By lush_rush

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Josie's career begins to take off winning Project Runway with 20k to start her business; when she and Ricky w... More

Chapter 1: ICE ME OUT
Chapter 2: Ex-change
Chapter 3: Tart
Chapter 4: Clarity
Chapter 5: Fresh Start
Chapter 6: He said, She said
Chapter 7: Bittersweet
Chapter 8: Let me Know
Chapter 9: All Falls Down
Chapter 10: The Fence
Chapter 11: Fashion Week
Chapter 12: Perfectly Imperfect
Chapter 13: Recall
Chapter 14: Newsflash
Chapter 15: Jaded
Chapter 16: Sorry Boys
Chapter 17: Goodtimes?
Chapter 18: Blame Game
Chapter 19: Target on My Chest
Chapter 20: Reset
Chapter 21: Playtime
Chapter 22: Show Me
Chapter 23: Love is___
Chapter 24: School of Hardknocks Pt 1
Chapter 25: School of Hardknocks Pt 2
Chapter 26: Is this what it comes down to?
Chapter 27: Sure Thing
Chapter 28: Troubled Waters
Chapter 30: Contradiction
Chapter 31: Before I wake
Chapter 32: I Been
Chapter 33: The Code
Chapter 34: My Affection
Chapter 35: Take Care
Chapter 36: Nobody But YOU
Chapter 37:Fate
Chapter 38: Sorrows
Chapter 39: Running Out
Chapter 40: L'amour
Chapter 41: Love Jones
Chapter 42: Dangerously in Love
Chapter 43: For However Long
Chapter 44: The Session
Chapter 45: Temporary Highs
Chapter 46: Killin Me Softly
Chapter 47: Paranoid
Chapter 48: Funny How Time Flies
Chapter 49:Forever More
Chapter 50: Unhinged
Chapter 51: The Good Guys
Chapter 52: Karma
Chapter 53: It's Up
Chapter 54: Trouble in Paradise
Chapter 55: Out$ide pt.1
Chapter 56: Out$ide Pt 2.
Chapter 57: I Guess It's F**k Me
Chapter 59: Wants and Needs
Chapter 60: Other Side of The Game

Chapter 58: Paranoid

771 30 9
By lush_rush


Josie jumped out of her sleep from a terrible dream. She pressed her hands into the mattress looking over to see if Ricky was beside her. Confused she grabbed her phone to see that it was 4pm. All she remembers is coming home from the doctor and crashing on their bed. She looked over at her phone to see a couple of text messages. She unlocked her phone to see nasty direct messages

"Your husband beat up my friend he's an abusive bitch.. I feel so sorry for you babe"

"Tell your fiancée that it's up about my friend"

Josie ran her hands through her hair she didn't understand why she was being attacked. Shortly, Ricky walked in unraveling his tie.

"Finally you're up," he said

Josie rolled her eyes at him as soon as she woke up all she could think about was the other night and all of the things that had been said.

"Ricky, what did you do after the party? Josie asked tiredly

"What you talking bout? He asked. She handed him her phone. He grabbed it looking at the messages. He sucked his teeth handing her back her phone. "Soo? Did you beat him up? She asked. Ricky didn't say anything he took off his shirt throwing it in the hamper. "So you're not going to tell me what's going on? She questioned

"I did what I had to do. Simple" he said

"Oh my gosh... Ricky you can't just go around beating up folks okay-

"Do you know who you're talking to right now? He asked.

"Yeah... I know but you would think you would cool off on that especially since we are having a baby" she said

"At the end of the day, when it comes to you and our family no one's off limits. You were tired of him bothering you so I did something about it.... Shit I was tired of him bothering you too" he said

"I know but you're not always gonna get away with these types of things just pick your battles... now all of his friends are going to spam my address because you wanna knock folks out" She rolled her eyes

"They'll get over it and so will you," he said taking off his pants. "It's like you don't care about my concerns at all," she said

"I care but at the same time I solve problems," he said

"Tuh" she laughed. "You taking out all your anger on me because you're best friend may not be who you think she is and you got those bitches or whatever he is in your damn head," he said

"I can't be upset that I possibly lost my best friend and no one wants to hear that their husband is cheating on them"

"Is"? He questioned

"The fact that you're feeding into it is crazy," he said

"Im not, like I said no one wants to hear anything like that" she expressed

"You think Im cheating on you Josie? Like really answer me" he demanded

"...No," she said

He sucked his teeth "You cappin" he said

"Im not but I won't say that I didn't have thoughts. I mean look at me Im pregnant and you have your needs. Ricky you barely even touch me... so yes sometimes my mind can wander" she said. He walked over to her

"Did it ever occur to you that I don't need it at the moment or that I respect you and love you and Im not some rapey ass husband that can't control himself ... damn you paint me out as some monster at times" he said. Josie started to feel bad she loved his response but she still needed intimacy 

"I'm sorry... that's not intentional and I know you care... but I have my needs too. After I hit 4 months you stopped being intimate with me. And Im pregnant but im not fucking disabled so yes I want some action going on...because soon we won't be able to do a damn thing" she admitted. She couldn't lie this was one of the hardest conversations they've had in a while she started to feel like she was begging.

"This conversation is dumb," he said

"Thanks, now I feel like I'm over here begging for your attention," she said. Ricky pulled her by her waist. "I love you....but I never want to have this conversation again. Okay so I haven't been in the mood lately that doesn't mean Im cheating on you-

"I didn't say you did-

"Im offended that you think that I can't handle myself. You think Im some dog ass nigga like I ain't make changes or grow. Everybody loves reminding me of who I was but the fact it feels like it's coming from you.. that's fucked up and now you're mad at me because I'm defending you. That's all I ever do is defend you.. but who's defending me?

"I am, I cussed him out. I was defending you just weren't around. That's not fair... I didn't even say that you were" Josie's voice cracked she hated that they were arguing over Erica's messy friend.

"Then why are we having this damn conversation huh? He asked

"You can't see it from my perspective at all. Im pregnant, my hormones are all over the place and there are women around you all the time" she added

"That's a you problem" he said

"Um no it's our problem, don't make it seem like I'm insecure cuz let a man be in my direction for too long and you're sweating" she scoffed

"So where were you two doing in Soho? Josie asked

"We came from a meeting and grabbed some food, that's the day I brought your food back home" he answered

".... okay," she said

"So what you want me to do fire Yasmin? He asked

"Huh? What are you talking about? She asked

"Cuz it ain't about the women in my vicinity it's the fact that I have an assistant.. let's be real," he said.

"Im not that insecure I would never take money out of another woman's mouth.. but you are going hard for her so if that's what you wanna do then"

"See, it's that statement right there," he said

"Fire her don't fire her. I don't care the problem was never her" she said

"Then what's the damn problem"

"I don't know this is too much... were just talking in circles," she said beginning to cry.

"When you figure it out, let me know," he said putting on his normal clothes. "You figure it out cuz Im not going to explain my character this entire marriage" he said

"I never would want you to feel like that. You're blowing this whole thing out of proportion" she said

"At the end of the day you should know me by now," he said. "Don't wait up" he said

Josie sucked her teeth watching him leave again. She received a text from Raymond saying that he was on his way to drop off Jace.

The Next Day

The family smiled watching Ms.Monica ring the bell at the treatment center her battle with cancer was finally over. "Yayyyy go mama" Kamaya cheered. Josie clapped getting emotional thinking about her dad and the rollercoaster it's been with him. She's so happy Ms. Monica is healed and in good spirits, She was so scared she wouldn't be alive to see her grandbaby, which worried her to death.

"Congratulations mama" Josie smiled hugging her. "Ohh my baby... ahh I'm so happy to witness this" she smiled rocking her side to side. Ricky dapped up Craig for holding his momma down.

"Thanks pops you be holding shit down. Im trying to be like you" he said.

"You're on your way," he said patting his shoulder. "Hope so" Ricky walked away hugging his mother. "You did it, mama Im proud of you" he smiled kissing her cheek. "Thank you, son," she said. "Time to celebrate," Craig said picking up his wife.

"If you don't put me down, I'll be back in here next week with a broken back," Monica said. Everyone laughed "Get a room," Dreux said

"We too old for all of that" Monica blushed adjusting her clothing. "Aye Monica tell the kids how they got here" Craig laughed. "Yuckk" Ricky laughed catching up with Josie. "You hungry"? He asked.

"I can use a snack," Josie said. Ricky already knew it was Starbucks. Josie kept staring at her phone every time she received a notification, she was hoping it was Erica but it wasn't Josie never in her life argued this badly with her best friend, and the whole situation replayed and replays in her head let alone annoyed that Ricky doesn't understand where she's coming from, and she's stressed that something bad will happen to him. Everything was going fine Ricky wasn't stressing her out at all until now. She just wants him to chill out sometimes. Josie nodded her head to the radio listening to Brandy x Borderline.

I swear if this man is cheating on me, I will kill him" Josie said to herself

"Girl you know damn well he is not cheating on your ass. He kisses the ground you walk on" she said to herself

"Can I have two caramel frappes, a vanilla frappuccino, and a cheese danish" he ordered. He looked over at Josie seeing the attitude all over her face. He was at the point where he already told her the truth, he was not about to butter her up all damn day he was exhausted himself from the backlash he was getting and the comments about his abusive past.

"Preciate it" he grabbed the items passing them over to Josie.

"Thanks," she said snatching her pastry. He turned around looking at Morgan knocked out. He knew to make sure she had her Starbucks sleep or not she would cause a scene if she didn't have her drink she hates to be left out of any opportunity. He wonders what his daughter's personality would be like if she would be dramatic just like the both of them. He pulled into the parking lot to park his car. "You ain't have to snatch," Ricky said

"I didn't snatch it," she said taking a sip of her drink. She let out a burp "Damn woman," he said

"Sorry it's the baby," she said taking another bite of her food. "So that's your excuse for everything" he laughed trying to lighten the mood as he rubbed her belly. "Yup, what's yours? She asked

"What do you mean? He asked

"Exactly what I said," she said

"I know you're frustrated but I'm not doing this, I already told you the real," he said

"Im not being a drama queen at all... it's cool tho, I'll get over it" she said finishing her drink.

"Can we just have a good day at my parent's house? We can revisit this when we get home" he said

"Of course baby, I got you if it's one thing we can do is act," Josie said. Ricky nodded his head she was clever with that one. Felt like Deja Vu when it was just them acting like a family but now they're the real deal.

Ricky grabbed his drink shaking his head as he looked out the window. He hated that messy nigga for spreading false information and he was disappointed in Erica for having that kind of person as a friend.

The Dinner

Kamaya and Josie were in the sunroom talking about Josie's official fashion show she was planning for spring. "You really want me to model in your show? Kamaya asked.

"Yes, girl can you stop being so damn surprised. I mean this is what you do" Josie said.

"Mmm okay girl you been snappy all day" Kamaya laughed taking a sip of her wine. "My bad girl...

"Not my niece taking over your whole body," Kamaya said

"Girl this pregnancy is rough and of course when I'm having Ricky's baby it wants to be challenging" she laughed.

"But its a long ass story I simply cannot right now," Josie said

"Aww I'm sorry to hear that boo, I hope whatever it is you know it will go away," Kamaya said.

"Me too girl," Josie said. Shortly, Tamaria walked in "Mind if I join? She asked. Josie looked at Tamaria and then Kamaya. She had never seen Rudy's wife ever in life "Yeah" Kamaya said. Tamaria walked over and sat next to Josie. Tamaria was a beautiful woman who kind of favored Kelly Rowland.

"You want some wine? Josie asked

"Yes, please" she answered. Josie poured her a glass. Kamaya felt a little awkward at most its a how you doing type of thing when she came across her but lately, she's been running into her a lot. "I hope I didn't interrupt anything, just tired of acting like I care about half of those things the guys are talking about" she chuckled

"Girl it's gibberish most of the time," Josie said

"Forreal" Kamaya agreed. Kamaya and Kasey were still not in a good mood and on top of that she just found out that her son plans on dropping out of college so she's feeling so many things.

"I appreciate it, I always feel like I have to cling to them," she said

"No girl you're good," Kamaya said.

"Yes, please don't do that to yourself" Josie laughed. "I won't" she agreed

"And you're Ricky's wife, right? She asked

"Yes.. nice to meet you," she said

"Nice to meet you, you two are so cute. He's always talking about you" she said

"Awww you just saying that" Josie laughed to see if she was just talking out of her ass

"No really, when they all come over. I'm usually cooking or something and he's like "I gotta head home to my old lady... its so cute" she said

"Awww, I love that for him," she said. Kamaya nodded her head "He's head over heels, I swear" she said. Josie needed that validation because she felt like she wasn't getting it from her husband at the moment.

"You lucky girl," Tamaria said

Josie and Kamaya looked at each other

"And so are you girl, you're married as well .. were all married," Josie said trying to get the tea.

"And you know it can get dull at times. But with you two I can see the passion, I truly believe God puts certain individuals in your life man" she said.

They wondered if Tamaria had already came in here tipsy because she was running her mouth.

"Is everything okay? Josie asked

"Yes, we're good... I just know something good when I see it. I was just talking to my nieces the other day about dating in stuff and how they have to take their time"

"Amen, the way I give my daughters the game early on. I don't want them surprised by shit" Kamaya said

"Okayyy our daughter is so young but I ain't playing with her"

"How is she? She's such a cute chocolate drop" Kamaya smiled. She was starting to warm up to her she wasn't bad at all.

"Thankyou she's fine.... she's feisty as hell" she laughed

"Aren't they all" Kamaya agreed

"Tell me about it.... but yeah people drop the ball with their daughters," Josie said

"Yup I tell my nieces that you have to be with a man that has a plan... a man that's passionate about you, and just solves your problems without you having to ask... girl," she said

Kamaya sat there thinking about her husband and she had an epiphany. Tamaria was experiencing some tough times with Rudy and here Kamaya was so bitter back in the day that he married someone else. When Rudy's not marriage material for anyone. All Kasey wants is for Kamaya to be safe and she turned the argument into a mess. Kamaya doesn't have to worry about a thing

"Fuck, I have to fix this," she said to herself

Everyone was at dinner enjoying their food. Craig being the glue of the family noticed the tension between everyone but he wasn't going to bring it up. Tonight was about his wife surviving another year. "Where the hell is Cortez and Victoria? Craig asked. Everyone laughed

"They fell off the face of the earth... literally," Ricky said. "I know what that means," Craig said. Dreux quietly ate his food while scrolling on the gram. "Dreux how is Mia... I haven't heard from her" his mother asked

"Last time I checked she was at a spa in the Bahamas" he answered. "That sounds so good right now," Josie said taking a bite of her food. Ricky gave her the side eye he asked her about the vacation a few months ago and she denied it. Ricky felt like he was constantly being perceived as well as his relationship and he didn't want his family to get the idea that their marriage was failing already even though it wasn't.

"So now that you're cancer-free, what's next? Josie asked Ms. Monica

"Ahh to travel more, seems like as soon as the two of us got married. I became sick... you know I raised my kids and was in an awful marriage but now it's me time" she said

"I heard that mama," Kasey said

"So what's the first destination? Josie asked

Ms. Monica looked over at Craig. "Aspen, I've been working on becoming a life coach only a few clients but I plan on hosting a couples relationship conference there, a cabin ski trip for couples," he said

"That sounds fun," Josie said

"I didn't plan on bringing it up until my birthday but I think it would be a great opportunity for you all... its never bad for a tune-up" he said

"Y-yeah you know we support you," Ricky said

"Yeah I'm down," Kamaya said. Kasey nodded his head placing up his finger. Dreux didn't say anything he always shuts down when he goes through it with Mia.

"It's a great idea pops," Dreux said

"So what's new Morg? Craig asked changing the subject while cutting his chicken. "Nothing much just trying to try out for the cheerleading team," she said. "Oh really? He asked. "Yeah just nervous.. a little" Morgan said

"I don't know why you have the build for it and you already dance. You already got in " Josie said. "Exactly.. they need you if anything," Ricky said. She smiled cheering up. "You got it Boo" Kamaya smiled. Morgan smiled from the encouragement she finally felt comfortable to talk about what was on her mind and she had a few questions to ask

"So I have to ask... how did you two meet? Morgan asked. Ricky and Josie stared at each other. Ms. Monica chuckled "Oh lorddd"

"Not right now Morgan" Ricky said

"Let baby girl ask her question," Craig said encouraging her. Morgan looked at Josie, Josie nodded her head letting her continue.

"Don't shut my sister down just cuz you uncomfortable sir" Josie said to herself

"I mean I know you two worked together.. I just remember one day moving into this big house for a few months then going to Newyork then this" she explained

Josie coughed on her food. "Who's version do you want? He asked. Josie rolled her eyes "Oh brother" she rubbed her stomach.

"Your sister was checking me out, she wanted me real bad" Ricky laughed

"Oh please" she laughed

"Hard to believe.. ain't it" Ricky laughed

"Umm he was plotting on me from day one let's not," Josie said.

"Tell her about the pool table" Dreux laughed

"Oh shit" Kasey laughed

"The pool table? Josie asked confused

"Ah... you're annoying" Ricky told Dreux

"Sooo where did ya'll meet? Morgan asked

"Remember the car accident I got into well I hit a car," she said

"No" Morgan answered. Josie thought Morgan would remember a whole lot more than she did but Josie can't even remember when she was 6

"Well I hit a car, it happened to be Ricky's and he gave me hell the whole time" Josie rolled her eyes.

Morgan laughed "Wow"

"I just got the car.. but I wasn't as mean as she painted me out to be that day," he said

"Tuh," Josie said

"Awww I just remember this lovely young lady walking in with her cute baby and an adorable little girl with a ballerina set on. I was sold from day one" Ms. Monica smiled. "Aww Ma... you're so sweet, I'm already emotional please stop" she laughed. Morgan was happy hearing the positive reinforcement from everyone she knew her family wasn't normal but none the less she knew she was loved

"Long story short we kept running into each other and he desperately needed some help with his club you know. Some classy energy" Josie said

"Alright" he laughed

"Which was the club? Morgan asked

"Yup," they both said in unison

"Like a strip club? Morgan asked


"My friend's mom used to be a stripper she said she got cut," Morgan said

"This girl is comedy" Craig laughed

"Yeah all types of things happen there, unfortunately," Ricky said

"So did you protect my sister from all that crazy stuff that happens on tv? She asked him. Josie smiled looking over at Ricky it was cool watching her little sister pick his brain now that she's older

"Absolutely... never played about her," he said

"Mmkay" Josie joked. Ricky sucked his teeth "What you mean? Ricky asked

"Ricky was fronting on me for a minute it took a while for him to get in that mode," Josie said

"You don't even know what you talking about girl" Ricky shook his head

"So you were waiting for him?? Morgan asked

Ricky laughed

"Umm no girl never was pressed, I let him clean up his act tho," she said

"Period," Kamaya said

"Yeah never wait for no man, you'll be waiting your whole life," Kamaya said. Kasey shook his head he knew this conversation was about to go left but he didn't know from who. Rudy knew that was a blow to him but he ignored it continuing to eat this food. Rudy Jr looked around he knew his mom was pissed off at him and he felt bad.

"Josie was there like competition working with all those girls? Cuz the girls at my school act so different when the basketball players come around" Morgan said

"In the 7th grade? Ricky questioned. "Mmm yeah, where you been at? These new kids are grown" Kamaya said.

"Yeah, you right... I was the ladies' man K-12" Ricky said

"Of course.... But yes Morgan those girls hated my guts only a select few I was cool with" Josie said. "They must wanted Mr. Ricky," Morgan said

Ricky laughed "Ahh I mean what can I say," he said

"Don't get him started girl.. he's just coming off his high horse" Josie laughed. Ricky laughed "Me??? I know Miss Perfect Patty ain't talking," he said

"And is.... what are you gonna do about it? Josie said. Ricky wiped his mouth with a napkin. "I think it's baking in the oven mama" he flirted.

"Oh my" Ms. Monica's eyes widened

Josie was stunned batting her eyes. "And you talking about we need to get a room? Craig laughed

"I'm sorry... I didn't mean for it to go south" Josie said.

"Im just playing" Craig assured her. "So, Rudy how is school? Craig asked. "Pops come on," Dreux said. "What??? He asked

"You stirring the pot" Ricky laughed. "My bad I don't see ya'll like I used to I'm over here trying to catch up" he explained.

Kamaya heavily sighed "Im not returning to college next semester" he admitted

"Huh?? Everyone said

"It's just not for me, plus I wanna pursue my clothing line and other things that I'm into" he explained

"What?? Why the rush? Craig asked

"It's just... I feel confined plus Uncle Ricky told me I could work for him" he said

"What??? Kamaya asked

"Why would you do that? Josie asked him

"That's not what I said," Ricky said. Ricky was getting so frustrated. Josie was nitpicking at him all damn day and it was taking everything in him to bite his tongue

"To get harmed cuz what type of work or we talking about? Kamaya said

"Not that kind of work, calm down," Kasey told her

"I told Junior not to drop out but if he ever needed me. I would help him yeah you need to calm down" Ricky explained

"That's what she does talk first and think later," Rudy said. Kasey was still pissed at Kamaya but he damn sure was not going to let Rudy say a thing to her

"Whoa whoa we not having this right now," Craig said

"At all," Kasey said

"You right imma relax," Kamaya said

"Please ma... it's not that serious," Rudy said

"It's really not, the boy is talented people do just fine without degrees," Rudy said

"And of course you would you say that, cuz you don't have no fucking drive," Kamaya said.

"How about ya'll kids go to the living room," Ms. Monica said. All the kids left the table including Morgan even though she, Kamara, and Kiyan would be talking about it as well.

"Hold up, how did we get here? Tamaria said

"Ma please" Jr begged

"Shut up, I don't know why you want to be mediocre so bad. Okay, we have money but what happens if we run out? You want to have your career you know I'll support you but that's all of the reasons why you should get a degree. Don't be like me or your dad be better" Kamaya said

"I think you should reconsider Jr," Josie said

"Me too baby, get your education the rest will come" Ms. Monica suggested

"Exactly, you get it ma," Kamaya said

"He's grown.. let it go," Rudy said

"Shut up Rudy, you can't even see past anything with your basic ass" she scoffed.

"Hey come on now," Craig said

"I told you, you were stirring the pot," Dreux said

"Not on purpose to cause all of this damn commotion Dreux" Craig scoffed

"You just as basic as me then.. go back to school then-

"It's already in the works, now what," she said

"Let's not do that cuz you already know how this can go," Kasey said. "Kase, it's fine were just having a discussion," Kamaya said.

"Ain't no discussion, you just projecting at this point. Junior already made his decision" Rudy said. Kasey was about to get up but Kamaya placed her hand on his leg.

"This convo needs to be had somewhere else," Ricky said

"Nobody is projecting, I'm speaking facts you don't care about a damn thing like are you even alive right now. Why would he not get his degree? You acted the same way when he got that girl pregnant nothing is ever a big deal to you that's why he thinks nothing of half of the shit that he does, at least Kasey tries to lead him in the direct path" she scoffed

"Maya" Kasey said trying to get her to calm down.

"Ma can you stop acting like Im not here right now?

"If I'm all these things why were we ever together? He asked

"Because I was dumb as fuck and it was proximity...Worse decision ever outside of my kids. Don't know where my mind was but I'm glad I found it. I was really in the trenches for real" Kamaya laughed

Josie let a little laugh "Whew girl the trenches are the worst" Josie said under her breath

"You doing a lot right now" Ricky whispered in her ear. "Im not talking about you," she said

"It doesn't matter, it's like you're trying to provoke me," he said

"All you do think about yourself, why would I want to provoke you? That's the last thing I want to do... trust me" she said

"I can't tell," he said

"I told you what my problem was," she said

"And I told you not to worry about it.. so dead it," he said

"Okay," Josie said

"But go ahead and be like ya daddy.. twin" Kamaya said. Kasey agreed with his wife but he felt somewhat bad for Rudy even though he still wanted to beat his ass again. Junior stormed off

"Man you do too much-

"And you don't do enough," she said. Tamaria sat there staring into space. Craig shook his head he's had conversations with Maya and he knew those feelings had been buried inside her for a long time.

"I know the real you Kamaya, don't act new... this new you is a facade," he said. "You don't know me at all," Kamaya said getting up.

"I don't know you? He asked

"You don't and honestly you got fucking lucky cuz there's no way on earth we would be in the same room if we didn't have kids together but I'll leave it at that," Kamaya said 

Rudy clapped his hands "I'm glad you found some confidence... you would think you wouldn't still be mad at me" he said

"What is up with you? Tamaria stormed off

"Kamaya turned around ain't nobody mad at you, if anything I'm mad at the old me fuck outta here. Get this man out of here" she walked off

"Sheeeshh" Dreux said

Kasey nodded his head he was turned on by his wife she was talking her shit but also irritated with the drama at the same time.

Rudy ran after her "Come here, Maya" he said

Kasey ran over to him "Yo, what the fuck you on"

"One thing bout my kids they always gon give us a show... lord," Ms. Monica said getting up. "I want some wine... and maybe a cigar" she smirked at Mr. Craig.

"You know I'm here to serve you sugar," he said getting up and walking off with her.

Ricky and Dreux ran over before a fight could break out. Rudy turned around pushing Kasey. "You want round two nigga, nigga I'll have whatever conversation I want to have fuck nigga" Rudy said

Kamaya turned around she started to run toward them to try to break it up but then she remembered what happened to her a few years back. She froze staying glued to the wall. Kasey pushed him back Ricky had a grip on Rudy. While Dreux held back Kasey

"I don't even play like that... why don't you go check on your wife cuz you were never gonna check mine about anything right or wrong," Kasey said

"Nigga fuck you," Rudy said

"No fuck you" Kasey yelled

"How many times ya'll gon fight each other? Damn," Dreux asked.

"This nigga mad at me cuz I had a past relationship with my ex-wife. The fuck? Rudy said

"I don't fuck with your character... you know that" Kasey said

"You know that," he said again. Kamaya's eyes widened she turned around running into the guest room. "Damn bitch you and your damn mouth.... ugh now Kasey is gonna be irritated that Im irritated" she stressed.

"You know what you right. Im sorry your baby momma said she hates you, that's some fucked up shit. Im glad mine don't feel like that about me"

"Probably cuz you still fucking her," he said

"Nigga you're pathetic.. now you just making shit up" he laughed

Rudy got out Ricky's grip "Man fuck outta here she's still bothered and passionate about my ass even though she hates me so much"

"Nigga you fucking wish, you just jealous she's doing better without you. You a hating ass nigga and delusional as fuck. She's passionate because she's over you and best believe she's taken care of physically and mentally" Kasey said. Junior came back when he heard all of the commotion

"Nigga please, I been sleeping well every night since we divorced," Rudy said

"Dad, stop talking about my mom like that this shit is childish," Jr said 

"Okay son, you right... but it's clear that I'm a worthless piece of shit, to all of ya'll " he said

"Tamaria let's go, man I'm out," he said. Junior walked off with his father and his wife

"Ya'll gotta meet a common ground," Dreux said shaking his head.

"Fuck this and fuck all of ya'll," he said walking out with his wife.

"Shit always goes left," Dreux said

"Fuck that nigga, man I'll never get along with bitch ass nigga like that... ya'll know that" he said

"Nigga calm down and go check on your wife" Ricky said

"I'm calm.... go check on yours nigga" Kasey argued back. Ricky turned around to see that Josie was no longer sitting there.


Kasey went to go find Maya to check in on her. He opened the guest room to see her standing up pacing back and forth. "You good? What the hell was that? He asked

"I just lost it, I had those feelings in my soul for the longest and I had to get it out," she said. Kasey nodded "You don't have any feelings towards him? He asked

"Umm no why are you asking me that? She asked

"He tends to think you're still in love with him," he said. "That man is history..... I'm sorry for how I acted I didn't mean to leave you after all the commotion I just froze when I saw ya'll fighting and I had flashbacks" she admitted. Kasey sucked his teeth he paused for a moment calming down. He wished he could erase that moment from his brain that was the worst thing in the world. He was so fucked up about that he couldn't eat for weeks until she talked to him again.

"I'd die before I let that happen again," he said walking towards her. She walked towards him as he pulled her into a hug. Regardless of everything he had to make sure she was okay.

"I love you so much, I'm sorry for everything," she said.

"Shhh don't even stress about it," he said holding her tighter. She smiled inhaling her favorite cologne by him she felt so blessed to be home with a man who cared for her deeply and her kids like their his own.


Josie happened to fall asleep on the couch. She was so annoyed and planned on leaving but the sleepiness had other plans. Mr. Craig came over and threw a blanket over her. Ricky walked upstairs to see that Josie was knocked out. He turned around and was met by Morgan.

"Why ya'll so quiet? He asked

"Nothing"' she said

"What you want? He asked. "Can you take us to Target? Morgan asked

"What's at Target? He asked

"Uncle Ricky we wanna try this new blush by Elf before they sell out," Kamara said.

"No, I'm not supporting that," Ricky said

"Pleaseeee it's a clean girl look, it's for my youtube video" Morgan explained. Ricky stared at her. He couldn't believe his babies were soon to be teens. He had to go to the liquor store anyway with Dreux.

"Pretty please" Kiyan added

"Kiyan not you being a follower you don't even like makeup" Ricky said. "I wanna learn," she said innocently.

"Fine, meet me at my car in 10 minutes," he said

Morgan walked around the flower shop of Target while his nieces ran to the makeup section. "Why are you following me? Ricky asked Morgan

"What did you do? She asked. Ricky lifted his brow he couldn't believe what he heard. "Excuse me? He asked. "I was just asking.. like what are the flowers for? Morgan nervously asked.

"First off little one.. don't ever question me like that and second of all it's okay for a man to buy his woman roses just because... it's called romance" he said. Morgan felt bad "Oh sorry," she said looking away.

"It's okay, it's okay to ask questions it's just how you ask them. But you're smart Morgan and you're curious. I know when it's time for you to date you won't be a little chicken head" he said

"What's that? She asked following him. "A woman that thinks poorly of herself, that lets men treat her any kind of way. I know you won't be like that and that's exactly how I want Mckinley to be" he said handing her a bouquet. She smiled hugging him from the side. "My Morgan, what am I gonna do with you? He kissed her on the forehead as they walked down the aisle.

Later that Night

"Kasey lit his blunt passing it to Ricky. "When are ya'll gonna grow up and revert to cigars? Craig asked

"Ehh they're just not my thing pop... I tried" Ricky said. They were in the basement of Craigslist renovated Man Cave watching the game. "Yeah, I tried" Kasey said. "Mm let's try again," Craig said going to grab his box. "Aww I think he missed you two," Kasey said.

"Yeah I been slacking on visiting," Ricky said

"I think we all have" Dreux walked over with his shot. "I ain't gonna lie that was crazy," Ricky said

"Yeah Maya went the hell off she hates that man," Dreux said. "Shit, I would too having babies by a lame has to be the worst," he said.

"But she was holding her own like she usually does" Kasey nodded. "As usual" Ricky laughed. "One thing bout Maya she gon hold her own and read you down if you piss her off. Im still surprised you been holding on that long" Dreux said

Kasey shook his head "Man the amount of patience I have should be rewarded... her mouth gets crazy when she feels violated but we did get into it real bad and never really made up because of it" Kasey said grabbing a pool stick.

"Hold up.. Maya is a piece of work but she ain't horrible damn cut my baby some slack" Kasey said

"Nigga, you just said you were tired of her..and that's my sister it's all love," Dreux said

"I mean we good enough for the moment. She apologized but I can't tolerate the disrespect so I've been a little distant. I hate it though... I don't like beefin with my shorty" he sighed

"So we all having a hard time," Ricky said

"This marriage shit aint no game," Kasey said

"It's a bitch" Dreux said

"Man," Ricky said

"But you're still a newlywed technically... what's going on with you and Josie? Kasey asked

"Oh my God.... we were so good like I'm gonna say for the last 6 months we just been chillin, no drama, no arguments but Erica's messy ass homeboy gonna tell Josie that I'm cheating on her with my assistant, now she's tripping and all in her head" he explained

"That's fucked up... he must have some animosity toward Josie" Kasey said

"Has too, but I handled it .. it still doesn't help with the aftermath though" he said

"I mean I can see how Josie would feel.. getting allegations like that and she's pregnant... fuck man I'm sorry," Kasey said

"Shit is crazy" he shook his head

"You know Morgan gon ask me in the store what were the flowers for? Like I did something.. little girl pissed me off" Ricky said

"Ha, that baby is smart you can't give her the okey-doke just cuz she's a kid" Dreux smiled

"Shit is crazy like I felt disrespected but I had to respect it at the same time... this is how it feels to have a daughter huh? Ricky asked

"Boyy, Imani test my gangsta everyday... welcome to being a girl dad," Kasey said

"Yeah, plus she's just learning through ya'll it's not like she was raised in a stable environment her first years... she's curious about everything," Dreux said. Ricky stood there for a second just thinking about what the two of them had to endure.

"You right bro," Ricky said

"But you straight twin ... I've seen you fucked up a lot of times but I know for sure you'd never play with Josie's heart... and I know she knows that she just has to calm down," Dreux said

"Yeah butter her up, reinsure her all of that," Kasey said

"You may have to get rid of your assistant" Craig chimed in. "... I was thinking about it but I ain't think it was that serious. Im not having an affair with Yasmine. Im not even attracted to the girl" he said

"Doesn't matter... I mean what do you need an assistant for you ain't the president" Craig said.

They all laughed except Ricky. "I need an assistant I have multiple businesses" Ricky explained

"Sure, but maybe hire a man or a less attractive woman. Shit hire an intern" Craig said

"You got a point," Ricky said

"I would just feel bad. I consider her family now her son is my godson. She would be crushed" he said

"You want her crushed or your woman uncomfortable... which one? Craig said smoking his cigar

"You right... shit, this is a lot... Josie and I probably would have already been broken up by now if we weren't married" Ricky joked

"Hell yeah... she would've dumped you too" Dreux laughed

"Marriage is a beautiful thing," Craig said

"I feel that pops... where is Aunt Mo at anyways" Kasey asked.

"I put her to sleep," he said

"Oh" they all said in unison

"Ewwww man nobody wanna hear that," Ricky says disgusted.

"I can't with you" Dreux laughed

"Settle down girls, I meant tucked her in the bed. Ya'll minds are actually in the gutter. I ran my baby a bath and then I tugged her in... something you need to be doing" Craig said pointing at Ricky.

"You got her roses so you're halfway there but bro time can wait," Craig said.

"Ha" Dreux laughed

"You ain't off the hook either Dreux, I would be in the Bahamas right now fighting for my woman," he said

"Yeah get at him," Ricky said scooping up his roses. Dreux shook his head "Im exhausted pops" he admitted

"Cry baby," Kasey said

"And you Mr. Cool Guy.. you need to stop avoiding your wife and talk to her. Look I been here before I'm trying to get you guys out of the trenches, make the marriage work.. it ain't shit out here" he said. Kasey didn't say anything he just brushed it off.


Josie was going through the comments of Latavion's post and his community and friends were dragging the hell out of both of them.

@ aprilove111"Girl that whole family is a mess"

@ hustlemia "I used to work there he had her looking dumb all the time. He probably just gave her a shut-up ring tbh"

@ citygirljas That nigga used to mess with my friend, my girl wasn't eating for days"

Josie rolled her eyes placing her phone down before she got mad all over again. The feeling was unbearable she felt sick to her stomach.

Shortly Ricky walked in with the bouquet behind him. "What you doing? He asked

"Minding my business," she said grabbing her phone from off the nightstand. Ricky was sick of the vibe being like this. He walked over towards her handing her flowers. She looked up grabbing them from him

"Thank you," she said smelling them before placing them on the nightstand.

"Damn, that's how you feeling? He asked

"I'm just not in the mood," she said.

Ricky didn't know what to do he gave her some time for a few hours and she was still upset. He's not even cheating on her and the fact that she kinda believes it is killing him. He didn't know if should just let her come around on her time or let her go to bed angry again.

He sucked his teeth "How can I get you in a better mood? He asked pulling on her leg.

"Stop.. leave me alone please" she begged.

"You got 5 minutes to get rid of that attitude or im gonna get rid of it for you... you mad over nothing" he sucked his teeth.

"Don't you got somewhere to be? Instead, you want to be bothering me" she scoffed.

"You know you want me to bother you ... cut it out" he laughed taking off his shirt. "Nah I actually want you to listen with your ears," she said. "That makes both of us," he said climbing in the bed. She turned around with her back facing him as she stared at the ground. Ricky leaned over placing his hand over her belly.

"Feel better," he said. Josie lost it she sat up looking over at him. "Are you for real right now? She asked

"You're not taking this seriously and you're not taking my emotions into consideration at all, you're being a jerk," she said.

"Huh? Ricky asked confused. He rubbed his temples this pregnancy was starting to kick in full effect.

"I told you yesterday and today I didn't do it. I proved my case. I don't know what you're so mad about if anything you're being rude to me" he said

"You told me all day to shut up and stop being annoying now you wanna talk, and provoke me. I'm over it" She got up and threw the roses at him. Ricky got out of bed catching up with her. "Hold up.... I know you ain't treating me like Im some lame... when I said I want you comfortable I didn't mean forget who you fucking married" he said

"Can you leave me alone? Matter of fact I'm leaving... Im going home" she said. "You can't keep running away when things get uncomfortable," Ricky said

"Whatever" she turned around

Ricky calmed down he walked towards her pulling her into a hug. "Im fine-

"Shhhh" he held her tightly until she calmed down. He had to put himself in her shoes for a moment. No need for the both of them to get riled up. Ricky can blow off that steam in other ways while Josie can't and now that she moved in with him she can't just run off like she normally does. She started crying uncontrollably. He leaned down kissing her forehead. He felt so bad because he knew it was the combination of the allegations and fighting with her best friend.

"It's okay," he said

"Look I can't possibly understand how you're feeling but I know you enough and I think you're scared that we're in too deep and that I would hurt you and do you like your ex did... and that's the furthest from the truth," he said staring in her glossy eyes

"I know yesterday was a lot and that shit pissed you off. Im sorry for not being more understanding... but shit you gotta cut me some slack too. I had me fucked up that you were starting to believe these rumors. Do you think I would travel to fucking Paris after you told me you didn't want anything to do with me 5 times just to fuck that shit up over some broad? Huh?

"Im sorry," she said

"I got feelings too, I know I hide it well. I can handle that nonsense from the outsiders but when it's coming from you. I can't" he said

"I never said I believed them but can you blame me for not getting in my head about it? She asked

"Im human," she said

"Im human too," he said

"Baby, I had my share of hoeing around there's nothing out there. The only person I want to spend the rest of my life with is you. I know you're scared and overwhelmed and you're taking it out on me but I'd never abandon you or play with your heart... you gotta know that" he said

"I know.... I'm sorry .. sometimes I just need reassurance" she admitted

"I got you" he nodded

"I didn't mean to throw those roses at you.... I'm so sorry" she said giving him her puppy eyes

"I was like damn she must want to beat my ass or something"  He placed his hand over top of her. "You trying fight me is that what it is? He looked down at her

"Ahh, I really  feel bad... you didn't deserve that" she stressed.

"It's okay.. just come back to earth for me... cuz you been pushing the hell out of my buttons" he said. She laughed "Thank you for being patient and I'll be patient with you," she said

"Yeah, a nigga need that....I love you" he said

"I love you too Santana... you have no idea," she said hugging him tightly.

"No you have no idea," he said lifting her chin up

"You can kiss me now," she said confidently

"The only thing you getting tonight is a peck on the stomach," he said walking away. She followed him getting in the bed. "I take it all back," she said. "Nah, you kinda crazy. I'm good" he said. She laughed "Baby I'm back on earth," she promised

"Yeah yeah" He pulled the sheets over top of them getting on top of her.


Mia sipped her wine while enjoying the ocean view. She was on her third destination in a matter of three weeks. First was Virginia to catch up with her family and friends, then Hawaii, and now Jamaica. Mia felt like she could breathe again she realized she wasn't taking care of herself mentally. Just trying to stay on top of her health and retail therapy wasn't enough for her. Her phone began to ring and it was a Facetime from Dreux

She quickly answered "Hey"

"Not you excited to hear from me, you miss me, baby? He asked

"I see nothing changed," she said. "Chill I was just lightening the mood" he explained. "How you doing Dreux? She asked

"Not you talking to me like you're in HR please" he begged. Mia laughed "Shut up.. you play too much," she said. He laughed "I was just checking in, seeing how you were doing and if you were ever coming home," he said

"Struggling over there? She asked

"Nah, never that," he said

"Mmhmm," she said

"I just miss you," he said

"You always miss me, what's new? She asked. He sighed "You on my ass tonight I see, I thought we talked this out," he said

"We did, we cool it's just always a pattern," she said

"Marriage will never be perfect Mia," he said

"Yeah you're right about that," she said. "So you got a bob on me ....toes in the sand you showing out," he said. She laughed "I needed it," she said

"I know... I wish I would've known sooner" he admitted. "It's not all on you, I wasn't taking care of myself either... you offered vacays and stuff and I was trying to be strong" she said

"Yeah... you've always been stubborn" he agreed

"Whatever.. so how you feeling? She asked

"Missing you and my baby girl but other than that I'm chillin'.. today was kind of crazy" he said.

"Really? What happened? She asked

"Man Kamaya and Rudy got into it really bad because Junior doesn't want to finish school. Kamaya cursed him out so badly, almost made that man cry.. and then you know Kasey and him were about to fight again" he explained

"Your family is drama.... like all the time" Mia laughed. "But I get Kamaya's standpoint we all do," she said

"Yeah.. but other than that I wish I was with you. You know I can pull up on you" Dreux said

"I know... but don't do that... I'll be back sooner than soon," she said. "Good to hear, well I ain't gonna hold you up. I'm glad you're on your self-care journey mama. You know I'm behind it and I'll talk to you soon... I love you" he said

"I love you too," she said before hanging up. She sighed continuing to look outside before her massage appointment. She was so conflicted about wanting to move out and just co-parent while the other part of her wanted to work it out. She's been with Dreux, she's divorced him before, she's been single, but without Dreux its so dull when he isn't around. She just hates how he shuts down when he's overwhelmed and she can't take that anymore. Her phone vibrated again

231-000-0001: It was good hanging out with you and your baby girl. I haven't seen you in ages, you're still the same Mia. I always loved hope to see you again.

She smiled hearting the message.

I wanted to just show the family dynamic more lol take a break from the violence ya know! 

Are my chapters repetitive or not? Be honest! It's kind of hard to switch it up because people in this lifestyle party, fight, have children, have affairs, breakup, blow money, etc its all they do

Poor Ricky

Josie please

Where the hell are Victoria and Cortez? They kidnapped again????

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