"Beneath the Glacial Gaze, Wh...

By ROZI234pp

176 61 40

"Beneath the Glacial Gaze, Whispers of Lavender Dreams" intricately follows the intertwined lives of fifteen... More

**Whispers of Mystery: Introduction to Key Characters ✨**
**Chapter 01: Whispers of Lavender Perfume: Echoes of a Forgotten Friendship**
**Chapter 02: Shopping Spree at Everwood Mall**
*Chapter 03: Unexpected Musical Flashback: Car Journey of Conflicting Emotions*
**Chapter 04: A Gift, a Gaze, a Glimpse**
**Chapter 05: Sweat, Skills, and Surprises on Mom's Special Day**
**Chapter 06: Inside the High-Tech Haven: Mom's Computing World**
**Chapter 07: Intrigue and Investigation**
**Chapter 09: Echoes of the Battlefield, Echoes of Friendship**
**Chapter 10: Tangled Hearts: In the Arms of Temptation**
**Chapter 11: Shadows of Desire: Velvet Curtain of Longing**

**Chapter 08: Threshold of Understanding**

7 4 2
By ROZI234pp

I used to believe I was the only one experiencing those emotions, but watching the clips, it's evident that Aria was also going through the same heartache, or perhaps she was feeling even more upset and uncomfortable.

A specific clip grabbed our focus, depicting Aria's reaction to a text message on her phone. Her expression shifted from indifference to concern, then to sadness as she read the message.

Curious, Mom enhanced the image on the screen to get a clearer view of the message. My heart raced as I read the words displayed on Aria's phone screen.

It was a message from someone saved as big brother, and it seemed to be causing Aria a great deal of distress. Her fist tightly clenched as tears threatened to spill on her eyes.

I couldn't believe what I saw. Her once bright blue eyes now clouded with sorrow, as if burdened by the weight of the world's injustices. After a few deep breaths, she quietly left the school premises.

She didn't come to school for next week. Then, in one clip, Liza asked me if I was dating, and I responded with a firm no. I don't have time for emotional distractions. However, that day Aria wasn't present to witness my denial.

After that when Aria returned she stopped avoiding me but started to say some mean and bitter words. As if she is deliberately trying to let me hate her.

I watched, in one footage myself approaching her and asking if she needs previous classes notes. "Whatever," Aria muttered under her breath, her tone sharp as she brushed off my attempts at further conversation.

Now I understand her words, though dismissive, carried a hint of bitterness, a mask for the deeper turmoil brewing beneath the surface.

Watching Aria's distress on screen, my heart went out to her, feeling her pain like a knife twisting in my chest. I felt helpless, torn between empathy and guilt.

I turned to Mom, my resolve firm. 'We must uncover what that message contained,' I insisted, urgency creeping into my voice. 'Whatever it is, it's clearly affecting her deeply, and I won't rest until we get to the bottom of this.'

However, Mom looked at me with an unreadable expression. Solemnly, she asked, 'What do you think of Aria, honey?'

Momentarily startled I replied, "She is my best friend Mom. She is Um, like a sister to me."

Mom casually inquired, "How much do you understand about romantic relationships between people of the opposite gender and the same gender?"

I hesitated, caught off guard by Mom's sudden change in topic. "Well, I know the basics," I replied, feeling a bit uncomfortable discussing this subject with her.

"I've seen relationships between boys and girls, but when it comes to relationships between people of the same gender, I'm not as informed. I mainly know them as friendships."

Mom gently rubbed her forehead before casting a regretful glance at Aria on the screen. "At times, I wonder if choosing Evergreen was the right decision for us," she reflected. "While it boasts stunning scenery and warm-hearted inhabitants, its conservative nature gives me pause."

I furrowed my brow, perplexed by Mom's sudden shift in tone and subject. "What do you mean, Mom? Why would settling in Evergreen be a bad idea?" I asked, feeling confused by her statement.

And did she just imply choosing to settle in Evergreen? That suggests her native country differs, doesn't it?

Mom sighed, her expression growing more serious. "It's just that... well, let me put it this way: Evergreen is very different from Basisphenoid, which is my native country."

"Cultural disparities between Basisphenoid and Evergreen societies stem from a variety of factors such as history, philosophy, societal norms, and geographical influences.

Individualism vs. Collectivism:
In Basisphenoid culture, individualism reigns supreme, championing personal achievements, independence, and self-expression.

This contrasts sharply with Evergreen culture, which leans towards collectivism, valuing group harmony, familial ties, and social cohesion.

Communication Dynamics:
Communication styles also diverge; while Basisphenoid culture favors direct communication, Evergreen culture often relies on indirect cues like gestures and tone of voice, with a strong emphasis on maintaining harmony and avoiding confrontation.

In Basisphenoid, fashion often emphasizes individuality and self-expression, with diverse styles ranging from casual to formal wear. There is a greater acceptance of revealing clothing and fashion trends that push boundaries.

Whereas Evergreen culture prioritizes modesty and conformity, particularly influenced by conservative beliefs.

Views on Time:
Basisphenoid culture often adheres to a monochronic view of time, where schedules are meticulously planned, and punctuality is valued.

Conversely, Evergreen culture embraces a polychronic view of time, where flexibility and adaptability are prioritized over strict adherence to schedules.

Attitudes towards Authority:
In terms of authority, Basisphenoid societies tend to question hierarchical structures, while Evergreen cultures show greater respect for authority figures, rooted in Confucian principles of filial piety and social order."

"Cultural disparities between Basisphenoid and Evergreen countries extend beyond surface-level customs and traditions, encompassing attitudes towards gender relations, commitments, social standing, and mental health.

Gender & Relationship:
In Basisphenoid societies, same-gender relationships are widely accepted, and individuals are encouraged to express their sexual orientation and gender identity openly.

Conversely, Evergreen culture is influenced by conservative beliefs, traditional gender roles are more pronounced, and same-gender relationships may face stigmatization or legal restrictions. Here, discussing romantic relationships between people of the same gender is taboo, let alone acceptance.

Attitudes towards Commitments:
Basisphenoid culture often prioritizes individual autonomy and personal fulfillment, which can manifest in attitudes towards commitments such as marriage and career. Divorce rates can be higher, reflecting a willingness to prioritize personal happiness over societal expectations.

In contrast, Evergreen culture place greater emphasis on family obligations and social stability, leading to more enduring commitments and a lower prevalence of divorce.

Social Standing:
In Basisphenoid societies, social standing is often determined by factors such as wealth, education, and professional success. Meritocracy is idealized, and individuals strive to climb the social ladder through their own achievements.

Conversely, in Evergreen culture, social standing is influenced by factors such as family background, age, and hierarchical structures based on Confucian principles. Respect for elders and deference to authority figures are commonly observed.

Mental Health Stigma:
In Basisphenoid societies, there has been a growing emphasis on destigmatizing mental illness and promoting mental well-being through therapy, self-care practices, and advocacy efforts.

However, in Evergreen culture, with strong collectivist values, mental health issues are viewed as a source of shame or weakness, leading to underreporting and reluctance to seek professional help.

Socializing and Entertainment:
In Basisphenoid, bars and nightclubs are common venues for socializing, entertainment, and relaxation. They offer a space for individuals to unwind, mingle with friends, and enjoy music and drinks.

Alcohol consumption is often prevalent, and patrons may engage in casual conversations, dancing, and socializing with strangers. Alcohol often integrated into social gatherings, celebrations, and culinary experiences.

However, excessive drinking can lead to societal issues such as alcoholism and drunk driving.

However, in Evergreen, which is influenced by conservative values, bars and nightclubs are less common and in some cities completely restricted. Here social gatherings occur in alternative settings, such as cafes or private residences, where alcohol consumption is absent and strictly prohibited.

In Basisphenoid, education is often viewed as a pathway to personal and professional success, with an emphasis on critical thinking, creativity, and individual achievement. Higher education is widely accessible, with universities offering diverse academic programs and research opportunities.

In Evergreen culture, education is highly valued as a means of social mobility and filial duty. Academic success is often prioritized, and students may face intense pressure to excel in standardized exams.

Basisphenoid culture prioritizes individual mobility, with private transportation options such as cars, taxis, and ride-sharing services readily available. Convenience and flexibility characterize these modes of transportation, allowing individuals to travel independently and tailor their routes to personal preferences.

In contrast, Evergreen culture relies more heavily on public transportation systems, such as buses, trains, and subways, due to various factors.

Public Displays of Affection:
In Basisphenoid societies, public expressions of affection such as holding hands, kissing, and hugging are generally accepted and commonplace. Couples can display their affection openly without fear of judgment or interference.

However, in Evergreen culture, public displays of affection are viewed as inappropriate or disrespectful. Couples exercise discretion and reserve intimate gestures for private settings out of respect for cultural sensitivities.

Dating Culture:
Basisphenoid societies have witnessed the rise of hookup culture, characterized by casual sexual encounters without emotional commitment or long-term relationships. Dating apps and social media platforms facilitate connections between individuals seeking short-term intimacy and pleasure.

Conversely, in Evergreen culture, where traditional values and family expectations hold sway, hookup culture is less prevalent or openly acknowledged. Relationships are approached with greater deliberation and consideration for long-term compatibility and familial approval."

She continued, her voice carrying a subtle undertone of remorse. "I don't want you to remain unaware, because once you reach 18, we'll go back to Basisphenoid. It's crucial that you grasp the cultural disparities and embrace them openly."


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