Ch. 9 Third Phase

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Madara POV

Right now, we are in a large and empty tower.

"Ahem. Everyone, the exam's Third Phase will begin here, at the top of Trick Tower. To pass this phase, you should go down the tower alive. The time limit is seventy two hours. With that, we will now begin the third phase. I will pray for your success. Best of luck to everyone!!"

Then, I left Gon and the others to look around. Hashirama noticed me quickly and came with me.

"Why did you leave them? You're planning on jumping alone?"

"No, that's not the case. Hmm...."

I said as I looked around. All the applications were thinking about ways to go down.

"Huh? What do you mean? What's going on in your pretty head? I don't understand! Aren't we shinobis? We can just put chakra in our legs, like we used to do when we were children."

"Pretty? Nevermind... No, that's not how we should go, think about it. This is a non-shinobi world. Even if these 'hunters' have ability. The people that are here aren't hunters. That means they are normal humans, so they'll die if they tried. And do you remember what the tower's name is?"

"Ahhh,.... trick tower..?"

"... did you really forget- you know what, whatever.. ehem. So, you're correct, the tower's name is trick tower, so there are many tricks. And here there is nothing. That leaves me with only one theory, which is: there are many secret passages that lead to inside the tower. And what proves my point is, we have 72 hours to decend it."

".... yeah... I totally understood and thought about it from the beginning.... totally!" *looking at everything but Madara*

"Uh-um, right... You TOTALLY did."

"Ah- anyways! Let's tell the others directly!"


After we told them, Gon and Killua went alone. And then, they called us and telled us that they found some doors.

There was 6 doors beside each other, and 2 beside each other. After some talking Gon, Kurapika, Leorio, Killua, and I went to the five closer, Tobirama and Hashirama took the 2 closer. Then, we went down.

After I landed standing, I found Killua that has landed standing as well, Gon and Kurapika landed on their knees while Leorio of course, landed on his face.

"Huh? What?"

Gon and Killua looked at each others and smiled.

After some explanation from Mr. Kurapika, we went to take the bracelets. Each one has an "O" and an "X" and there was 7 in total.

The examiner of the third exam, explained the rules and that we should wait for our 6th member

I hate working with people...

It has been 2 hours Gon is skating on the skateboard of killua while Killua is trying Gon's fishing rod.

I was sitting next to Kurapika on the floor.

Then that... boy... came here. All of us looked annoyed, and that's to be expected....

Even though I've never met him in person, I've hated him the most.

And after he weared the bracelet, the door opened.... or the wall.

Anyways, after some unimportant 'yes' and 'no' and "choose O" and "choose X" we've arrived at a place, there was an area in the middle, like fighting place?

And at the other side, there was 6 people wearing potato bags? I guess, with an opening for the eyes.

Then, the first one stood first. Since I was uninterested, I sat on the floor behind the others. After he explained the rules, he was on the arena waiting for the first one to participate.

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