Raising Snakes

By Sebastain500

137K 5.1K 507

Harry is given the opportunity to go back in time after he does during the war by Death himself! Harry has al... More

1. Death
2. Two Boys
3. Waking Up- Harry
4. Adopting
5. Understanding
6. Gringotts
7. Shopping Time
8. Peverell Mansion
9. Healing
10. Getting to Reknowing
11. Meeting the Mastermind
12. 'Auntie Luna'
13. History and the Tree
14. Yule
15. 🎂5th Birthday 🎂
16. Interfering
17. Investigation
18. Family Day Out
19. Family Day Our part 2
20. Poptarts
21. Newton Artemis Fido Scamander
23. Wizengamot
24. Orion Black POV
25. Preverell Family
26. Abraxas Malfoy POV
27. Arcturus & Orion
28. Abraxas & Gringotts
29. Black's
30. Calming Effect
31. Boys
32. Dinner Talk
33. Red Meets Blue
34. Abraxas Sings a Lullaby and Meanings
35. Cast Out Birthday Party
36. Birthday and Surprise
37. Twin Dates
38. Baby?!
39. Lucius' POV
40. St. Mungo's We Go
41. Little Blue and Innocence

22. Creature Bill

2.1K 101 14
By Sebastain500

Errioks strolled through the Ministry not happy he had left his children... his hyperactive children... his children who were sensitive to sugar run amok in the Manor due to Fred and George giving them two whole damn boxes of Poptarts to eat and due to that...

...yeah his friends were on their own with that one mind you he wasn't happy he just didn't need it today of all things, today was important and hopefully it would pass and that meant every creature would be registered and that they would get medical help and even jobs, the werewolves would have a safe place to turn, a trunk of sorts or ward off a forest or something so then they can transform peacefully, the vampires would have a blood bank of sorts to help with their hunger and anyone that wanted to donate their own blood they could, best yet out it all would that everyone in Knockturn would be able to get an education as well as a job in time.... it was something that just had to pass it would help all creatures around....

It had to pass!

"Ah Errikos my boy what a surprise that you are here" said Dumbledore to him

"Ah Headmaster Dumbledore I don't think I ever gave you permission to call me by my first name" said Errikos to him not pleased with him if he was trying to rule his life like he did before he had another thing coming and that payback was a bitch and with his full title going on show today well lets say some people will be very very shocked at who Errikos Ignotus Peverell really was....

He was Lord Errikos Ignotus Peverell-Gryffindor-Hufflepuff-Slytherin-Ravenclaw he was a 5x Lord in his own right he would get through the arse that is Dumbles....

It was then that Minister Nobby Leach came forward

"Ah, Dumbledore and Lord Peverell! please come in, come in!" Nobby stood and welcomed Errikos and Dumbles into his office with a beaming smile, Errikos took his hand and smiled through the man's disgustingly sweaty hand that he felt beyond his winter gloves.

"Minister," he nodded his countenance was stern but polite.

"Nobby," smiled Dumbles as he nodded as well.

"Ah no none of that, please call me Nobby please I can't have such a powerful Lord call me that now can I" waved his hand around, giving them another beaming smile.

"Then I insist you call me Errikos, Nobby"

"Of course, of course," Nobby signalled them to take a seat, "Tea, coffee?"

"Tea will be fine, thank you."

Nobby snapped his finger and a tray arrived, he made himself a cup of tea as per his guest's taste as he babbled, "I must say, Errikos, this has been a pleasant surprise, to say the least, that some of our old Pure-blood lines are not dead yet who would have guessed that the Peverell line was active in Greece?"

"And Slytherin," Errikos smiled pleasantly as he accepted his cup of tea, nonverbally and wandlessly checking for anything before taking a sip he sighed slightly at the taste

"Pardon me?" Nobby glanced up surprised from serving Dumbles another cup.

"My very own family is the only one left of the Slytherin linage I tend to keep it private as I hear that that this side of the family is considered dark here and I didn't want to cause such a fuss over my name sadly but it seems that I have by the look of the Headmaster here"

Nobby looked momentarily stunned for a minute, before recovering and giving another beaming smile, "this is an excellent piece of news, two of our very own lines still active."

"Thank you, Nobby, say I pay you a compliment on the recent legislation that you supported regarding the usage of the Ministry Budget? it was a quite clever one I completely agree with opening a fundraiser for the acceptance of donations from all the willing families Merlin knows Ministry needs every help it could get to make sure Magical Britain is working smoothly, after all."

Nobby seemed surprised that Lord Peverell was aware of it at all, as it hadn't been very publicly covered in any of the newspapers, including the Prophet and Wizarding Times of Britain. It has been passed rather quietly but given he is talking with a friend of Arcturus Black, obviously he will be aware of it Nobby smiled, accepting the compliment, and relaxed in his seat more the hint with the donation meant some of it will be donated to his cause, after all.

"I do not know if this news has reached you or not, but as the owner of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, I am planning to remodel the classes and schedule and add extra classes and clubs for the children as an ex-student of Uagadou during my school life, I noticed there are absolutely no extra lessons on different kinds of Magic, how are the children going to learn them, if we don't offer to teach them in a safe and secure classroom under a master of the art first?" Errikos shook his head, disappointed, "which is why I have added many classes, though Dumbledore seems to be against any changes I offer," he gave a long sigh.

"Truly?" Nobby looked up, surprised, "this is the most ridiculous...! Why would Dumbledore intervene and stop adding new classes? That sounds like an improvement to me." he looked at the other man in the room

"Apparently not, according to Dumbledore." Errikos scoffed, "he thinks them 'dangerous' and 'highly unstable'."

"They are dangerous, the students can hurt themselves as well as others" said Dumbles not liking where this was going

"Dangerous and highly...how?" Nobby looked between them, bewildered, "What classes are you adding?"

"Classes like penmanship and Wizarding law and etiquette for Muggle-borns, for example," Errikos shrugged casually, "one would think he would be up for it, after all, he is a self-proclaimed defender for the rights of Muggle-borns. I also have added classes like yoga, arts, music, literature, languages, astral magic, alchemy, elemental magic, and a few others"

"This is a fantastic improvement of Hogwarts, I must say," Nobby nodded enthusiastically.

"Enough of that I would like to talk about the Creature Bill" said Errikos

"Must we? Errikos my boy it is working perfectly we don't need to give them all rights to everything that is happening, they are alive and don't need our help to live their lives" said Dumbles

"You forget Headmaster that I am not your boy I am nothing to you remember that, now, back to the topic at hand if we give them the rights to have normal health checks, right to educations, jobs, help with somewhere safe to transform as well as a type of place to help with their hunger so then they don't create a blood bath which will expose our world to the Muggles where we have to clean up after them everyone would be safe"

"Well that does sound much more pleasing than what we had before if it passes that it" said Nobby

Dumbles thought about trying to stop it all but he could see that Errikos had the stupid Minister wrapped around his finger, he had to stop this but how?! this was getting worrisome he needed the blasted creatures scared and weak to then he could use them later in life when he would put all his plans in place....

Errikos silently drank his tea, his eyes down as if subdued as well.

"Minister please hear me out," Errikos raised a hand, "Think about it if we can monitor the werewolves and vampires considerably more when they are not driven into hiding from us Wizards if we offer them jobs, tell me, isn't it more beneficial to keep tabs on them when they're in front of you? if they are hiding we have no clue in what they are doing they could be breaking our most Scared Law for all we know but if we know where they are and can help them then it won't happen"

"But - " Nobby argued, "what if they infect others? and the vampires will suck anyone dry!"

"A very valid concern I understand that I do, been close to have on bite me when I was younger," Errikos nodded remembering the blasted Horcrux hunt when he was a teen, stupid Dumbleshit, "but we can build them a blood bank where the donors can willingly supply blood in exchange for some money and a vial of blood replenishment potion for every unit, you will have several content Vampires willing to offer hard work or even pay in exchange for that blood, they seem to be uncontrollable and they tend to 'suck someone dry' exclusively if they're starved, I would know, having studied with them in the same room and receiving wonderful history lessons from some of them" the knew the last bit was a lie but come on he needed him on his side and not Dumbles

Nobby listened to him in stunned silence, before asking, "and what about the werewolves what do you want us to do about them?"

"We have fantastic magic at our disposal, we can utilize it, some people market trunks that have various charms and runes on them, we could pick a shop and reserve them to mass produce a wolf-proof trunk that will have some standard charms like extension charms, anti-paw, locking charms, and some other official protection that, when activated, will make it impossible to open by anything other than a hand from inside, you can of course custom made it to be forest and plant trees if you prefer, but it's better to leave that to the customers and every werewolf will be needed to testify and vow that they will spend the Full Moon in those Ministry-approved trunks.

This is of course for those who do not have a forest at their disposal, those who have a forest near their home can set up similar Wards around their territory and have Ministry Ward and Curse breakers check it so they don't come across others, those who are too poor to buy them can work and pay for them through periodical instalments, just think about all the money it will bring to the Ministry and if those poor souls have the right to a vote as well, you will be swimming in blessings and votes in no time." Errikos smirked, then offered

"If you want, I can take charge of it and oversee myself about the trunks and the wards for the werewolves, I have experience with them and having travelled many places grants you different kinds of knowledge you only need to approve our bill and then sign some documents.

Maybe even appoint some of your wonderful Aurors to look after the trunks during the time of the Full Moon to make sure no one comes out in Wolf form and then a Healer to assure their recovery the next morning."

"That's..." Nobby was speechless, "I've never considered this before."

"Well, now you know," Errikos gave a lopsided smile who knew it would be this easy to get what he wanted, "if you wish, I can provide blood banks for the Vampires as well but obviously, I would need the bill to pass before that."

"Yes, please do it." Nobby nodded firmly.

Whatever this young lad is saying is too good, especially if they give him the blessing and vote for him for the election next year. He will no doubt be hailed as their saviour and everyone will praise him he fumbled for some parchment and pulled them, quickly jotting down the notes, "I will contact the Head of the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures in fact, I have heard the current Head is ready to retire and looking for a replacement would you like the position?"

"Of course, I will be honoured to have been entrusted with such a position and responsibilities" said Errikos

"Perfect, let us talk about this in more detail after the Wizengamot session. We have an important bill to pass today."


this was some hassle to write but im glad i got this up

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