The Doctor and The Captain...

By Azkickdipstick

5.7K 683 45

The Captain travels with his lifelong best friend, The Doctor. The First Book follows the ninth Doctor. More

Author's Notes
S1 EP1: Rose Part 1
S1 EP1: Rose Part 2
S1 EP1: Rose Part 3
S1 EP2: The End of the World Part 1
S1 EP2: The End of the World Part 2
S1 EP2: The End of the World Part 3
S1 EP3: The Unquiet Dead Part 1
S1 EP3: The Unquiet Dead Part 2
S1 EP3: The Unquiet Dead Part 3
S1 EP4: Aliens of London Part 1
S1 EP4: Aliens of London Part 2
S1 EP4: Aliens of London Part 3
S1 EP5: World War Three Part 1
S1 EP5: World War Three Part 2
S1 EP 5: World War Three Part 3
S1 EP6: Dalek Part 1
S1 EP6: Dalek Part 2
S1 EP6: Dalek Part 3
S1 EP7: The Long Game Part 1
S1 EP7: The Long Game Part 2
S1 EP7: The Long Game Part 3
S1 EP8: Father's Day Part 1
S1 EP8: Father's Day Part 3
S1 EP9: The Empty Child Part 1
S1 EP9: The Empty Child Part 2
S1 EP9: The Empty Child Part 3.
S1 EP10: The Doctor Dances Part 1
S1 EP10: The Doctor Dances Part 2
S1 EP10: The Doctor Dances Part 3
S1 EP11: Boom Town Part 1
S1 EP11: Boom Town Part 2
S1 EP11: Boom Town Part 3
S1 EP12: Bad Wolf Part 1
S1 EP12: Bad Wolf Part 2
S1 EP12: Bad Wolf Part 3
S1 EP13: The Parting of the Ways Part 1
S1 EP13: The Parting of the Ways Part 2
S1 EP13: The Parting of the Ways Part 3
The End?

S1 EP8: Father's Day Part 2

57 12 0
By Azkickdipstick

The red-eyed monster hovers over a playground. A woman is pushing her son on the swing. From the colour of his skin we can guess who this should be.

"Hey, Jack. Jeff." the boy says.

But the boy on the slide and the two on the see-saw have just vanished. Then his mother isn't behind him any more either. The boy runs off.


"I'm not listening. It's just the duffel coats all over again." Jackie tells her husband as Rose watches from a distance.

"Jackie, sometimes a duffel coat is just a duffel coat. Things will get better soon, I promise." Pete tells her.

"I've had enough of all your daft schemes. I never know where the next meal's coming from."

"I'll get it right, love. One day soon, I promise you, I'll get it right. Come on."

The little boy from the park runs round a corner "Monsters! Going to eat us!"

"What sort of monsters, sweetheart? Is it aliens?" Suzie asks the boy laughing.

The boy runs straight into the church. The Doctor and Captain run up to Rose.

"Rose!" the Captain shouts, Rose turns around looking at the two men with a raise eyebrow, she smiles. "Get in the church!"

Noticing the two men look up into the sky Rose turns her head and looks up seeing a large creature with bat-like wings appearing in the sky. The creature hisses and swoops down towards a screaming Rose. The Doctor pushes her out of the way just in time before the creature could get to her.

"Get in the church!" the man shouts. The three run up to the waiting people who quickly grab their things and rush to get inside the church, but they soon stop as they notice a second and third creature appear in the sky.

"Oh, my God. What are they? What are they?" Suzie asks.

"Inside!" the two men shout at the people gathered at the door.

"Sarah!" Stuart says about to rush to Sarah.

"No! Wait there!" the Captain shouts.

"Stay in there!" the Doctor shouts at the same time.

Stuart's dad tries to run away however the creature's get to him first, the man screams as it attacks him.  Another blocks Sarah's path to the church, but when she screams it flies off and pounces on the vicar instead.

"In!" the Doctor says.

"Now!" the Captain adds as the two men push the group towards the building.

One of the creatures swoop in towards the Doctor just as he closes the church doors. Inside everyone is talking amongst themselves, concerned, confused and scared. The Doctor and Captain look around as they listen to the creatures try to find a way inside.

"They can't get in. Old windows and doors. Okay?" the Docotor says looking at the old windows.

"Mhm, the older something is, the stronger it is." the Captain adds. "What else?"

"Go and check the other doors. Move!" the Doctor tells the people. Before rushing off to check doors, followed by Jackie.

"What's happening? What are they?" She asks the man.

"There's been an accident in time. A wound in time. They're like bacteria, taking advantage."

"What d'you mean, time? What're you jabbering on about, time?" she asks him confused.

"Oh, I might've known you'd argue. Jackie, I'm sick of you complaining."

"How do you know my name."

"I haven't got time for this."

"I've never met you in my life!"

"No, and you never will, unless I sort this out. I've waited a long time to say this." the Doctor says as the Captain and Stuart make their way over to him. "Jackie Tyler. Do as I say. Go and check the doors!"

"Yes sir." she walks off.

"I should've done that ages ago." the Doctor smiles.

"My dad was out there." Stuart says to the Doctor after harassing the Captain too many times about the situation.

"Oh my, I've told once, why aren't you listening to me?" the Captain asks Stuart.

"You can mourn him later. Right now, we've got to concentrate on keeping ourselves alive." the Doctor says.

"My dad had..." Stuart starts.

"There is nothing we can do for him." the Doctor says and the Captain nods.

"No, but he had this phone thing. I-I can't get it to work I keep getting this voice." Stuart hands the phone over to him.

The Doctor dials a number and listens "Watson, come here. I need you. Watson..."

"That's the very first phone call. Alexander Graham Bell." the Doctor smiles handing the phone to the Captain.

"The telephone won't be of much use." the Captain tells him hanging up the call.

"But someone must've called the police." Stuart says.

"Police can't help you now. No-one can. Nothing in this universe can harm those things. Time's been damaged, and they've come to sterilise the wound..." the Doctor says while checking a door making sure its locked before turning and walking over to Rose. " consuming everything inside."

"Is this because... Is this my fault?" Rose asks. The Doctor walks away not saying a word as Pete watches the conversation whilst kneeling down to baby Rose.


Outside the church the creatures fly around screeching, while a woman runs down the road. The screeching creatures fly after her. Around the street, cars have been left abandoned as has a pram that's been knocked on its side.


The Captain runs through to the vestry where Pete is checking the door. The Captain looks through a window as Pete joins him.

"There's smoke coming up from the city, but no sirens. I don't think it's just us. I think these things are all over the place. Maybe the whole world." Pete says. The Captain watches out the window as a beige car appears from nowhere before disappearing again. "Was that a car?"

"It's not important. Don't worry about it." the Captain walks off.


Rose, standing by the alter, looks up at the big stained glass window as one of the creatures land on trying to find a way in. Pete walks up to her.

"This mate of yours... What did he mean, this is your fault?" Pete asks Rose.

"Dunno. Just...everything."

"I gave you my car keys. You don't give your keys to a complete stranger. It's, it's like I trusted you. Moment i met you. I just did. A wound in time. You called me Dad. I can see it. In my eyes. Jackie's attitude. You sound like her when you shout..." Pete says as he wipes a tear from her cheek. She grabs his hand and places it on the side of her face. "You are! You are. You're my Rose. You're my Rose grown up!"

The two hug both in tear. "Dad. My Dad... My Daddy..."


"Excuse me." Stuart says walking down the aisle followed by Sarah.


"You seem to know what's going on." he says, as the Captain joins the three.

"He gives that impression, yeah." the Captain says.

"I just want to ask..."

"Can you save us?" Sarah finishes Stuarts sentence.

The Doctor looks back at the two with his screwdriver in hand. He turns it off and walks over to them. "Who are you two, then?" he asks.

"Stuart Hoskins."

"Sarah Clark."

"And one extra, boy or girl?" the Captain asks, motioning down to Sarah's stomach.

"I dunno. I don't want to know, really."

"How did all this get started?" the Doctor asks.

"Outside the Beatbox Club, two in the morning." Stuart says looking over at his bride.

"Street corner, I'd lost my purse, didn't have money for a taxi." Sarah tells the two men.

"I took her home." he smiles.

"Then what? Asked her for a date?" the Doctor asks.

"Wrote his number on the back of my hand."

"Never got rid of her since! My dad said..." he stops his sentence remembering what happened to his father.

"I don't know what this is all about, and I know we're not important..." she says with tears forming in her eyes.

"Who said you're not important?" the Doctor asks sincerely.

"I'd like to have a word with 'em." the Captain adds earning a little chuckle from the couple.

"We've travelled to all sorts of places, done things you couldn't even imagine, two... Street corner, two in the morning, getting a taxi home..." the Doctor says, gaining a smile from the couple. "I've never had a life like that. Yes. We'll try and save you."


Rose and Pete are now sitting in a side room, away from everyone.

"I'm a dad. I mean, I'm already a dad, but... Rose grows up and...she's you. That's wonderful. I suppose I thought... that you'd be a bit useless, with my useless genes and all, but..." he says as Rose looks at him still with tears in her eyes. "But how did you get here?"

"Do you really wanna know?"


"A time machine."

"Time machine?"

"Cross my heart." she smiles.

"What, do you all have time machines where you come from?"

"No, just the Doctor and Captain."

"Did you know these... these things were coming?"

"No." she shakes her head.

"God, I dunno, my head's spinning..." he places his head in his hands for a few moments looking at the floor before raising it back up "What's the future like?"

Rose shakes her head "It's not so different."

"What am I like? Have I gone grey?" he asks her smiling. Rose pauses and looks at him for a moment not being able to answer the question. "Have I gone bald?" his smiles fades. "Don't tell me I've gone bald. So, if those mates of yours ain't your boyfriend, and I have to say I'm glad, cos being your dad an all, I think one's a bit old for you." he says changing the subject and making Rose laugh. "Have you got a bloke?"

"No. I did have." Rose says.

"Mickey!" Jackie's voice interrupts the two's conversation. As a little boy runs up to Rose, who stands up, and hugs her.

"D'you know him?" Pete asks.

"I just... didn't recognise him in a suit." she kneels down "You have to let go of me, sweetheart. ..I'm always saying that."

"He just grabs hold of what's passing and holds on for dear life. God help his poor girlfriend, if he gets one." Jackie wraps her arms around young Mickey's shoulders.

"Me and Rose were just talking." Pete tells Jackie.

"Oh, yeah talking? While the world comes to an end, what do you do? Cling to the youngest blonde!" she stares at Rose. "Come on, Mick!" she takes the boy and leaves. Pete starts to walk after her.

"You can't tell her." Rose tells him.


"I mean, I really don't want you to tell her."

"You don't want people to know?"

"Where I come from, Jackie doesn't know how to work the timer on the video recorder."

"I showed her that last week! Point taken."


The Doctor and Captain are gathered round baby Rose's carry cot. "Now, Rose, you're not going to bring about the end of the world, are you?" the Doctor asks the baby.

"You are definitely going to listen to us, aren't you?" the Captain adds, as Rose walks up to the two men. The baby just stares at the two men.

"Jackie gave her to us to look after. How times change." the Doctor says keeping his eyes on the baby.

"I'd better be careful. I think I just imprinted myself on Mickey like a mother chicken." Rose says before going to touch the baby.

"No! Don't touch the baby." the Captain says as the Doctor stops Rose from handling her past self.

"You're both the same person. That's a paradox, and we don't want a paradox happening, not with these things outside. Anything new, any disturbance in time makes them stronger. The paradox might let them in." the Doctor tells her as the creatures continue screeching.

"I can't do anything right, can I?" Rose says.

"Since you asked, no." the Doctor says. The Captain quickly hitting the mans shoulder.

"Just don't touch the baby." the Captain says to her.

"I'm not stupid." Rose tells them.

"You could've fooled me." the Doctor says, Rose looks away from the men. "All right, I'm sorry. We weren't really going to leave you on your own."

"I know."

"Between you and us, we haven't got a plan. No idea. No way out." the Captain tells her with a shake of his head.

"You'll think of something"

"The entire Earth's been sterilised. This, and other places like it, are all that's left of the human race. We might hold out for a while, but nothing can those creatures. They'll get through, the walls aren't that old. And there's nothing we can do to stop them. There used to be laws stopping this kind of thing from happening. Our people would have stopped this." the Doctor says.

"But they're all gone. And now we're going the same way." the Captain adds.

"If I'd realised..." Rose stops.

"Just... tell me you're sorry." the Doctor says.

"I am. I'm sorry." Rose says. The Doctor places his hand on the side of her face and smiles, the two hug. "Doc? Have you got something hot?" she asks searching through his jacket pocket. "Agh!" she throws a shining hot key to the floor.

"It's the Tardis key!" the Captain says taking his jacket off and he walks over to it to pick it up. "It's telling us it's still connected to the Tardis!" he says as Rose kneels down next to him with her mouth open in shock.

The Doctor and Captain walk down to the pulpit to make an announcement to everyone. "The inside of our ship was thrown out of the wound, but we can use that to bring it back." the Doctor says pointing to the Captain who shows the shining key. "And once we'e got our ship back, we can mend everything!"

"We just need a bit of power. Has anybody got a battery?" the Captain asks looking around at the people who have gathered in the pews.

Stuart picks up a phone "This one big enough?" he asks walking towards the Captain.

"Fantastic!" the Captain says as Stuart hands the battery to the Captain as the Doctor walks over to the two.

"Good old dad. There you go."

"Just need to do a bit of charging up and then when can bring everyone back." the Doctor says as the Captain uses his sonic screwdriver on the battery.

The screeching creatures start crashing into the door as the Captain continues charging the battery as everyone looks on.

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