It's More Than Basketball~ PA...

Bởi Coda17

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Freshman year of college is a place that will make or break you. At least that's what they all say and for me... Xem Thêm

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 7

947 14 4
Bởi Coda17

~ I love when our babies win... OH HEY THERE HOW ARE YALL?!? Shitty... is that because of the cliffhanger, girly I'm sorryyyyy. I got your fix right here so we can make your day better okay❤️ so grab the popcorn and get ready for this cause let me tell you this right now. It's a good one🥰 ANYWAY LETS GET TO IT!!!~

"Paige why does all of that even matter? Why do you care that much?"


"Paige I'm not going to yell back or explain myself to you. I shouldn't have to. I'm my own person and he is his. Plus I'm not your friend that you have to tell him to back off from. I thought we were closer than that."

"We are Y/n... I didn't tell him to back off of you because you're my friend though. I never did it because of that..."

"Then why Paige? Why do that?"



"Oh fuck it, what else do I have to lose today."

"What do yo-"

That's when I was cut off. I was cut off by Paige's lips on mine. I would be lying to you if I was shocked. I mean I said it before and I'll say it again. I'm oblivious to anything and everything a lot of the times.

It was only a second until I kissed her back. She had her hand on my cheek and the other on my waist. This was the type of kiss that you see in the movies with all of the fireworks and the I've been waiting to do that for a while kind.

When I say fireworks, I mean it. This was the best kiss that I had ever had in my life.

It wasn't until she and I were out of breath that she released the kiss. We just held our foreheads together and took a deep breath.

"You know, I was dreaming of this moment for a while. I just didn't know how to. I was hoping the party was my chance until Jackson stole it."

"I... Paige..."

"No. Don't say a thing. If you tell me right now you don't like me or we can't after that kiss. I will tell you you're fucking insane."

"I wasn't going to fully say that. I was going to say what the fuck will I say to Jackson and what if we end badly?"

"Tell him you loved the opportunity but you can't do it. Also what do you mean end badly?"

"If we end up breaking up Paige that screws the team and us. We will literally cost each other our careers and theirs. Do we really want that? Like we are just starting the season."

"Y/n, I get that I really do but I don't care. I don't care if it kills us career wise, shit if you or I have to we will transfer. Don't we deserve to have more to us than just basketball? Don't we deserve to take shots outside of the court and hope it's a game winner?"

I can't lie. That was the sweetest and hottest thing I have ever heard from someone. Like how the hell did she even think of that one?


"No. I don't want to hear anything that isn't about us giving this a chance. Just one chance and we can play by your rules."

"I wasn't going to say anything bad. I was just going to say, if we do take this chance and one of us transfers because it doesn't work. Please don't go to my parents team. Don't look at them. Don't go near them."

"Is that all you need from me if it ends badly?"


"What if it doesn't end though? What if we make it all the way?"

"But what if it does?"

"Y/n please look for the positive side, not the negative one. I want you. Fuck it I need you Y/n and if I have to be the one to be the only one that proves it for a while I fucking will."

Fuck it. What do I have to lose beside it all. I pulled Paige back into a kiss, this time it was short. I knew we already took a bit of time in here and Geno could only postpone for so long.

"Let's do it. Put first you need to get your head off of him or me and play your fucking game. You're 4 points deep with a 2/10 FG and a 0/3 from the arc. You need to prove you deserve this captain title and need to prove to yourself you're worth all the hype. Now go out there with me and let's crush this fucking team. Deal?"

"Deal. Also you knowing my stats aren't cool..."

"I'm a captain. It's my job to know my players and to know how my favorite is doing on the court. Even when it's really shitty."

"Yeah yeah." She just rolled her eyes at me before smiling. She kissed me again really fast. Opening the door for me so we could go back to the team.

We make it to locker room just in time. Geno gives me a look and I nodded at him. He needs to put her back out there and see that she was only doing bad because of me. I was sorry for it and I was going to make it up to her.

"Okay ladies let's get this win!" Geno gives me a nod. "Hey Bueckers you're starting the second half."

"I won't let you down this time coach." I looked at Paige and gave her the you better no look. All she did was chuckle. Well all walked back out to the court. When I did I looked at Jackson. He gave me a thumbs up and all I could do was smile at him.

I feel bad. At the same time though, I don't. I wanted Paige for so long and that kiss. You can't fake kisses like that. When I kissed Jackson it wasn't like that. It was just a kiss.

"Hey are you the one that's okay now?"

"I'm all good Paigey. Now let's get your stats at least decent."

"I agree. I'll just remember our kiss during the shot." She winked at me when she said it. Damn Paige...

"Is that... are you blushing Miss Harper?"

"Oh shut up. We have a game to win." She just nodded to me.

After that we went out on the court with the same starting five minus two. KK and Nika are sitting to get a break. So it's Paige, Aaliyah, Ashlynn, Azzi and me. I forgot to mention Azzi didn't start because she said her knee was hurting from practice. So KK started in her place and took the shooting guard position.

She's said she's feeling a better now after all the icing and wrapping. I had no problem with her coming in. I need to get her some points now too.

We all were set up and ready to go. Seems like St. John was also ready to go. I know it was going to be a good one to start this half off. I mean both teams not wanting to lose. It means a lot to both teams and I know we will want this more.


St. John started to bring the ball up the court. We were playing press on them and trying our best to steal the ball. My player had the ball and I knew what her move was going to be just by her body language.

I knew that Paige was looking at me and I pointed to where the pass was going to be. Once she passed the ball it was stolen by Paige.

That's my girl. I love when she listens to my directions. She's running down the court and get fouled really fucking hard. "Jesus Paige!"


I run right to her, kneeling to where I'm right next to her ankle. I knew it hurt but it would only bruise that's it. "Hey are you okay Paigey?"

"Aw is someone worried about me?"

"Always Paige. Now if you're not hurt get up because you're making a scene."

"You're right, this is the wrong scene I want to make with you. Help me up my Y/n/n." She called me her Y/n/n, now that is cute.

I reached out my hand and Paige took it. "You better make this free throw."

"Yeah I will Y/n/n, just for you."

We all lined up for Paige's free throw. She got the ball from the ref and took a dribble before looking at me. She smiled and took the shot.


"Told you I would make it."

"You needed to, now play some good defense and thanks for looking at me. It got you a steal."

"I always look at you so don't worry about that."


~4th quarter with only one minutes left~

The score is now 95-68. Any hope that St. John has been crushed by us for all of this half. Paige got her numbers back up and now has 21 points, 4 assists, 3 rebounds and a steal. I'm so proud of her.

I have 30 points, 11 assists, 7 rebounds, and 4 steals now. We are all killing it and nothing is stopping us now. We had the ball and I was just wasting time. I didn't move the ball around until the shot clock was running out of time. When I was they pressed me so I passed it to Paige.

"PAIGE FOR A THREE!" That's my girl again. She hasn't missed since half and I'm so glad. Geno was very glad too. You can tell by the look on his face.

"3! 2! 1!"


That's the end of the game. We won our first game 98-68. This is a really good showing for us and me. I was really good all around and it's all because of the amazing team I'm with.

"Y/n do you mind if we do a game interview with you?"

"No not at all. Let me just shake hands real quick." Wow a first game interview, I love college even more now.

I went in the line being one of the first ones to clap hands with the other team and after we were all done the other teams coach came up to me.

"Hey Y/n Harper right? I wanted you to know you played a great game and I appreciate the sportsmanship in the beginning of the game. I don't get that a lot as a coach and I think this was even the first year someone did that for me. So thanks."

"Of course. I appreciate your team coming out here and giving us a good fight. I can't wait to see and play you guys again."

We shook hands one more time before Paige jump on me basically. She gave me the biggest hug. Someone miss me?

"As much as I care for you Paigey. I have an interview to go to."

"I know they asked me to be in it with you."

"Well then come along P." She smiled at me and followed me to the sidelines. I can't the day I have been having. It was definitely something. I think this was honestly one of the best days for me. I played well and I got to do something I've always wanted. To kiss Paige.

"Hello ladies, so this sideline interview will only contain a couple of questions and I will adress questions for both or you and individually. All good?"

"All good from me. P?"

"Yep all good."

(So in this italic words will be Paige and the plain Jane ones will be Y/n aka you. Bold would be the interviewer.)

"Hey this is Amelia coming at you live with the stars of today's game Paige and Y/n. Y/n you started the game hot in the beginning and never stop. How did this game feel for you?" 

"I mean I felt great out there. Coach believed in me and these girls. That's about all I really needed as motivation really. It also helps when you have someone who wants it just as much as you to push you. Paige is my girl the pushes me to do better in the game of basketball. We came in early to get started off right and she helped me preform to the best of my ability. Of course the coaching staff helps too."

"You also put in the work. The you put in more work than anyone else Y/n."

"Now you're just flattering me Paige. You work really hard two and proved that in the second half."

"Well that brings me into the perfect transition for this question. Paige what was the key factor getting into the second half that you didn't have the first half?"

"Well I think the biggest factor is standing right next to me and coach. I mean if I didn't they to have that talk with my other captain at the half I don't think I would've pulled myself out of the slump. As far as coach Geno, he believed and pushed for me to play better and to be better than what I am. If it wasn't for Y/n, Geno, and the girls i wouldn't have the numbers I have. Also especially Y/n's passes, she knew where I was at every point in the court. She even told me where to go for that steal I had in the beginning of the second half."

"Wow that is amazing, well you ladies certainly had your key roles. So I have one last final question for the two of you. What do you think your team brings to the game that the others won't this season?"

"Well from my stand point we have a bunch of floor generals. Like I know I can trust these girls to know what to do and how to do it to make that play. I think that we have more of that in this team along with Y/n, I would be lying if I didn't say she's probably one of the best people to have running your court. Whether it's the shot or the pass, she knows how to get the job done. That combined with Coach Geno,we should be nearly unstoppable this year."

"Paige you flatter me too much now. Thank you though. I think in my opinion Paige is right but on top of that we have a lot of freshman's, especially freshman's running this court. We have team chemistry already with just knowing each other for a maximum of 14 weeks. Seems like a lot but it's not when we only started practicing 6 weeks into the 14 weeks. I think that is absolutely amazing and not really heard about. We will also have this team going for years to come and the more we grow the stronger we will become. I mean I know you can see the duos already right?"

"Yes you can with Nika and KK. You and Aaliyah. Then you and Paige being the biggest one."

"Exactly. Now it's my time to brag about Paige. See she's just one of those players that's not had to have chemistry with. She knows where to go and your body language. She picks up on things faster than a lot of basketball players. She can shoot, pass, rebound, steal and block. Paige is the whole package deal when it comes to a guard and I can say that she's one of those players I would love to coach. I can say nice things all day about her and my teammates but I'll end it with this. We have the best coach in the league. He will make us succeed and show us what we need to personally succeed in this game. I can gladly say we are the package deal as a team and a staff. So if you're gonna bet money on games this year, go for UCONN."

"Thank you both for this interview, it was great to hear from the two stars of the USA team now gone UCONN stars. I wish you both the best of luck in your season. This was Amelia signing off from the court side."


"Thank you both again for doing this interview, it means a lot to me. I'm serious good luck this year because I'm a UCONN fan."

"Of course, Paige and I will gladly get some wins going. We'll see you next game hopefully if you go to away games too. Good bye Amelia."

Paige and I walk back to the locker room. Once we both made it we see Geno talking to the rest of the team.

"Ladies come join." I walked in first with Paige following behind me. We both sat down next to each other and I gave her a look. A look that meant I know what he's going to go on about. To sit down and prepare for the best and worst time of an after game.

"Ladies we did good tonight. I am very proud but there are obviously things we need to work on. Taking the right shots, knowing when to shoot or pass, better defense on the three, passing in time, and shooting over all. I think that we have a lot to improve but to also take from this. You all did good. We had a little bit of a drought in the beginning with said shooting but improved in the second half. I am so proud of that. Paige and Y/n congratulations on your first interview from the sideline. I won't go over much more but will say, Paige is an example of not letting a half get to you. You need to push through the drought in order to find the rain. Now get a shower, rest up, and get ready for your break tomorrow because Monday we will go at practice doing everything I named. Once again good win team."

With that everyone and even the staff was getting ready to go home. I look around 6 minutes later to see everyone but Paige has left. I look to her and I don't know what came over me.

I walked not even two steps, turned her to me and kissed her. She talked me up so good in the interview. She decided to appreciate me in a way that no one else has.

Paige kissed me back and this time instead of lust and the wanting need it was passionate. It was slow and loving. Sadly it had to end so we could go.

"What was that for? Not that I'm complaining and don't want it."

"I appreciate you so much you know that. You showed me off like the biggest prize you won. Even though you deserved more credit."

"You were my credit. You pulled me out of the slump, you helped me know I was in my own head and you... just you. You're you Y/n, you know that court and live by it. You seen me in ways my old teammates wouldn't even be able to know. We had chemistry and it was all because you knew me just like I know you. So yes, I credited you because you deserved it. You were on fire and it never burnt out, in fact it grew higher. It made me happy to see it."

God how can someone be this fucking cute. She really was sweet and caring even when she doesn't try to be.

"Paige... thank you. You deserve just as much credit too. You dug yourself out of your slump. You read me like an open book and knew where to be. Paige you killed it in the second half playing like the player we all know and love. You showed why you are the best at your position. I was just happy to help you prove it to yourself my Klay."

"Klay? Klay Thompson?"

"Is that all you got out of that?"

"No I got more."

"Like?" She just smiled while moving in close to me. Kissing my lips slowly. God I don't want this to ever end.

"That. You do care for me Harps and when I say you are the best or amazing I mean it. I'm just so glad I finally got to show you before that half started just how much you mean to me. I needed to. I haven't had you off my mind in so long. You and basketball, the two things that are the driving force in my mind right now. I'm just glad you will let me have both."


"Yeah Harps?"

"Do you want to sleep at my apartment again? We could watch a movie or just sleep."

"I will do whatever you will let me do."

"Wow, take me on a date first P."

"Not what I meant. If I were to ever do anything like that you need to be ready, I need to take you out on a date and ask you out. I am a gentleman and I will always be for you. You're worth it all."

"Not as much as you're worth it. I can't wait to show you."

"Oh yeah like how?"

"Well I am the best cuddler to people I really like, I give good kisses, I'm really good in school, and I'm a pretty good cook."

"What are you not good at? Like cooking too, I might as well marry you. Wait, cuddler... you're telling me that you haven't been really cuddling me?"

"MARRY?!? Date first P... but no... I mean like FULL on cuddles. I still have your real cuddles just not the full effect because I didn't wanna show you that I liked you. I was trying to hide it."

"I know you were... I was trying not to. I couldn't, tried and didn't work. I was just hoping you dodging and pushing away meant you liked me. I was right. Thank god."

"Yeah yeah, thank god is right. Let's go back to my apartment though. I am starving my ass off and would like to eat some food."

"Will you be cooking?"

"Sure, how does chicken Alfredo with broccoli sound?"

"Sounds so good right now that my stomach is growling already. Now I am excited."

"Now you're excited... are you joking. You're sleeping with my amazing cuddles again and that's what excites you?"

"Hey it's both but, food. I love food you know me. I love sleep too so when we eat and get that done with your amazing food. Sleep and amazing cuddles, that's when I'll be even more excited for it. Deal?"

"Deal I guess Paigey. You better be fucking excited after food cause we'll both be tired to be honest."

"That is the truth Harps, that is the truth for sure."

Paige and I finish up getting ready to leave. Both changing into our warmup uniforms and slides. Talking while we are walking to the door. Once we did Paige held it open for me and you'll never believe who we see.

"Hey Y/n, guess the number on the face was good luck right?"

~HEY YALL IM SORRY FOR THE WAITTTTTT!!! It's just I've been busy with work but here is the chapter I know you have all been waiting for. I hope you enjoyed it and actually ate popcorn this time. I love y'all and thank you again for reading this! I can't wait to write some more for you all!! Bye my lovely gays!!! Have a good day❤️❤️💅🏼 ps sorry for this new cliffhanger😶‍🌫️~

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