Axel's Little Rose

By Darla_Gene

2M 53.1K 5.9K

TITLE CHANGE! Renamed from "He's A Werewolf, My Mate, Oh, and Also The Alpha King! Carter is a beautiful, str... More

Author's Note
"Carter Mathes!"
The Scent
The Prince
The Prince And His Bedroom
A Big Royal Welcome
Let's Get Away
What's Next?
The Prince And Me
Day of Relaxation
Perfect, Well Almost Perfect.
Just Like Old Times
Do Werewolves Go To Heaven?
Waking Up Is The Hard Part
News To Me
Get Me Out Of Here!
Just A Dream
Wipe My Tears Away
I Changed Him?
No Flash Photography Please
Dinner With The Kings
Motherly Duties
A Place To Call Our Own
Moving On Up
A Trip To Remember
The Calm Before The Wake
Thinking About Carter
Last Day
Small Step For Me, Big Step For Axel
Someone's Moving On
I Thought You Were Dead.
Tell Me Something I Dont Know
You Dont Even Have To Ask Twice
A Wedding Too Remember
I Didn't See That Coming, Oh Wait I did!
Yes Or No
Sequel Is UP!!!


89.9K 2.1K 209
By Darla_Gene

When my eyes open next, it's morning. Axel's room faces is on the north side of the house and let's in quite a bit of sunlight. It takes a moment or two for my eyes to adjust. Again, I add to my mental check list: Get black-out curtains.

My muscles silently call for me to stretch and I comply. I start with my legs first, as I always do and then move my hands up in a sun rising motion. That's when I unexpectedly hit something hard next to me.

Sheer panic races through me as I lift my gaze to my side. It's Axel, sleeping next to me. I relax a little, though my racing heart beat is persistent. Thankfully, he's dead asleep still.

My hand quickly covers my mouth as I laugh at what I just did. I would of been so embarrassed if I had woken him up.

I continue to watch his face, as his eyes open.

"Good morning, beautiful!" He says with a husky, and not to mention sexy voice. Butterflies erupt from my stomach from the sound. Funny how a voice can create such a physical reaction to my body.

"Hey, sorry. I didn't mean to wake you," I explain.

"It's okay, I missed your pretty little face anyways," He tells me. Why does he have to be so darn cute. "So what do you want to do today?"

I frown. "I don't know," I tell him honestly.

"Think about it. We can do anything you want. The day is yours," he says and leans in closer to me. "You know, you are the most beautiful girl in the world."

I scoff, my cheeks as red as Valentine's Day. "No, I didn't know that. But thank you,"

"As someone who has searched our world far and wide for a girl as beautiful as you, no one else compares Carter. You're beautiful my love, own it."

I plunge into deep thought at his statement. This man traveled from pack to pack for seemingly months in search of me, and failing every single time. I can't imagine the disappointment that he barred but yet he still continued. Why? How? How did he not lose faith that I was out there.

A kiss to the forehead releases me from my thoughts. "What are you thinking about my rose? Don't think too hard, you're going to get permanent worry lines." He takes his finger and pushing on the lines of my forehead. I instantly relax, worried that he would be right. "And trust me, they don't look pretty as you age. Just wait until you see my dad." He says with a smile. I can't help but burst into laughter at his statement.

He leans in close again, as if he's going to kiss me. The next thing I know, he's soft lips are touching mine. His kiss is sweet and gentle but more passionate as we deepen it. This. This is what I've been waiting for my entire life. They preach to us about finding out mate since we are babies. Mating is how the pack survives.

The kiss is short and sweet, fitting for our new relationship. As Axel pulls back, I can sense some hesitation in his eyes, maybe even some worry. I reach my hand up and run my thumb over his cheek, soothing him as if to say that it's okay and I wanted it just as bad as he did.

A sudden knock at our door broke our eye contact.

"What?" Axel growls. A man comes in, looing scared by Axel's intense state. 

The man swallows deeply, "Your Father requests your presence Sir," the man explains quickly.

"Tell him I'm busy."

"It's really important, Sir."

"I said, TELL HIM I'M BUSY!" Axel yells. The man runs out of the room. Axel fumes and I just stare at him. It prompts a question. Is that his wolf talking or is that really how Axel treats his pack members. I shake off the weird feeling in the pit of my stomach when his eyes meet mine, they soften.

"Baby..." He begins but I'm quick to cut him off.

"Was that necessary?" I question him.

"No, I guess not. Partly it was my wolf," ahh, just as I suspected. "But partly it was myself as well, I guess I had this perfect image of how the day was going to go and now I'm frustrated that my Father is summoning me."

"You must lead by example Axel." I tell him. He nods his head and I truly think he understands where I am coming from. "We can't control when we are summoned by the King, it is best to listen and obey. We can always start our day after the meeting."

He nods his head. "Yes, you are right my love." Axel and I talk for a few more minutes about our expectations for the day and soon we part. I go to the bathroom to get myself ready for the day and Axel goes to his Father.

Axel is still gone when I'm finished. My stomach growls, "I know, I know." As hungry as I am, I don't know how ambitious I feel. This house is very easy to get lost in and I not a clue how to get back to the kitchen from the night before.

Ignoring my stomach growls, I sit on the bed and diddle with my fingers for a moment or two. Unsure of how to proceed. I find myself staring at the architecture once again. It's quite brilliant actually. The drywall connects so well with the wood beams on the ceiling. The beams match the frame work of the window. Ahh, the window. Probably my favorite aspects so far. It's got a daybed, as if they knew they were building the room for me.

Though the room is extravagant, it's not over the top. The idea surprises me. The richest family in the entire world is modest? Quaint, even. It makes them appear to be realistic verses out-of-touch. But somehow I doubt the castle has the same ideals.

Axel returns soon after. I lay with my legs stretched out on the daybed as I take in the silent woods that surrounds the house. He comes to sit by my feet.

After a few moments of silence, he speaks up. "Are you content my rose?"

My stomach growls before I can even form a response. "Does that give you an answer?" I can't help but laugh. Perfect timing.

He stands up and clasps his hands. "To the kitchen first I see! And then maybe a little walk? I can show you the grounds."

"I would love nothing more."

He seems pleased with my response because he holds out his hand for me and helps me off the daybed. We then make our way down to the kitchen.

Breakfast is amazing as you can probably guess at this point. This personal chef, Garrett, has his work cut out for him. He knows his way around the kitchen.

"Alright, it's a little colder up here than your old pack. Would you like to change into something warmer before we go?"

"Well as you pointed out, it is much colder here so even if I wanted too, I wouldn't have any warm clothes to change into. But I digress, I should be fine. We werewolves stay pretty warm."

"Well we will have to change that. You can wear something of mine for now." He says sternly.

"That would be fine with me." I tell him. I turn and head for the hallway. But suddenly his tingling hands grab onto my upper arms. He turns my whole body effortlessly.

"Um it's this way to the room." He says, trying not to make me feel embarrassed. I nod my head and try not to think about my blushing cheeks. I head towards the room, the right way this time.

It doesn't take me long to get ready, I just through on one of his sweatshirts and was on my way back down the stairs towards him. The more I travel this path, the more it becomes familiar. It's not so intimidating.

"Shall we?" he asks when I reach the bottom of the stairs.

"We shall," I say and wrap my arm around his. He leads me outside. The cool air hits me as soon as we step outside. The leaves are changing. The weather is getting cooler. It's my favorite season. Fall.

We walk down the middle of the street because they live in the middle of no where. The only word I can use to describe the scene is: Beautiful.

I notice Axel is studying me. I lay my head on his shoulder for a brief moment.

"It's beautiful, Axel." I comment. My response is sincere. Nothing can outdo the beauty they have created.

"Sure is. It's even better with you," Axel says and gives me a kiss. Once again, I melt against his lips but the crisp air is quick to pull me back into reality.

"Do you think you can be happy here?" The concern in his voice is genuine. It almost brings tears to my eyes, thinking he cares so much about me already. "Yes, I think I can"

After the walk we went back and had hot chocolate. We sat by the fire and talked. I just love listening to his voice. It's like honey. Towrards the end of the day, I start to get sleepy. So Axel take me to bed.

"Where are you going?" I ask him when he doesn't follow me into bed.

"Uh, my Father requested my presence again. He would like to talk. Not entirely sure what about since we already did talk this morning. But please don't wait up for me. Sleep my Rose"

I nod. He's out the door and I relax into the bed.

I lay in bed, listening to the soft crackle of the fire. It's peaceful. I could get used to this.

I hear foot steps going down the hall. Assuming it's Axel because I've rarely hear anyone else use this back hallway, especially given that it's only his bed room over here.

With a curious eye, I watch the door intensely. But when the door opens, it isn't him like I thought.

"So it's true!" He says, looking right at me.

I frown. "Hello Father."

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