The End Is the Real Start

By Misaki_257

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(Please read: this doesn't relate to my religion and it is done for entertainment purposes. I don't believe i... More

Ch.1 Reincarnation Is Real?
Ch. 2 Woke Up In a Ship
Ch.3 The Last Step To Attend The Exam
Ch. 4 The First Part of the Exam
Ch.5 Unexpected Meeting
Ch. 6 A New Ability
Current Love Interests
Ch. 7 Second Phase And a Surprise
Ch. 9 Third Phase
Ch. 10 Nicknames
ch. 11 New Ninjas
Ch. 12

Ch. 8 Good Moments

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By Misaki_257

Nobody POV 

"Hello there, Kurama."

"Wh- what? What are you doing here? I thought I was the only one transported here, I didn't sence your chakra."

"Hn, I hid it. And no, it seems there are more than only us, and who knows if there are more."

"So... who do you know are here?"

"Hashirama and Tobirama. They're the only ones I've met till now."

"So the brat isn't here."

"Brat? You mean that idiot, the jinchuriki?"

"Yeah.. that brat."

"Hn. Can you shrink yourself?"

"Shrink? Why would I do that?"

"To take you with me, of course. We're not in our own world, and who knows, maybe this world has strong people. We can dance abit."

Suddenly Kurama had an unreadable expression

'I- I should go with her?! Agh, why?! Why?! Why did I have to come here as well! I would've lived happily inside Naruto-brat! D@mn this situation-'

"So? You didn't answer me yet."

"Ye-yeah, I can. Let's just get out of here quickly."

And then, kurama turned into a small figure. His size is as small as a normal fox. But with nine tails. 

"Alright, good. Now, get on my shoulders, we have to get up quickly before they leave."


Then, Madara jumped a huge jump. After mear seconds, she was standing near the cliff with an egg in her hand and a fox on her shoulder. Though, the fox seems disturbed. It's because of the jump, not because he's scared of the one he's on. No, of course not.

Anyways, Madara went to Hashirama and Tobirama then put her egg aside.

"Yeah, as I expected, it was him."

"Nine tails, you've been a good ally in the war against Madara, but now, I can't except that you're teaming with her-"

"Oh, stop it, Tobirama! We're with her as well, right?!" Hashirama said, cheerfully, smacking Tobirama's head. 

'Stupid Second! Do you think I have a choice?! If I do, I would've been down in that cave eating $h!t!!!'

"Yo! Madara! I didn't notice you when we arrive- wait! Is that a fox?! Woah! It has nine tails."-killua

"Shut it, brat!"

"Woah!! The fox can talk?! That's cool! Right, Killua? Madara! From where did you get it from?"-Gon

"Grr- I'm not an 'it', you brat! I'm the nine tails! I'm the kyuubi!"

Kurama jumped from Madara's shoulder, then landed infront of the white haired dude. While all of this is happening Hashirama and Tobirama joined the argument while Hashirama was laughing. 

Meanwhile, with Gon and Madara:

"Hey! Madara, do you want to eat from my egg? I don't think you've tasted it yet. Do you want a bite."

"Oh, yeah. Thanks."


"Woa, it tastes good...!"

'hehe, she's so cute!'

"Here! Have another bite!"

"Oh, thank you, Gon." *smile*

'Woah! That's the first time she smiles for me!! She looks magnificent with the sunset light eliminating on her face! Beautiful!'

Ehem- Anyways- we continue with kurama and the others:

"Is this some kind of animals? I've never heard of it."-Kurapika 

"Hahaha, he called the kyuubi an animal!! Tobirama!!"- Hashirama 

"Agh, from all people, why me?!"-Tobirama 

"Yeah, neither did I-"-killua 

"I'm not an animal! Madara! Get me away from these punks!"

"Pf- I mean- yeah, let's get going, they're already leaving with the airship anyways."

In The Airship:

Madara POV

"Allow me to introduce myself for the remaining forty two applications. I am, Netero. Chairman of the Selection Committee for this year's Hunter Exam."

"I'm his secretary, Beans."

"Originally, I had planned to make my appearance during the Final Phase of the exam, but since I'm already here.... I'll accompany you for a while. And enjoy this nice edgy atmosphere. Ha ha ha."

"We are secheduled to arrive at our destination at 8 AM tomorrow morning. You'll find dinner waiting for you in the dinning hall. You are also welcome to get some rest. Please feel free to do as you please until you are called."

After the long explanation, I felt my stomach hurting a little. I don't remember injuring it. Oh- wait- don't tell me I'm having my-

"All right, Gon, Madara! Let's explore the airship!"


"Ah, I'll pass. I'll go take a shower. I may return later though."

"Ok, let's go, Gon"

"How can they have so much energy? I'm hitting the sack."

"You can say that. However, I do have one concern.."

And I turned off their conversation, Hashirama wanted to 'bond' with them more so he went with them. And of course, the small little brother is going after his older idiot brother.

I went to a room. It was a good room that has a queen sized bed. I'm not used to use a bed. I'm more into futons.

Whatever, I went to the bath-room and started filling the tub with water. Then I took off my red armour, and when I was taking my clothes off, I noticed a red spot on the inside of the yukata. 


Don't. Tell. Me. That what I'm thinking is right?! 

D@mn my luck. 

After I finished, I went outside the room. I didn't leave anything there in the room though. The blooded cloth? I threw it out of the airship above a lake. 

I was walking when I noticed Gon and Killua, they were looking out of the window. 

"Whoa! It's almost like they're jewels!"

"Yeah... oh? Hey! Madara! You really came? I thought you would just go to sleep"

"No, I told you that I'll come."

I said as I went to stand next to them, facing the window.

After some silent moments, Gon said,

"Hey, Killua, Madara, I was wondering..."


"Where are your mom and dad?"

"Hmm... they're alive. Probably."

"What do they do?"

"They're assassins."

"Huh? Both of them?"

Then, Killua looked at Gon and started laughing, then said,

"That's your first reaction? You really are a riot!"


Then, they sat on the bench, still facing the window. I was still standing, not interfering with their bonding moment.

"You're the first person who's ever responded seriously like that. I mean, second if you counted the time when Madara found out herself."

"Oh? Well, you're telling the truth, right?"

"What makes you think that?"

"It's just a hunch."

"That's wierd... Part of my charm comes from never letting on if I'm serious or not. I'm from a family of assassins. They're all assassins. And my family has really high hopes for me... But I can't stand it. Who wants to have their life planned out for them? When i told them I wanted to decide my own future, they all flipped out! My mother had tears streaming down her face as she told me I have the potential to be a top assassin."

I'm now sitting beside Gon, since he was on my side. I was thinking about my father while hearing Killua. I agree with him, my life was planned just because I'm a girl. From the moment I was born, father planned that I should be a perfect housewife so that the name of the Uchihas will be high in every angle. 

If I'm being honest, I guess if I were a male I would never think about any woman or how they would live in the clan. Because I would be practising and training. I would be the head of the clan directly. But I was born as a female, this is annoying, because father always discarded and ignored me, but when he found out about my potential, he directly made me the future head of the Uchiha Clan and made ma participatein the war.

And I must say, I am worthy to be called such a name. I, after all, am the strongest of them all. 

So, back to what's important, I changed my planned future, which is to marry someone so that our clan and another can be allies.

But I am the one that plans my future. Even if they are my parents, they have no rights to plan what is mine and what relates to my fate.

Then when I stopped thinking, Gon was giggling, and Killua continued talking

Time Skip (because I don't want to write all these)

Then, I saw the old man coming from a corner on the right. He leeked out alittle killing intent and went to the other side of the corridor. The left side.

"Is there something wrong?" He asked, after the two boys turned to the previous place he was standing in.

"Nitero-san, did you see anyone coming from that side?"


Killua had a suspicious look, he for sure had figured it out

"So you're still not worn out, old man? That's impressive speed for someone your age." I said, turning around to face them all, after I stood up and crossed my arms.

"Eh? That little trick? I bearly moved."

"What do you want. You don't have to do anything until the Final Phase, right?"

"No need to be so unkind. I got bored, and I was looking for some companions. By the way, I meant to ask the three of you... Any thoughts on your first attempt at the Hunter Examination?"

"Uh-huh! It's fun! There haven't been any written exams, which I was dreading."

"I'm disappointed... I expected the exam to be far more difficult. I hope the next phase will be more entertaining..."

"It's rather boring, nothing special. If it is harder, that'd be more appreciated."

"Well, now.... I wouldn't know about that."

"Let's go, Gon, Madara!"

"Now wait just a moment. Would you care to play a game with me?"

"A game?"

"If you're able to defeat me, I shall let you be Hunters."

"Really? I'll play!"

"How about it? Eh?"

I was going to agree, but I felt sudden pain in my stomach. Agh, this-

"I'll not play."

"Ehh?! But why Madara? If we win, we'll be Hunters!!"

"No, I... just don't want to be a Hunter by winning a game. I'll just continue this exam. Plus, either ways, I'm playing this game or doing it the normal way, I'll win. And I'll be a Hunter. So, I'll just watch you play. It's ok, Gon."


Then we went into a specious room. The old man explained the rules. And they started by Killua.

I was sitting on the floor, leaning on the wall, while Gon was still standing. 

Then Killua started to walk, and there was after images of him. It reminds me of the Shadow Clone Jutsu.

After alot of turns, Gon took off his green jacket(?) And Killua his white shirt.

Later, Killua gave up. Explaining to Gon that the old man was only using a leg and a hand. 

When Killua wanted to go. I stood up.

"I'll go with you, Killua. Good luck, Gon."

"Yeah! Thank you!"

Then I walked with Killua out of the room. Killua was holding his shirts on his hand, being.... shirtless.

Does he not care that I'm a female walking with him?!

But I guess it's because the time difference. I mean, that girl was the same, but worse. 

Then two boys were walking our way. And one of them bumbed into Killua.

"Hey, hold on, kid. You bumbed into us, then ignore us?"

We didn't care and continued walking, while the 2 were still rambling.

Then they ran toward us, wanting to hold Killua's shoulder, but they were turned headless. 

Then, we continued walking. 

Suddenly Killua stopped and looked at me.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have killed infront of you-"

"Don't even think about it, I've killed alot of people already, this is nothing."

"Oh, ok.... Want to grab some sleep."

"Yeah, let's go."

We went into am empty room, there was just a futon. Not even a bed. 

"Hey.... emm.. le-lets sleep together... o-on the futon. We both need rest, so it's gonna be a pain for someone to sleep on the floor."

I nodded my head, then went to the futon. I took a shower first, then Killua. I was laying on my back, staring on the sealing. Then, Killua came and laid beside me. I was wearing my blue normal yukata. My red armour presented on the floor.

I was nervous, that's my first time being this close to a man.

I then turned to sleep on my right side, which happened to be Killua's side as well. 

I just ignored the feelings building inside of me then closed my eyes. 

Time Skip

"I apologise for the delay. The Airship will soon arrive at its destination."

I slowly started to open my eyes, waking up my sences. And I senced something warm. It's more warm than the blanket. I felt something hugging my body pulling me closer.

Suddenly, memories from the last bit of my conscience crashed in my mind.

I was sleeping with Killua!! 

I looked up, and found Killua half awake, I was sleeping, leaning on his chest while he was on his side. 

I looked at his eyes that met mine, few seconds and I was a blushing mess. 

I hid my face in his chest, and he giggled at my reaction. (he was wearing his blue shirt!)

"Why are you nervous?" He asked, knowing full well why am i.

"Th- that's my first time being this close to a man other than my brothers..." I cursed myself for stuttering, then started to get up.

"Wait really?!"

"Yeah... now get up, I know it's comfortable but we need to prepare for the Third Phase."


Killua POV 

"Oh, ok.... Want to grab some sleep."

I asked her, after she told me that she had already killed alot.

"Yeah, let's go."

Then, we went into an empty room, and there was just a futon.

"Hey.... emm.. le-lets sleep together... o-on the futon. We both need rest, so it's gonna be a pain for someone to sleep on the floor."

I said, that's embarrassing, but as long as she doesn't know my real reason, that's fine. 

She nodded, then went to take a shower first.

I can stay awake for days, I can also sleep on the floor. It's just... I want to be close with her. I've never felt like this before and I liked it.

Then she came out of the bathroom. Her red armour in her hand, and she was wearing a dark blue yukata. Now that I think about it. It's my first time seeing her without her armour. 

I took a shower and returned to the room. I saw her laying on her back, quite tense. 

I am nervous too, that's my first time being this close to her.

Then she turned to sleep on her right side, which happened to be infront of me, as well. 

She looks so beautiful, the moonlight eliminating on her figure, she has already stolen my heart. I'm falling so bad for her. 

Then I closed my eyes, the thoughts of us marring in the future, like this. Is making me feel as if I'm in an oven. 

Time Skip

I woke up, the sun was already rising, and I found myself hugging Madara close to my chest.

"I apologise for the delay. The Airship will soon arrive at its destination."

She  slowly started to open her night-colored eyes. I pulled her closer unconsciously. She looks really precious and gentle.

She looks so magnificent in my arms, I just want to keep her safe from this world.

She looked up, locking our eyes, a few seconds and she was blushing madly. 

She hid her face in my chest, making me giggle at her cute reaction.

"Why are you nervous?" I asked, knowing full well why she is.

"Th- that's my first time being this close to a man other than my brothers..." 

"Wait really?!" I asked, am I really the first male she's this close to. That... feels good. Though she stuttered at the start. I smiled

Then she started to get up, and and said

"Yeah... now get up, I know it's comfortable but we need to prepare for the Third Phase."

"Okay" I answered.


Hi guys! Today is a big chapter! That's the biggest one I've made so far!

So, I want to apologise because the scenario in the end had contact between a boy and a girl before marriage. I'm sorry!

It's just, I really find these cute, and I wanted to put this scenario so badly. 

But since it's not real, a story, I guess it's fine? I don't know. 

But, in short, I'm sorry because Madara was sleeping next to Killua, and they're different genders. 

Word count: 2790

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