The Walking Dead Season 3: A...

By Sundance364

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When family is all you have far will you go to protect it? After society was ripped apart by undea... More

Character Descriptions
Season 3 Episode 2: Ties That Bind Part 2
Season 3 Episode 3: Above The Law
Season 3 Episode 4: Thicker Than Water
Season 3 Episode 5: From The Gallows

Season 3 Episode 1: Ties That Bind Part 1

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By Sundance364

(A/U: The outfit on top is Winona's outfit and the outfit on the bottom is Sequoia's)


In The Walking Dead Season 1, Clementine and Winona met Lee after Clem lost her family and home. He and Winona protected Clem and taught her the importance of... survival. Even a child should be able to defend herself from danger. Clem, Winona and Lee traveled to Savannah, where Lee sacrificed himself to save her. As he lay dying, Lee begged Clem to... Shoot him. Although Lee was all Clem had left in the world, she summoned her resolve and ended his suffering. After Lee's death, Clem with Winona and her (Winona's) daughter Sequoia found more survivors. People who helped her, such as... Kenny never gave up. His endless determination helped keep Clementine alive. Clementine remembered the joy she felt when she, Winona and baby Sequoia were reunited with Kenny. He showed her that survival depended on... honesty. Even when it didn't help him, Kenny was honest. He always let you know where he stood.

Kenny and Clem went north. Somewhere cold enough to slow down the walkers. At Wellington, the community would not allow Kenny and Winona in. Clem decided to... Leave with Kenny and Winona. Clem refused to enter without Kenny and Winona. They had been through far too much together. Clem learned the hard way that survival depended on... resources. Food, water, ammo: without them, survival is impossible. It never got any easier. Clem remembers how she stopped AJ's dead mother from biting him during an ambush, but drawing her gun risked angering their attackers. Clem chose to... Shoot Rebecca. There's no time to do anything else when a baby's life is at stake. When a man who had once threatened Clem's life was dying of thirst. He begged Clem for a drink of water. Clem... Showed Mercy. There is always room for small mercies. Besides, a living man has a lot more information than a dead one.


A phone is heard ringing. "(over phone) Hey." Javier said. "(over phone) It's time. Get over here." David said. "(over phone) Alright. I'll, uh... I'm gonna start packing up." Javier said. "(over phone) Now, Javi. You need to hurry. Look, I'm not giving you shit, okay? I'm just... You weren't here when Dad was sick, okay, I get it, but... you need to fuckin' be here when he goes." David said. "(over phone) I know, alright? I'm just... I'm on my way." Javier said. Javier runs through a neighborhood. He reaches a house. David sits on the front steps, drinking beer. "David! David, hey. Hey, David, man. I had to leave my car... Traffic's just... it's backed up for miles." Javier said. "He's dead." David said. In the window, Hector can be seen hugging a crying Mrs. García. "No... no, no... I... I tried..." Javier said. "You're a piece of shit, you know that?" David asks. David shoves Javi's shoulder. "One time... Just the one goddamn time that you needed to be here." David said.

"I tried, please... I tried..." Javier said. "You tried? You fucking tried?" David asks. "Everyone's here! They've been here for days, and where the fuck were you?!" David said. Javi tries to sit up, but David pushes him back down and holds him by his shoulders. "We're there... all around him. People who love him all around him... and he's scared. I'm seeing the panic in his eyes and he's searching the room. "¿Dónde está Javier? ¿Dónde está mi hijo?" I'm there right beside him holding his hand... like a good son. And he doesn't even see me! He doesn't even see me because he's looking for you! You don't think there's a million places we'd rather be? You don't think we all had to make sacrifices?" David asks.

"I'm sorry, okay? David, Jesus... I..." Javier said. "Sorry isn't bringing him back, you selfish fuck!" David said. David prepares to punch Javi, but stops when Gabe walks outside. "Uncle Javi? Why are you fighting? I could hear you from inside. What's going on?" Gabe asks. "Don't worry, Gabe. We're just horsing around. Just a joke between brothers, you know?" Javier said. "Yeah. Your uncle doesn't know how to take anything seriously." David said. Gabe will remember that. "Go inside, mijo. We'll be in in a minute." David said. "Go on. It's okay." Javier said. "Inside." David said. Gabe walks back inside. David offers his hand to Javier. "Come on." David said.

Javier takes David's hand, and he helps Javi get up. "I should call someone... pick up the body." David said. David sits down and tosses a beer can to Javi. He holds it against his bruised face. "Yeah..." Javier said. Javi sits down next to David. "I love you, little brother... You know that, right? With everything going on..." David said. "I know." Javier said. David will remember that. "You think I was jealous of you..." David said. "No, I don't think anything." Javier said. "Well, I was... for a long time. You've lost more than I'll ever have. But maybe something good can come out of all this... 'cause we need you here. It's time to grow up. You can't run from this, not anymore." David said. "I know, you're right. I won't even argue. I'll be around more, honestly. You can count on it." Javier said. "Count on it, huh? I want to believe that. I do." David said.

Kate opens the door. "Javi." Kate said. "Kate." Javier said. "I'm so sorry, Javi. I'm so sorry. (hugs Javier)" Kate said. "Thank you..." Javier said. Kate and Javi enter the house. David continues drinking beer outside. Javier kneels in front of his mother, who is sitting on the couch. "Mama..." Javier said. Mrs. García slaps him. "Where were you?!" Mrs. García asks. "I tried. I tried. I'm so sorry." Javier said. "He's gone, mijo. He's gone." Mrs. García said. Mrs. García sobs and hugs Javi. "He's in a better place, mama." Javier spoke up. Some time later, Mariana walks out of one of the rooms, holding a cup.

"Not long. Uncle Hector's taking care of it." Kate said. "What're the plans for the funeral?" Javier asks. "David made arrangements with your father before he passed." Kate said. "No bueno conectarme. Dice que no hay servicio." Hector said. Hector hangs up the phone. Mariana starts to carry the cup back to the room. "You thirsty, baby? You want some juice?" Hector asks. "Grandpa's cup was empty." Mariana said. "You don't have to fill his cup up anymore, baby. Grandpa's sleeping." Mrs. García said. "No, Yaya. Pipo's awake." Mariana said. Mariana opens the door to Salvador's room. Everyone enters. Hector slowly approaches his zombified brother. "Rafa? ¿Cómo es esto posible?" Hector asks.Hector touches the walker's arm. Salvador attacks him. "Pull him off! Pull him off!" Hector said. "Papa, stop!" Javier said. David and Javier grab Salvador and pull him backward. They try to restrain him. "¡Papá! ¡Papá, Calmarte" ¡Soy yo, David! ¡Estás en tu casa! ¡Calmarte!" David said. "¿Qué estás haciendo?" Mrs Garcia asks. "Él está loco! Él atacó a Héctor!" David said. "Solamente está confundido." Mrs Garcia said. "Mama..." Javier said. Mrs. García puts her hand on Salvador's face. He bites her cheek, and she falls into the rocking chair. Kate and Javi rush over to her while David restrains Salvador. "Oh, my God! Oh, my God! Oh, it's okay, it's okay." Kate said. "Mama, you're gonna be okay. You'll be okay, Mama." Javier said. Salvador breaks free of David's grasp.

"Javi, help him!" Kate yelled. "David!" Javier said. Javi breaks off one of the bedposts. "I'm sorry, Papa!" Javier said. Javi hits Salvador with the post, killing him. "We need to go. We need to get her to the hospital." Kate said. "Let me look at it, let me look at it." Javier said. "Gabriel, where's your sister?" David asks. Javi and Kate help Mrs. García walk outside; Kate holds a rag to her wound.

"Keys! Where the fuck are the keys!" David asks. "Take Dad's car. Keys are on the dash!" Javier said. Mrs. García and David get into the car. "Mama..." Javier said. "Get the kids. Meet at the hospital." David said. "Don't take the highway! It's blocked!" Javier said. They drive away. "I'll bring the van around." Kate said. "Where's Mari?" Javier asks. "I... I don't know." Gabe said. "¿Mija? ¿Dónde estás?" Hector asks. "Mariana! Mariana, we have to go! Yaya's hurt!" Javier said. Javier finds Mari sitting under the table. "Come on, honey, we have to go!" Javier said. "No, no, no!" Mariana said. Javier carries Mariana. "No! No! No!" Mariana said. "It's okay, baby. It's okay." Hector said. Everyone gets in the car. "County General Hospital! I know the way!" Javier said. Kate drives away. Hector reveals a bite on his arm and covers it with his sleeve.


Present Day

Kate and Javi stand on a hill in front of the van. Javi looks through binoculars at a herd of walkers in the distance. "Tell me when it reaches the campfire." Kate said. "I think we should probably get going." Javier said. "We will, I just need to know how fast they're moving." Kate spoke up. "Man...I don't think I've seen this many. It's definitely growing." Javier said. "Yeah, not a great sign." Kate said. "And why does that matter again? Assuming you told me before and I wasn't listening." Javier said.

"I've worked out how to track how fast they're moving. To know how far ahead of them we are." Javier said. "You heard me, right?" Kate asks. The walkers reach the campfire. One of them kicks a water bottle. "Damn it, I left my water bottle. Herd just got there." Javier said. "(checks watch) Just under 4 hours. Come on. We should keep moving while the kids are asleep." Kate said. "Yeah." Javier said. They get into the van and drive away. "Looks like the herd is speeding up a little. I thought it was drifting southwest, but I'm not sure anymore. Every time I think we should just bed down somewhere and wait for it to pass, I can't shake the thought of us getting caught in the middle of it. It just keeps coming... It's slow, but that almost makes it worse. Makes it feel like we're in control." Kate said.

"It'd definitely be nice to stop. We've been on the move a while now." Javier spoke up. Kate will remember that. "I don't know. It feels risky." Kate said. "Not if we find somewhere secure." Javier said. Kate looks at a sketch in a small notepad, then closes it. "We'll figure it out..." Kate said. "We always do." Javier said. "Hey. I'm gonna sneak a smoke. (rolls down window)" Kate said. "I can't believe you found weed." I spoke up. "Are you kidding? People were probably growing this before they realized they needed food." Kate said. Kate takes a joint out of a small tin in the glovebox.

"Alright, just... you know, make it quick. I don't want you waking the kids." Javier said. "Relax. Mariana's got headphones on and Gabe is drooling. I think we're in the clear." Kate said. Kate finishes rolling the joint and lights it. She takes a puff, then offers it to Javi. "You want some?" Kate asks. "Yeah, okay, sure." Javier said. Javi accepted Kate's offer. Javier smokes the joint and coughs. "We are setting an awesome example." Javier said.

"(coughs) Don't judge me. When I found out David had kids, I told him I am not changing who I am around them. And when he proposed, I reminded him that I'm not exactly stepmother material. Case in point. He was reassuring, but, yeah, I could tell he was worried about it. I knew he'd try to get me to change. Or at least he'd hoped that being around the kids more would change me, you know? I suppose it did..." Kate said. "If it helps, I think you're doing a fine job." Javier said. "Yeah, it'd really help your case if you weren't waving a joint around while you said that." Javier spoke up. "What? How is this not a ringing endorsement?" Javier asks.

"I used to talk shit about all those mothers who'd go on about raising their kids being the hardest thing in the world. Gabe's making me start to think they had a point. His mood swings are just... I don't know... some days I just wanna leave him by the side of the road. I'm joking. Jesus. Obviously." Kate said. "You really shouldn't say things like that." Javier said. "I said it was a joke." Kate said. "It's half a joke." Javier said. "It's all joke." Kate said. "He's a teenager. Puberty. Hormones. The second you start getting boners, the whole world starts to get dark." Javier said. "What are you talking about? Sounds delightful compared to dealing with bloody underwear. Christ, I need to get laid. (chuckles) I realize that was an awkward transition. Sorry about that." Kate said. "I can pull over. Wouldn't take a minute." Javier said. Kate will remember that. "Wouldn't be worth it for just a minute." Kate said. "Hah." Javier said.

Mariana wakes up. "Mm. Ugh. What's that smell? That's gross." Mariana said. "(If Javi accepted Kate's offer.) We're, uh, we're smoking weed, Mariana." Javier spoke up. "I already know you guys do drugs." Mariana said. "That's a... pretty severe way of phrasing it, Mariana. Don't tell Gabe." Kate said. "He's the one who told me." Mariana said. Gabe wakes up. "Oh, my God... You're even smoking in the car now?" Gabe asks. "Alright, everyone roll the windows down before we all get contact high." Chatan said. They reach a sign for the C&C Auto Stop. "We're about to make a supply stop." Javier said.


They stop at the junkyard. Javi gets out of the van. He uses a flashlight to examine the area while Kate parks the van. Gabe and Kate get out, and Javi grabs a weapon. Mariana clasps her hands together in prayer. "You praying for our safety, Mari?" Javier asks. "I'm praying I find a candy bar." Mari said. "(laughs) Alright, what do we actually need?" Kate asks. "Uh... A candy bar." Mariana said. "Need, Mariana. Not want." Kate said. "I really need a candy bar." Mariana said.

"Pretty much everything. If it looks useful, let's use it." Javier spoke up. "Alright, well... let's start with some gas and move up from there." Kate said. A walker approaches. A crowbar is lodged into its jaw. Javi takes the crowbar out of its face whacks its head off. Gabe starts to walk ahead of the others. "Hey, where you going?" Javier asks. Gabe gives a slight glare and walks away. "Okay, that's cool. Have fun. Jesus. It never ends with him..." Kate said. Kate walks away. "I hate when they fight like that. I really hate it. It's like... all Gabe wants to do is argue. Doesn't matter what it's about." Mariana said.

"Hey, I know, that's what families do. They fight, they make up... then they fight all over again." Javier spoke up. "I guess it doesn't bother you..." Mariana said. Mariana will remember that. "At least you have your headphones." Javier said. "Yeah, but... the batteries have been dead for a couple of weeks. I mostly wear them to fool you guys. It's easier to stay out of it that way." Mariana said. Kate walks up to them. "Be nice to find some dinner." Kate said. "In a junkyard?" Javier asks. "You never know. These past four years, people have been hoarding all kinds of stuff in all kinds of places." Kate spoke up. Kate hands a gas canister to Javier. Mariana turns to leave. "Oh, and Mari, if there's any trouble, you find one of these cars..." Javier said. "Yeah?" Mariana asks. "Lock yourself in and don't come out, not even once it's quiet. Wait as long as you can." Javier said. "Okay." Mariana said. "Good girl." Javier said. Kate and Mari walk away. Talk to Mariana: "Hey, any luck, kiddo?" Javier asks. "I need a pen. Or a pencil. Just something to write with." Mariana said.

"A pen? Why are you looking for that?" Javier asks. "There's just something I really want... I really need to do. And I need a pen for it. Last night I was thinking about this stupid story my mom used to tell me all the time before bed. I used to hate it. But then I realized... I don't remember the ending. It was this goofy ending she thought was so funny and I thought was so dumb. I want to write down everything I can remember about everything. 'Cause if I forget, and they're all gone, I'm kind of gone, too. At least, a little bit. I just... think that might be kind of important. Maybe..." Mariana said. "That's a great idea, Mariana." Javier spoke up. Mariana will remember that.

"Once this care made someone very happy. Now it sits here...rotting away. Así es la vida." Javier said. As Javi siphons gas, a walker crawls out from underneath the car, and he kills it. He finishes siphoning the car. "Not much, but every bit helps." Javier spoke up. Looks at waste tank. "Waste oil. No use to us." Javier spoke up. "(Look at bus) Most of the dashboard is torn out. Seats are gone. This thing's dead." Javier said. "(look at Mattress) That's gross. (pokes mattress) Okay. Now I'm sorry I did that." Javier said.

Talk To Kate: "You find anything?" Javier asks. "I can't stop thinking about that herd. We get caught in it and that's it. Peace, asshole. Can't charm your way out of that one. We'd be gone in seconds." Kate said. "Hey, don't think about that. We're careful, we're smart. We'll stay ahead of them." Javier spoke up. "Luck runs out just as easily as gas..." Kate said. "There's gonna be a last one, you know? A last tank of gas. Last piece of food. What if this place is empty? And the next? And the next?" Kate asks. "We're not gonna let that happen. Okay?" Javier said. "Okay. I let it have its five minutes. I'm good." Kate said. Javier walked to a truck. "Come to papa..." Javier said. Javi siphons gas from the car. "Barely anything. I'll need to find more." Javier said.

Talk to Gabe: "What's going on in there, buddy?" Javier asks. "I'm in a bad mood, okay? I want it to go away, but it won't. I just wish we weren't always on the road. I like being with other people. It's just -- we're in that car for so damn long. The AC hasn't worked in ages, and then it ate my last damn tape." Gabe said. "We still got each other. That's better than nothing, right?" Javier asks. "I don't know, maybe just leave me alone." Gabe said. "Okay. But if you wanna talk later, I'm around." Javier said. Javi siphons gas from the truck. "Bingo." Javier said.

Javi notices a ladder. "Looks like there's more to see up here." Javier said. Javi decides to climb the ladder. After Javi decides to climb the ladder, Kate walks up to him. "Any luck?" Kate asks. "Some. But not enough. Gabe? Hey, Gabe. Let's go take a look over there." Javier said. "Gabe? Stay close to Javi. Got it?" Kate asks. "Alright." Gabe said. Javier and Gabe climb up the ladder. They see an ambulance in the junkyard. "Hey, look. There's one they never took to pieces." Gabe said. "Good catch." I spoke up. "Locked. Oh, well. At least it had some gas." Javier said.

Javi tries to open the gas cap on the ambulance. "Shit. It's locked." Javier said. Javi prepares to pry open the gas cap with the crowbar. "Alright, here goes nothing." Javier spoke up and Javi successfully pries the cap open. "Fuck yeah!" Javier said as Gabe smiled. Javi siphons gas from the ambulance. "Look at all that fuel! This is gonna take awhile." Javier said. Javi walks on ahead, and a walker emerges. "Oh, shit!" Javier said. Javi uses the crowbar to kill the walker. "Hmm... Looks like it came from in there. Gabe, stay close." Javier said. Gabe and Javi walk forward and discover a dilapidated house. Gabe inspects a nearby car, and Javi walks up the steps and looks at the door.

"Looks pretty run-down." Javier said. Chatan looks through the window and sees a hatch on the floor. "Might be able to get in through the hatch." Javier spoke up. Javier moves the plank in front of a hole in the foundation. He crawls through and opens the hatch under the house. He opens the front door. "Gabe come check this out." Javi said. Javi and Gabe enter the house. Javi sets his crowbar down. "Not the cleanest place." Gabe said. "No muertos, at least. Just be careful." Javier said. Talk To Gabe: "Wow, this place is decked out!" Gabe said. "(Opens drawer) Double A's. I know someone who'll be happy to see these." Javier said and Javier takes the batteries. "(Looks at bedding) Looks pretty comfortable. And pretty gross." Javier spoke up. Javier looks at the shelves. It contains lots of food, including pudding cups.

"Are you kidding me?" Gabe asks. "Lucky for you, they put enough preservatives in this stuff to last for centuries. There's enough food in here to keep us going for a long time." Javier said. Kate and Mariana enter the house. "Check it out. This is actual, honest-to-God pudding!" Gabe said. "Seriously?" Mariana asks. "And it's not just food... There's a mattress, there's blankets..." Gabe said. "Someone else's mattress, someone else's blankets... We need to just... take our gas and get on the road." Kate said.

"This place is kinda a dump. I mean, literally." Javier spoke up. "And you forgot to mention super freaking weird. It's a lot of food to leave in a place like this." Kate said. "Come on, one night. We bunk down, eat a real meal." Gabe said. "It would be nice not to sleep in the van for a change." Marianna said. "Please?" Gabe asks. "The herd is coming, if it's not here already. We should go and get ahead of it. Before it's too late." Kate said. "The fence is reinforced, we'll be fine! We found this, why can't we just enjoy it?" Gabe asks. "Javi? Can we? We could stretch out, sleep well for once?" Mariana asks. "Come on, you know it's not a big deal. We've got guns. We can protect ourselves! And we'll feel so much better after some real sleep." Gabe said.

"We're gonna get what we came for and get outta here." Javier said. You chose to get back on the road. "Great. Another shitty, cramped night in our shitty, cramped van. Hooray." Gabe said. "Come on, let's at least grab the food." Mariana said. "Oh, guess what? Uh, now... you can really drown us out." Javier said. Javi gives the batteries to Mariana. She gives him a hug. Mariana won't forget that. Javi goes outside. "Thanks for that. Backing me up and all. You know, not disagreeing with me." Kate said.

"Oh, no, oh, boy, sleeping in the van again? All I'll say is you definitely owe me one." Javier said. "Yeah, well, you owe me, like, a dozen, so... I'll just shave it off your tab." Kate said. "Grab some gas. We're out of here in a few hours." Kate said. "Hey, uh, wait, but y--" Javi said. Kate hands Javi a candy bar. "This way you can make up for being the bad guy." Kate said. "Thanks." Javi said.

Javi returns to the ambulance and picks up the gas can. A group of people point their guns at them. "What the fuck do you think you're doing with our gas? Go on, speak up!" Max said. "Whoa, whoa, look, the... the gas is all there, just keep it." Javi said. "Yeah, I'm thinking it's a little too late for that." Max said. "Well, it's not like I saw your name on it." Javier said. "Don't fucking test me, boy." Max said. "You ain't the loner type. I can tell. I know you got people!" Max said. "Nuh-uh, We're alone. Honestly, people just slow us down." Javier said lying. "Uh-uh. All alone. Yeah, sure you are." Max said.

"Fan out and look for the others! Lonnie, you're with me." Max said. Lonnie, Max and Javi go up to the house. "Hey! You assholes in there! I got your boy! If you don't want him gettin' shot, you best come out there careful, with your hands up! Go on, you first. You get ambushed by your own people, that shit's gonna make my day. Open it real slowly." Max said. Javi opens the door and enters the house. Kate closes the hatch just before Max and Lonnie enter. Max finds the empty pudding cups. Chatan moves a piece of cardboard to cover the hatch. "I knew you weren't alone! Fuckin' knew it. If you're all by your lonesome, then how come these are all open?" Max asks.

"You can't just take what you like. I don't roll over like that." Max said. "Look, look, I'll get you... more food. Okay? I can replace everything, I swear." Javi said. "That's the goddamn least you can do." Max said. "Look, I... I get it, alright? You're starving, who the fuck isn't? At the end of your rope, thought you'd hit paydirt. Honest mistake. But I got this sneaky fuckin' feeling... Max punches Javi in the stomach, and he falls to the floor. "That you're full of shit. I ain't gonna let it be like the last time some assholes rolled on us. Keep an eye on these dickheads. I'm gonna grab some cuffs." Max said. "You got it." Lonnie said. Max leaves, and Lonnie points his gun at Javi. "Just chill, okay? No need to make this any harder." Lonnie said. "Look, your buddy? He's not thinking straight. So let's talk. Okay, you and me, we can get this sorted out." Javier said. "No, it's his call." Lonnie said.

"Look, man, this doesn't have to go-- One of Javi's family members coughs. The fuck was that noise? What you got hiding under there, boy? If you know something, you better spill it. You don't want me finding out for myself." Lonnie said. Javi grabs his crowbar. "Fuck!" Lonnie said. Javi whacks Lonnie, but Lonnie elbows him in the face. "Guys, get the fuck in here!" Lonnie said. Javi takes the gun out of Lonnie's hands and hits him with it, knocking him out. Max and Badger enter. "Holy shit!" Max said as Javi tosses the gun on the floor. "You have to pay for what you done here." Max said. Wait, wait, wait, wait, don't shoot!" Javi said. Max hits Javi with the gun, knocking him unconscious.


Winona's POV

Javier wakes up sometime later in the passenger seat of a truck with his hands bound. "Hey, my family, where are they?! What did you do with my family?! Answer me!" Javi said. "Just do us a favor and pretend you're still asleep. I wouldn't start talking if I were you. You're lucky we do things a certain way. I'm already tempted to put a bullet in your brain for what you did to Lonnie back there. If we start talking, I'm gonna get angry." Rufus said. "There's gotta be a way we can work all this out. You know? Make a deal or something." Javier spoke up. "It ain't my call, alright? You'd best be glad it ain't." Rufus said. "Please, just--" Javi said. "Stop! Alright? You don't want me riled up, kid. Not another word, or God help me, I'll put you to sleep myself." Rufus said.

"We still got a haul ahead of us and I'm not about to listen to-- What the hell?" Rufus asks. A tree starts to fall. "Stop. Stop!" Javier said. "Oh, shit! No, no, no!" Rufus yelled. A tree falls in the road, and the truck swerves into a ditch. Rufus hits his head on the steering wheel and passes out. Javi takes a gun on the dashboard right before Rufus regains consciousness. The two of them get out of the truck, and Rufus runs away. "Hey!" Javi yelled. Javi points the gun at him. Rufus stops running and raises his hands. Rufus tries to run but is shot in the chest by Javier. A shotgun is pointed at Javier's back. "Fuck... Yeah, alright..." Javi said. Javier drops the pistol. "That's good. Just keep looking forward." Clementine said. "Please. I just... I need help." Javi said. She will remember that. "Not what it looks like to me. Looks like you can handle yourself just fine." I said. "That's not what I meant." Javi said. 

Clem picks up Javi's pistol. "Okay. Now, don't do anything stupid. 'Cause we'll shoot a lot quicker than you did." Sequoia said. Clem walks off to inspect the truck, and Javi follows her. "You're a kid... Whoa, wait. Did you do that? With the tree?" Javi asks. I was trying to stop the truck." Clementine said. Clementine climbs into the front seat of the truck, grabs an apple, and climbs out again. "Shit." Clementine said. Yeah, you stopped it, alright." Javi said. "Tree fell slower than we thought it would." I said. "Look, We're the victims here." Javi said. "We're all victims." Sequioa said. Clementine searches his backpack. "Oh, so it's okay for you to rob me." Javi asks. "This is payment. For saving you." Clem said. Clem finds the candy bar. "Hey, that's for my niece. She loves chocolate, more than anything. I promised it to her. Please." Javi said. She will remember that. Clementine returns the chocolate bar.

"Keep your eyes closed and count to a hundred before you go." Clementine said. "Wait, just... my family. I need to get back to them. We were attacked and I don't... Look, I just need to know where I am. We were driving down the 522... and that's when we found the junkyard. They're still there. I need to get back to them." Javi said. "I know where that is. You said you were driving?" Clem asks. "In our van, yeah." Javi said. "I'll take you to the junkyard. If you let me have your van. I get you there in one piece, then, Winona, Sequoia and I drive away." Clem said. "Yeah, absolutely. You got a deal." Javi said. "Good." Clem said.

"Let's go." I said. Clementine, Winona, Sequoia and Javier walk down the road. "This really necessary?" Javi asks. "I don't know you, I don't trust you, and I'm not taking any chances. So it's safer for four of us if you're tied up." Clementine said. "Look, I get it. You're being cautious." Javi said. She will remember that. "Glad we understand each other." Sequioa said. "The name's Javier, by the way. me Javi." Javi said. "Clementine." Clem said. "Winona and this is my daughter Sequoia." I said. "Well, it's nice to meet you, Clementine, Winona, Sequoia." Javi said. "If you say so." Clementine said.

While Winona, Sequoia, Javi and Clementine are walking down the road a walker approaches. Clementine draws her knife, kicks it in the knee, and stabs it in the head while Winona holds her bow with her quiver hanging at her waist. "You're good at that." Javi said. Clementine doesn't respond. "Look, you don't wanna talk, fine. But how 'bout you give me that gun back so I can at least defend myself?" Javi asks. "For all I know, you'd turn around and use it on me." Clem said. "Look, I'm not gonna shoot you." Javi said. "You shot the other guy." Clem said. "Well, you didn't tie me up and stick me in a truck." Javi said.

They see wandering group of walkers nearby. "Muertos... the herd caught up with us." Javi said. They sneak past the walkers without being seen. "Muertos...?" Clementine asks. "What do you call 'em?" Javi asks. "Walkers." Sequioa asks. "What do you call the ones that run?" Javi asks. "They're all fucking walkers, okay? Look, I'm just... I'm not used to being around other people. Not for a while, anyway. Usually, it's just me on my own." Clem said. "Apology accepted." Javi said. "I wasn't apologizing." Clem said. Javi, Winona, Sequioa and Clementine enter the forest.


Third POV

"So who's at this junkyard?" Clementine asks. "My brother's kids... and his wife." Javier said. "It's impressive... surviving this long. Not sure how you did it. Just... keeping everyone together like that." Clem said. "Well, I didn't do it alone. My, uh... uh... Kate helped. She did... most of the work, actually." Javi said. Clementine will remember that. "Sounds nice... having a partner." Clementine said. "It is." Javi said. "How 'bout you? You must have been pretty young when this shit started." Javi said. "I was. But some people including looked out for me, too." Clem said. "What happened to them?" Javi asks. "Same thing that happens to everyone." Winona said. They see the herd of walkers again. "Shoot..." Sequioa said. "We can't stay here. There's a town up ahead. We can stay there until the herd passes. Otherwise we're walker food. Can you do that? Please?" Clementine asks. "Fine. Whatever you say." Javi said. "Thank you. Here..." Clem said. Clem cuts Javi's bindings. "Don't make me regret this. Come on!" Clementine said. They run through the forest.


Sequioa's POV

Clementine, Sequioa, Winona and Javier reach the front gates of a town. Walkers have swarmed the area. "There! Get to the gate!" Clementine said. Javi and Clem run to the gate while she, Winona and Sequoia fires at the walkers. "Just keep going! They'll open up!" Clementine said. Javier dodges a nearby walker. "Shit!" Javi said. The gates close just as Clementine, Sequioa, Winona and Javier reach them. "Hey!" Javi said. "Open up!" I said. Tripp fires at the approaching walkers. "I can't open the gate 'til you clear them out! Can't risk it!" Tripp said. Javier, Sequioa, Winona and Clementine fire at the walkers. Clementine switches from her shotgun to her pistol, but it malfunctions. "Fuck! These bullets won't fire!" Clementine yelled. A walker attacks Clementine, and Javier shoots it. Clem throws it to the ground and stomps on it, killing it. Tripp opens the gate. "Get your ass inside! Come on, now!" Tripp yelled. Tripp fires at the walkers while Clem, Sequioa, Winona and Javi enter the gates. Francine rides through into the town on a horse, and Tripp closes the gate.

"Whoa, there!" Francine said. "God effin' damn it, Francine. One of these days those doors are gonna close and your ass'll be on the other side!" Tripp said. "Yeah. And when that day comes, Tripp, I promise... I'll eat you first." Francine said. Francine rides away. "It's... Clementine, right? You staying a while this time?" Tripp asks. "No. Once the walkers pass, I'm taking this guy to a junkyard off the highway." Clem said. "My family might be trapped there. Hiding from some very bad dudes." Javi said. "Well, shit. I am truly sorry to hear that. This herd rolled in pretty quick. We're hoping it's gone just as fast. So... just keep your heads down, and steer clear of trouble, you got me? There's too much going on outside the walls tonight." Tripp said. "We'll be cool. Just need a place to ride out the herd, that's all." I said. "Alright... I'm gonna hold you to that. And I wouldn't recommend changing your mind. If you wanna hang on to all your teeth, that is. Now head on in, I got shit to do." Tripp said.

Tripp walks away. "Well, welcome to Prescott." Clementine said. Javi, Sequioa, Winona and Clementine walk through the town. "It's a pretty cool place, actually. Built from an old airstrip, I guess. The people, on the other hand, they're not my favorite. Usually, I'm in and out as quick as I can manage. Not exactly an option this time, though..." Clementine said. "It's just a pitstop, okay? We're gone as soon as there's a window." Javi said. "I hope that window comes soon. In the meantime..." Clementine said. Javier watches the inner gates of Prescott close. "Hey, Javi. What's up?" I ask. "My family... They're still out there..." Javi said. "If you guys made it this long, I'm sure, you know... they'll know what to do." Winona said. "Hopefully." Javi said. "Let's go. This way. I gotta see a guy about some bullets." Clementine said. They enter a bar. "Jeez. I haven't been in a place like this since..well, you know. It's just like the old days." Javi said. "Listen, I gotta take care of something. Hang tight." Clementine said. "Wait, wait. What should I do?" Javi asks. "I don't know, why don't you... make some friends?" Clem suggests. Clementine walks into the back room. "Looks like someone's in the middle of a game." Javi said looking at the pool table. "Oh, wonder where they found this old thing? Haven't seen one of these in years." Javier said walking over to an arcade game. "Chess. Not really my game. I think Gabe used to play, though." Javi said walking over to the Chess board on the table. "Wonder if it's loaded." Winona said looking at the shotgun.

Looks at the Card Players: "Play your hand. You're gonna lose, but you don't have to do it in slow motion." Francine said. "Don't try and rush me. I know your game." Conrad said. "This is my game. Clearly." Francine said. "Always a smart ass. Well, it ain't gonna work." Conrad said. Javier talks to the card players. "Excuse me..." Javi said. "Ah, you three again... You got some moves, I'll give you that." Francine said. "Hold on a minute. Don't I know you from somewhere?" Conrad asks. "I dunno. Maybe." Javi said. "García. Javier García. For what it's worth, I think you got screwed on the gambling thing. A lifetime ban... shit. Shoulda had a twenty-year career. Way I see it, nothing wrong with betting on yourself to win." Conrad said. "And that got a lifetime ban?" Francine asks. "Yep it did." Javier said. "Honestly, I don't even think about it anymore. Past is the past." Javi said. "Fair enough." Conrad said.

"Anyway, I'm Conrad. This here's Francine." Conrad said. "He runs the place. I just take his money." Francine said. "Yeah, well, maybe I'm just lettin' you win." Conrad said. "Huh... Actually, if you're the gambling type... Game's poker. Five card stud." Francine said. "I'll raise ya." Conrad said. "What do you think? Should I call or should I fold?" Francine asks. "Hmm... Don't get too intimidated. I lose more often than I care to admit. Though all it takes is one good hand..." Conrad said. "It's your call Javi. Mom and I don't gamble." I said. "Fold. Doesn't feel right." Javi said. Francine will remember that. "Go with your gut. Fold." Francine said. "Now that's a shame. Let's see how it coulda gone. (looks at her cards) You folded that?! Unbelievable. (plays hand)" Conrad said. "Goddamn it." Francine said. "Shit, sorry." Javi said. "Talk about dodging a bullet. Thanks for folding. I can't afford to lose anymore. Let me get you a drink for the assist. On the house." Conrad said. Conrad pours Javi a drink. "Bottoms up." Conrad said. "This smells like... turpentine." Javi said. "(laughs) That's the weak stuff." Conrad said. "Don't turn away from me. I'm talking to you." Clementine said. "Oh, shit." Javier said. Javi walks into the back room, where Clementine is talking to Eli. "Hey, what's the point in talking when I already told you, a deal is a deal. And it's done." Eli said. "What's going on?" Javi asks. "This guy ripped me off. I traded him a crate of perfectly good batteries. And he gave me a box of bullets that won't fire! He could've gotten the four of us killed!" Clementine said. "Oh, yeah? And who the fuck are you? Her bodyguards or something? 'Cause I don't scare easy, alright? And I don't respond to threats, neither." Eli said.

"She doesn't need a bodyguard. She can take care of herself. Believe me." Javi said. "Javi's right." I said. "Oh, well, you can't even prove those are the bullets I traded you." Eli said. Clem draws her pistol. "Whoa, hey, Clem. Come on." I said. "He knows the bullets don't work. Listen to him. He's not even nervous. (pulls trigger) I could have died because of his bullets." Clem said. "Un-fuckin'-believable." Eli said. Eli draws a knife. "Look out!" Clem yelled. Javier blocks Eli as he attacks him, but the knife cuts his face. Javier grabs Eli's arm, knees him in the stomach, and throws him into the chair. "Hey, listen. Let's all cool down, huh? You were acting crazy... I was, too. We just... got a little outta hand, that's all." Eli said. "Just give me what I'm owed!" Clem said. "Jesus. You gotta get her under control, man! This ain't no way to do business." Eli said. "You have it wrong, buddy. I don't control her. Which looks like bad news for you." Javi said.

"We had a deal!" Clementine said. "Alright, hey, okay. Alright, so, hey, we'll trade back. I'll find some batteries." Eli said. "I don't need batteries. what I need are bullets that won't get me killed--" Clementine said. Clementine pulls the trigger, but the gun actually fires, killing Eli. "Oh, no. Oh, no!" Clementine said. "Drop the gun! Right now!" Conrad said. "Say he attacked you and that he was going for his gun." Clementine said. "I fucking warned you!" Conrad said. "Eli attacked him. I only shot because--" Clem said. "Shut it! You've done enough talking. Drop it." Conrad said. Clem drops her gun, and Tripp enters. "There's a herd out there, and you're firing off a fucking-- What the fuck happened here?" Tripp asks. "He attacked Javi, okay? It was self-defense." Clem said. "Enough from you. Did she really have to shoot?" Tripp asks. "Look at my eye, man. Of course she's telling the truth. The guy ripped her off, reached for his gun, and would've shot me if she hadn't stopped him." Javi said. You covered for Clementine. "See? You happy now?" Clem asks. "Goddamn it. I'm putting you two under lock and key until I figure out what to do with you." Tripp said.

"Whoa..." I said. "Hey, what? Are you for real?" Winona asks. "As real as it gets. Now move it." Tripp said. You got some nerve, coming in here, fucking up my bar." Conrad said. Tripp locks up Javier, Winona, Sequoia and Clementine. "I oughta punch your fucking lights out. Both of ya. But... Eli was a grade-A certified dipshit. I'll even have someone come take a look at that cut." Tripp said. "Hey. Thanks for having my back at the hangar. That was, um... that was cool of you. I wasn't... sure there, for a minute." Clem said. "Of course, anytime. I mean, you and I are a team now." Javi said. Clementine will remember that. "Thanks. I mean it." Clem said.

"Just... don't think this makes us friends or anything." Clementine said. Clementine lies down. Eleanor approaches the jail. "Hello?" Eleanor said. Eleanor enters the cell. "I'm Eleanor. I'm what passes for a doctor around here. But Tripp sort of overdoes it sometimes. I hate that I'm treating you in a cage, like you're some feral animal..." Eleanor said. "Javier. Pleasure's all mine." Javi said. "Is it now?" Eleanor asks. "Now, let's see about that wound." Eleanor said. Javi sits down and Eleanor inspects his injury. "Yeah, he got you good. (cleans wound) Try to hold still. Why is it always the pretty ones who end up causing the most trouble? As if good looks equal bad behavior or something. I've never understood it." Eleanor said. "Oh, I'm not a troublemaker. No, trouble sees me and runs the other way." Javi said. "That explains why Tripp locked you up for the night." Eleanor said. "People are saying she killed a man in cold blood. If you don't mind me asking... What did happen, exactly? That they were arguing, and then she went crazy over nothing?" Eleanor asks. "Look, things got out of hand. Clementine was only trying to make a point, but then..." Javi said. Eleanor will remember that. "You make it sound so casual." Eleanor said. "(cleans wound) Best thing is probably for you two to leave town, and get back to your group." Eleanor said. "We were attacked earlier this evening. There were four of us..." Javier said. "Aw, shit, I'm sorry. If there's... if there's anything I can do to help... Not that I have much to offer you, but... I know a thing or two about losing family." Eleanor said. "If you really wanna help me, let us out of this cage." Javier said.

"Eleanor? You done yet?" Tripp asks. Tripp walks up to the cage. "Just about." Eleanor said. Eleanor puts a bandage on Javi's wound. "Alright, here's what we're gonna do. I'm driving you to that junkyard myself. Get you out of my hair, and no one can say I didn't do right by no one. In the meantime, you two can sleep right here and think about what shitheads you were earlier." Tripp said. Eleanor leaves the cell. "On my terms, and on my timeline. You got me?" Tripp asks. "Alright, fair enough." Javi said. "Fair enough? Go kiss a skunk's ass, I should be earning a goddamn boy scout badge for this." Tripp said. "Tripp, it doesn't seem right to wait. Javi's people, they could need a medic." Eleanor said. "Nuh-uh, no way. Not putting you in that kind of danger again." Tripp said. "That's not your call." Eleanor said. Tripp walks away. "Look, maybe there's another way. We've got a rear gate, down at the other end of the airfield. We don't use it much, but...well, we could leave tonight." Eleanor said.

"Slip past the herd, get a jump start on reaching that junkyard. If your family does need help, I'll be right there to give it." Eleanor said. "It's too risky. And if muertos were to somehow surround us, we'd--" Javi said. "Don't worry. It'll be fine." Eleanor said. "Anyway, think about it. I've gotta check on some patients, but I'll be back in an hour and I'll check to see how far along you are in your pregnancy." Eleanor said. Eleanor walks away. "Huh. I never would've guessed she had it in her." Winona said. "Yeah, she's... she's something." Javi said. "The thing is... and maybe this sounds weird, but I still trust Tripp more than I trust her." Clementine said.

"You're right. Tripp's got more muscle, just in case. We'll wait and get a ride with him." Javi said. You chose to wait and travel with Tripp. "Glad you're finally listening to reason." I said. "You know, when I met you, I thought you'd just be another asshole like everyone else." Clementine said. "And to think that when we met you nearly blew my head off." Javi said. "Yeah, guess we made the right call." Winona said. "It's gonna be a while before that herd passes. We might as well get some sleep." Javi said. "Good idea. I'm exhausted." Clementine said. "I'll get the lamp." Javi said.



Clementine is driving a car. Kenny is in the passenger's seat and toddler AJ is in the backseat with Winona and Sequoia. "That's good. Getting into first gear's the hardest part. Now just stay on the road. Most important rule there is. Now let's try shifting into second." Kenny said. Clementine shifts smoothly into second gear. "Not bad at all. Especially for a first time." Winona said. "You just... gotta ease up off the clutch a little smoother, alright? You don't have to make the switch all at once." Kenny said. "I wanna do it again." Clementine said. "You will, and next time, just... be gentle." Kenny said.

"And once we get down to Florida, we'll ditch the wheels, and I'll make a sailor outta you, mark my words. You, too, buddy! I just can't get him to talk. It's unusual for his age." Kenny said. "Well, the heater's broken, he's cold." Clementine said. "Only makes sense to head for Florida sooner than later. Leave all this snow behind, right? Be like summer every day. Hell, I'm gonna have to find me some shorts!" Kenny said. "Yeah, no kidding. It's freezing outside. The sooner, the better, for sure." Clementine said. Kenny will remember that. "No more winters ever again, Clem!" Winona said. "I'll teach AJ and Sequoia how to fish, how to swim. We'll watch the sunrise every morning. All five of us. But we ain't gettin' nowhere doing 25 miles an hour. Shift her into third. Let's get her really cookin'." Kenny said. Clementine shifts smoothly into third gear. "Well, there you go, Clem!" Winona said. "Time we get to Florida, you'll be a better driver than me!" Kenny said.

"Proud of you, Clem." Kenny said. "Hey. I really appreciate you teaching me." Clem said. "You know, I...I always dreamed about the day I'd teach Duck to drive. You're the best second chance I could ask for." Kenny said. "Where's your blanket, goofball?" Clem asks. Kenny turns around in his seat and puts the blanket over AJ. "I swear, this kid never makes a peep. Who knows how long he's gone without a blanket? Duck was gabbin' a mile a minute at his age. Wasn't full sentences, but it was somethin'." Kenny said. "I think there's something wrong with him. Shouldn't he be talking by now?" Clem asks. Kenny will remember that. "Well, maybe. But let's give him a few more months 'fore we start to worry, 'kay?" Kenny said.

"Crap!" Clementine said. Clementine loses control of the car. Kenny takes the wheel. "I got it! Turn the wheel!" Kenny said. "Don't!" Clementine said. The car crashes into a tree, alerting nearby walkers. AJ starts crying. "AJ? Oh, God, You're okay. Kenny?" Clem asks. Clem sees Kenny lying on the road, having been ejected from the car. She, Winona and Sequoia runs up to him and holds his hand. "Oh, man. Are you okay, Kenny?!" Winona asks. "I'm fine! I'm fine." Kenny said. "Is... AJ okay? (Clem nods) Shit. Help me up." Kenny said. Clementine and Sequoia tries to help Kenny up, but he collapses again. "I don't... I don't feel anything." Kenny said. "Th-- that's good." Clementine said. "No... Clem, I don't feel... anything. I... I can't feel my legs. I just... can't get up... Goddamn it!" Kenny said. "Oh, my God, no... This isn't happening, this isn't happening!" Winona said. "Let me try again. Shit! Shit!" Kenny said.

Walkers start to investigate the car. "Hey. Hey! Stay away from him! (the walkers turn their attention to Kenny, Clementine and Winona and Sequoia), You gotta go help AJ, Clem, Winona, Sequoia! I ain't lettin' you watch those fuckers chew me up. Go, Clem! Now!" Kenny said. "AJ will be safe with me. I'll take great care of him. I promise." Clementine said. Kenny will remember that. "I know you will, Clementine. I wouldn't trust him with anybody else. Now, go! Hey, dipshits, come and get it!" Kenny said. Clementine picks up AJ. "AJ... Come on!" Clementine said and she runs away with AJ, Winona and Sequoia as Kenny is devoured by walkers.


Winona's POV

Javier, Clem, Winona, Sequoia and Tripp ride in a van. "Hey, Clem... we almost there? Hey, Clem?" Javi asks. "Yeah. We're close." Clem said. "I gotta say, I hope your people are safe and sound. Eleanor asked me before we left to make sure of it." Tripp said. "Oh, yeah?" Javier asks. "Yes, Ma'am. So that's what I'm gonna do. Though why she went to bat for you, I've got no idea. I mean, she hardly even knows you. And you don't know her, for that matter. Makes a guy wonder, you know?" Tripp asks.

The group reaches the junkyard. "Guys, that's the place." Clementine said. "Yeah, this is it. Oh, shit." Javi said. "What a mess..." Tripp said. The junkyard is littered with walker corpses. "Goodness, must have been hundreds of them..." Sequoia said. "Kate's good in a crisis. She'd know how to get shelter." Javi said. "What's that?" Clem asks. It's not moving. "Goddamn it." Javi said. Javier grabs the nearby hammer and kills the walker as it reaches toward him. Javi picks up the cassette player on the ground. "Mariana's tape player... Mariana! Mariana, are you here?" Javi said. Mariana gets out of a car and runs to Javier. "Javi!" Mari said. "Oh, my God. (Mariana hugs him) You're safe... I can't believe it!" Javi said. "You told me where to hide; I just listened to what you said. "Lock yourself in and don't come out, not even once it's quiet." It kept running through my head, like on a loop. I don't even know how long I was in there... Then I heard your voice. I thought I was hallucinating at first." Mariana said. "Did they hurt you? Are you okay?" Javier asks. "I hid before they could get to me. I'm fine, really." Mari said.

"Kate and your brother, where are they?" Javi asks. "We got pulled apart when that huge bunch of muertos showed up. Kate yelled that they were gonna try to make it back to the van." Mariana said. "Then that's where we're headed." Javi said. "Let's go find your brother, sweetheart." Tripp said. They find the van in bad shape. "Oh, no... No... No sign of 'em. They must have seen it like this, then gone someplace else to hide." Javi said. They hear a motor revving. "Kate..." Javi said. Javi finds Kate and Gabe trying to start a truck while walkers surround it. "They're trapped in there!" Mariana said. "Mariana, stay back!" Javi said.

The group starts killing the walkers. "Javi!" Tripp said. Tripp charges at an approaching walker, which grabs his gun, and Javi kills it. Kate closes the door on one of the walker's heads. "Javi... You found us." Kate said. Kate gets out of the truck and Javi catches her. "Hey, hey, it's okay. I got you." Javi said. "You happy to see me?" Kate asks. Javier kisses Kate. Kate will remember that. "Gross..." Mariana said. "C'mon, I think we get a pass." Kate said. Gabe hugs Mari. "I wanted to come after you, I swear I did--" Gabe said. "You don't have to snot all over my shirt about it." Mariana said. "I thought we were dead. Like, never-gonna-see-you-again dead. We only had a couple bullets left... I thought we were done for." Gabe said. "I know it's must've been awful, but it's all over now." Javi said. "Yeah, I know, but... I was just so scared." Gabe said. "I'm here now. You don't have to be scared. Hey, you hurt yourself?" Javi asks. "(looks at hand) Must've scraped it in the truck... didn't even notice..." Gabe said.

"Hey, least it's not a bite. Not much we can do about it here..." Javier said. "I've got a lady friend who's a doctor. Soon as we get back to Prescott, she'll patch you right up. I'm Tripp, by the way. Pleasure to make your acquaintance." Tripp said. "We should be getting back. Don't wanna push our luck." Clementine said. "I agree with that statement." I spoke up. "So do I." Sequoia said.. "Who's the kids and the young woman with the gun? They have a name you want to share with us? Or you gonna make me do my own introductions?" Kate asks. "They saved my life. Pulled this crazy stunt, let me get the upper hand on the asshole who took us away from you guys. Their name's Clementine, Winona and Sequoia." Javi said. Clementine, Sequoia and Winona will remember that. "Hi there. Glad we were able to help." Clementine said.

"Well, we're very grateful to you. Really." Kate said. "There's a town nearby; it's safe." Javier said. "I like the sound of that." Kate said. The group starts walking back. "Oh, my God! Javi, do they have hot water? Even like, lukewarm water would be okay. And bubble bath, wouldn't bubble bath be amazing?" Mariana asks. "Don't get your hopes up too high. It's a nice place, but it's not the Ritz." Javier said. "Well, whatever they've got, I'm sure it's gonna be great." Mariana said. "Between you and me, these kinds of missions don't usually go so well. But you found every single one of your people. And you found 'em alive. Healthy. Reasonably cheerful. It's a hell of a thing." Tripp said.

"When we get back to Prescott, you still owe us a working ride. I haven't forgotten about our deal. You couldn't have known what happened to your van, but still. I need some way out of here." Clementine said. "Don't worry, I haven't forgotten our arrangement." Javi said. "I know it's not the easiest thing to find, but--" Clementine said. "Cool!" Mariana said. Mariana finds her earphones on her ground. Javi takes out the tape player. "Thanks!" Mariana said. Mariana is shot in the head by Badger. "Mari!" Gabe shouts. A barrage of bullets is fired at them, and they take cover. "You fuckin' thieves! You really thought you could just waltz back in here like nothin' happened? (cackles) I don't think so!" Badger said. "Javi, we can't leave her!" Kate said. Kate runs out of hiding and is shot in the abdomen. "Shit!" Kate said. "Kate!" Javi yelled. Gabe runs over to Kate. "Stop! Stop!" Javier yelled. Gabe reaches Kate and tackled her to the ground. "Javi, help! Do something, Javi! Do something!" Gabe said. Javier shoots at their attackers, killing one. "Go!" Javi shouts. Gabe picks up Mariana. "Run!" Kate said. They take cover behind the van. "Jesus. Jesus, I am so..." Tripp said.

"She just..." Javi said. "I know, Javi, and there'll be time for all that, but not right now. Kate needs a doctor, which means we gotta go. We got a window here, man. We gotta get a move on before they start shooting again!" Tripp said. "Kate, are you okay?" Javi asks. "I'm fine, really..." Kate said. "She's not. And the longer it takes us to get out of here, the worse off she's gonna be." Tripp said. "We stay here and we finish this." Clementine said. "Agreed." Sequoia and I said. "Are you fucking nuts? We gotta get the fuck out of here, right now!" Tripp said. "They already killed one of you. If we don't stop them, they're gonna come after your family again." I said. "Let Tripp help them. You stay with me, Sequoia and Clementine." I spoke up. "What? No! Javi, you have to come with us! Javi, please!" Gabe said. "Trust me, Javi. We have to end this. Now." Clem said. "No, Javi, please come with us. Please." Gabe said. "Javi, come on!" Tripp said. "Get her back to Prescott. We'll cover you." Javi said. Gabe will remember that. "Javi?!" Gabe asks. "Go with them. I'll be fine." Javi said. "Give me a hand here, kid!" Tripp said. "Just keep firing until they're out of sight, okay?" I ask. "I'm ready." Javi said. Kate, Gabe, and Tripp leave. Clem, Sequoia, Winona and Javi keep shooting. One of their attackers throws a grenade at them. "Javi, don't!" Sequoia said. Javi throws the grenade and it explodes in midair.

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