Doctor Who: volume 2

By the_gallifreyan

46 8 5

the second instalment of the Doctor and Liv's adventures in time and space More

Episode 1: The empty planet: part 1
Episode 2: The empty planet: part 2
Episode 4: The Solway Spaceman: part 1
Episode 5: The Solway Spaceman: part 2
Episode 6: The sun vanished: part 1
Episode 7: The sun vanished: part 2
Episode 8: One final game

Episode 3: The sleepwalkers

4 1 2
By the_gallifreyan

Me and Liv are relaxing in some café in London when I get a call "hello?" "Doctor, it's Kate, something's come up" "we're on our way" "who was that?" Liv asks, "it was Kate" "what did she say?" "Not anything specific, just that something's come up" "guess we'd better get going then" I just nod and we finish our cups of coffee before going back to the TARDIS..

Eventually we land at UNIT HQ and Kate comes up to us "what's going on?" I ask her, "we're really not sure, but it's incredibly strange" she pauses before saying "the town of Postwick, normal and innocuous town most of the time, but for the past week every single person in the town has been sleepwalking and going to some stone circle smack bang in the middle of the town" "I'm guessing the same happened to UNIT operatives you stationed at the town" she just nods. I think for a second before asking her "should we go take a look?" "Please Doctor, we can't do a thing because as soon as our troops fall asleep they fall victim to this strange effect too" "fair enough, we're on it, come on Liv" I turn back and head into the TARDIS again with Liv. Inside the TARDIS she asks me "what do you think it is?" "Not a clue, I mean something like this has got to be hypnosis of some sort" "don't suppose it's The Toymaker? He could do hypnosis" "I hope not, I've had enough of him lately" "yeah me too.." I smile a little before the TARDIS lands in Postwick..

We step out and begin to look around the town, a woman walks out of a shop so I decide to go up to her and ask "could I ask you a question?" She looks taken aback for a second before then asking "might I ask who you are?" "Yeah of course, I'm the Doctor and this is my good friend Liv, we've heard reports that everyone in this town have been sleepwalking every night, are you aware of this?" She gives a confused look before just saying "I don't know anything of the sort, good day" she walks off and I turn to Liv before saying "so the residents don't know what's happening to them, that really does throw a hammer in the works" Liv just sighs before looking over at something and saying "found that stone circle Doctor" I look over and see it too before smiling "excellent work Belgian lady" she smiles too and we run over to the stone circle. I crouch down and scan them with the sonic, "anything?" "Nothing.. What makes this so important?" "Well, since we can't figure it out then maybe we should take one of them and get the TARDIS to analyse it?" "Good idea" I say before grabbing one of the stones and running back to the TARDIS with it. Inside, I put a couple of sticky cable things on it as the TARDIS analyses it "so? What makes them so important?" I look closely at the data before noticing something the sonic didn't pick up "these stones don't come from the surface of the Earth.." "What do you mean?" "According to the TARDIS, they have hints of ionised radioactive energy, a kind of energy that humanity doesn't get access to for a good few hundred years from now" "what so.. They're from another planet?" "I don't think so.. Liv, I reckon we're dealing with Silurians" "and Silurians are?.." "Natives to earth like the Sea Devils, only they live underground, ionised radioactive energy is what they use to power well.. Basically everythin'" Liv gives a slight look of surprise before the stone suddenly vanishes with a purple aura around it. "Where did that go?" "Back to the circle I reckon.. Come on" I run out of the TARDIS and Liv closely follows..

We find ourselves back at the stone circle and I crouch down again "what are you gonna do?" I don't even answer Livs question and just lick the stone a little "just as I thought.. It's not rock" Liv gives a slight look of disgust before asking "what is it then?" "Some kind of teleport relay, they're acting as an anchor point between here and wherever the Silurian colony is" "so.. Why are the residents coming here every night while sleepwalking?" "Not sure, could be siphoning low-level telepathic energy or they might just want a welcoming committee" "low-level telepathic energy?" I just nod before Liv shakes her head and says "well, I guess we should wait until night.."

Soon, night comes and sure enough, all the people in the town come out of their houses and towards the stone circle.. "It's happening.." I just say as we stand up from our little chairs and watch as the townsfolk surround the stone circle. For a moment I wonder why Liv isn't saying anything but I then realise she's joined them, also sleepwalking and standing around the circle, I run over to her and snap my fingers in front of her face "Liv?" Nothing, I sigh before looking on in surprise as the stones have that same purple aura again and the ground around me begins to vibrate a little "oh they're coming.." A huge flash fills the air and when I open my eyes again I see them, a small group of Silurians, one of them in a red jacket looks at me and asks "who are you?" "I'm the Doctor, I know your people but please tell me, what are you doing here?" She smirks a little before signalling to the others to survey the town and then walks towards me "we need a new home.. This town has been designated" "this town is home to a numerous amount of people" "we're aware of that Doctor, but a virus is wiping out our colony and we were selected to find a new home, to carry on living.." "Look, I'm sorry that that's happening but you can't colonise this town, it's already occupied" she grunts before pressing something on her wrist thing and everyone, including Liv, wake up. The townsfolk begin screaming and running about as Liv walks over to me "what's going on?" She asks me, "this lot are planning on colonising this town" "but you can't!" Liv protests to the commander "what's your name commander?" "I am Restak, leader of this colony of our people!" "Right, the point still stands Restak, you can't take this town" "then what do you suggest, Doctor?" "Well we can.. Help you find another Silurian colony" "and then we'd never learn to survive on our own! We wouldn't hold any positions of power!" "Then what do you want me to do?! Seriously I'm trying to help!" She grunts before shooting me with her blaster...

After a few moments I wake up "Doctor? Doctor!" I slowly come to and stand up as Liv helps me up "bloody stun settings.." Liv sighs with relief before saying "she said some.. Quite worrying things" "what do you mean?" "Well.." Before Liv can continue, some UNIT troops come into the town but the Silurians quickly overpower them, bullets and blaster shots fly through the air as me and Liv run for cover. "I'm guessing she was talking about this.." Liv just nods before Restak runs over to us and proclaims "your precious toy soldiers are nothing to us!" "Then what's next? You just keep fighting off UNIT until they leave you alone?" "That and we'll properly colonise the town with our technology" "then what? 'Cause you seem awfully bloodthirsty" "then we'll rage war against the pitiful Sea Devil!" "Why? What have they done?" "They were the ones that unleashed the virus upon our colony!" "I see.. But can I please suggest an alternative?" She grunts but nods "your people largely left Earth a long time ago.. Finding and colonising a planet dubbed Siluria, we can take you there in our ship" "my people survive?" "They do, please call off this array of attacks before it escalates into something that'll destroy the planet completely" she thinks for a second before nodding and calling off her troops, the UNIT soldiers back down too, as if they know I've sorted it out..

The TARDIS lands on Siluria and Restak along with her troops run out to join the other Silurians on the planet, Restak turns to me and salutes, and for the first time in a long time, I return the salute..

Inside the TARDIS Liv just turns to me and says "why did you give them a second chance?" "because everything deserves one.. It's always been my way, forgiveness" Liv smiles before I pull down the lever and look as the time machine sets off for more adventures. Next stop everywhere...

NEXT TIME: A strange spaceman captured in a photo in 1964, creatures that we can't quite remember and a series of unknown tunnels underneath the entire UK...

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