Bitty B Adventures

By X_vivaX

6.3K 215 355

Technically Brozone Oneshots! More

Season 1
Revenge for the Fluffleberry Cake
Floyd's Missing Glasses
Floyd's Missing Glasses [Branch's Perspective](Super short story)
Brozone behaving for a week
Day 1 Of Behaving
Day 2 Of Behaving
Day 3 Of Behaving
Day 4 Of Behaving
Day 5 Of Behaving
Day 6 Of Behaving (A sort of long story)
Fluffleberry Cake Reward Day (Super short story)
Branch's Life in His Little (big) Head
Season 2
Branch's Birthday
Branch's Playdate (Short story)
A short story ( I dunno what to title it)
Favoritism for Floyd (Short Story)
The Square's [Root] Problem (Super Short Story)
Case Of The Hiccups
Easter Special 🐣
Lemonade Stand
Out To Lunch
Are You Cereal?
Maturity Hits
Superr Short Story 🎢

Day 7 Of Behaving

167 7 71
By X_vivaX

{It was the last day of their challenge. By tomorrow they will each have a fresh fluffleberry cake waiting for them}

JD: Ahh... just a moment of silence. Ugh. for now. Any moment the others will run down here and be noisy, but but, not in a rude way..

RP: You're probably right.

JD: I know I am.

{John Dory grinned}

RP: Of course, dear.

{Rosiepuff went back to cooking breakfast}

JD: When will you make the cakes?

RP: Maybe tonight and frost them in the morning, but I am still watching for today, so don't even try.

JD: Oh, I won't. I would never.

RP: Alright..!

JD: It's just one more day. Like, its easy. Simple. No doubt.

RP: Seems like you all have bonded well.

JD: Yeah..

{They can hear stomping from upstairs}

F: Stomp Stomp!

B: Stump Stump!

F: Weeee!

RP: Morning sweeties!

F: Goodmorning Grammy!

B: Gram Gram!

JD: Why were y'all stomping?

F: Beeccaaaussseee..!

B: Yeua!

JD: Because..?

F: Why not?

JD: okay..

B: I like stumping!

F: Stomping, Branch!

B: stopping?

F: Stomping..?

B: Stopping!

{Branch and Floyd giggled}

{Clay was running down the stairs as fast as possible causing him to tumble}

C: Woah- oof-

JD: Uh, you good bro?

C: Yeah, yeah I'm fine. I gotta go!

RP: Where?

C: To my sad book club! I gotta meet with them and show them my summary!

RP: Oh, erm, alright.. do you need a ride?

C: No, its fine. I'll just walk!

RP: You sure?

C: Yeah! Bye!

{Clay ran out the door}

RP: Um..

JD: Wow, haven't seen that guy in a rush in years. Actually, scratch that.

{Spruce walks downstairs and overheard John Dory}

S: He's always in a rush-

JD: I know-

S: Mm..

RP: Goodmorning Spruce!

S: Morning..

RP: Are you okay?

S: Yeah.. just tired..

JD: Why?

S: Dunno..?

JD: Mkay..

RP: Well, we are gonna go to the store.

S: Aww.. why can't we stay home?

RP: Because, I'm stilling watching you guys.

S: What about, Clay? And John Dory a few days ago?

RP: Well, they left for a bit, so they were technically behaving, on their own. 

S: Mm.. fair enough I guess.

F: SHOOOPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


F: Why?

B: Hum?

F: Why stop?

B: Stop! We go stop!

F: Shop?

B: Yeua..!

F: Ooh.. kay..




{The bros ran into the critter car with Spruce following them}

{John Dory stops}

JD: You good, Spruce?

S: Yeah..

JD: Hmm..

{John Dory grabs a bucket of ice water from his hair}

{He dumps it on Spruce}


JD: You awake now?

S: Yes- Was that necessary? 

JD: Meh. I guess? You looked like you were gonna die.

S: Okay..

RP: Alright lets go boys!

{Rosiepuff was already in the car}



F: S-h-o-p. Shop, Branch!

B: Shi-

JD: Wait don't let him finish that-

S: *o*

B: Ship!

F: Huh? What's so bad about a ship?

JD: Oh my golly.

S: Heh-

{They have arrived at the store}

RP: Okay.. you all can buy something. Make sure to find Clay something as well!

JD: Got it!

RP: Remember! Buy something that is under 10 hugs!

JD: Alright Gram.

F: We got it!

B: Yeua!

{The four bros walk into another aisle} 

JD: Mkay.. Spruce you get Clay something. You know him best.

S: Alright.

F: Lets go Branch!

{Floyd placed Branch into his hair and they started walking away from the others}

B: Bue bUyyee, Jon! BuE bUyye Sruce!!

{The two older bros waved}

JD: Alright, see ya back at Gram's cart. Byeee!

{John Dory walked away}

S: Bye-

{The 4 brothers looked around. The bros were around the store. One searched the candy aisle, one searched the book aisle, and two searched the toy aisle}


F: Yea!

{Branch and Floyd jump into the giant box of stuffed animals}

F: WEE!!


[Meanwhile with John]

JD: Hmm.. should I get a million page notebook for songs... or a bag of chips..?

{John Dory is deciding}

JD: Well, the notebook is 10 hugs.. and the chips are 2 hugs.. 

{John Dory is still deciding}

JD: Hm, I'll just buy 5 chip bags.

JD: Easy enough.

[With Spruce]

S: I got my stuff already.. lets see.. what book does Clay like?

{Spruce looks around}

S: Maybe a dictionary.. he needs it. 

{Spruce grabs the dictionary}

S: Easy as heck.

[With the two little kids]

F: Which one shall we get? 

B: That!

{Branch pointed to the green dino plushy}

F: But its 18 hugs!

B: We shure!

F: Share?

B: Yeua!

F: Ohh! We combine our hugs together so now we have 20?

B: Yeup!

F: Smart move Branch!


{The four brothers come back to the cart}

RP: Oh! You guys are back!

F: Yup! Me and Branch wanted to share our hugs so now we have 20 to spend! We got this plush that is 18 hugs!

RP: Alright.

{Rosiepuff looks at the troll who is holding 5 chip bags}

JD: What? They are under 10 hugs! They are 2 hugs each!

RP: Just checking aha!

JD: Mhm..

RP: What did you get for yourself and Clay, Spruce?

S: I got some ultra silky smooth face cream. I ran out yesterday and my face is so dry!

RP: Oh, okay. What did you get Clay?

S: A dictionary.

RP: Why?

S: Because he nee- I mean, he wanted it. 

RP: Oh, that's nice Spruce!

{They walk up to the check out area}

JD: Not gonna lie, Clay does need that-

S: For reals.

{They finished paying which came out to a total of 324 hugs}

JD: I did not buy that much.

RP: I know. I just bought fluffleberry cake ingredients.

JD: Ohh okay.

F: Oh yeah! We get fluffleberry cake!

S: Did you forget?

F: Yes!

S: Mkay.

{They arrived home and saw that Clay was laying on the couch with a huge grin on his face}

RP: Oh, hello Clay! Are you okay?

C: YES!!! Erm- I mean. Yes dear grandmother. 

S: You good?

C: YEESSS! I mean- Yes. 

{Clay was trying so hard to keep his excitement in} 

JD: Tell us.

C: OOOKKKKAYYYYY... If yooouuuu insissst!!!

S: Hm,


F: Can I come?!

C: Ooh.. no sorry.. unless you wanna join my sad book club..

F: Books? Nevermind.

RP: That's amazing Clay! I'm going to go start on the fluffleberry cakes.

{Rosiepuff left the living room}

C: Thanks Grammy!

S: Yeah! So amazing that we got you a gift!


S: Yup.

{Spruce hands Clay the dictionary}

C: Oh. uhm. what is this?

S: A dictionary.

{Branch and Floyd giggled and played with their new toy}

C: What's a dictionary?

JD: Give it here. 

{John Dory grabs the dictionary and flips to the page where there is the definition of "Dictionary" and points to the definition}

JD: There.

C: Ohh okay. Thanks..?

S: Yeah, no problem. 

C: Are there stories in here?

S: No, but you can learn words..?

C: Oh..

S: Yeah.



{Clay grabs the dictionary and runs upstairs}


S: Okay..

JD: Weirdest thing ever-

S: For reals.

{John Dory is munching on his chips and Spruce takes some}

JD: Better ask next time.

S: No promises.


{Brozone has made it. They have behaved for 7 days! WOWZERS!}

{Their fluffleberry cake reward day will happen soon, but I appreciate you all for being so patient! <3}

[End of day seven!]

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