the medicine and he cries. "AJ, shh!" Clementine said. "What the hell is this?" David asks. "She... I told her it was a bad idea." Paul said. "You fucking high again? Pull yourself together before the others see you! Deal with the damn kid! (to Clem) What the fuck were you thinking?! You were told those drugs couldn't help him! How could you be so stupid?! So selfish?!" David asks.

"Did you think I would just give up on him? AJ is everything to me, David! I'd do anything to keep him alive!" Clementine said. "Except there's nothing left to do! That waste? That'll cost someone's life down the road! Someone in this camp! Someone who contributes to our survival!" David said. "C'mon, David, she was just trying to help her kid." Ava said. "We helped enough! We should have left them out in the woods a week ago!" David said. "But look, it's helping." Clementine said. "It doesn't work that way, Clem. You bought him a peaceful moment, nothing more. I wish I could tell you it would save him. But that's the reality." Paul said. "I'm sorry... I thought there was a chance." Clementine said. "At least he's not suffering." Ava said. "You think that's worth the cost? We opened our arms to you, made you one of us! This is how you repay us?! By stealing?! By putting yourself before the group?! You're done here! You broke our rules, Clem! Violated our trust! There's no place for you in the New Frontier! You've made that pretty damn obvious!" David said.

(If Clem injected AJ.) "This was about his survival! So don't you dare judge me!" Clem said. "It's always about survival! We have a better chance of it with you gone!" David said. "Maybe we should give her another chance." Paul said. "Don't fight me on this, Paul. You know what Joan would say if she were here. I'm sorry, Clem. You brought this on yourself." David said. "Come on, AJ. We don't need this place anyway." Clementine said. Clementine tries to walk off with AJ in her arms, but the New Frontier blocks her way. "Uh-uh. He stays. Can't take him with you. That ship has sailed." David said.

"I'm not leaving without him." Clementine said. "AJ can't travel. All we can do now is make him comfortable." Paul said. "I'm not leaving without him!" Clementine said. "Let him go, Clem. He'll only drag you down out there. It's what's best for both of you." Ava said. "He's going to die, Clementine. We have to do what's right. You're on your own now." David said. David grabs Clem as Ava takes AJ from her and hands him to Paul. "No!" Clementine yelled. (AJ cries) "You monsters! What about this? (shows brand) What was it all for? Don't forget, I'm one of you along with Winona and Sequoia!" Clementine said. "Not anymore." David said. "Let her say goodbye. We owe her that much, at least." Ava said. "Fine. You heard her. Say what you need to say, then you go. Please don't make me regret this." David said. "I love you, goofball. (kisses AJ's cheek) I love you." Clementine said. "Come on, Clem. Let's go." David said. "Clem..." Aj said. David takes Clementine out of the camp.


Sequoia's POV

"I thought AJ would be the one... finally." Clementine said. "The one what?" Javier asks. "The one who didn't die." Clementine said. Javier gave Clem a hug. Clementine will remember that. "My little goofball... That's what I get for trusting other people. Again." Clementine said. The group continues moving.


Sequoia's POV

The group reaches their destination. It is swarmed with walkers. "This is what David circled on the map." Javier said. "Our smelly friends are back..." Tripp said. The group runs through the herd, attacking walkers. They reach the warehouse, and Javi and Winona closes the chain link fence before the walkers reach them. "If too many of them push against this, it might give. Gotta find a way in." Javier said.

Javi partially opens the garage door while the others hold off the walkers at the chain link fence. "Here they come." Jesus said. "I can... ah, fuck. I can raise it a little, but... something's wrong with it. Jammed or some shit." Javier said. "Maybe we can force it open." Clem and I said in union. "We're gonna have to." Javier spoke up. Javi ran to the door and rammed in to it. "Locked. Shit." Javier said. "Look for another way in. It's our only chance." Jesus said. "Whoa, man, this thing ain't as strong as we thought. Hurry it up." Tripp said.

"Well, there's a car...with no wheels." Javier said. A walker inside the car pounds on the window. "Shit! Goddamn it!" Javier said. Javi sees a carjack handle inside the car. He opens the door and kills the walker with his bat. He takes the handle and attaches it to the carjack. "Javi..." Winona spoke up. "Got it!" Javier said. Javier takes the carjack over to the garage door. Jesus kills a walker trying to climb the fence. "It's not holding!" Jesus said. "Get that door open!" Tripp said. Javi uses the carjack to open the door. "That's it, it won't go any higher! Everyone get in!" Javier yelled. Clementine and Sequoia slide under the door. The fence collapses; Jesus kills a few more walkers, then goes inside the warehouse. "Pardon me." Jesus said. "Javi, go!" Tripp yelled. Javier and Winona slide under the door.

"Come on, Tripp!" Javier yelled. Tripp joins the others. "Close the door!" Clementine said. "Hurry! Get that goddamn jack out of there!" Tripp said. Javi kicks the carjack away and the door closes. "Damn, man. That was too close." Tripp said. "Hopefully that door holds them." I spoke up. The group hears gunshots outside. "Hey! I'm here!" David said. "David!" Javier said. Javier runs over to the regular door. "Don't you dare let that fucking baby-killer in!" Clementine said. Clementine fires a shot near Javi. "Don't make me do this." Clementine said. "Clem..." Tripp said. "Don't do it, Javi." Winona said. "Hey! Open up!" David said. "He'll die." Javier spoke up. "He deserves worse!" Clementine said. "C'mon! Hurry up!" David said. "He has a son, Clem. Just like you did." Javier said. Jesus disarms Clementine. "The fuck?!" Clem asks. "Open it!" Jesus said. "He has a few answers to some questions." I spoke up. Javier opens the door and David runs inside.

"What the hell are you three doing here?" David asks. "Ask your brother." Clementine said. "She's trouble. Trust me." David said. "They're with me. I owe her, Winona and Sequoia my live." Javier said. Clementine, Winona and Sequoia will remember that. "They told us some pretty rancid stuff about you, man." Tripp said. "What did they say?" David asks. "That you left them to die." Javier spoke up. "No. We kicked them out." David said. "Two little girls and a young woman all alone out there? Do you think that Mariana could have survived that?" Javier asks. "We had rules. Clem, Winona and Sequoia broke them. I would've done the same to anybody. She knew what would happen. Don't feel sorry for them." David said.

"Everybody fucks up, man. What about forgiveness?" Javier asks. "We couldn't afford forgiveness. I didn't say it was an easy decision." David said. "Did he suffer? Please. I have to know." Clementine said. "No. I wouldn't have let him. But I didn't have to worry about that. He lived, Clem. He lived." David said. "But how? He was dying. Clem said so." Javier said. "AJ bounced back. He was stronger than we thought. It was... a miracle." David said. "You're lying." Winona said.

"I know it sounds like I'm trying to save my own skin." David said. "Clementine, Winona, Sequoia, please. I'm telling the truth." David said. "Where? Where is AJ now?" Clementine asks. "I don't know for sure." David said. "But he's in Richmond?" Javier asks. "Doctor Lingard took care of the boy. He'll know how to find him." David said. "Then I'm going back." Clementine said. "I'm going with you." I spoke up. "So am I Clem." Winona said. "None of us are going anywhere until the walkers clear." David said. Clementine walks away. "What's your plan, David?" Javier asks. "We used to store a vehicle up this way. Provisions. I came to get you set up." David said. "And?" Javier asks. "And say goodbye. I don't want you to worry about Kate and Gabe. I'll take care of my family from now on. They'll be safe with me." David said.

"Wait, this is a send-off? You're... you're just seeing me on my merry way?" Javier asks. "You think I want this?" David asks. "Well, you're not doing much to stop it!" Javier said. "I don't see another way!" David said. Walkers break open the door. "Shit!" Tripp said. "Board it up!" Jesus spoke up. Jesus drop-kicks the walkers back outside. He and Tripp hold the door closed. "We need something to buffer! Something heavy!" Tripp said. "There! Help me!" Javier said. Javi and David move a shipping container to block the door. "Wait a half-second, where'd you find this?" Tripp asks. "Over there." Javier said. "Show me." Tripp said. Javi turns on his flashlight and shines it on the containers, which say "PROPERTY OF PRESCOTT AIRFIELD". "What the hell is all this?" David asks. Jesus picks up one of two radios. "These could come in handy... Don't want to just take them, but..." Jesus said. "I might be going crazy, but... I think these came from Prescott. (notices arcade game) That's Phantom Punch!" Tripp said. "I don't understand how all this got here." David said. "Like you don't know." Tripp said. "Hey, none of this stuff was here before. I don't have a damn thing to do with it! We've only ever kept a few basic supplies here, for scouts. For emergencies." David said.

"Your people looted this stuff from Prescott, David." Rani said. "Come on, we can't know that." David said. "Who else knew about this place?" Jesus asks. "Your outfit is the only one that gutted my town." Tripp said. "This is bigger than just Prescott. There's spoils from other towns here, too. Towns I heard got raided a while back... There's stuff here from the Kingdom." Jesus said. "Look how many there are already. Goddamn herd's nearly on us. Hurry the fuck up!" Badger said. "You hurry up!" Lonnie said. "Wouldn't be in this mess if you hadn't gone all trigger-happy on David's family." Max said. "Take cover!" David said. Everyone hides. Javi hides with the others.

"Fuck 'em. I'd do that little bitch again, just to see her head pop." Badger said. "You sure as hell are stupid, ain't you?" Max asks. "You only just realizin' that now?" Lonnie asks. "I told you. Joan is on the warpath. Last thing we need is people get wind of all this stuff." Max said. "Look at all this shit. We're frickin' rollin' in it." Badger said. "I'll give you that." Max said. "Just glad we found some more smokes. That shit is the new gold." Lonnie said. The group sneaks up on Max, Lonnie, and Badger.

"Shame you can't take it with you!" David spoke up. David punches Badger, and he falls to the floor, dropping his gun. "David?!" Max asks. "I thought better of you, Max. I really did." David said. "David. Come on, man! We're a unit. There's no need for--" Max said. Max draws his gun at fires at the group, and they dive to avoid being shot. David fires at Max and Lonnie as they run away; Tripp takes cover. "Stop him!" David said. "He's getting away!" Jesus said. Jesus and Clementine chase after Lonnie. Badger gets up and runs away. "Go! Get Badger!" David said. Javi runs after Badger with Winona. He tries to barricade Javi and Winona's path, but he slides under the shelf just before it falls. Javi and Winona chase Badger upstairs and breaks open the door to find him loading a shotgun. Javier grabs the gun and slams Badger against the wall, but he headbutts Javi. Badger points the gun at Javi and fires, but misses. Javi smashes his hand into the window and repeatedly elbows him in the face. Badger charges him, tackles him to the ground, and chokes him. Javi grabs a nearby coffee mug and hits Badger in the face. Badger tries to grab a wrench attached to a pipe, but Javi smashes his face into it. Badger hits him in the face with the wrench and smashes him partway through the window. "Javi!" Winona and Tripp yelled.

Badger pulls Javi back into the room. "Ever since the junkyard, you've been nothing but a fly in my ointment." Badger said. Javier, disoriented, reaches for his bat, but Badger picks it up. "If I'd have known you were David's brother..." Badger said. Badger kicks Javi in the face. "I'd have shoved that gas can down your throat and lit you up like a candle! But this will do." Badger said. Javi moves out of the way just before Badger swings the bat. He kicks Badger in the knee, grabs the shotgun, and shoots him in the stomach. Badger drops the bat and collapses against a file cabinet. "Fuckin' Garcías! You... you... you took my goddamn guts out! I'm... I'm... Fuck... Oh, you messed me up good." Badger said.

"This is for Mariana. She was a sweet little girl, just minding her own business." Javier said. "Not anymore. Fuck her... and fuck you, too." Badger said. Javier picks up the bat. Tripp and Chatan enter the room. "Get it over with." I said as Esperanza walked over to me. "Come on... What are you waiting for?" Badger asks. "We've got to move. No point drawing it out." Tripp said. Javi hits Badger with the bat. Tripp will remember that. Javi hits Badger until he dies. "That's enough, man. He's gone." Tripp said.

The group hears a gunshot. They run out of the room to find David fighting Max. David disarms him and he falls to the floor. "He's all yours." David said. "Stop! Please!" Max pleaded. "Raiding?! Looting?! You betrayed who we are! You betrayed Richmond!" David said. "C'mon, David! This is Richmond!" Max said. "What's that supposed to mean? (draws pistol) What's that supposed to mean?!" David asks. "I ain't got nothing to say!" Max said. "There's no use holding out, Max. The best you can do is make things right." Rani said. "We weren't doing it without support inside Richmond. Joan was in on it! We did it on her orders! She... she said we needed it to survive! I wanted to let you in, but she told me you'd never go for it! I'm... I'm sorry." David said. "It is too late for sorry, you backstabbing shitbag!" David said. "Please, don't kill me! I'll help you! I'll tell everyone in Richmond about this! I'll help you get back inside! Expose her to the others!" Max said.

"Maybe he'll be useful." Javier said. David will remember that. "Thank you! Thank you!" Max said. David hits Max with his gun, knocking him out. "I needed that." David said. The group leaves the warehouse as it is swarmed by walkers. They reunite with Jesus and Clementine. "Where's Lonnie?" David asks. "He gave us the slip. High-tailed it back towards Richmond." Jesus said. "Son of a bitch. If he warns Joan..." David said. "Wasn't there one more? (looks at Javi's bat) Oh..." Clementine said. "What? It's good riddance...that son of a bitch killed Mariana." David said. "Did that make you feel better?" Jesus asks. "I wouldn't shed any tears if I were you." David said. "Maybe I'm shedding them for your brother." Jesus said.

"I thought it would at the time. Now--now I'm not so sure." Javier said. "Hold on to that doubt. It means you're still human." Rani said. "Javi's earned my trust. And if any of you had any brains, you'd say the same. I'm sure you did the right thing." Clementine said. "Sometimes there's just no other way to make things right." I spoke up walking over and stood next Clementine. "A friend of ours took a crowbar to someone once." Essie said walking over and stood by Clementine. "My people need to know about what we found here." Jesus said. "What about your missing friends?" Javier asks. "I'm not holding out much hope. Don't have time to keep looking. They'd want me to get home and warn them. So that's what I'm gonna do. Sooner the better." Jesus said.

"You sure you won't stay? We need your help." I spoke up. Jesus will remember that. "So do others. I won't forget about you. You have my word." Jesus said. "It's a shitstorm out there, man. I don't see how you're gonna make it." Tripp said. "One step at a time." Jesus said. Jesus walks away. "We need to get back to Richmond fast. I have loved ones in there..." David said. "We both do." Javier said. "We all do." Clementine said. "I gotta break Eleanor out of there. Once she's safe, I... I'm gonna tell her how I feel. Hey, if the mess never washes out, might as well get neck deep." Tripp said.

"We're gonna need allies in Richmond. Lingard and Clint, they're out best bet. If I can get to them before Joan does, maybe we have a chance. I know I was ready to say goodbye before, but I can't do this without you. Can I count on you? I won't be able to pull this off myself." David said. "I'll back you up, but I'm doing this for Kate, not you. Javier said. "Fine. As long as we get it done. If Lonnie raises the alarm, they'll be waiting for us at the gates. There's a way in round back that'll get us around any sentries. We can take Badger's truck." David said. "I doubt he'll mind." I spoke up. "C'mon, we gotta get on the move." David said. David gets in the front seat and starts the truck. "The herd is closing in." David said. Everyone gets in the back of the truck and David drives away.


Third POV

The group climbs out of a sewer in Richmond. "I'm thinking this'll go a lot better if we split up. A group this big can't exactly sneak around. Particularly if they're expecting us..." David said. "Eleanor's in there somewhere. I'm going after her." Tripp said. "Lingard brought her to the clinic. That's your best bet. Javi. That's where you'll go to get Kate and Gabe. Then bring them to my house. It's the one with the raven on the hitching post. We'll all meet up there... after I pay a little visit to Joan... Stay out of sight. They'll be keeping an eye out for us." David said. "As soon as I can get Kate and Gabe, we'll see you back at the house." Javier said. "Roger that." David said.

David and determinantly Max leave. "I'll scout ahead." Tripp said. Tripp leaves. "What about you, Clem?" Javier asks. "I'm pretty sure Winona, Sequoia and I've still got some friends in the New Frontier. If they know where AJ's being held, they'll tell me. As soon as Winona, Sequoia and I find him, I'm taking that truck and getting the hell out of here." Clementine said. "Well, you are owed a vehicle." Javier said. "Keep an eye on David. He may be playing nice, but I'd still watch your back." Clementine said. "I'm with you, Clem. He rubs me the wrong way. As soon as I get Kate and Gabe, I'm going to figure out what's best for us." Javier said. Clementine, Winona and Sequoia will remember that. "Well, I hope it involves getting far away from here." Clementine said.

"But you're no dummy. Your instincts have been right most of the time. I know you'll make the right call. See you when we see you." Winona said. Clementine leaves, and Tripp returns. "David said to hang a right up at that corner. Seems clear so far." Tripp said. "Let's move." Javier spoke up. Javi and Tripp sneak along the street. Javi joins Tripp in hiding behind a car. "You know Javi García? Used to play shortstop for Baltimore." Frontier Soldier 1 said. "That Javier García? That's who we're looking for?" Frontier Soldier 2 asks. "Yeah. That Javier García. Anyway, sounds like some paranoid horseshit. Guy's a fucking ball player. Not like he's gonna go ninja his way back in here and stir up trouble." Frontier Soldier 1 said. "He was a pretty good ball player, though." Frontier Soldier 2 said. "Eh, he's alright." Frontier Soldier 1 said. "There's the medical center. We go in, we get Elle, we get Kate and Gabe, we get out." Tripp said. "Not that easy, man. We've seen them AKs before, and they ain't afraid to use 'em." Javier spoke up. "What about our friends there? Doesn't exactly look like a welcoming committee." Javier said. "Alright. Let's hang out here for a while. Smoke break." Frontier Soldier 1 said. "Damn it. We need a distraction." Tripp said. Tripp picks up a rock and hands it to Javi. "How's your throwing arm?" Tripp asks. Javi throws a rock through a window. "What the hell was that?" Frontier Soldier 2 asks. "Let's check it out." Frontier Soldier 1 said. "You go first." Frontier Soldier 2 said. "Still got it." Tripp spoke up. The group runs away while the guards are distracted.


Third POV

"Find Elle. Tell her we have to move Kate." Essie said. "You got it. I'll meet you here." Tripp said. Tripp leaves. Javi enters the hospital room where Kate and Gabe are. "Javi! (hugs Javi) We thought you were... I was... super worried. Like, a lot." Gabe said. "Hey, buddy, I'm fine. I'm just fine." Javier said. "They said you guys were denied entry." Kate said. "It's true, we're on borrowed time. The people who run this place, they're ruthless. We have to move." Javier said. "Where's my dad? Is he coming? Javi? Where is he?" Gabe asks. "Don't worry, buddy. We're gonna go meet up with him." Javier said. "Excuse me?" Kate asks. "David has a house in town. He thinks we'll be okay there." Javier said. "Then let's go." Gabe said.

"Wait, Javi. While you were gone, this woman, Joan, came by. I felt like she was sizing me up. It was creepy. She implied David was in trouble, like he was no longer in charge. She kept saying Gabe and I didn't need to worry, but... it only made me worry more. I got a bad feeling from her." Kate said. "Joan's been running this place behind David's back. She's pulling the strings." Javier said. "What do you mean?" Kate asks. "The people who shot you answer to her. She ordered raids on other settlements. We found all this stuff from Prescott." Javier said. "She was behind Prescott?!" Kate asks. "David's rounding up allies to confront her right now." Javier said.

"Javi, I know you know this already: this is not our fight. We already lost Mari because of these people. Now the whole place is about to become a war zone." Kate said. "What? What do you mean?" Gabe asks. "The only thing I care about is keeping you safe." Javier said. They will remember that. "Then you know we can't get involved!" Kate said. Eleanor and Tripp enter the room. "What's going on? Tripp said we had to move to David's house." Eleanor said. "We're not doing that. We're getting the fuck out of Richmond before it's too late." Kate said. "Getting out? You shouldn't even be sitting up." Eleanor said. "What? What about my dad? We can't just leave him!" Gabe said. "Gabe, we don't even know who he is anymore. We have to get away before he gets us all killed!" Kate said. "But he won't know where we are! Again!" Gabe said. "I can't go back to how things were before. I'm sorry. I just can't." Kate said.

"I'm sorry, Gabe. But we have to get out of here." Javier said. "If we're leaving, I've gotta get some things for the road. All my stuff is stashed in the room they gave me." Eleanor said. "I'll come with you. We'll catch up with you guys." Tripp said. "Sounds good." Javier said. Javi helps Kate walk. "Gabe, come help." Javier said. Gabe helps support Kate. "I got it." Kate said. Both of them let go of her. "C'mon, buddy." Javier said. "I'm not going, Javi." Gabe said. "What?" Kate asks. "I'm gonna find my dad. I have to. I'm sorry." Gabe said.

"Gabe, please don't do this." Javier said. "I'm sorry. I love you, Uncle Javi, but this is something I have to do." Gabe said. "Gabe, no!" Kate said. "Kate..." Javier said. "No! Please, Gabe. Please. I never thought I could be a mom... I never thought I wanted to be a mom, until I met you and your sister. I'm begging you. Don't do this." Kate said. "It's my dad, Kate. I can't lose him again." Gabe said. "And I can't lose you." Kate said. "Kate, we need to go. Now." Javier said. "Look at me, Gabe. Please." Kate said. Gabe turns his back. Kate tries to walk, but falls down. Javi tries to help her, but she motions him away. "Don't." Kate said.


Third POV

Javi and Kate walk through the streets of Richmond. "It's his father, Kate. It's... what he wants. And this is what you want. What we want." Javier said. "We got so close in the last few years, I... I thought Gabe would want to stay with us. I really saw him as my kid. I guess he didn't feel the same way." Kate said. "You can't take it personally. Gabe just misses his dad." Javier said. Kate will remember that. "I get that... It's just hard to say goodbye." Kate said. Javi puts his hand on Kate's shoulder. Some New Frontier soldiers point guns at them. "I'd hold it there, folks. And I'd consider explaining yourselves. I'd talk fast. Fast and clear." A frontier soldier said. "Easy now, no need for violence." Javier said.

"That's him, right? The brother? Thought so. Bring 'em in." A frontier soldier said. As one of the soldiers approaches, Javi wrestles with his gun. "Kate, run!" Javier said. Kate runs away. The other soldier elbows Javi in the face, and he falls to the ground.


Third POV

New Frontier soldiers bring Javi to the church. Javi and Ava enter the church. Joan, Lingard, Clint, David, and determinantly Max are already there. "I don't like your tone, David. If this is about your brother..." Joan said. "Don't pretend like you don't know what this is about. You've got a lot to answer for." David said. "Me? You must be joking." Joan said. "What's this?" David asks. "They were trying to leave. Him and his lady friend." The frontier soldier said. "Leave? I asked you to get Kate and Gabe safe! Not tuck your tail and run! Were you really gonna desert me when I needed you most?" David asks.

"I'm sorry, David. We... thought it was for the best." Javier said. "Great. Good to know you've got my back. Where are they now?!" David asks. "Girl got away. No sign of the kid." The Frontier Soldier said. "We'll deal with this later!" David said. "You smuggled your brother into Richmond? Despite what we agreed? Clearly, you have no respect for any of us. This is serious, David. You know we can't let this go." Joan said. "You don't deserve respect! Not after the things you've done." Javier said. "What things? What's this all about?" Clint asks. "She's been ordering raids on peaceful communities. Sending your men to murder and loot." Javier said. "Raiding? Joan, is this true?" Paul asks. "Ha! He's pointing the finger at everyone! First Badger, now me." Joan said.

"That's a serious charge. You come in swinging, you better have proof." Clint said. "Here's our proof." David said. David pushes Max in front of the group. "This lowlife was part of the raids." David said. "I..." Max said. "Well, Max... What do you have to say?" Joan asks. "Don't be afraid of her, Max. We've got your back." Javier said. "Me, Badger, and... and Lonnie, we ran the ops. Off Joan's orders!" Max said. "Goddamn it, Max." Lonnie said. "I'm washin' my hands of this, man!" Max said. "Joan... How could you?" Clint asks. Joan pours herself a drink and takes a sip. "The real question is, how could I not? What would happen to us without your fertilizer, Clint? Or your pills, Paul? Do you think our community would survive? I did what I had to, to ensure that we would. It wasn't easy... But someone had to do it." Joan asks.

"So you survived, but at what cost? Do you even know how much suffering you've caused?" Javier asks. "I've no doubt it's less than I've prevented. All of you remember the winter... how much we lost. Friends. Lovers. Children. I made a promise, I would never let that happen again. The raids were just to keep up us going, 'til Richmond reached sustainability. We're so close. So close to our dream. Do we really want to risk it all by fighting amongst ourselves? We should all be on the same side of this, David. On Richmond's side. Surely you can see that?" Joan asks. "Prospering off the suffering of other people? That's no way to live. No way at all." Javier said. David will remember that. "You're damn right about that. We lost Mariana to those raids. How many others lost their kids, too?" David asks.

"I'm sorry, David. It breaks my heart about your child. It''s something I'm going to have to live with. Take them!" Joan said. "What the hell?" David asks. "Put them in a cell until I can figure out what to do with them." Joan said. "Don't you fucking touch me! That's an order!" David yelled. "They don't take orders from you anymore, David. You're done here." Clint said. If Javi sided with Kate, an unnamed Frontier soldier leaves. "You put yourself before the group." Clint said. "We can leave. Please, just let us." Javier said. "Paul, come on!" David said. "I'm sorry. My hands are tied." Paul said. This is not over, Joan. I have friends here. Allies." David said. The Frontier soldiers kick Javi and David in the back of the knees, making them kneel. Javi is hit in the head with a gun and knocked unconscious.

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