Branch's Birthday

202 9 2

and a.. three... two... one.



B: Mm.. a bird day?

F: Noo silly! A Birth-day!

B: Oh phew! I don't like birds.

JD: Yeah! Happy Birthday, Bitty B!

B: Thank yue!

S: Dude! You're like three now! You're a big boy! We're gonna make your fav-

{John Dory nudges Spruce}

JD: SHH! Don't tell him!

S: Oh, okay.

{Branch was wearing his bunny pajamas}

C: Anyways, what do you want to do today birthday boy?

B: I know! Lets go collect sticks!

C: Uh, why?

B: I like sticks!

{Rosiepuff comes into the room}

RP: Happy Birthday Branch!!

B: Grammy!! 

RP: How's my three year old grandson doing?

B: Goood! I'm gunna go with Floyd to get sticks!

F: Sticks?

B: Yea!

(OMG HE CAN SAY YEA NOWW!!! Anyways, on with the story!)

F: Why?


B: I like them.

F: Okay, Sure!

RP: You all can go outside and hang out with Branch today! It's a beautiful day outside!

JD: Alright Gram!

S: Got it!

C: Alright.

F: Okay!

B: Yayy!! I'm gonna hang out with my awesome brothers! 

{Branch smiled}

RP: I'll be inside making Branch's fluffleberry birthday cake!


S: So I can't say that?

JD: Yeah-

{The brothers went outside to collect sticks for Branch}

B: I declaur whoever bring me lots of sticks is winner!

C: Ehum, declare, Branch.

B: eUgHm. its ack-a-shully "FROND", Clay.

C: Nonsense. 

B: Yea, I'm still Branch heh-

F: Ooh Frond sounds like a good name, then we could be matching because both of our names would start with an F! 

B: Yea! Maybe I'll change it wen I learn to be chill like you!

JD: Pfft- Branch? Calm? sure..?

S: You? John Dory? Calm? NEVER!

JD: Hey! You take that back! 

S: Nope! 

{The two chased each other}

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