Goddess Of Victory: The Supre...

By The_S_Trio

1.6K 44 30

V1 gets deported into the Nikkeverse why? I dunno, crimes against humanity and heaven I guess... anyway he's... More



737 17 6
By The_S_Trio

A/N: Ight, let's get this shit out of the way. First off, every single one of the female Nikkes can get pregnant, they have wombs... why? I dunno because they wear panties? Indicating they have privates, indicating they have wombs... and second off V1 and V2 both have a schlong because... well reasons, V1 and v2 both also have a voice now. 


Location - ???

"DAMN YOU MACHINE! YOU WILL RUE THE DAY YOU DID THIS! I SWEAR IT ON THE FATHER AND THE HOLY FUCKING SPIRIT!" An almost demonic voice yelled in agonizing rage belonging to the fallen angel Gabriel his once righteous figure covered in wounds and blood all of it his own. 

His face though covered by his helm; you could almost feel the unimaginable fury resting behind it. And what was the cause of said fury?

A mere machine, blue in color small in stature with eight yellow wings, yet not meant for flight these wings are still very important... holding all the tools required to bring even a powerful arch angel like Gabriel to his knees, and just like those yellow wings sits the blue machines lone eye.

Glowing bright like star and just as emotionless as he just stares down at Gabriel's wrecked form, pointing a long weapon that glows a blue bright blue also known as the Electric Railcannon.

The sound of it building up energy could be heard echoing around the desolated area with the only two beings probably alive in the entire universe being able to hear it being one made of metal, and one made of flesh.

Gabriel couldn't help but flinch back a little as his breath began to pick up knowing full well his end was coming... nothingness oblivion was all that awaited him... Hell was gone, so was Heaven and Earth... he was probably all that was left of the greatness of the universe...

And despite his fear... there was also joy... joy in the fact that the machine will be all alone with no one else to harm for its benefit.

With that thought in mind, Gabriel just laughs despite his demise being imminent he couldn't help but just laugh bitterly yet amusedly. 



The sound of an explosion going off can be heard as V1 released his hold on the Railcannon's trigger blowing apart Gabriel's head leaving nothing but ash and blood leaking from the headless corpse, blood that flows out into the darkness of the abyss.

The blue Supreme Machine designated as V1 stared down at its now dead adversary with that dead cold gaze it had always given to all that stood in his way.

ꉓꂦꉣꍟ ꍏꈤꀸ ꌗꍟꍟ꓄ꃅꍟ... ꍏꈤꁅꍟ꒒." A distorted voice echoed in the machine's mind as he stared down at the ruined corpse kneeling down on one knee as his unfeeling gaze lingered onto the body full of holy blood.


The machine stabbed his fist directly into the chest cavity of the corpse tearing out the angel's heart before standing up eyeing it for a moment before raising it above it's head crushing it with ease allowing the blood to flow down onto it's body.

It enjoyed the blood it... the taste of an enemy's blood is must enjoyable when it perishes in agony... but.

"ꈤꂦ꓄... ꍟꈤꂦꀎꁅꃅ."

The machine peered back down at the ruined corpse, reaching out towards it, having the idea to tear it in half and bathe in its blood only for a bright light to fill it's gaze, and for the first time since it ran into V2, his eyes narrowed as he covered his optics, seeing as it was actually being damaged by the bright glow coming from the corpse of Gabriel.


The sound of building energy can be heard as Gabriel's body began to hover as the star like light beginning to grow larger as well before it grew so large that it engulfed V1 who couldn't even react in time as it's optic widen and flinched only to be seemingly destroyed along with the entire area in its entirety. And all V1 saw was darkness.

No sound.

No vision.

No pain.

No thirst

No drive

No motivation.

Had the machine won?

It has no reason to exist.

It has completed what it set out to do.

Consume all things that flow with crimson ichor.

These are the thoughts that rummaged through whatever mindscape it had left, until a voice interrupted.


Oɍ sħøᵾłđ Ɨ ȼȺłł ɏøᵾ ƀɏ ɏøᵾɍ ȺȼŧᵾȺł nȺmɇ... ǥɨvɇn ŧø ɏøᵾ ƀɏ ɏøᵾɍ... đȺmnɇđ ȼɍɇȺŧøɍs... mɏ ȼɍɇȺŧɨøns. V1-Ƶɇᵾs.

If it were possible the machine would have already fired a shot and after that did everything in it's power to make sure this voice or whatever was speaking to it was dead, but the machine couldn't move... maybe this was it's hell. pretty tame compared to what it truly deserves.

Ɨ mȺnȺǥɇđ ŧø sȺvɇ ɏøᵾɍ ᵽɨŧfᵾł ɇxɨsŧɇnȼɇ fɍøm ƀɇɨnǥ ɍɇđᵾȼɇ ŧø Ⱥ ꝗᵾȺɍꝁ đᵾɇ ŧø ɏøᵾɍ øwn ǥɍɇɇđ... ɏøᵾ sħøᵾłđ ᵽɍȺɨsɇ føɍ ŧħȺŧ... ƀᵾŧ ᵾnføɍŧᵾnȺŧɇłɏ ɏøᵾ ȼȺn'ŧ ȼømᵽɍɇħɇnđ ƀɇɨnǥ ŧħȺnꝁfᵾł.

The machine almost felt as though it could roll it's lone eye from the condescendence coming off of this voice... reminding him of that pathetic excuse of a superior machine that calls it self V2 and it's brother... it truly never knew why it did they aren't even human or related... well except they look somewhat the same.

And as if the voice heard the machine, it let out a distorted disgusting laugh that made whatever was left of V1 cringe from the sound.

ĦȺħȺħȺħȺħȺħȺħȺ... sɨnȼɇ Ɨ Ⱥm Ⱥ ǥɇnɇɍøᵾs Ǥøđđɇss Ɨ wɨłł Ⱥłłøw ɏøᵾ ŧø ƀɇ ɍɇƀøɍn... V1-Ƶɇᵾs... ƀᵾŧ ŧħɨs ŧɨmɇ ɏøᵾ Ⱥɍɇ ŧø Ⱥɨđ ħᵾmȺnɨŧɏ ɨnŧø ŧħɇ đɇsŧɍᵾȼŧɨøn øf ŧħɇɨɍ ɇnɇmɏ. FȺɨłᵾɍɇ ŧø đø sø Ⱥnđ ɏøᵾ wɨłł ƀɇ ɇɍȺđɨȼȺŧɇđ.

Hearing all this the machine truly wished it had a body and voice so it could curse at this being in every language possible.

ł ₩łⱠⱠ ฿Ɇ ₩₳₮₵Ⱨł₦₲.

And with that he felt the voice and his presence fade along with himself being forcefully drawn towards somewhere.


Location - Ruined City

"BA-01 down! BA-01 down! Please respond! We have been shot down!" A female voice yelled frantically trying to call out for assistance only seemingly not being able to get any.

She grunts before trying once more. "BA-01 down! BA-01 down!... Damn this useless piece of..." She sighed shaking her head in building irritation to the situation she was in.

"Commander! I cannot get through to the Ark!" She grimly exclaimed awaiting any orders from her leader.

Only to get none, she quickly spun around to see the commander unconscious, her eyes widen in fear and concern as she rushed over towards him. 

"Commander!?" The woman checked on him gasping realizing he's going into cardiac arrest... and a bit more than that since his body began to glow for some reason.

The woman took a step back seeing a faint glow that began to grow even more prominent so much, so she had to cover her face.

"Ngh! What is going on!?" She grunted.

As the light died down, she slowly uncovered her face blinking her vision still a blur from the bright light, but it eventually returns, and she notices that the commander's hair was now blue!? And a bit messier looking as well.

"W-what?" She stammered a recoiling a bit in shock causing her bust to bounce in their confinements.

That wasn't all that was shocking, his clothes had changed as well... from the usual commander outfit to something for combat esque and colored in black and blue with some yellow on the pecs of blue jacket. His facial structure had stayed the same, but all his facial hair had been removed leaving him with a clean sharp jawline.

The busty woman was just confused at it all. Though she was relieved that he was no longer going under cardiac arrest, she was still extremely confused about what that bright light was and why the commander all of a sudden looks 5 years younger, has clothing fit for combat, taller as well as more muscular than before.

A/N: (Now I know what you're saying, he looks just like your typical anime protag, but this is just an idea of what he looks like not the 100% accurate thing... ight? ight.)

Before the woman could even voice her confusion at the sudden changes the man slowly opened his eyes revealing them to be yellow in color, he looks around for a moment before keeping his eyes locked onto the bemused woman before him with some interest.

V1 was extremely confused as to where he was, what happened to him and who this woman was but luckily, he still had a HUD in his field of view that showcase data on what was happening to him and around him.

The changes of his body, somethings about raptures, Nikkes, and once again it's all linked back to humanity... somewhat.

"... Once I'm done with this world... I'll delete that self-proclaimed Goddess from existence." The M̶a̶c̶h̶i̶n̶e̶  Cyborg thought with a scowl before blinking in surprise at his new mental voice.

"She even messed with my voice... fuck that bitch." His scowl deepened even further as his eyes had undergone a more yellowish primal glow showcasing his fury.

"C-commander... your eyes are... how? What!? Why!?"

The busty woman confusedly yelled questions out at him. He wanted to kill her, but... something held him back. He didn't know what it was, but it was quite annoying, and he thought he would need to get rid of it soon. Other than that, information popped up on the left side of his view, showcasing this woman's information, revealing her to be a Nikke and her name.


He began to calm himself down seeing her, he had to admit she was rather... cute and very appealing to look at, oh great these new human emotions were already messing with him. But they weren't wrong about her being an entertainment to look at.

【Marian】❝​🇩​​🇮​​🇪​​🇸​❝ ​🇮​​🇳​ ​🇹​​🇭​​🇪​ ​🇱​​🇮​​🇰​​🇪​ ​🇹​​🇭​​🇪​ ​🇫​​🇮​​🇷​​🇸​​🇹​ ​🇫​​🇪​​🇼​ ​🇲​​🇮​​🇳​​🇺​​🇹​​🇪​​🇸​ ​🇴​​🇫​ ​🇹​​🇭​​🇪​ ​🇬​​🇦​​🇲​​🇪​

Marian felt herself in a daze at his yellow eyes that stared curiously at her that, and she felt her face heat up a little from the staring till she shook herself out of it.

"C-commander, are you okay? What is going on!?" She asked, grabbing his hand in a firm yet soft grasp.

V1 sighed and couldn't help but irk an eyebrow in confusion as to why this woman was calling him commander, until a rush of memories came into his head and explained everything.

"Oh? So, I'm a commander for these "Nikkes", but despite these wave of answers... I just have more questions."
He thought with a small sigh as he stood up, letting go of her hand and dusting himself off as he does so.

"I wonder if I still have my weapons and arms as well..." He then checked his wing storage and he did in fact have his weapons but not all of them.

He only had, Piercer, Marksman, Core Eject Shotgun, Pump Shotgun, Nailgun Attractor, Nailgun Overheat, RailCannon Electric, Railcannon Malicious and Rocket Launcher S.R.S.

But that was fine as he also had the console embedded into his HUD as some sort of store like before except instead of him having to find it, he could just open it on his HUD.

V1 smiled seeing this, this was perfect... But too perfect. "Somethings wrong... About this... But Future me will have to worry about that." He sighed, shaking his head before turning his attention on a confused and curious Nikke.

"Oh right... Forgot she was here." He blinked for a moment of realization before coughing in his palm and speaking.

"Nothing... it's fine, sorry for the scare, Miss?" He looked at her waiting for to introduce herself.

The woman was agape for a moment looking up at the commander before she too got to her feet. "Huh? O-oh! Uh... M-Marian, machine gunner from the Silver Gun unit." She introduced with a small salute.

"I was going to use AED on you since you went into cardiac arrest... but some strange glow and transpired and well... you look way more different than before..." Marian stated in disbelief, as her eyes looking him up and down.

V1 couldn't help but crack a smile for the first time ever as he looked at her bemused expression. "Hm, well... Marian it's nice to meet you, I am V1-Z..." He introduced placing a hand on his chest.

"Normally I don't give my name out, but I suppose at this point it may be necessary." He hummed looking down at himself.

Marian was a little confused at his name, it almost sounded like a name her creators would give to newbie Nikkes. "V1-Z? That's... an interesting moniker..." She muttered, stroking her chin with a curious look.

As V1 continued to look at himself, he couldn't help but sigh in sadness. That's new. "This is truly the worst... I've really sort of become the thing I initially fed on, not only that... killed in the dumbest way possible as well... truly, this must be my hell... to have the memory of dying by my own greed." He clenched his fists tightly as his eyes fell dull.

Marian noticing his downcast look placed a hand on his face gaining his attention. "Commander are... you alright?" She asked with concern evident in her tone.

V1 noticing the feeling of a soft hand on his face glanced down at Marian with his cold somewhat dead yellow eyes that seem to brighten up a little once he met her gaze, as he did so he felt strange.

"I... I'm fine, no need to worry." He told her, giving her an assuring smile and removing her hand gently from his face.

"O-oh, I see..." She softly stated looking away for a moment.

"What an alien feeling... I can feel my heart rate picking up once she touched and spoke to me in that "soothing" manner... What is this?" The blue-haired man wondered with a narrowed gaze looking down at his palm.

"Commander, sorry for interrupting your thoughts, but may you tell me what section you belong to?" She asked in that sweet tone with a curious glint in her eye and a small, cute smile on her face.

Once again, V1 felt his heart rate pick up. He narrowed his eyes for a moment, putting a stop to it before sighing looking over at Marian, rummaging through his memories, then answering. "Central Government. Nikke Management Department."

Marian smiled nodding. "Okay... STR cleared, now I'm under your command... I'll need you to order me to fight off the approaching Raptures within a hundred-mile radius... because surely they heard the crash." She told him with a stern expression on her pristine features.

"Can you do that?"

V1 hummed as he thought about it for a moment. "Of course... the commander has to sit at the back and watch as these women throw themselves into hell for them... not too dissimilar to what the machines had to do back on my Earth..."

The blue haired man sighed nodding his head and closing his eyes. "I could do that... or." He then paused as he held his arms out to the confusion of Marian.


Eight glowing wings, yellow in color and mechanical yet angelic in appearance, appeared from out of his back, shocking Marian, who took a step back, surprised and in awe at what she was seeing. But that wasn't the only thing that caught her attention. In those wings, she could see weapons—various shotguns, pistols, and what looked like machine guns and rocket launchers.

"I could destroy them all myself." He stated in an echoey, deep, soothing voice as he reopened his yellow eyes, which shone with immense power within them,

Marian felt herself quiver from the sound of his voice, a voice that sound oddly satisfying to her and that powerful gaze he held towards her, a gaze that made her feel reassurance. But above all that she couldn't help but marvel at those wings of his, wings that reminded her of angels.

"Commander... you look... amazing..." She breathlessly uttered, before she let out an adorable squeak covering her mouth and looking away realizing what she said.

V1 couldn't help but let out a little laugh at the woman's statement. Marian eyes widen as she felt relief and a bit of embarrassment at being heard by him.

"Thank you." He smiled something that made Marian even more flustered than before.

However, as the two were having their little happy moment, the sound of mechanical footsteps and machines soaring through the air can be heard as the two turned quickly to see they have been surrounded by Raptures.

Marian and V1 quickly glanced around themselves seeing the Raptures, drawing their weapons and pointing them at the Raptures.

"Commander, we're surrounded... any orders?" She looked over at him, recoiling a little with a wide-eyed expression seeing he had a weapon... a shotgun it seemed resemble.

"What kind of shotgun is that? It looks... way more ahead of time than any weapons I've seen... where did the commander get it from? Why does he look different? What was that light!?...I have so many questions..."

Mariana sighed heavily, rubbing her forehead feeling a little drowsy over

V1 who had been scanning all the Raptures around him noted how similar the situation was to his battles in hell against the fallen humanity or demons they had become, he couldn't help but let out a nostalgic smirk, before glancing over at Marian.

"Marian, Engage and DO NOT let a single one of them live." He ordered before turning back towards the Raptures, he knew it'll feel weird working alongside another being again... but sooner than later as they say.

Marian getting over her questionnaire state glanced over at him and nodded aiming her gun "First Affections" (Ironic name too lmao.) towards the Raptures with the intent to kill in her usual sweet caring eyes.

"Roger that commander! Encouter!" She yelled.

V1's eyes glowed a bright yellow as he clenched a fist next to his face with a small evil smirk that would make even the devil cry.

"Alright... let's get this started."

{[To be continued]}

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